EZ Server

General Category => Guild Recruitment => Topic started by: Puyol on September 11, 2012, 11:52:49 am

Title: Need a guild?
Post by: Puyol on September 11, 2012, 11:52:49 am
I'm the leader of Original Gangsters.  There are numerous other guilds i wish i was in so we could play on the same level content.  But honestly i love the name of my guild and dont want to give up the guild tag.  If you are in the 4.0 range and or working or have your UC's already and need a guild please let me know.  Any guilds that would like to merge together also i am willing.  I am half way done with T6 but been back in the lower zones to beef up my new cleric and pally.  I would perfer no /ooc troll's in my guild.  I'm here to make friends and enjoy the game.  Not to get tells from other players asking wth is wrong with such and such person etc. I have about 160 toons in the guild at the moment and more are always welcome.

p.s. Whispering you will be joining my guild soon with your guild, right? =P

Title: Re: Need a guild?
Post by: Blurring on September 11, 2012, 12:04:14 pm
I'm the leader of Original Gangsters.  There are numerous other guilds i wish i was in

Where do I sign up!?


In all honesty though Puyol and his guild mates which I'm familiar with have always been helpful, stand up people. Just had to poke fun :)

Title: Re: Need a guild?
Post by: Kovou on September 11, 2012, 12:16:37 pm
p.s. Whispering you will be joining my guild soon with your guild, right? =P

Yes my friend i told you you and your guild are welcome to join me anytime just give that nexus lurker you have GL and jump ship till you wanna go back seesh.

but really as blurring said Puyol and his guildies are good ppl....little strange at at times esp if you get him talking about that raid on T5 where he was trying to find his pants the whole time....shutter.....

Title: Re: Need a guild?
Post by: Puyol on September 11, 2012, 01:31:02 pm
haha Thanks Blarr, you are always a gentleman!

And Whisp, thats enough out of you. last time we talked you were mad at me for wearing pants in the first place! make up your mind!!
I do want to come there but like i said,  I started playing EQ when it first came out, and have the oldest shaman on the bertoxx server still.. I am an Original Gangster and i need to keep the guild tag! =P But if anyone is rocking a vent or teamspeak lemme know cause i can definitely grace your server with my sexy irish voice! LOL

Thanks guys you are very kind.

Title: Re: Need a guild?
Post by: Fugitive on September 11, 2012, 05:31:18 pm
I would perfer no /ooc troll's in my guild. 


Title: Re: Need a guild?
Post by: khungfu on September 11, 2012, 11:44:11 pm
Im officer of Original Gangsters (Xabi 70 Warrior) thanks for saying good things about our guild, lets make the familly bigger! if any new member need help just let me know!... I hope we get some new members cuz Puyol sometimes is boring =oP jajajaja j/k.
P.D: the only bad thing about Puyol is that he like the Barca!

Title: Re: Need a guild?
Post by: Puyol on September 13, 2012, 09:54:37 am
Barcelona for life!!

Title: Re: Need a guild?
Post by: Stuff4Sale on November 25, 2012, 05:40:47 pm
I would perfer no /ooc troll's in my guild. 


Crushed Fugi's hope of every joining your guild!

Title: Re: Need a guild?
Post by: Drast on November 25, 2012, 09:21:07 pm
No way.  Fugitive is not an OOC troll. :o

Title: Re: Need a guild?
Post by: Fugitive on November 25, 2012, 09:22:41 pm
Seen Nate competing for the title lately =D

Title: Re: Need a guild?
Post by: Natedog on November 25, 2012, 10:16:09 pm
Seen Nate competing for the title lately =D

Haha... never!!!

Title: Re: Need a guild?
Post by: Kovou on November 26, 2012, 12:24:44 am
he doesnt wnat what you give him every night fugi he wants his own