EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on November 20, 2012, 11:27:17 pm

Title: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Hunter on November 20, 2012, 11:27:17 pm
Seems we forgot about one of the Warrior stonewalls and they were able to go over 100%. This has now been fixed and there is a new spell file 11-21-12 available for download.

I've had several people help me out understand how stonewall works, specifically with how to make them stack or not stack with each other. Seems that any 2 spells with ChanceToCrit(169) with 0 in base_value and -1 limit_value will not stack with each other. Eventually I made a spread sheet for myself to see all the buffs clicks and discipline for stonewall to get max stone wall values for the 3 tank classes.

Paladins got their buff increased from 15% stonewall to a 20% stonewall. SK might get more HP soon for bigger life taps.

With the new edits, here will be the new max stonewalls:

Warrior - 86%
Paladin - 70%
Shadowknight - 60%

Will post screenshots soon with details.

Thanks for everyone that helped me with the stonewall buffs.

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Hunter on November 20, 2012, 11:29:07 pm


Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Hunter on November 20, 2012, 11:38:09 pm
Having these stonewall values sorted will allow me to make more stonewall items in the future, such as additional ranks in the Shield of the Ages, or new Halloween Pets.

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: jmaneuv011 on November 21, 2012, 12:13:23 am
Is the Warrior Stonewall working from the Combat Actions window again?  I haven't been able to use that for the past couple of weeks

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Natedog on November 21, 2012, 12:43:01 am
Is the Warrior Stonewall working from the Combat Actions window again?  I haven't been able to use that for the past couple of weeks

Works for me

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Natedog on November 21, 2012, 12:46:50 am
Having these stonewall values sorted will allow me to make more stonewall items in the future, such as additional ranks in the Shield of the Ages, or new Halloween Pets.

One error on that list...

Kaldar's Helping Hand is 15% not 20%

other than that looks fine =D

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: lerxst2112 on November 21, 2012, 12:50:34 am
One error on that list...  Kaldar's Helping Hand is 15% not 20%

He said a few posts before that:
Paladins got their buff increased from 15% stonewall to a 20% stonewall.

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Natedog on November 21, 2012, 12:53:42 am
Hah.. I'm blind.. guess I am too tired to read correctly

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: genoside on November 21, 2012, 09:38:19 pm
the 5% boost is great my only thing is the 25% from the cleric keeping that up is not very realistic so pali really has more like 45% and war has more like 76% yes the clr epic buff and vie buffs are great for pull and initial engage but keeping it up after that isnt all that easy/great would like to see pali without clr buff up around 60ish war still stay ahead of the pack but makes pali more doable for MTing.  just my two cents

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Drep on November 24, 2012, 09:36:19 am
Is the Warrior Stonewall working from the Combat Actions window again?  I haven't been able to use that for the past couple of weeks

Works for me

It was working for me in Titanium but since i switched to Underfoot, I can't seem to get Stonewall to work from the combat actions window either.   When i search through the listings of disciplines it says Stonewall is lvl 85 so after the hotkey is made i can't click it.   I went through the list (maybe missed it) but I don't see another stonewall that has a lower lvl listed.   I've been just using my epic.   Something I am missing?  :)

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Brokyn on November 24, 2012, 10:04:06 am
the 5% boost is great my only thing is the 25% from the cleric keeping that up is not very realistic so pali really has more like 45% and war has more like 76% yes the clr epic buff and vie buffs are great for pull and initial engage but keeping it up after that isnt all that easy/great would like to see pali without clr buff up around 60ish war still stay ahead of the pack but makes pali more doable for MTing.  just my two cents

Realistically, having possible mitigation of 86% and 76% constant is too high already...  I like my SK with his current mitigation but I would certainly understand, and even support, Hunter reducing the base mitigation levels down to something like Warriors at 50% and Knights at 35-40% by the time they reach T6.  That would allow him to increase the difficulty in T7 without making the mob melee an insta-kill to any non-tank class.  It would also give him room to increase mitigation on new items without making anyone an overpowered tank.

I know that this is not going to be a popular suggestion with the masses, but please look at what really high mitigation will do as Hunter works on new content...

T7 trash mobs should be able to kill the best geared T6 Warrior without good healing.  A T6 Warrior has approximately 1.2 Million HP.  Assuming a warrior has 86% mitigation, he only takes 14% of each hit in damage, and zero crits.  So, a mob that triple hits for 1 million does 3 million damage to your Cleric up to 6 million if there are crits, but only 420k damage to your Warrior.

If Hunter was to reduce mitigation to 50% max, then the mobs could be a little more reasonable for the rest of your group when you hit T7.


Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Venia on November 24, 2012, 02:17:23 pm
while i do agree to some extend, would like to point out that most classes kinda have a mitigation line spell already

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Felony on November 24, 2012, 03:13:45 pm
I disagree about the blanket statement of 1,200,000hp. Some yes, most no.

