EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Aryn on June 21, 2012, 12:19:10 am

Title: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: Aryn on June 21, 2012, 12:19:10 am
The instructions for everything else on EZ Server is pretty straight-forward, but obtaining the Underfoot or an "SoD+" version of EQ is impossible. 

I tried to get UF, but they were all steam-related.  They wouldn't work.  (Hunter made the post in Nov. of 2011.)  Steam stopped releasing UF since then, so I'm out of luck.  I stopped playing for a few months, and the client changes to something unobtainable!

How am I supposed to work with this?  I'm using Titanium and was told by someone that my characters are "60% weaker" because I have an outdated client.  What should I do?  I'd like to continue playing my characters.  I love them.  o.o;    Heeeelp!!!  ... Please?

Title: Re: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: Nexxel on June 21, 2012, 12:46:43 am
Go to Here http://hateborne.dyndns.org/ezserver/clients/ (http://hateborne.dyndns.org/ezserver/clients/)

Download all the files in that directory.

Use 7zip to unzip them. NOT WINRAR!! download 7zip it is free and use it.

download ezserver spell and server files shown on your left side of screen. add them into the main directory of where you put the above download.

Title: Re: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: Aryn on June 21, 2012, 12:48:01 am
Thanks!  I'll get to it right now!!

Title: Re: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: Nexxel on June 21, 2012, 12:48:35 am
Oh and if you see hateborne in game thank him because befor he put up his file server it was always a pain in the #$%^ to try and help sombody get a damb client.  ;D

Title: Re: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: Aryn on June 21, 2012, 12:49:43 am
Certainly, I will do that!  ^^  Thank you, thank you!!  I'm ever so grateful.

Title: Re: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: napoleonn on June 21, 2012, 01:20:58 am
Don't forget to get the PoD and Bothunder files as well. Think there under fixes in hate's link.

Title: Re: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: Aryn on June 21, 2012, 11:08:36 am
Ok, you're right.  The fixes were here:  http://hateborne.dyndns.org/ezserver/fixes/ (http://hateborne.dyndns.org/ezserver/fixes/)

Title: Re: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: Hunter on June 21, 2012, 09:52:32 pm
login server bug, just keep relogging in.

Title: Re: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: ho0ked on June 21, 2012, 09:54:35 pm
Download the multiple files from hates link.
Download 7zip and install it.
Find you toons files in your old client, save them some where. they have your toons name in them. (This gives you some* of your settings so you don't have to redo them all with your new UF client)

Use 7zip to extract the file #1, and it will auto-extract the rest of the files.

Get the ezserver files and spells, and the missing bot files listed above.

Make a shortcut for the eqgame.exe, change the host addy, put patchme in your shortcut.

Copy your toon files back in to UF.

Login, fix any settings needed and rock on.

Title: Re: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: Aryn on June 21, 2012, 10:19:41 pm
login server bug, just keep relogging in.

I don't have any list of servers after 20 tries, but it sometimes says 0 of 21 expansions.  Sometimes it says 0 of 29 expansions.

This sucks.  Hooked didn't read anything from the post except the topic.  :/

Title: Re: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: Aryn on June 21, 2012, 10:24:53 pm
Ok, I opened the 7z file up and checked to see if the eqgame.exe file was in it,.... and it is.  For some reason it didn't extract the first time. ??? I'll try this again.  ;(

My grandma logged my profile on the computer out while it was downloading the pieces, so I'm going to try downloading them all over again.  Lol.  We'll see how this goes.  It will probably work.  Woot!!  (Hurry up and wait~!)

I redownloaded all the files and it worked!!!  I am now playing with Underfoot!!!  I'm so happy I'm going to cry.  XD  Thanks, all!~~~

Title: Re: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: ho0ked on June 24, 2012, 01:01:01 pm
login server bug, just keep relogging in.

I don't have any list of servers after 20 tries, but it sometimes says 0 of 21 expansions.  Sometimes it says 0 of 29 expansions.

This sucks.  Hooked didn't read anything from the post except the topic.  :/

I was trying to tell you the right way to do it because you obviously did something wrong, or it got interupted and/or corupted.

Hates link also does not state to uzip all the files by starting with file#1 and that it auto-unzips all the rest from there.

I was helping you ensure you did it properly
You were missing files and you had to redo it like I stated to correct it.

Your welcome  ;)

Title: Re: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: hateborne on June 26, 2012, 12:20:07 am

I can only hand so much of it away. Already bought a small box to host, 50 MB/s upload/download (yes symmetrical), and spend time maintaining.

I was kind of hoping that after doing all of it that some could at least figure out the unzipping.

On a non-dickish note, if you are ever unsure of a file-type...Google. In all seriousness, ".001 file". I am a low end IT grunt and get weird ass file types from our sales persons' customers. This is how I figure wtf they just sent us.


Title: Re: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: Aryn on June 28, 2012, 01:23:12 am
I understood the unzipping.  The problem that I had was that the files were corrupted.   :-\   When I combined the files and extracted the goods, some files had errors and weren't able to be created.  Thanks for the great files, Hate!!  :D  (I'm just a silly willy who left the computer unattended, and my grandmother logged my profile out while the parts were downloading, resulting in corrupted files.  @_@)

Anyhow...  Does anyone else hear nothing when playing?  I have all the music, but it's not playing.   I'm so close to perfection!    :'(

Title: Re: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: Sebastionleo on June 28, 2012, 01:28:24 am
I understood the unzipping.  The problem that I had was that the files were corrupted.   :-\   When I combined the files and extracted the goods, some files had errors and weren't able to be created.  Thanks for the great files, Hate!!  :D  (I'm just a silly willy who left the computer unattended, and my grandmother logged my profile out while the parts were downloading, resulting in corrupted files.  @_@)

Anyhow...  Does anyone else hear nothing when playing?  I have all the music, but it's not playing.   I'm so close to perfection!    :'(

All of my music was added to my WMP library and I can listen to EQ music even when I'm not playing it now!

Title: Re: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: Aryn on June 28, 2012, 01:37:52 am
But... but... I want to hear the crunch of the bodies I hit.  I want to hear the suspenseful fight music.  ლ(ಠ_ಠ)ლ

Title: Re: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: Nexxel on June 28, 2012, 02:00:05 am
Firsh thing is see if (sounds) is turned on. In the main directory there is a application called Optionseditor. Go through it and on the last page there is a list of things that can be toggled/checked on or off. sound is one of those things.

Title: Re: Can't upgrade to UF!! D:
Post by: Aryn on June 28, 2012, 02:31:15 am
Thanks!  I figured it out now.  I'm so excited about these new spells and files just posted.  Now that I have sound, it will be even better.  ^^