EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: nerff on May 08, 2010, 01:22:32 pm

Title: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: nerff on May 08, 2010, 01:22:32 pm
I don't know if others think the same way, but this inactivity timer in LDoN is just silly. It makes it kind of a pain in the rump when farming LDoN while multiboxing. I am always paranoid that my toons will get ported to the entrance, so I have to keep moving them and frickin jumping etc.

Although, last night I was doing that and they were still getting ported! Frickin annoying as hell. I was running with my cleric on autofollow and she was ported when I stopped to heal lol wtf!?

Not really sure what it would take to alter the code but if it is an easy fix then im all for it .

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Eliseus on May 08, 2010, 03:55:31 pm
I agree, I finally got a camp in LDoN 5 and was deffinately not afk, but since I was not moving my druids screen (but still healing) he got teleported to entrance.....

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Uxt on May 08, 2010, 05:13:03 pm
I was fighting Chaos solo (paladin dps lol) and the fight took so long, I was actually ported to the entrance in the middle of the fight. Luck was on my side - nobody else in zone, and I managed to gate before countless mobs barreled down on me.

Would have sucked if someone were there to fraps it. Basically would've been banned because my class sucks!

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Eliseus on May 08, 2010, 10:18:19 pm

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Reed on May 08, 2010, 11:53:39 pm
I was fighting Chaos solo (paladin dps lol) and the fight took so long, I was actually ported to the entrance in the middle of the fight. Luck was on my side - nobody else in zone, and I managed to gate before countless mobs barreled down on me.

Would have sucked if someone were there to fraps it. Basically would've been banned because my class sucks!

half elf paladins are teh suck anyway. Ban Uxt!

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Crabthewall on May 09, 2010, 03:25:27 pm
I was fighting Chaos solo (paladin dps lol) and the fight took so long, I was actually ported to the entrance in the middle of the fight. Luck was on my side - nobody else in zone, and I managed to gate before countless mobs barreled down on me.

Would have sucked if someone were there to fraps it. Basically would've been banned because my class sucks!

Now this made me laugh :) Just the mental image of half the zone barreling down on you while you stare at the screen for a second going WTF where is Chaos? Realizing what happened, going OH SHIT and gating :)

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Tacticulous on May 09, 2010, 06:56:20 pm
I don't know how the script goes to determine AFK/not AFK, but I've had my Cleric port out in LDoN 6 while in the middle of auto following my warrior but the warrior not get ported while killing trash in Chaos' room.

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 10, 2010, 04:12:40 am
I was fighting Chaos solo (paladin dps lol) and the fight took so long, I was actually ported to the entrance in the middle of the fight.

This is going in my sig, lol.

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Reed on May 10, 2010, 12:16:02 pm
I was fighting Chaos solo (paladin dps lol) and the fight took so long, I was actually ported to the entrance in the middle of the fight.

This is going in my sig, lol.

should add the part about getting banned for his class sucking

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: nerff on May 10, 2010, 02:06:10 pm
lmao go pally dps.

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 11, 2010, 07:05:26 am
I was fighting Chaos solo (paladin dps lol) and the fight took so long, I was actually ported to the entrance in the middle of the fight.

This is going in my sig, lol.

should add the part about getting banned for his class sucking

I had thought about it but decided it was too long. Added it now since it got a nomination, lol.

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: robpickles on May 11, 2010, 08:19:06 am
Having to yet be in LDON, I have not had the pleasure of experiencing this myself yet.

However, I am sure it will happen eventually to all of us!

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Lodar on May 11, 2010, 09:21:36 am
Yeah that timer sucks... I 3-box... my mage, warrior and cleric... was camping some room in ldon 5 for cards... pulling trash ... and all of sudden I am to click the assist key on my mage that i realize that he aint in the same room anymore... I was like wtf lag? lol

I noticed i was at zone in... I was like what the hell... if it was my cleric no biggie... coth him back.. but no.. it had to be the COTHer to go to zone in... seriously.. he was just sitting in a corner casting nukes and sending the pet in... cleric was healing... this timer needs to be "changed or updated" ... they were not afk...

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: robpickles on May 11, 2010, 09:35:11 am
It seems like this timer is killing the whole multiboxing thing.

I am sure it will be changed soon, since that it affects most players on the server.

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Reed on May 11, 2010, 10:22:22 am
you'd be suprised  :-[

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: xoltrek on May 11, 2010, 10:27:50 am
i don't think it will be changed... I don't remember why this have been implanted but that was good reason.

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: robpickles on May 11, 2010, 10:33:51 am
Thought i do not think it was meant to have that kind of resulting effect.

Maybe it just needs be tweaked so the porting during fights, etc. stops.

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Reed on May 11, 2010, 10:43:49 am
probably something like,

Bard sits at one of the mobs in LDoN, DS songs running, killing evrything that spawns and aggros.

Obviously it was implemented back when 1kill = 1 point. So leave it on over night and BAM come back with a few thousand points

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 11, 2010, 12:14:59 pm
Pet classes.

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Tacticulous on May 11, 2010, 04:00:42 pm
probably something like,

Bard sits at one of the mobs in LDoN, DS songs running, killing evrything that spawns and aggros.

