EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: floorlava on July 16, 2012, 11:52:22 am

Title: rounding out my group..
Post by: floorlava on July 16, 2012, 11:52:22 am
Hey everyone,

I recently started on this server, I quit playing on live a few years ago and I had been playing since launch.  I never go to do any endgame content after PoTime so this server is perfect for me.

Anyways, I've been leveling up some toons to make a 6 man squad, and I want to make sure I have the right class composition before I start getting epics and whatnot. Right now my group consists of:


Am I going to need a cleric?  I can easily swap out the druid for a cleric.  I don't even like the druid.  I made it because I figured it would be good for powerleveling.  I'm also thinking about adding a bard.. maybe swapping out the beastlord for a bard.  Thoughts?

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: Liveye on July 16, 2012, 11:57:15 am
I went with all the pet classes right away, and now I'm putting UCs and such on melees and getting strike augs. I think it helps tremendously to have 4.0 pet damage to help boost all your other characters up. Kind of like how people make casters mains on Live to boost up their melee alts...

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: Brokyn on July 16, 2012, 02:39:39 pm
The druid regen will be great for doing RoA later, but a bard damage shield is the real PL tool...  You probably should swap out the druid for a cleric.  Having 2 healers will definitely be a help.  BST is pretty high dps later on when you get him set up with strike augs, and the pet dps will help you early on for sure...

Some things to consider as you go along...  You might want to keep the druid, and add a shaman, for RoA later on down the road.  Shaman HP buff and druid regen, with bard damage shield will make your RoA runs much faster.

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 16, 2012, 03:05:48 pm
Drop the druid and add a cleric or another paladin. Depending on what you have the bst and mag there for drop one and add the bard you mentioned. If you are wanting pure dps, drop the mage and keep the bst, if you are wanting the utility of mage plus dps, drop the bst. Keep the druid account clean though, (don't put your cleric or paladin on that account) as later on you will want to use it for ring runs and such. Also add a shaman later on for the hp buff and maybe kraken, (from outside group). I would have those as extra toons outside of my main group though. You might also consider using a shaman instead of the pally or cleric as they have the hp buff plus kraken and some decent heals.

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: floorlava on July 16, 2012, 04:27:34 pm
Awesome replies!  Thanks everyone.  :o

Sounds like I really need to get a cleric.  I'm pretty sick of leveling toons up though, since my warrior isn't at 70 yet and he'll be the 6th character I've taken to 70 in the past 2 weeks. It is getting old.

How far do you guys think I could get with my current setup? I was having a little trouble on some of the bosses in potimea but I'm still getting used to running all those toons, and having the warrior will help a lot I think. How far can I go before I have to go back to leveling guys up?

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: MacofMacs on July 16, 2012, 04:40:23 pm
With what you have right now you should be able to complete T2, T3 will be a little bit more rough tho

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: floorlava on July 16, 2012, 04:59:11 pm
Awesome. That's going to keep me busy for a while.

I figure eventually I'll just have a second 6 man group.  Bard, shaman, put the druid in this group and put a cleric in the first group.. and I guess I can fill the other spots with DPS.  3 rogues maybe?  Are rogues any good? I never hear them talked about.

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: marxist on July 16, 2012, 05:35:28 pm
Druid is a complete waste IMO...if young are using a bard correctly to roa you will be leveling way faster than regent ticks. And I would get a cleric or pally set up now, the extra heals make everything easier.

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 17, 2012, 07:59:18 pm
I agree on the druid, if anything I would use it for ring runs but that is about it and even then, bard ds with enough hp from your shaman should ding heal  you fast enough. As for the second group I would do the Shaman, Paladin, (an extra one) bard, and hateborne hateborne hateborne wizard wizard wizard.

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: marxist on July 18, 2012, 08:08:51 am
i have a love/hate relationship with wizards...uc'd they still manage to die too often, but they do pretty good dps w/o any augs (need uc though, must have past t4)

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: Griz on July 18, 2012, 10:31:02 am
I feel like for classes who actually use mana, mana pool is just too hilariously small. You can really only get off like 4 casts of yamikagis in a row because even with a UC, you only have like 80k mana. It would be nice if gear for casters actually had similar mana to HP (HP would still be higher due to buffs).

Also, I think an upgraded manastone should drop in one of the new zones, perhaps sharing a cooldown with the existing one, but taking a large bite of hp->mana with a 10s cooldown or something.

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: hateborne on July 18, 2012, 11:40:48 am
It's just wizards. I would like to see the mana cost of the T3 spell come down, but I am unsure on how to balance it out. Possibly leave mana cost but increase the mana on gear.

At the extreme high end, mana is much less of an issue. On constant fighting, about the 5th fight is when I run dry on Hate. On my other two goober wizards, they are dry every fight.

Maybe it would be worth considering to increase mana on wizard gear by 50%? (I can write the query obviously)


Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: floorlava on July 18, 2012, 11:42:41 am
Thanks for the replies everyone.  I'm going to try to get to at least the first tier with my existing group before I make the 2nd one.  I just got the warrior to 70 last night so I'm going to farm potime for a while and get everyone (except the druid) epic 1.5, then maybe I'll make the cleric and do one last potime run before finally moving on.  Yay!

