EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: ho0ked on June 12, 2012, 01:01:12 pm

Title: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: ho0ked on June 12, 2012, 01:01:12 pm

I am still relatively new here, thank you for this world it is fun to play, I enjoy it alot, untill now.

I like everyone else really like the UC you made. BUT you have stated many times it is the server defining item here, which means to me its the highest of awards for the hardiest of veterans. I am totally cool with this.

However, it is also basically required to finish T4 and to progress beyond that point, unless you intended us to all box 24+ toons and zerg everything beyond T4?

The issue is simple,

1) It takes a herculean 46+ man hours to complete 1 UCv1 and this is with a full army of the right toons to support this rapid pace. I was told this figure by some of the uber players here, for me its going to be months  :o

2) You have to go BACKWARDS in progression to get this item done effeciently, trying to do it when your getting you 2.0-3.5 is a joke, it could take years at that gear lvl.

3) You have made this "Server defining veterans item" a requirement to progress, how is that fair? we all want to play on your server, but once you get to T4 its pretty much game over for most of the players here, unless they go backwards and spend months doing uc's for however many toons they have.

4) Its rather unfair to have an item both be the best trophy for veterans, AND be required to play here, it really should be one or the other.

5) Since you have already tuned your T5+ content around having this item when it should have been treated as a bonus making you overpowered in that content, there is to much work to tune down all that content.

The only viable solution I see is to either cut the items required for UCv1 in half, or to increase the drops rates for ldon drops/coins, and hoh drops by 100%

You can and should make it this hard for the UCv2, and you should NOT build new content around having the UCv2, so it can be the veteran reward/server defining item you want it to be, without being required for every single toon to play here.

I understand that people are progressing to fast for your liking, I get that, but your holding this item hostage forcing us to no longer have fun, if people don't have fun here, they will leave.

I do not want to leave, but honestly I get physically sick playing in ldons for hours on end endlessly pulling the same mobs. It's to the point now that I don't even want to log on and play because its sickening, boaring and totally not fun at all.

Perhaps its a change to how you aquire the charms thats necessary, but honestly its still way to long for a required item.

You might take this as complaining, im sure all the uber players will, having walked uphill in the snow with no shoes to get there UC's But I really am trying to provide contructive feedback, playing on your server went from awsome fun to I don't even want to play anymore because this is not fun, or entertaining.

You have other options, there are other ways, please consider them thoroughly.

I came from 12 years in EQlive, since beta, eq taught me computers, and has provided me with over a decade of entertainment and edjucation, untill I gave up last year and retired for good. We all know the many reasons for this.

Please consider my thoughts Hunter, you have proven to be really reponsive to your playerbase in a way I could have never imagined before finding your world.

Regardless of your decision I am honored to play on your world and call you god.

Thank you for having me,
Your subject, Ho0ked

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Brokyn on June 12, 2012, 01:50:27 pm
There was a time before UC...  People got their 4.0 epics and T4 gear without teams of T4 geared toons with 4.0 epics and UCs... 

I can remember going up to T3/4 with my guild and taking 30 minutes to down a boss with 3 groups (made up of, gasp, 4 or more people).  Every piece of armour, every new bit of dps, and every success made it go faster and faster, and we got better geared up.  We made alliances with other guilds to share the drops (because you didn't know which boss you were spawning back then) and we helped each other out.  Eventually, we got to the point we could kill fast and we moved on to the next thing.

I guess my point is this...  When faced with adversity there are two options...  Overcome, or do what you did.

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: ho0ked on June 12, 2012, 02:12:07 pm
There was a time before UC...  People got their 4.0 epics and T4 gear without teams of T4 geared toons with 4.0 epics and UCs... 

I can remember going up to T3/4 with my guild and taking 30 minutes to down a boss with 3 groups (made up of, gasp, 4 or more people).  Every piece of armour, every new bit of dps, and every success made it go faster and faster, and we got better geared up.  We made alliances with other guilds to share the drops (because you didn't know which boss you were spawning back then) and we helped each other out.  Eventually, we got to the point we could kill fast and we moved on to the next thing.

I guess my point is this...  When faced with adversity there are two options...  Overcome, or do what you did.

I understand and respect where you are coming from, but.

The bottom line is times have changed, people don't group much, and run alot of there own toons to play eq, all types of eq not just live or emu.

