EZ Server

General Category => Rogue => Topic started by: keip on May 09, 2012, 03:32:12 pm

Title: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: keip on May 09, 2012, 03:32:12 pm
So in game the other day I was having a conversation in OOC with someone about Charm value in different classes.  Most all classes find value in a sorcerer charm and unfortunately due to their current state the Rogue epics do not get a value from this type of charm (I only have up to 3.5 but it didn't seem to change based on what others were saying). 

I wanted to open up some conversation about how to improve this epic.  Quite frankly I love playing my rogue and the Daggerfall click is awesome for some serious damage output, but it doesn't even out with other class epics and mainly considering those of DPS classes.

One proposition which follows lore and could be a helpful addition would be adding a poison based DD proc to the epics.  Many other epics have a clickable and proc'ed effect so I propose we look into something like this for the rogue epic as well.

Anyone agree or disagree?  This would make sorcerers charms a viable option for rogues (who don't have UC) and help make them more useful (i think) further into progression.


Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: Venia on May 09, 2012, 04:06:32 pm
the reason sorc charms are attractive to melee dps is due to strike augs, not the epic weapon it self... your sorc/uc will boost your dps once you aug your weapons.

Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 09, 2012, 04:11:27 pm
Rogue epic with augs is as much as monk dps with augs no matter the charm.

Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: hateborne on May 09, 2012, 04:18:59 pm
Xiggie lies. He's the man trying the hold the rogues down. Admit it!



Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 09, 2012, 05:48:17 pm
Lmao, on a side note, rogues do have the best melee dps in the game and though I am not sure they might out dps monks.

Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: Blurring on May 09, 2012, 07:09:56 pm
Some dummy parses for ya:

Primary: 5.0 1xNS7 2xIS7
Seconday: 5.0 1xNS7 2xIS6
Fight: Practice Dummy (44.8 minutes), Buffs: None
DPS: 115,636 (84% from proc, 11.5% from backstab, 4.5% from pierce)

Primary: 5.0 1xNS7 2xIS7
Seconday: 5.0 1xNS7 2xIS6
Fight: Practice Dummy (44.6m), Buffs: Crab-Fu
DPS: 119,508 (78.1% from proc, 21.9% from punch)

Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: hateborne on May 09, 2012, 08:25:53 pm
Some dummy parses for ya:

Primary: 5.0 1xNS7 2xIS7
Seconday: 5.0 1xNS7 2xIS6
Fight: Practice Dummy (44.8 minutes), Buffs: None
DPS: 115,636 (84% from proc, 11.5% from backstab, 4.5% from pierce)

Primary: 5.0 1xNS7 2xIS7
Seconday: 5.0 1xNS7 2xIS6
Fight: Practice Dummy (44.6m), Buffs: Crab-Fu
DPS: 119,508 (78.1% from proc, 21.9% from punch)




Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 09, 2012, 09:39:10 pm
Wow, I thought rogues would get a better % of dps out of melee than monks. I don't have a UC'd rogue so it was a guesstimate though.

Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: Drezden on May 09, 2012, 10:02:15 pm
Some dummy parses for ya:

Primary: 5.0 1xNS7 2xIS7
Seconday: 5.0 1xNS7 2xIS6
Fight: Practice Dummy (44.8 minutes), Buffs: None
DPS: 115,636 (84% from proc, 11.5% from backstab, 4.5% from pierce)

Primary: 5.0 1xNS7 2xIS7
Seconday: 5.0 1xNS7 2xIS6
Fight: Practice Dummy (44.6m), Buffs: Crab-Fu
DPS: 119,508 (78.1% from proc, 21.9% from punch)

Using epic click on rogue?

Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: Blurring on May 09, 2012, 10:06:38 pm
Yup. Can't say it was perfect the entire time but reasonably close.

Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: Drezden on May 09, 2012, 10:09:55 pm
dern I figured with click rogue would do much better.

Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: lerxst2112 on May 09, 2012, 10:11:22 pm

I call shenanigans!  Where's the awesome flying kick damage?

Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: Hunter on May 09, 2012, 10:12:28 pm
But Rogues get other abilities, such as hide, and lock pick. Lets see a Monk get through some doors like in Old Seb.

Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: Blurring on May 09, 2012, 10:15:40 pm

I call shenanigans!  Where's the awesome flying kick damage?

/sigh give me 30 mins.. :)

Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: Blurring on May 09, 2012, 10:25:50 pm
Monk DPS by type: 77.1% proc, 22.8% punch, .2% kick over 8.3m
223 dps well worth the 100k ripostes :D

Double checked the rogue results as well over 17 minutes with perfect epic clicking, DPS % accurate to .1%

Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: keip on May 10, 2012, 09:03:05 am
All of this is fine and well, but yall are only seeing it from top end rogue dps.  For those of us who don't have the high level strike augs and UC's having that extra proc could really help in working on getting to that high end.

I think the main thing i'm trying to point out is that other classes have clickable and proc'ing effects, so why don't rogues?

I dunno just my 2 cents.

Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: Drezden on May 10, 2012, 09:23:10 am
All of this is fine and well, but yall are only seeing it from top end rogue dps.  For those of us who don't have the high level strike augs and UC's having that extra proc could really help in working on getting to that high end.

I think the main thing i'm trying to point out is that other classes have clickable and proc'ing effects, so why don't rogues?

I dunno just my 2 cents.

Rogue epic has a very nice click. I just thought it put them on par, but seems not. I don't have any UC's or any aug's. I do it the hard way haha

Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 10, 2012, 09:41:34 am
Monks don't have proc effects except for augs and maybe 3.0 and below. I think the 3.0 has a right click proc buff but it lasts like 20 seconds and hardly adds to dps. I would be surprised if many people use it at all as it has a short duration and adds very very little to dps. Berzerkers do get a proc effect but they are still below monks and rogues on single targets. I think 115k vs 119k is very very comparable.

Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: hateborne on May 10, 2012, 03:32:03 pm
All of this is fine and well, but yall are only seeing it from top end rogue dps.  For those of us who don't have the high level strike augs and UC's having that extra proc could really help in working on getting to that high end.

I think the main thing i'm trying to point out is that other classes have clickable and proc'ing effects, so why don't rogues?

I dunno just my 2 cents.

Monks get click mend from 3.5+.
Berserkers get an AoE proc (which IS their damage).
Rangers get a click 4 target snare/DD from bow only.
Beastlords get a pet summon.

Rogues get a click that adds a shit ton to backstab. 300-400k is not uncommon. When you include cooldown, that is ~20k - ~26k DPS (assuming use every 15 seconds).

That 300-400k is WITHOUT augs.

In low ends keip, rogues are the BEST off.

I think maybe the rogue MIGHT be able to make use of a poison vial buff (to randomly proc a lingering type of poison). However, that is not something I'm overly worried about. 4k DPS is really a wash in my opinion at the moment.


Title: Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!)
Post by: Tornasu on July 03, 2012, 06:20:56 am
Wow I didnt realize the rouges 4.0+ was that powerful, now if we could only have the stam to use it every cooldown nudge nudge timeless invigor :D