Obviously it was implemented back when 1kill = 1 point. So leave it on over night and BAM come back with a few thousand points
It was implemented to stop 3.0 pet classes from camping at bosses overnight, and AFK'ing points. You could get 3 pet classes in LDoN2 with one at each boss, and farm 2400 points in an  eight hour period (bosses were on a 30 minute spawn then IIRC).

As you said though, that was back when you got 1 point per kill and 50 per boss for everyone in the group. I really think that either the porting needs to go away or we need to start getting points for every kill. Having both an AFK port and a slim chance of getting points (-bosses of course) is over kill.

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Reed on May 11, 2010, 05:14:03 pm
I never saw a problem with the point per kill style for LDoN, yeah it made people bring whole groups of bots... but idk, it wasnt so bad really

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: nerff on May 12, 2010, 12:36:12 am
Yeah makes sense when the "point per kill" system was in effect back then, but that plus bard melody has been changed since then.

I wouldn't see why changing it now wouldn't effect either of those unless someone AFK kills and uses some 3rd party key click loot program to loot the tokens/charm upgrades; which is bannable and not permitted on this server.

but yeah, it definately would benefit us multiboxers... specially most of us that are 5-6 boxing.

Im so paranoid from this now that I do it (move toons around and jump) in every zone now omg :(

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: robpickles on May 12, 2010, 07:52:23 am
The point system, if put back in place, could be a good incentive to group with others.  i do not mean boxing, i mean real grouping.

Maybe it can be changed around so that you can get points again if you are grouping with different players (and it will be able to tell this via IP address or something to differentiate from boxers).

I don't even know if that is possible but it sounds to me like people really liked the point system and it might be a good way to get things going again for both new and vet players.

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Gantrathor on May 12, 2010, 02:56:48 pm
The 1 point/kill system was removed for a couple reasons.

1)  The Raid Exploit:  It was one point / kill for every member of a raid, not just a group.  So 35 afk toons could sit at zone in while three active toons ran around killing everything.  Really bogged down the zone and kept content tied up for days.

2)  The Original Intent:  Hunter has stated that his original intent for charms was that they would be so rare no one would every complete them.  It didn't work out that way and he eventually included the point system.  (way back when, there were no points awarded in LDoN, so you couldn't 'purchase' anything)  After looking closely at the point/kill system he decided that even as a group it was too easy.  The intent is not to camp five toons at zone in while one toon goes on a rampage.

We may not like it, but time sinks are in the game for a reason.  EZ Server is only easy from the standpoint of getting to lvl 70 and accumulating AA.  After that, the content definately has a 'Grind' component.

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Lodar on May 14, 2010, 01:12:42 pm
We may not like it, but time sinks are in the game for a reason.  EZ Server is only easy from the standpoint of getting to lvl 70 and accumulating AA.  After that, the content definately has a 'Grind' component.

I dont mind time sink at all... I mind getting my mage ported to the zone in because hes sitting in the room corner while I pull stuff to that room. Yes they arent moving but I am clicking buttons, like assist or spells...  somewhat my mage or my cleric gets ported because all they do is heal or nuke when i need em too. Whats wrong with that, im not exploiting or afk killing...

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Tankzilla on May 14, 2010, 06:27:13 pm
I honestly  like how he has it set up now, just as -Gantrathor- was saying "The intent is not to camp five toons at zone in while one toon goes on a rampage." alot of people did that back in the day.. but now you get booted when in ldon 6 camping chaos for your charms or w/e have you mage sitting here with /assist < tank name > /pet attack... just click your up button and move a step... bam problem solved, just one more button click before you switch to warriors screen. its what I do. don't know if it'll help ya, but I hope it does =)

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Reed on May 14, 2010, 07:55:43 pm
just click your up button and move a step... bam problem solved, just one more button click before you switch to warriors screen.
wow wow wow, do you realize how much work that is for us lazy folk?

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Tankzilla on May 14, 2010, 08:41:04 pm
Hah hah hah Reed, so true man so true!

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Allizia on May 14, 2010, 08:47:23 pm
I tried that between every pull and one character still got ported to the entrance, but the other did not even though I moved them both within a second of each other =/ I was tabbed over for less then 2 minutes

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Reed on May 14, 2010, 09:14:09 pm
what i do personally is have everyone autofollowing like... my cleric. a character who doesnt move much. and let warrior stay on his own.

after a few pulls i move the cleric to other side of whatever room im camping, which in turns move everyone to other side of room. giving enough movement to stop porting issue

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: xoltrek on May 17, 2010, 06:28:19 am
i just go with all my toon to boss, and camp all of them there.

then killing everything with my war. And logging toons if needed for lott or other.

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Gantrathor on May 17, 2010, 11:04:34 am
If you want to be sure none of your toons get ported, move them all out of their current room for a couple kills every 15 minutes or so, then back in.  I've never had one move to Zone In that way.

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Dharkrah on May 17, 2010, 04:36:03 pm
Just a note too, not a great idea to have 2 of your toons /following your 3rd around the room your camping, someone may come along, see you moving around erratically and assume you're either leaving the room or waiting for someone else to come along and kill the boss so you can loot scraps.
True story

Title: Re: LDoN Inactivity Timer
Post by: Eliseus on May 19, 2010, 04:06:40 pm
Lol, my bro got teleported to entrance while runing in circles in a room, wtf?