What was once uber elite is now required and simply is not fun, its time to streamline old ideas for the future health of the world.

We all did things the hard way in the begining. but times and climates change, it is best to adapt to them for survival, imo

I feel the structure of this item and its requirement is holding people back and diminishing their desire to play considerably, to me that is a negative impact to an otherwise awsome world I totally enjoyed up untill recently.

Not everyone agrees with me, and thats ok, but I feel its an important issue to discuss as it defines my continued presence here.


Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Solbash on June 12, 2012, 04:22:40 pm
There was a time before UC...  People got their 4.0 epics and T4 gear without teams of T4 geared toons with 4.0 epics and UCs... 

I can remember going up to T3/4 with my guild and taking 30 minutes to down a boss with 3 groups (made up of, gasp, 4 or more people).  Every piece of armour, every new bit of dps, and every success made it go faster and faster, and we got better geared up.  We made alliances with other guilds to share the drops (because you didn't know which boss you were spawning back then) and we helped each other out.  Eventually, we got to the point we could kill fast and we moved on to the next thing.

I guess my point is this...  When faced with adversity there are two options...  Overcome, or do what you did.
And remember, we did get to use these fancy augs to pump out extra dps, we used raw dps from players and pets.

I just see this as another player that came here and in a weeks time did up through 3.0's, bought 3.5's and t3/t4 gear for some of his toons and is now trying to farm it and he can't. The content up through t3-t4 is already dumbed down and simplified about 10 times that what it use to be when us "veterans" did it. Everyone thinks that hunter handed us everything since we have been here for a long time. TBH, i don't think i've ever just been handed anything here in over 4 years of playing the server. My advice, suck it up and grind it out, or just quit. Hunter isn't going to make the game changer easier for noobs.

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Hampage on June 12, 2012, 04:30:48 pm
I can see both sides of this argument, I've advocated making v1 charms tradeable just to add another market for people to get charms since its not always possible to stop what your doing and go to the zone or instance and buy it right then and there, I dont think that would be game breaking because the cost for the charms would still be out of reach of someone who just started on the server, I didn't start massing plat until I got to HoH.

But having done my own UC and over halfway on another I can say that the charm itself isn't all that hard to get once your geared up enough, it just takes time. I've spent over 93,000 LDON points on my first UC and on my paladin I've only spent 6000 because with the UC I can mass pull an instance of LDoN 6 and I average about 2 charms an hour in actual charms and another 1000 points in cards if I bother to loot those.

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: hateborne on June 12, 2012, 08:07:16 pm
Nothing personal friend, but no.

I've got only 3 UCs, cleric is nearing his (4th). Take time to read through the forums. Hunter has already said that the revamp of ToFS will become the alternative to LDON for UC (with some new goodies mixed in). It is designed to give players a challenge while giving a similar (if not slightly faster for top-level players) time frame.

1) 46 hours is nothing compared to live. You said you played live and should know this. Hell, even some of the vanilla/BC raids in WoW took this long to clear and gear up. Here you can be in T3 in a day or two, so why shouldn't there be something time consuming?

2) What is your gear looking like? >_>  You mention in 3 that this is supposed to be a "Server defining veterans item", but mention it is too hard for 2.0-3.5 players? Also, 46 hours isn't months unless you are sitting at ~1h a day max. Even then, that's still not bad considering that would get you NOWHERE in any other game.

3) Actually it's T5 that seems to be the requirement. However, technically warriors could skim by with a combination of the Shield of the Ages and the 4.0 epic...but warriors are whores, so we won't count them.

4) Nope. WoW requires a useless ilevel average across your gear and/or some trash achievement to consider you good. Despite the fact that you may be god awful or mind-blowingly amazing, if your item level doesn't average out to a certain score and/or you don't have some achievement for downing a raid end boss...you won't get in. Meaning you need to be overgeared for the raid being run to be allowed in. Is this WoW? Thankfully not. Is this EQ live? Also thankfully not. Is EZ a cakewalk the entire playthrough? Nope.

5) An UC is not required for T5 if running a whorrior or loladin (maybe). If running a shadow knight or a lower-geared paladin, you will need it. EZ is quick and fun is, but the time investment curve increases in somewhat of a bell curve as you advance in tiers.

