EZ Server

General Category => User Interfaces => Topic started by: robpickles on May 04, 2010, 12:41:33 pm

Title: In-Game Macros
Post by: robpickles on May 04, 2010, 12:41:33 pm
I was wondering if anyone had any useful in-game macros that they use to make things run more efficiently.

You favorites?  Your must-haves?

**This thread inspired by Lodar's post about his /autofire macro** LOL!

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Lodar on May 04, 2010, 12:42:16 pm
/camp desktop

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: robpickles on May 04, 2010, 12:46:23 pm
LOL!  Inspired by you Lodar...

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Lodar on May 04, 2010, 01:10:29 pm
/autofire off
/attack on


Another I am using on my mage.. since he is on auto-follow, its easier just to click one button and go back to my tank...

/tar Genelor
/pause 5
/assist Genelor
/pause 5
/pet attack

The reason I have pauses is sometimes lag or speed of execution... no pause i get the Genelor is not a valid target lol

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Tacticulous on May 04, 2010, 01:27:52 pm
/autofire off
/attack on


Another I am using on my mage.. since he is on auto-follow, its easier just to click one button and go back to my tank...

/tar Genelor
/pause 5
/assist Genelor
/pause 5
/pet attack

The reason I have pauses is sometimes lag or speed of execution... no pause i get the Genelor is not a valid target lol

Why target the person to assist first? /assist Genelor is all you need.

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Reed on May 04, 2010, 04:57:50 pm
for my mage and necro, to buff pets and ensure healing buff is on.

4 is my pet Cavalier Barrier (or whatever
5 is pet haste
1 is double healing spell

/cast 1
/pause 10
/cast 4
/pause 30
/cast 5

Really simple, but allows me to just click the macro and go to next char.

for items you can do

/cast item "aegis of superior divinity 3.0"

this allows you to make macros that click epics for extra dps/ buffs as well as other worn items.

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: qualin on May 04, 2010, 09:11:39 pm
Are 5 lines the limit?

I think you can do a /pause 10, /somecommand on 1 line sperated by a comma, but are there any other ways to get 6-7 lines?

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Reed on May 04, 2010, 09:57:48 pm
im not entirely sure
i thought you could put multiple commands on the same line. give me a second to find my old fishing macro from Shards of Dalaya.

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Reed on May 04, 2010, 10:00:29 pm
im not entirely sure
i thought you could put multiple commands on the same line. give me a second to find my old fishing macro from Shards of Dalaya.

 Fishing hotkey

The following is a standard fishing hotkey. Using this hotkey you can reduce the required button mashing to once every 60 second or so.

/pause 118,/doability #
/pause 118,/doability #
/pause 118,/doability #
/pause 118,/doability #
/doability #

i recommend adding something like "fishing over" here so u know when your hotkey is done. -liraell (where the last do ability is anyways.

(#) = The slot that fishing is located in the Action/Ability Menu.

With recent changes to the game, it is advised to use this hotkey only when you are actively fishing. A one hour macro ban will be enforced if a set question is not answered.

Tip: Have a large enough chat window exclusively filtered for "other" and /chatfontsize 5 or lower depend on preference. This is where the passcolor check will show up until you close the window. Even if using a fishing bot be sure to have enough food and drink to avoid the spam message of being hungry or thirty from scrolling and blending with one of the passcolors before you notice and enter it.

This was found at our old wiki (SoD that is)


But from the looks of it you can at the very least, include pauses on the same line as commands. separated by commas

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Lodar on May 05, 2010, 06:59:44 am
/autofire off
/attack on


Another I am using on my mage.. since he is on auto-follow, its easier just to click one button and go back to my tank...

/tar Genelor
/pause 5
/assist Genelor
/pause 5
/pet attack

The reason I have pauses is sometimes lag or speed of execution... no pause i get the Genelor is not a valid target lol

Why target the person to assist first? /assist Genelor is all you need.

I know... originally the hotkey was the /target and /follow... i just removed follow and carried on.... lazyness and still works ;p  but i might as well fix is.. ill save /pause 5  ;D

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: qualin on May 05, 2010, 10:07:22 am
I gave the /Cast Item a try.

