EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on August 12, 2012, 02:35:35 am

Title: Updates 08-12-12
Post by: Hunter on August 12, 2012, 02:35:35 am
Spell file 081212 is now available.

Title: Re: Updates 08-12-12
Post by: hateborne on August 12, 2012, 11:31:46 pm
Ok, this is a bit overdue:

Cleric's 3.0 shield click is also now a spell scroll, found in Plane of Dragons for ~8k.


Bard's new click is One Man Band, adds quite a "punch" for a little bit. :-D
Beastlord gets a small proc rune for pet (from melee).
Berserker got scaled up AoE click/proc.
Clerics have a new AoE click. gogo raid loving!
Druids have a new on-heal proc. Must be single target heals.
Enchanters saw no new change. They had pets and Gift of Force proc before this.
Mages will see a fun little proc when pewpew'ing. Be warned, pets may become very angry.
Monks have a very impressive proc and threat-reduction click (on very short cooldown).
Necromancers have a dirty little damage bonus when casting DoTs. Occasionally, things get stronger for a brief period.
Paladins now have a very strong HoT click.
Rogues have scaled up Daggerfell clicks.
Rangers recently (but not specifically epics 'patch') saw Ninjastrike effect attached to the bows by default.
Shadowknights have scaled up Harm Touch clicks.
Shaman have new HP clicks and have started proc'ing some very dirty little debuff. Might be worth looking at closely.
Wizards have scaled up runes with small twincast chance on 5.0+ epics.

Druids/Rangers got scaled up Vine Grasps.
---NOTE: The Vine Grasps now have a minor DoT component as well. With higher charms, this will prove to be...dirty.
Paladins/Clerics see scaled up Holy Knight Strikes.


Title: Re: Updates 08-12-12
Post by: Gannicus on August 12, 2012, 11:38:34 pm
Rangers recently (but not specifically epics) saw Ninjastrike effect attached to the bows by default.


Being the curious person I am, does this mean that ranger bows now have a Ninjastrike effect or it did and was removed due to it being a flaw?

Title: Re: Updates 08-12-12
Post by: hateborne on August 12, 2012, 11:48:37 pm

Being the curious person I am, does this mean that ranger bows now have a Ninjastrike effect or it did and was removed due to it being a flaw?

Fixed wording. They should have it starting with 3.0 (first bow?) and up.


Title: Re: Updates 08-12-12
Post by: Gannicus on August 12, 2012, 11:53:15 pm

Being the curious person I am, does this mean that ranger bows now have a Ninjastrike effect or it did and was removed due to it being a flaw?

Fixed wording. They should have it starting with 3.0 (first bow?) and up.


Sounds good, I assume the higher the epic the stronger the NS effect?

Title: Re: Updates 08-12-12
Post by: Brokyn on August 13, 2012, 06:48:06 am
Sounds good, I assume the higher the epic the stronger the NS effect?

Bad assumption...  the higher the NS aug, the stronger the NS effect.

Title: Re: Updates 08-12-12
Post by: Blurring on September 05, 2012, 05:51:26 am
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