I think you misunderstand the intent of the UC. It was not designed around a certain content level, but it is VERY strong. It is not technically a requirement for any certain tier, but at MCP/T5, it should be closely considered such.

Again, this boils down to where are you in the game, what are you running (character(s)), what epic(s) are equipped, etc etc.

As for the grinding, don't try and faceroll it out. Bits and pieces. Get an hour here or two there. If you don't, you will burn out and quit. Keep in mind, you probably got up to or near t2 in less than a week. What other game allows you to max level and then advance THREE tiers of gearing in such a small time frame?


Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Pukagiz on June 12, 2012, 08:43:55 pm
What other game allows you to max level and then advance THREE tiers of gearing in such a small time frame?


lol WoW anyone? :P

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Dethundrel on June 12, 2012, 09:35:27 pm
3) Actually it's T5 that seems to be the requirement. However, technically warriors could skim by with a combination of the Shield of the Ages and the 4.0 epic...but warriors are whores, so we won't count them.

5) An UC is not required for T5 if running a whorrior or loladin (maybe). If running a shadow knight or a lower-geared paladin, you will need it. EZ is quick and fun is, but the time investment curve increases in somewhat of a bell curve as you advance in tiers.

Myself and 3 other guys I play with all broke into T5 at around the same time.  All of us were running full T4 4.0 toons.  Each with a Warrior with a lvl 50 Guardian charm, and 2 Paladins with lvl 50 Oracles.  None of us were able to survive with any regularity.  Sure we could down a few mobs here and there, but we got slaughtered.  I added a UC to the War and main Paladin, and now I can survive 90% of my encounters, a much more managable rate of what seems to be intended.  IE: I'd say it's required.

Now if you run a group with 2 Paladins and a Cleric, or even 3 Paladins, then I would say a UC would not be mandatory.

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Strix on June 12, 2012, 09:39:17 pm
...but warriors are whores, so we won't count them.


I resemble that remark :D


Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: whatzizface on June 12, 2012, 11:16:08 pm
I wanna know where the 46 hour figure comes from? Ive spent 46 hours straight walking through the snow up hill both ways fighting raid mobs with broken weapons for a stinking 50 token. Maybe i just suck.

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Dimur on June 13, 2012, 12:32:09 am
Sorry, I just have to add my take on the whole NEED for UC to advance in T5.  I rock a 6 box group when I play...2 paladins, warrior, monk, bard and shaman.  2 of the characters have UC, main paladin and my monk with the other characters max charms being warrior with a 50 sorc, bard 50 sorc, second paladin 50 oracle while the shaman rocks a guardian 4.  I started actively doing T5 about a week ago and decided to focus on gearing the warrior first since I switched him to main tank after T4.  I got my ass kicked pretty consistently not just from named mobs, but from the trash too.  I kept pushing and have been able to get armor drops for the warrior, every drop making it easier to survive encounters and in the last week I've geared the warrior in full T5, knocked out coral event for warrior and UC paladin and picked up various upgrades for the rest of the group.  Would it be easier if I sucked it up and finished the warrior's UC?  Fuck yes!  Is it absolutely required that I UC the main tank in my group before I even consider setting foot in T5?  Fuck no!
Sorry about the long diatribe, but my point is that UC grind sucks, it sucks so bad that I went into T5 expecting to fully get my ass handed to my because of all the horror stories I've read/heard regarding the NEED for UC and still was more willing to do that than finish the mindless grind that is UC.  I don't enjoy doing LDON, but I also realize that doing it isn't required to progress but it makes it a hell of a lot easier to do so.  Suck it up and take your beatings while you push forward or shut up and slum it in LDON a while to make it easier on yourself, but I don't think the system is broken.

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 13, 2012, 03:41:28 am

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 13, 2012, 03:42:29 am

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 13, 2012, 03:44:06 am

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 13, 2012, 03:49:01 am

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 13, 2012, 03:50:01 am

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Aeiou on June 13, 2012, 04:15:22 am
Be thankful players sell the charms, and be thankful there are LDoN credits for your time invested. The other mega custom items require you to do the work yourself, with no way around it, ie: Sceptre of Time and RoA. Why are there no major complaint threads on SoT or RoA? Probably because no one is getting teased with the opportunity to get parts of the quest done for "free", so the notion of actually doing the work is tossed out immediately.

