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General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Mattnaik on July 23, 2012, 09:09:39 am

Title: Next 3 toons
Post by: Mattnaik on July 23, 2012, 09:09:39 am
So working on getting my first 3 toons to 70 (Warrior, Paladin, Necro) and want to start thinking about my next 3 toons to finish up my group. I haven't played Live since the level cap was 50 so my I have very little idea of how the synergies work between classes and a good group makeup.

So far the pally proc from the 1.0 is enough to keep my 3 toons up most of the time unless i get into trouble with roamers. I assume that proc would not be enough to heal an entire group on boss fights on harder content though. So I assume I need to start thinking about a Cleric? Are there any other heal classes that I should consider?

I figured I should fill out the rest with DPS. I played a ranger on Live back in the day. They were never top on the DPS charts but decent. Are they a viable DPS class? The utility of a Bard seems like it would be useful and I hear they are great for RoA PLing but would they be worthwhile outside of that? Can they DPS well?

The main concern I have for these last 3 classes is will they be easy to play while multiboxing? right now I don't have to focus on healing since it's all just automatically procing from the pally but having to time heals while focusing on everyone else might prove to be a steep learning curve so the less difficult classes are preferable.

Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: Griz on July 23, 2012, 09:59:24 am
Monk Bard Cleric

Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: Sebastionleo on July 23, 2012, 11:55:41 pm
Monk Bard Cleric

This so hard.

Paladin epic will support you all the way up through t1, t3 if you get it a 4.0. Adding a 2nd healer is required beyond t3 unless your tank overgears the content.

Bard is the #1 spot for your group for DPS because every char you have either hits the mob themselves, or has a pet who does, and Bard provides a badass proc song. Monk is the best augged DPS if you have a bard in the group.

Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: Griz on July 24, 2012, 12:00:38 am
Clerics kind of are awesome and suck at the same time. They do bad damage even with a UC and their proc healing is less reliable and streaky, but word of viv is great, so is mark of emperors and DI.

Really all fixing clerics would take is giving them a 50 procratemod on their weapon and access to the Weapon Affinity AA (and fixing their unswerving hammer spells)

Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: marxist on July 24, 2012, 03:39:43 pm
Cleric / bard / ranger pally or monk work...could also do a beastlord for pet dps early and can still Aug it later.  2nd pally makes things smoother. And rangers are even with monks more or less...and get a pet in t6 that should make them #1 dps

Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: Griz on July 24, 2012, 03:49:45 pm
I don't know how good the T5+ ranger pet is. Does it have a comparable proc to the bst/mage pets?

Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: marxist on July 24, 2012, 05:05:45 pm
Don't think it exists yet. 1 mob to go on my ranger however

Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: Fugitive on July 24, 2012, 05:08:08 pm
2x enchanter 1 Druid...

Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: Nexxel on July 24, 2012, 05:23:12 pm
2nd paly, and monk, cleric.

Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: Sebastionleo on July 24, 2012, 05:34:20 pm
2nd paly, and monk, cleric.

Going without a bard? He's going to take days to kill anything.

Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: Griz on July 24, 2012, 06:22:54 pm
No kraken/TB3 and 3 healers, ugh. Really, Cleric/Paladin should be plenty. T2 and T4 will be rough for you probably until you get your tank geared, but you should be okay.

The "3 healer group" reminds me of this guy I saw from Phoenix Fire who ran war/war/pal/pal/pal/cleric. I saw him spawn a kronos once, and after 20 minutes he had it at like 50%. I finished it off for him and FDed at 2% as an act of mercy so the damned tiki would respawn.

Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: Mattnaik on July 25, 2012, 10:26:33 am
Alright next question: How far in progression do you think I can get with my first 3 toons (War, Pal, Necro) without having to level the next 3. I really would like to take a break from leveling 1-70 before diving back in.

Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: Griz on July 25, 2012, 10:38:07 am
You can probably do up through T1/T2 with those 3, but you are most likely gonna need to grind some ldons to get the loladin an oracle 11 charm.

Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: Warbash on July 25, 2012, 04:04:57 pm
Monk bard cleric for sure, I am not sure about the necro as I dont play one but the dps output of a necro and the pet proc issues when stuck in a wall would make me think twice about using it much past t4. That being said I am only in t5 atm but I would add another monk to maximize the dps from bard in place of the necro.

So I would sugguest War, Pal Brd, Mnk, Mnk, Clr.

I am probably wrong but that is my feeling.

Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: hateborne on July 25, 2012, 06:55:01 pm
Start 3 wizards. Collectively one shot things. Bask in the glory of free ranger gates.


Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: Hunter on July 25, 2012, 07:09:01 pm
Wonder how Sam would have done on here, maybe get up to T2?

Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: Griz on July 25, 2012, 09:34:22 pm
lol Sam Deathwalker

Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: Undeterred on July 26, 2012, 08:44:32 am
Start 3 wizards. Collectively one shot things. Bask in the glory of free ranger gates.

Hate, wouldn't he have to drop the war and necro and go Pal/Bard/Cleric/3 Wiz?

I was considering a group like that for fun

Title: Re: Next 3 toons
Post by: hateborne on July 26, 2012, 09:52:04 am
That would actually work slightly better than my group honestly. The second heals and stronger Stonewall, plus cure spam.

The only trade off is no trivial mana HoT (Thirst of Muram). The bard mana songs work well, the 3.5 and 4.0 click restore a truck load of mana, and the spell damage bonus from Ancient Call of Power.

Yeah, go for it.
