EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on June 17, 2012, 07:50:25 am

Title: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Hunter on June 17, 2012, 07:50:25 am
A new spell file 061712 is now available.

Created new 6.0 Pets for Beastlords, Enchanters, Mages, Necros, and Rangers.

These pets are clickies off their Epic 6.0 weapons. For the Ranger, it'll be off the swords, not the bow.

These clickies are all 5 seconds casting time to summon, and 60 seconds recast time.

The new recast timer type is 58 to separate the timer for any other epics. Later will edit other previous pet clickie epics to be the same timer type of 58 to separate those clickies from other epic clickies.

You'll notice the new pets are a LOT stronger with more HP, Damage, AC, etc.

Some 4.0 - 5.0 Pets have been made stronger as well, with more HP, etc.

Testing new idea of giving pets to Rangers (Sort of like Hunters in WoW). Currently its only for the Rangers Epic 6.0 Sword. If this works out and everyone likes it, then I'll add them Epics previous to the 6.0 as well.

Planning to add spells to each of the pets to make them all special or different from each other, such as Necro pets get life taps, etc. Might make Mage pets do some high DD nukes, enchanter Pets rune a group, etc.

Might create Druid and Shaman Epic 6.0 Pets later, depends on my mood, feedback, and time.



Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Natedog on June 17, 2012, 08:27:18 am
Looks like I'm 6.0ing my Mage next!

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Hunter on June 17, 2012, 08:40:12 am
Forgot to mention, the 6.0 pets should have a ball park of 750,000 HP to help surviving. High Regen too.

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: napoleonn on June 17, 2012, 09:37:51 am
omg omg omg :D

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Krolsh on June 17, 2012, 09:47:14 am
Planning to add spells to each of the pets to make them all special or different from each other, such as Necro pets get life taps, etc. Might make Mage pets do some high DD nukes, enchanter Pets rune a group, etc.

Might create Druid and Shaman Epic 6.0 Pets later, depends on my mood, feedback, and time.

I'm super excited!  Thanks Hunter!!!!!!

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: zymral on June 17, 2012, 10:12:49 am
Just a question but what is the reason for ranger geting the pet over the bard..... They accually have charm and such.

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Natedog on June 17, 2012, 10:24:30 am
Just a question but what is the reason for ranger geting the pet over the bard..... They accually have charm and such.

Bards are already too awesome! =p

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Nexxel on June 17, 2012, 10:35:27 am
Dont have any 6.0 pets yet alone a 5.0, heheh but we all appreciate everything your doing Hunter, Thanks.

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Brokyn on June 17, 2012, 12:17:26 pm
I can't recall off hand, but I don't think Rangers get pet affinity AA.  Would you consider adding it in, so the new pets can get the benefit of group heals and buffs, please?  :)

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: zymral on June 17, 2012, 12:48:54 pm
I might be wrong but i am pretty sure aas are handled though the emu and as such are not able to be added

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: lerxst2112 on June 17, 2012, 03:54:51 pm
I might be wrong but i am pretty sure aas are handled though the emu and as such are not able to be added

You are wrong. :)  AAs are able to be changed in the database to give them to additional classes, add new ones, etc.

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Hunter on June 17, 2012, 06:52:17 pm
I'll think about it when I have time :)

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Brokyn on June 18, 2012, 06:17:49 am
I didn't get any parse data, but I can tell you that a T6 Ranger Pet was summoned and did not last through the first full round of melee against the Girplan Slavemaster.

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: napoleonn on June 18, 2012, 02:10:28 pm
Loving beast 6.0 pet. I can tell the dps is a bonus and it's hps are alot higher cause he dont die in t5 easy to reposte

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Hunter on June 18, 2012, 05:31:18 pm
Updated Pet Affinity to be for all classes in the AA's table. Hopefully it works after reboot.

Ranger Pets are over 3 million HP for now (after reboot), just for fun.


Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Natedog on June 18, 2012, 07:30:42 pm
Updated Pet Affinity to be for all classes in the AA's table. Hopefully it works after reboot.

Ranger Pets are over 3 million HP for now (after reboot), just for fun.


Now ranger pet can tank OMM lol

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Premador on June 19, 2012, 11:44:38 am
Any changes to 4.5 pets? or any plans to update them to 4.5 status from 4.0?

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Blurring on June 19, 2012, 12:53:16 pm
Excited to try out the ranger pet with pet affinity, thanks Hunter! I was wondering if you might consider a similar update allowing the AA Pet Discipline (/pet hold command) for all classes? Either way thanks again for the pet updates :)

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Ennoia on June 19, 2012, 01:12:39 pm
Any changes to 4.5 pets? or any plans to update them to 4.5 status from 4.0?

Hopefully not until knight weapons are updated...

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: napoleonn on June 20, 2012, 08:31:30 pm
Any changes to 4.5 pets? or any plans to update them to 4.5 status from 4.0?

Hopefully not until knight weapons are updated...
I'm not sure about any other pet besides beastlords, but imo all .5 pets sucked. Ya i know they were different, but honestly any difference in the pets from 4.0-5.0 would make them to op for t5 which is where you'd get them. So i think 4.5 pet should just be over looked cause it seems like more work to change them and balance then to just say eh there good enough. That would only make people want 5.5 pets and i just think its a waste of hunters time. As far as knight epics, i'd hope just the click would change not the healing dmg cause there already good enough imo.

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Fliker on June 24, 2012, 12:30:50 am

Any chance of getting "Pet Discipline" aa for /pet hold on chanters and other pet masters that don't already have it?


Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Hunter on June 24, 2012, 01:47:44 am
Sure, after next reboot.

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Fliker on June 24, 2012, 03:46:33 am
Thank you Bossman

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Griz on June 29, 2012, 07:00:08 pm
On the topic of spreading AAs around, how about Jewelcrafting Mastery and Weapon Affinity for all classes? Sony eventually knuckled down and gave them to everyone on live.

Edit: This wouldn't suddenly make druids/clerics/shamans overpowered, as they can only use Icestrikes.

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Natedog on June 29, 2012, 07:32:39 pm
Weapon Affinity would be nice to see on clerics heh

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Griz on June 29, 2012, 08:58:29 pm
Cleric kinda has the double whammy of no weapon affinity and no procratemod like the loladin epic. Sure word of viv kicks ass, but a cleric SHOULD be the best healer since they can't tank.

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Natedog on June 29, 2012, 09:02:29 pm
Cleric kinda has the double whammy of no weapon affinity and no procratemod like the loladin epic. Sure word of viv kicks ass, but a cleric SHOULD be the best healer since they can't tank.

Also with the new T5 paladin spell .. paladins have vivi as well.. BUT its on a longer cooldown 30sec instead of 4.5sec

Clerics do need some weapon affinity love! =p

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Griz on June 29, 2012, 11:00:19 pm
Once the hammer pet NPC is fixed so it can actually proc heals I think clerics will be in better shape. Right now it's basically just an enchanter pet. I can understand why you shouldn't be able to hail it (it's supposed to be a hammer, not a floating pair of fireblades) but it should actually be a hammer :P

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: Doublep on July 09, 2012, 10:05:17 pm
Any chance of the other epics not sure of which but o Know SK still needs a 4.5-6.0 update for the clickie if possible when get chance Thanks.

Title: Re: Updated 6.0 Pets
Post by: hateborne on July 10, 2012, 07:33:38 pm