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Brokyn on June 13, 2012, 06:32:52 am
I agree with Xiggie!  Add pigs to LDoN!

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: ho0ked on June 13, 2012, 08:24:46 am
Nothing personal friend, but no.

I've got only 3 UCs, cleric is nearing his (4th). Take time to read through the forums. Hunter has already said that the revamp of ToFS will become the alternative to LDON for UC (with some new goodies mixed in). It is designed to give players a challenge while giving a similar (if not slightly faster for top-level players) time frame.

1) 46 hours is nothing compared to live. You said you played live and should know this. Hell, even some of the vanilla/BC raids in WoW took this long to clear and gear up. Here you can be in T3 in a day or two, so why shouldn't there be something time consuming?

This is part of the reason I left live, few people have or ever really did have this kind of time to spend. 46hours is also the most uber players timeframe, most of us won't match that.

2) What is your gear looking like? >_>  You mention in 3 that this is supposed to be a "Server defining veterans item", but mention it is too hard for 2.0-3.5 players? Also, 46 hours isn't months unless you are sitting at ~1h a day max. Even then, that's still not bad considering that would get you NOWHERE in any other game.

Let me clear up some ignorant misconceptions now, (nothing against you hate, some other jerk wanted to sling n00by mud at me) I have been here since about feb this year, playing almost full time mon-fri. 4.0 toons> war clrc pal pal sk mag nec rog ber 3.0/3.5 toons brd mnk all armor T3/4 war is T4

3) Actually it's T5 that seems to be the requirement. However, technically warriors could skim by with a combination of the Shield of the Ages and the 4.0 epic...but warriors are whores, so we won't count them.

T5 is barely doable with my crew I die every fight on trash and named are unkillable for me.

4) Nope. WoW requires a useless ilevel average across your gear and/or some trash achievement to consider you good. Despite the fact that you may be god awful or mind-blowingly amazing, if your item level doesn't average out to a certain score and/or you don't have some achievement for downing a raid end boss...you won't get in. Meaning you need to be overgeared for the raid being run to be allowed in. Is this WoW? Thankfully not. Is this EQ live? Also thankfully not. Is EZ a cakewalk the entire playthrough? Nope.

Why make a required item SO hard for every one to get? if its a server defining "best" item in game it shouldn't be for everyone, yet everyone needs it to progress, this is a double standard really.

5) An UC is not required for T5 if running a whorrior or loladin (maybe). If running a shadow knight or a lower-geared paladin, you will need it. EZ is quick and fun is, but the time investment curve increases in somewhat of a bell curve as you advance in tiers.

UC is pretty much required if you want to kill any named, which is kinda the point, and the game has a HUGE roadblock once you get to T4 in the form of a months long quest for a required item thats also the best item on the server? I don't call this a curve I call it a road block.

I think you misunderstand the intent of the UC. It was not designed around a certain content level, but it is VERY strong. It is not technically a requirement for any certain tier, but at MCP/T5, it should be closely considered such.

Again, this boils down to where are you in the game, what are you running (character(s)), what epic(s) are equipped, etc etc.

As for the grinding, don't try and faceroll it out. Bits and pieces. Get an hour here or two there. If you don't, you will burn out and quit. Keep in mind, you probably got up to or near t2 in less than a week. What other game allows you to max level and then advance THREE tiers of gearing in such a small time frame?

 I am not trying to do it all at once, ive already spent weeks working it 1 UC and like I stated it sucks so bad it has killed any interest I had in playing but if I don't get this item, on most of my toons, my career playing here is over, because its required, I find this extremely offputting, the UC should have never been considerd when making content it should have been treated like a bonus item so everyone doesn't "have" to get it, making it elite like Hunter seems to want it to be.

Yes this server is faster then eqlive, thats one of the reasons I came here, to feel like i accomplished something in this lifetime. This item throws a huge monkey wrench into an otherwise awsome setup imo


Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: ho0ked on June 13, 2012, 08:29:30 am

Thanks for trashing up my serious discussion with useless tripe, way to contribute. And here from researching I thought you were decent guy....

So much for that idea.

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: ho0ked on June 13, 2012, 08:43:56 am
Bottom line people times change, technology changes life moves on, keeping an old archaic system in place simply because thats how it always was is not a valid argument.