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Natedog on November 24, 2012, 03:16:08 pm
I disagree about the blanket statement of 1,200,000hp. Some yes, most no.

1.2mil HP is a bit "Extreme"

That would require...

Shaman 6.0 buff
Goblin pet buff
Scepter X
Shield of the Ages XL
RoA 100+
Full T6 gear

On Natedog I don't think I even have 1.2 million but really haven't checked

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Bobbin on November 24, 2012, 03:21:07 pm
while i do agree to some extend, would like to point out that most classes kinda have a mitigation line spell already

Plus, Halloween pet mitigation works for all classes.

T6 fully Aug'd, SoA XL, UC2, Sceptre X, Mount V, Goblin Pet, Shm 6.0, Crabs = ~1.054M on my Warrior. RoA is slightly less than equivalent T5 ring. I suppose the very top end RoA farmers right now probably have 1.2M on their tanks. Most do not.

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 24, 2012, 03:25:20 pm
My warrior has no where near 1.2m hp. I don't have the gob pet and I don't think content should be balanced against it. I also don't have the scepter x and I don't think content should be balanced agaisnt this. Reason being is it is a once a year opportunity to get these items. Granted you could get the scepter x anytime but there is no one who has gotten the whole thing by farming it out. I know a lot of people who have made it up to 5, I think that would be a good one to measure content against. SoA XL, yes, balance content against this. RoA, yes, that can count too. UCv2 and full T6 should also be used. Even balancing it against the shaman 6.0 I think is fair.

With RoA 199, full T6, UCv2, SoA, and scepter VI I only have 699k hp unbuffed. Buffs would put me getting close to 800k (Stone Monster pet). Balancing content against a 1.2m hp warrior would mean I would not be able to live in T7 until next halloween, and that is only if I manage to get IG to spawn then.

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Venia on November 24, 2012, 03:37:27 pm
yeah...its kinda the downside of creating super items that aren't available through out the year...could make balancing a bit tricky since those that didnt get them will most likely have some issues , and also if you choose to balance it around not having those items then you might end up making content a bit trivial for those that do...  double edged knife really


Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Hunter on November 24, 2012, 04:34:44 pm
I don't plan to balance against Halloween items.

Other stuff, maybe. Obviously I couldn't balance against a RoA 500 right now but maybe I could by the time T15 comes out.

I usually take the stats from the previous tier, then increase their HP based on how much more DMG the mobs are doing in the new tier. Usuaully groups barely survive a new tier, getting rounded often, then by time you got full suit getting rounded is more rare.

Hope makes sense, its a guessing game, and thats how we've done it before.

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 24, 2012, 04:46:50 pm
Makes perfect sense Hunter. Thank you.

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Brokyn on November 25, 2012, 06:27:50 am
Sorry, the 1.2 million was based on the idea of all possible gear, including the mount from Halloween...  Even if the Warrior is at 1 Million, not 1.2, then the idea still works the same.  The damage needed to kill the 86% mitigated warrior with 1 million hp makes paste out of a cleric, even if the cleric has 800khp

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Fugitive on November 25, 2012, 09:00:25 am
.... ok the recent entries in this thread have pissed me off enough.. What all support classes do the warriors still need to stay alive in a group? i.e. they need a dedicated healer or two.

Knights group heal and self heals make up well above what a warrior needs to stay alive..(and their mitigation is creeping on the warriors. Positively sure Pallys and SKs can solo in T6 even bosses.but these aren't your everyday knights these mostly are close to maxxed..)

SW is fine where it is, hell even if it doesn't even get a bump but every other Tier from now upward is fine T8/T10 so on.

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Fugitive on November 25, 2012, 09:02:48 am
makes paste out of a cleric, even if the cleric has 800khp

Could click that SW on the cleric and Tower 3 on cleric too.. no one says you have to put it on the knights and warriors.. what would that be like 35% ...shrug..don't know

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Brokyn on November 25, 2012, 09:41:24 am
After a discussion with Fugitive I am posting a clarification here...

I am not really talking about a nerf...  I am concerned about "mudflation".  When tanks can absorb so much damage then mobs have to deal more and more...  I am talking more about a re-tooling of damage.  Less damage from mobs, so less mitigation needed.  Then going forward the damage from mobs doesn't have to be scaled up so high, or hp on all toons doesn't have to go up exponentially to allow them to live through a single round of combat.

Hope that clears things up a little...


Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Hunter on November 25, 2012, 10:14:40 am
I completely understand.

I made all these (and with help from other people) stone wall items without mapping how who has what max stonewall. I need to adjust a bit, lower warriors, raise alt tanks, still keep warrior higher than others, and allow room for new items and ranks to have more stonewall in the future.

Title: Re: Stonewall Updated
Post by: Bobbin on November 25, 2012, 10:56:27 am
At least we don't have to worry about CLRs. They've got those silly knights licked.

25% Intervention
17% Goblin
8% SoA
25% Epic
10% Vie
= 85%