/Cast Item "Huntmaster's Wristguards"

Tried to do 1 button for
/pause 10,/cast item "Huntmaster's Wristguards"
/pause 10,/cast item "Huntmaster's Boots"

All I got was
Format: Cast 1 - 10
Or something like that

Am I doing something wrong with that?

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: robpickles on May 05, 2010, 10:12:21 am
All I got was
Format: Cast 1 - 10
Or something like that

Am I doing something wrong with that?

I think it is looking for a spell slot - i think.... Maybe /cast item is the wrong command?

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Lodar on May 05, 2010, 02:22:10 pm
yeah the /cast item doesnt work for me either

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Reed on May 05, 2010, 07:11:06 pm
hmm.... strange, i'll look and see. maybe i checked my stuff wrong lol. sorry for giving bad macro advice. i'll fix myself soon enough

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 05, 2010, 10:14:29 pm
Must have pet macro:

/pet hold
/pause 1
/pet attack

When I play my mage I use my pet to burn adds down on boss encounters. When a boss ramps or casts and ae spell the pet gets off the add trash and on the boss. Left alone and you can end up with too many trash mobs for your tank to handle. Pressing this button solves that but you have to watch for when your pet switches targets.

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Reed on May 05, 2010, 10:48:18 pm
my pet macro usually looks like

/target Reed
/pet back off
/pet attack
/attack off

this allows you to assist on your tank, and your pet wont try to attack your main tank because of how fast commands are input. Also, it allows for switching targets because of the pet back off command in there. Also turns off annoying autoattack on your caster

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 05, 2010, 11:02:19 pm
There is a command to turn auto attack on assist off. Can't remember it off hand. Try /autoassist off or /toggleassist off or some variation. It is quite annoying to me as well.

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Reed on May 05, 2010, 11:09:13 pm
i actually stumbled upon this website that has like... every /command ever made for EQ. was thinking about posting them all on forums. but requires some formatting work on my end. lemmie see if i can find the thing you're talking about

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Reed on May 05, 2010, 11:10:44 pm
/assist on/off     Toggles auto attack     

/assist [on/off]

Toggles your auto attack when using /assist RECOMMENDED OFF

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: shea851 on May 05, 2010, 11:30:09 pm
Why do you /target name then /assist?  Why not /assist name?

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Lodar on May 06, 2010, 07:06:05 am
Yeah you dont need all of it reed...
I modified mine and now its...

/assist Tank
/pause 5
/pet attack

The pause is required since EQ tend to run command pretty fast and the target is not always set so pet not attacking

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: qualin on May 06, 2010, 11:15:06 am
I just made this one for my cleric:

/cast 9
/pause 30,/pet target
/pause 15./say buffs
/pet get lost

It summons the pet, gets his buffs on, and sends him away.  I like it.

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Lodar on May 06, 2010, 11:16:35 am
Clerics have pets?

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: qualin on May 06, 2010, 11:27:09 am
It's that hammer pet at like lvl 54.

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 06, 2010, 03:15:16 pm
They get 2 but one doesn't work. It is the lower lvl one that works and buffs you.

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: brcarro on May 06, 2010, 04:19:51 pm
i actually stumbled upon this website that has like... every /command ever made for EQ. was thinking about posting them all on forums. but requires some formatting work on my end. lemmie see if i can find the thing you're talking about

Sitting here bored at work and found a site with the /command's.  Last updated in 2007 but let's face it, not much has changed since then for EQ.


and this one for grins and giggles .. http://www.onlinegamecommands.com/everquest/everquestcommands.htm

I especially like the Alt Activate section.