By this logic we would still be in england, US would not exist, and we would all have horse carts and slaves, while bowing to the king.

We need to make the UCv1 MUCH more accessable to the regular players, keep the UCv2 super hard so only the best most dedicated veterans can earn it. Stop tuning content around having the UC, which is what is making this item required in the first place.

Hunter if people are advancing to fast (same problem for all games there is no answer btw) find ways to make things harder without being rediculous or sickeningly boaring, lower drops on armor, or epics, but a 200 item quest over mutiple zones with random rare drops that takes months is not helping, when I joined here I was told expect 4-6months for my first UC, if eqlive had something like this that was required I would have quit a long time ago, thankfully they made these kinda awsome items optional.

Does anyone have a real logical or technical reason why this shouldn't be done?

So far all I see is high end (read done with UC) people saying we had to do it this way so you have to also, if this is the case, go walk to the nearst farm and help slaughter some meat, then go pick veggies in the field then have your family walk over and help you carry it all home, to cook on your open pit fire while you wash your laundry in the creek lol

Times change, I believe we should change with them.

I have said my peace, thanks for reading Hunter thanks for everything
I dont want this to devolve any further so I am done, I will sit back and see if you are willing to make some adjustments, if not, life goes on, I will keep playing or leave for another server, I just wanted to express my feelings constructively

Thanks again for an overal very well done world to play on sir!

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Chunka on June 13, 2012, 09:09:46 am
I guess I just dont see how UC isnt accessible by all players. Someone with a 2.0 can do charms to lvl 25...and a 3.0 group can do shadow (not that they'd stay 3.0 for long, since this is also the 3.5 zone). UC isnt needed for HoH....hell, it isnt needed for T3. Farming charms isnt that hard. A guildie did all of his UC on 3 characters 2 boxing, because his system couldnt take more than 2 open clients at a time. When he started he was running 3.0's and T2 armor. He 2 boxed a warrior and pally through Shadow with 3.0's and T2 armor AND got the charm upgrades he needed to UC. And most of this was done before weapon augs went live. Slow? Compared to some, yes....but its very doable.

Again, I dont see where UC is prohibitive. Anyone can get UC.

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 13, 2012, 11:57:02 am
It was harder that what you are describing to get UC's that what you are saying. We did it without augs giving us insane dps. We did it without T4 gear giving us upwards of 200 to 300k hp. I got mine on my monk about 2 or 3 mobs at a time. The logic you are using is true, it should be easier, and it is. Congratulations, you can now farm your UC with your T4 4.0'd warrior. I had to farm mine so I could get my 3.5 and my 4.0 and my T3 gear. I remember when T3/4 first came out and a guild mate of mine went and did their fisrt T3 fight. Him and a couple of guys had 9 toons total. They had to tell people not to zone in because anything more and it would crash the zone. They set to it and pulled out as much dps as they could. The mob despawned.... they do that after an hour. Balthor and I went and did shadow on the day he was made. We wiped several times and I think we eventually got him down somewhere in the 30's before we wiped again. If I remember correctly it took us 48 minutes to get him that low on that attempt.

I am sorry you are having a hard time but we did not have it as easy as what you have it. That 46 hours you are talking about is extremely fast and quite frankly I believe undoable. It takes me about that time to get done with ldons part of it and that is me keeping all mobs in ldon4 down, (fasted floor I know of).

I made light of your post because we've had this conversation on the forums with various people time and time again.

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Hunter on June 13, 2012, 12:12:35 pm
We need to make the UCv1 MUCH more accessable to the regular players

Who are "regular players"? Do they play only 1 hour a day? If so, then don't expect to get an Ultimate Charm.

Its one of the most desired items in the game, and yes it'll take time to get.

At least there are ranks of 4 types of charms that you can work on before getting the UC, so you can see some sort of progress, extra HP, etc throughout the ranks, until the final combine is done. This point is being neglected.

Also we now have Shield of the Ages which can be started during Qvic. This should complement other gear (RoA, UC) to further help surviving, something that veterans never had, and this is another point being neglected.

This game is getting easier and easier with each update, but the best items will take time to acquire. The "Hardcore" players will always have better gear than the "Casual" players, its always been this way.

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Bladethorn on June 13, 2012, 01:11:27 pm
I joined this server about a year ago.. If I am lucky, I get to play a couple hours a week.. I think I can I consider myself a 'regular' player - if that definition is meant for a casual/time-limited players. I am totally cool with there being no changes to the UC process.