On an unrelated note, can someone tell me how to go about creating a guild here? I haven't seen anything about it in all my browsings of the forums.

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: Griz on July 18, 2012, 12:10:42 pm
Well, like I said, more mana pool will let people who haven't UCed their wizard yet get off a couple more casts. My wizard is in T2-T3 with mostly mana regen augs and I can only get off 2 casts, then I need to regen a tick, and I can cast a third, then harvest, then I can cast a 4th. Your overall DPS will be about the same, but you can actually cast a few more spells back to back when you need to burst something down (like adds)

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: hateborne on July 18, 2012, 12:17:09 pm
Thanks for the replies everyone.  I'm going to try to get to at least the first tier with my existing group before I make the 2nd one.  I just got the warrior to 70 last night so I'm going to farm potime for a while and get everyone (except the druid) epic 1.5, then maybe I'll make the cleric and do one last potime run before finally moving on.  Yay!

On an unrelated note, can someone tell me how to go about creating a guild here? I haven't seen anything about it in all my browsings of the forums.

Email the bossman (the_poet_warrior@hotmail.com) and give him the relevant info (your character name to be guild leader, the guild name, etc etc).

You can get decently far with your set up. Most people want clerics for Divine Intervention which (in some cases) can save your tank from getting pooped on. With two tanks you might survive that, but just play it. Everything (to some degree) comes down to personal choice. I run Shadowknight, Cleric, Bard, Wizard, Wizard, Wizard and do well enough. If I lose my SK, my big wizard (Hateborne) becomes my tank. If I lose my cleric, I will generally evac though.

So yeah, tl;dr - play what feels right and is fun. Screw popular choice. If you have fun running 6 mages, FUGGIN' DO IT YO!


Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: floorlava on July 18, 2012, 05:36:15 pm


Good advice, aces to you, sir.  I'm just leery of not having a cleric since when I played on live you couldn't do any high end content without the 'holy trinity' (cleric warrior enchanter) -- or at least it would be exceedingly difficult. I didn't want to get through potime and find out I need a cleric all of a sudden.

Also I've already indulged my personal tastes.. monk and beastlord are my favorite classes :D Maybe I'll just make 6 more monks.

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: hateborne on July 18, 2012, 05:57:02 pm
Heh go for it.

If I wasn't so damned lazy and don't want to really charm up 6 more characters, I would be running 7 wizards.


Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: Tornasu on July 19, 2012, 02:51:07 pm
Welcome to EZ server and enjoy your 100+ hour grind in LDON4 + HOH to make it into T5!

Oh thats per each chars UC.

[Edit] Damn that sounds just pumped full of venom. Just venting, UCing a group will break your soul.
UC came out when t3? was popped if im not mistaken, maybe a bit later.

But TOFS comes out sometime soon we can hope =]

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: Kovou on July 19, 2012, 03:33:58 pm
come on now the first UC is the hardest the rest dont take 100+ hours....and if yoru lucky you can get UC x3 like i did in like 20-25 hours

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: hateborne on July 19, 2012, 04:00:03 pm
come on now the first UC is the hardest the rest dont take 100+ hours....and if yoru lucky you can get UC x3 like i did in like 20-25 hours


*wave Kovou*


Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: Chunka on July 19, 2012, 04:23:48 pm
Once you get a BST to 4.0 it becomes pretty derned gnarly, DPS wise.....especially if you aug the epics and add a bard to the group, and/or have a shammy dropping krak. Prior to 4.0 the BST pet is nice damage, but not stellar...and it just plain dies too damned much.

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: floorlava on July 20, 2012, 05:03:20 pm
Once you get a BST to 4.0 it becomes pretty derned gnarly, DPS wise.....especially if you aug the epics and add a bard to the group, and/or have a shammy dropping krak. Prior to 4.0 the BST pet is nice damage, but not stellar...and it just plain dies too damned much.

I find the pet to be a pain in the ass.  Does the pet affinity AA make the pet get hit by the pally epic 1.0 proc?

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: Sebastionleo on July 23, 2012, 11:52:46 pm
Once you get a BST to 4.0 it becomes pretty derned gnarly, DPS wise.....especially if you aug the epics and add a bard to the group, and/or have a shammy dropping krak. Prior to 4.0 the BST pet is nice damage, but not stellar...and it just plain dies too damned much.

I find the pet to be a pain in the ass.  Does the pet affinity AA make the pet get hit by the pally epic 1.0 proc?

Pet affinity makes it get hit by EVERYTHING. Got a paladin in group with an epic weapon? bam pet gets healed. Cleric using vivi? bam, pet is healed. You get the idea. Pet affinity is easily the #1 AA for any pet class on this server. If you have titanium its worth it to upgrade to SoD+ simply for the fact you're not required to put 6 points in general and 12 in archetype before getting class AAs, so you can get pet affinity asap.

Title: Re: rounding out my group..
Post by: Griz on July 24, 2012, 12:01:54 am
Little known fact, your pet getting hit is based on the owner getting hit, not the proximity of the pet to the person doing the group cast. Your pet can be out of range, and if you are in range, your pet gets the heal/buff. However, if the owner is out of range but the pet isn't, the pet doesn't get the buff/heal.