EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: boby21 on May 03, 2010, 10:15:50 pm

Title: Big Problem Gm plz!!
Post by: boby21 on May 03, 2010, 10:15:50 pm
So let me explain I made a big mistake by returning the charms to the gatekeeper so I lost all my credits, if you could help me plz My char name is Xenoss i lost 1800 credit i lost the sorcer charm i thought it had to give!!

Title: Re: Big Problem Gm plz!!
Post by: Reed on May 03, 2010, 10:19:32 pm
ouch, painful.
Well as Hunter said before, he checks the forums. It may not get fixed immediately, but in a timely manner.

Title: Re: Big Problem Gm plz!!
Post by: boby21 on May 03, 2010, 10:26:33 pm
ok no problems

Title: Re: Big Problem Gm plz!!
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 03, 2010, 11:39:33 pm
To the best of my knowledge he doesn't return items accidentally given to npc's. Before pets started returning charms I gave away a 15+1 and a 12+1 sorc charm to my pet. Good luck getting it back.

Title: Re: Big Problem Gm plz!!
Post by: xoltrek on May 04, 2010, 06:16:53 am
last time i do this mistake. but npc give me back the charm and just lost upgrade not both.

Better way is to ask to hunter.

He will probably need the char name and the time when you done the action (to check in log).

If he is in good day, you will maybe get it back.

Title: Re: Big Problem Gm plz!!
Post by: Lodar on May 04, 2010, 07:16:59 am
hopefully youll get it back if it was a mistake... god know how long the farming is lol

Title: Re: Big Problem Gm plz!!
Post by: Thyl on May 04, 2010, 09:50:16 am
I remember early on when I had been up for like 36 hours I was transfering some FG or CG items to another character.  I actually gave 4 items to pet.  I was so tired I didnt even notice the obvious window difference.

Title: Re: Big Problem Gm plz!!
Post by: Reed on May 04, 2010, 04:40:09 pm
i could have swore that NPCs didnt accept stuff that didnt have anything to do with them. They just gave everything back and said they have no use for it.
So if you give a charm to gatekeeper shouldn't he just return it?

Title: Re: Big Problem Gm plz!!
Post by: Karbuk on May 04, 2010, 04:47:28 pm
i could have swore that NPCs didnt accept stuff that didnt have anything to do with them. They just gave everything back and said they have no use for it.
So if you give a charm to gatekeeper shouldn't he just return it?

Well dunno about an already upgraded charm but i know you can give Charm Upgrades to gatekeeper and get like 200 credits for it...no clue on a charm with lvls on it :P, but its possible the NPC took both.  In which case ya might be screwed dude, I know ya cant get items from the bird bath back :/

Title: Re: Big Problem Gm plz!!
Post by: Reed on May 04, 2010, 04:49:48 pm
i see i see, good knowledge to have for sure.
yeah the bird bath i imagine eats items, because the possibility of exploiting it.
i remember on live when you could leave stuff in the forges while smithing.
leave a no drop combine item in the forge, leave, let a friend use it, take the no drop item.
was fixed uhmm... very quickly heh.

Title: Re: Big Problem Gm plz!!
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 04, 2010, 06:15:44 pm
Lol I remember way back when I first started my brother went up into one of the houses in NFP and put a couple bags on the ground and relogged with another toon. One of the bags had poofed. Another time he did it in a corner and one of the guards picked it up, lol. I used to put mine in the forge and relog real quick to transfer items. Luckily I never lost anything like that. I did get trade scammed once though.

Title: Re: Big Problem Gm plz!!
Post by: Reed on May 04, 2010, 07:56:33 pm
yeah, i remember the day i lost alt gear to the cleaners in Ak'Anon. little robo-mice picking everything up.
literally slaughtered all the robots and gnome faction looking for it all again.... no where to be found. Me on the other hand, could be found outside killing kobalds *sigh*

Title: Re: Big Problem Gm plz!!
Post by: xoltrek on May 05, 2010, 08:15:05 am
i could have swore that NPCs didnt accept stuff that didnt have anything to do with them. They just gave everything back and said they have no use for it.
So if you give a charm to gatekeeper shouldn't he just return it?

That was my probleme.

I give guardian charm level 5 and one upgrade.
then gatekeeper give me back my guardian charm level 5 and i lost my upgrade but he gave me 200 LDON credits.

That's why i don't understand how did he lost everything.

Title: Re: Big Problem Gm plz!!
Post by: Kaldar on May 05, 2010, 08:36:25 am
The gatekeeper is supposed to do that. He takes upgrades you dont need and gives 200 points for them. He correctly returned your charm though because he isn't supposed to take that. Nothing wrong with that NPC.

But maybe if you ask Hunter real nice perhaps he might refund it to you.. ?

Title: Re: Big Problem Gm plz!!
Post by: Lodar on May 05, 2010, 11:09:49 am
Lol I remember way back when I first started my brother went up into one of the houses in NFP and put a couple bags on the ground and relogged with another toon. One of the bags had poofed. Another time he did it in a corner and one of the guards picked it up, lol. I used to put mine in the forge and relog real quick to transfer items. Luckily I never lost anything like that. I did get trade scammed once though.

And then the shared bank was invented... how nice! ;D

Title: Re: Big Problem Gm plz!!
Post by: Reed on May 05, 2010, 06:41:23 pm
i could have swore that NPCs didnt accept stuff that didnt have anything to do with them. They just gave everything back and said they have no use for it.
So if you give a charm to gatekeeper shouldn't he just return it?

That was my probleme.

I give guardian charm level 5 and one upgrade.
then gatekeeper give me back my guardian charm level 5 and i lost my upgrade but he gave me 200 LDON credits.

That's why i don't understand how did he lost everything.

yeah gatekeeper accepts "junk" for LDoN points. there is like a charm dealer or augment dealer... whatever, next to the gatekeeper who upgrades charms. just gotta hail and he tells it all