EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Undeterred on June 12, 2012, 02:30:50 pm

Title: Shadow ettiquette
Post by: Undeterred on June 12, 2012, 02:30:50 pm
Have a question to community - ... about Shadow in HoH

There's a player, I won't name them here, that may be exploiting or at least being an asshat jumping to grab Shadow.

Basically, he/she is using a rogue to get to Shadow and then using Hunter's group CoH item via EZ credits to summon the rest of the group in.

My gripe: he's done this to me on numerous occasions, where I cleared all but 1-3 mobs from Shadow.

Yes, I can instance and not deal with this, but have only had time to play for an hour or two every few days. Sort of a waste of plat,

Am I wrong to find this rude, he is after all engaging first. But shouldn't the decent thing to do is ask the player that very close to Shadow if they are after him?

For now, when I see that player in zone, I just go AFK or logout as I can't compete, and no reason get frustrated.

What do you think about this?

Title: Re: Shadow ettiquette
Post by: Natedog on June 12, 2012, 02:33:49 pm
I tend to always ask in /shout .. before engaging shadow in pub

Title: Re: Shadow ettiquette
Post by: napoleonn on June 12, 2012, 02:39:17 pm
I think that if you can kill shadow then the avatars shouldn't be much of a problem to you. So clear like maybe 10 mobs and loot the gems that should pay for a group instance. If you don't have 5k to make a group instance, then go to velks for 5 minutes kill castle mobs and get 5k that way. Then go to HoH and make a group instance cause if your logging out cause you can't get public thats kinda lazy sir  ;)

Title: Re: Shadow ettiquette
Post by: Undeterred on June 12, 2012, 03:24:39 pm
If you don't have 5k to make a group instance, then go to velks for 5 minutes kill castle mobs and get 5k that way. Then go to HoH and make a group instance cause if your logging out cause you can't get public thats kinda lazy sir  ;)

First, most nights I don't know how much game time I have but also if a spell drops that I need need for someone outside of group, it rots... so you're saying you ALWAYS create an instance no matter how long you plan to be on for.

But more importantly you're missing the point... so if this happened to you'd be fine with it, no matter how much time you put into a mob, someone else engaging it first is perfectly okay with you?

The answer to etiquette should not be instance...

Title: Re: Shadow ettiquette
Post by: Solbash on June 12, 2012, 04:15:15 pm
The "rogue" is not doing anything wrong. Hunter stated back when he changed shadow to be like this that the first to engage had the rights to him, and if he jumped, the first one to him had the rights. Just because he is using everything he can to his advantage doesn't mean he is doing you wrong.  And lastly, if i knew i wasn't as fast as someone else in a public zone, i would not be going after a mob that has the chance to shadow step and someone else grab. Use a guild instance, plain and simple.

Title: Re: Shadow ettiquette
Post by: Dethundrel on June 12, 2012, 07:05:38 pm
The answer to your questions is, there is almost no "ettiquette" here. It only comes down to the rules, and if/when they are actually enforced.

Does he clearly see that you are after the mob? Yes.  Is him running past you with a rogue and ganking the mob when you are 1-2 avatars away a dick move? Absolutly!  Is it aginst the rules? No.

And that is where the problem is.  If it's not aginst the rules, or even if it is a rule violation, but they know it's not heavily enforced, they are gonna dick you 100% of the time.

It's an easy out to get rid of complaints just like this one, to say "make an instance".  You will get no support here if you are having any problems in a public zone, regardless of why you are in public.  Public zones here almost seem to have their own seperate "BM" rule guideline, and every single time you bring it up, you are going to be told to make an instance.

As unfair or stupid as it may seem and as much as you and others may not like it, just make an instance.  It will save you a lot of time and headache from having to deal with a lot of the BS that's gonna come your way if you expect to stay in public zones.

Title: Re: Shadow ettiquette
Post by: metsu on June 13, 2012, 04:42:11 am
make an instance +1
quit that public BS +1

Title: Re: Shadow ettiquette
Post by: hateborne on June 13, 2012, 08:17:40 am
Well, if the kid wants to be stupid: Toss his name out so people will stop selling to the fool.

The rules are in place to help with generics, but this is not a courtroom. If you or other cannot play without EXTREMELY specific "One cannot do this while doing that, during this phase of the moon, or during this month except in such cases that one has performed said rain dance described in chapters II.a and II.b" statements. General rule of thumb to the internet is "Don't be a dick". If you are about to do something and you are unsure about it, ask yourself "Is this a dick move?". If the answer MIGHT be yes, don't fuggin' do it kids.

Even if he keeps public HoH locked down forever, that's fine too. He has to come to T5 eventually. Summons are disabled there and (hopefully) will have built a list of people that hate him enough not to sell loots/kill-credits to him.


Title: Re: Shadow ettiquette
Post by: Chunka on June 13, 2012, 09:13:50 am
I dont do much in public. Instances are cheaper than the cost of dealing with the potential asshattery of others.

Title: Re: Shadow ettiquette
Post by: Griz on June 13, 2012, 04:09:48 pm
Park your mage at the zonein and CoH the rogue there when you see him near you.

Title: Re: Shadow ettiquette
Post by: marxist on June 13, 2012, 04:40:09 pm
I have a feeling it's your favorite person hate

Title: Re: Shadow ettiquette
Post by: hateborne on June 13, 2012, 07:23:12 pm
Park your mage at the zonein and CoH the rogue there when you see him near you.


I have a feeling it's your favorite person hate

HAHAHA! Please tell me it isn't so! If it is, I'm totally going to get banned tonight. Loading in my 4.0, never used, mostly t1 (minus chest slot) mage when I get home.


Title: Re: Shadow ettiquette
Post by: Undeterred on June 13, 2012, 11:33:47 pm
I haven't seen him in zone the last few days...

Park your mage at the zonein and CoH the rogue there when you see him near you.
agree Hate... that's Gold Griz

Title: Re: Shadow ettiquette
Post by: Brokyn on June 14, 2012, 06:40:21 am
As much as it might sound fun to do, if someone records video of it, you can be banned for it...

Title: Re: Shadow ettiquette
Post by: Undeterred on June 14, 2012, 01:02:00 pm
As much as it might sound fun to do, if someone records video of it, you can be banned for it...
I know... but thanks Brok... that's why I had a chuckle when Hate said I'm going to get banned tonite