With the exception of a few helping hands along the way, I've pretty much done everything on my own. I've never purchased an armor drop or bought an epic page - which may change, but I've wanted to do it on my own. I just started to break into HoH.. It's taken time, but I am enjoying it... and I'm proud of what I've been able to do with my team of 6 3.0'd/T2 toons.

After seeing the benifit of getting the Oracle on one of my Pals to level 20, I've decided to go ahead and commit to leveling all my charms, first for my Pal, then for my War. I know it's going to suck grinding through Ldon over and over, but hey, I am going to get tons of gems/plat from it. I guess for me, it will be a matter of pride when I get that first UC done. I will have done what all these 'Veteran's' have done. The fact that I don't have it keeps me coming back to the challenge of pushing to acquire it.

Just a regular players humble opinion..   

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Brokyn on June 13, 2012, 01:25:16 pm
That's what it's all about Bladethorn!  I am glad to see there are some people who play here who actually like the game Hunter is providing us, and not just the ones who would like it just fine if he changed everything

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: cerwin on June 13, 2012, 01:30:36 pm
46hrs for a UC? Thats more than 4 charms per hour, I doubt anyone is doing a UC in that amount of time.

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Griz on June 13, 2012, 04:04:34 pm
Double loot weekend I could see it happening. I finished my paladin's UC over memorial day weekend. I got about an upgrade every 15-20 min in LDON6 plus the coins. Then for the second part, I had my necro solo shadow while I ran my other characters around farming the avatars.

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: marxist on June 13, 2012, 04:55:21 pm
Pretty sure I did my bards in 30+ hours over double loot. Once I get full v8 Augs I think I can come close to 50 hours but it would be interesting and I wouldn't be looting gems

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: hateborne on June 13, 2012, 06:15:09 pm
This is part of the reason I left live, few people have or ever really did have this kind of time to spend. 46hours is also the most uber players timeframe, most of us won't match that.

Excuse me, but 12 years and you never had to grind. I have to call bullshit. There is no polite way to say it. Even the some of the Korean MMOs seem easymode by comparison. Everquest has always been a nightmarish long grind.

Let me clear up some ignorant misconceptions now, (nothing against you hate, some other jerk wanted to sling n00by mud at me) I have been here since about feb this year, playing almost full time mon-fri. 4.0 toons> war clrc pal pal sk mag nec rog ber 3.0/3.5 toons brd mnk all armor T3/4 war is T4

If you are sitting at 3.0s and 4.0s, LDON is a cakewalk. Yes a very boring one, but still an easy one. It sucks but anything worth having requires time.

T5 is barely doable with my crew I die every fight on trash and named are unkillable for me.


Why make a required item SO hard for every one to get? if its a server defining "best" item in game it shouldn't be for everyone, yet everyone needs it to progress, this is a double standard really.


UC is pretty much required if you want to kill any named, which is kinda the point, and the game has a HUGE roadblock once you get to T4 in the form of a months long quest for a required item thats also the best item on the server? I don't call this a curve I call it a road block.

It isn't the best item in the game, but that's just me pissing/moaning. If you got this far without any real effort involved, you either set a precedent for the luckiest's SOB this server has ever seen, or you were mostly rushed through. You got to t5 in such a time frame that any REAL time investment seems foreign or out of place. If you expect this timeframe of 2-3 days per tier to continue, how long did you expect to play here? Hunter only has 6 tiers available at the moment.

Also, how do you expect to pass t5? I've been at it off and on for months, EASILY putting in ~80 hours (which is nearly 2 UCs by the ~46h number you gave), and I'm still ~25 bosses away and NUMEROUS pieces of gear away. I have had the privilege of running (mostly) good public raids too, which greatly expedited the process. If the UC is this much of a problem, quit now. I mean that in the most respectful way, but solemnly. UC is a cake walk compared to T5+. If you go complaining about T5 like this, expect a banhammer. UC was the first WoW-kid check, then T5, then the Sceptre quest (well technically this could go t3+).

And the "months long quest"? You referring to shield quest or the UC? Have you tried the weapon aug farm? It's 100x worse than the UC.