Oliange / Shortcake

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: greenshag on July 04, 2010, 06:08:02 am
Here's some general macros I use quite often in raids and groups:

/assist raid (or group or name)
/hidecorpse all
/pause 1
/attack on

/doability 5 (my forage slot)
/pause 10

/disc weap
/3 I am WS on %T (/3 is ranger chat)
/rsay SHAGGIO is weapon shielding %T for 36 secs
/attack on , /pause 2

/rsay Volatile Arrow is on %T for 18 secs..Blast %S with FIRE FIRE FIIIRE!!!
/alt act 7747 , /pause 1
/3 Casted VA on %T

/rsay MGB Auspice of the Hunter inc for a minute of increased melee/spell/heal crits
/alt act 35
/pause 15 , /alt act 462
/3 I have MGB'd, wait about a minute for next up

/g ### Fixed duration INVIS INC to the group ###
/alt act 518

I also made buttons for corpse management. They are only one line but when farming and what not they come in handy to just all 3 be one click away:

/hidecorpse npc (HideEm)
/hidecopse looted (LootEm)
/hidecorpse none (ShowEm)

Other commands that might make good buttons:

/memspellset <name> (up to 10 of these)
/2 everybody has ranger buffs...if you don't have em, you don't need em =-P /pbbbttt (last call for ranger buffs)
/shout A SNAKE !!! A SNAKE!!!! OOOHH IT"S A SNAKE!!!!!!
/say shoulder my burden

just kidding about the last one.... but the others are real, lol

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Balthor2 on July 04, 2010, 07:01:41 am
My most used hotkey is:
/tell Xiggie dude your bard is so fucking ugly I am now training 4+ green/shadow dragons onto it

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Eliseus on July 04, 2010, 03:44:34 pm
My most used hotkey is:
/tell Xiggie dude your bard is so fucking ugly I am now training 4+ green/shadow dragons onto it

This reminds me of when I use to play FFXI and we would put /tells in our macros to annoy people

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: drippysloppy on July 04, 2010, 11:01:23 pm
/camp desktop

Hahahaha. Lodar, thanks for the good laugh. Unfortunately this would have to make my "Least favorite In-Game Macros" list after /q

Title: Re: In-Game Macros
Post by: Razormaw on July 05, 2010, 11:27:52 am
/cast item = MQ-only command.

As a monk, there's not a lot I need a macro for that I can't perform with a couple quick keystrokes anyway. My main hotbar is set up thus:

1: Glove slot clickable (for when haste runs out and I have to use my 1.0)
2: Flying Kick
3: /g -= INComing ( %t ) =- (+1)
4: Ranged Attack
5: FD
6: /g -= Please TAG ( %t ) =-
7: /assist
8: Epic 3.0 click
9: Mend
0: /g -= SPLITTING some adds! Please stay back. =-

I separate 3 and 4 because calling incoming as you throw is stupid. If that pull turns into a train beyond your party's means, you've just told them that if they see the mobs coming to fight them. Wait to call incoming until you're sure you're not about to wipe the group.

3: The +1 at the end is used for announcing multiple mobs inc on a pull through multiple key-presses. It depends on the situation, though, obviously. If the group can handle 5-6 mobs at a time, not gonna announce each mob every pull.

But if it's a group/raid that needs tightly-controlled tanking, or they just seem to have their heads up their asses and aren't picking up the extra 1-2 mobs you bring in on a pull, it's handy.

6: Tag key for if I have to feign off a train and a single or small number the group can handle have separated and the tank can snag them while I feign off the other adds. Needless to say, unless it's a raid and I'm working with other pullers, I feign the train within eyesight of the group.

Also useful in puller chat on a raid to get people to work with what you split off from the main batch. Whether they then need to split it themselves or take it to the raid so you can let the adds reset.

0: Obviously, for when I'm FDing off a large number of adds. Making sure nobody gets antsy and tags them before they're ready to be tagged. A good idea if you're grouping with strangers or people with ants in their pants, or pulling off a difficult split. Also useful if you're pulling for a raid with only a single monk and a designated tagger.

Separate hotkey page for raid keys. Again, an annoyance to be in group with a puller and be getting /rs incoming and /g incoming every pull, split and tag.

Also notice I make my hotkeys clear and concise. I CAPS the main intention of the hotkey (Inc, Tag, Split) and give enough graphical flair to set it apart from chatter without being obnoxious or 10 miles long.

Was never a fan of /g -= INCOMING %t GET IT OFF MY ASS OR IT'S GOING TO KILL ME OMG HELP ME LAWLZ =- and crap like that. It's funny the first time, maybe. But not the 300th.