I am not trying to do it all at once, ive already spent weeks working it 1 UC and like I stated it sucks so bad it has killed any interest I had in playing but if I don't get this item, on most of my toons, my career playing here is over, because its required, I find this extremely offputting, the UC should have never been considerd when making content it should have been treated like a bonus item so everyone doesn't "have" to get it, making it elite like Hunter seems to want it to be.


Yes this server is faster then eqlive, thats one of the reasons I came here, to feel like i accomplished something in this lifetime. This item throws a huge monkey wrench into an otherwise awsome setup imo

I don't know how else to say it. If this is a "monkey wrench into an otherwise awsome setup", you should quit while you are ahead. T5 will break you, aug farm will break you, and T6 or Sceptre will CRUSH you.



EDIT: Also mentioning that I am trash. I have been on the server over 2 years and just entered T5 this year. I only play in spurts and refuse to lolwarrior. I run SK, BRD, CLR, WIZ, WIZ, WIZ. I get the crap kicked out of me quite often. However, I enjoy my group and I enjoy playing.

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: ho0ked on June 13, 2012, 08:56:47 pm

I sat here and wrote a bunch of stuff in response, and you know what? I changed my mind.

The blind will never see, and the deaf will never hear.

I will go back to being anonymous, and quiet, untill I can't stand this uc crap anymore, then im out.

Sorry to have disturbed everyone.


Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: hateborne on June 13, 2012, 11:07:14 pm

I sat here and wrote a bunch of stuff in response, and you know what? I changed my mind.

The blind will never see, and the deaf will never hear.

I will go back to being anonymous, and quiet, untill I can't stand this uc crap anymore, then im out.

Sorry to have disturbed everyone.


"...And the lazy want some one else to do their work."

Click my username, scroll back to either the beginning or the middle. Look at what I've said before, what I say now, and/or find me in game. I am still pretty much trash. The difference is I dealt with the crap that could/would not be changed, and suggested/offered-working-code for what could be changed.

If you want changes, it had better be 100x better than "I played this game or that game therefore I know what i am talking about". If you haven't spent a year grinding away on EZ, then you don't know the server.



Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Warbash on June 13, 2012, 11:17:07 pm

I sat here and wrote a bunch of stuff in response, and you know what? I changed my mind.

The blind will never see, and the deaf will never hear.

I will go back to being anonymous, and quiet, untill I can't stand this uc crap anymore, then im out.

Sorry to have disturbed everyone.


You seemed stressed out, take a break and come back when you remember why we play these games. You could also use different tactics, level up an alt, do a little RoA then hit up the UC grind. Or just grind away and get the 1st one done then the next one goes exponentially quicker. I'm almost done with my 4th UC and it gets less painful. Do UC on double loot weekends and they go even faster. Lastly, you won't get much sympathy here, I would not waste your breath and get so upset about it.

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: whatzizface on June 14, 2012, 10:00:39 pm
I agree with Warbash on this, We all get burnt out from time to time but its the game we all play. Switch it up some. A UC is a milestone in the game, T5 and a 5.0 another. It just takes persistance and a will to enjoy the small things in life.

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Liveye on June 15, 2012, 03:13:37 pm
Just do the quest, quit trying to add to item inflation...

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Gilthanas on June 16, 2012, 09:24:43 pm
Keep in mind, you probably got up to or near t2 in less than a week. What other game allows you to max level and then advance THREE tiers of gearing in such a small time frame?

Kinda off topic but I wanted to point out that it took me well over 120 hours of play time to get to t2 over the course of several months. It still takes a really long time to get there if you DIY. I feel like I had to work pretty hard to get through T2. Quite comparable to how hard as it was to get the top PVE gear after starting from scratch in WOW, honestly.

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Nexxel on June 16, 2012, 09:42:33 pm
I guess the part I dont see is the "hard".  The UC is one of the best items in the games, and is not HARD to get. Time consuming Yes. Hard, NO.

So what I see are people "asking" for it to be made "easier", but instead what they really are asking for is "Faster"  ::)

Title: Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier
Post by: Stuff4Sale on June 17, 2012, 06:46:44 am
I guess the part I dont see is the "hard".  The UC is one of the best items in the games, and is not HARD to get. Time consuming Yes. Hard, NO.

So what I see are people "asking" for it to be made "easier", but instead what they really are asking for is "Faster"  ::)
