EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Hunter on November 22, 2012, 08:14:10 am

Title: RoA Poll
Post by: Hunter on November 22, 2012, 08:14:10 am
Someone asked if we could use AA Points for the Ring of the Ages Rank 1 - 100.

This could upset players that already got Rank 100 the old way.

Figured I'd get some feed back before considering this kind of change.

I'd still make a level 70 zone for people grinding AA's that would allow chance for dropping a charm upgrade or exp potions.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 22, 2012, 08:19:23 am
I would love this change as I have other toons I would love to get done with their ring. I like it that I don't have to change through a bunch of zones with the 100+ rings. Allowing others to do this with their pre-100 rings would not make me jealous or upset at all as it would allow me the same benefit.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Fliker on November 22, 2012, 08:30:20 am
Would the pre 100 reset all unused AA's like the 101?

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Hunter on November 22, 2012, 08:37:44 am
Most likely pre 100 would also reset the AA Points that the player has unspent as well.

I would probably make the requirements lower though, maybe 100 AA Point per rank, including hell levels every 25 ranks.

At least you wouldn't have to worry about how to buff or gear a low level, just keep your stuff on, and return whenever you got enough AA Points.

Maybe choose 3-5 level 70 zones that the grind can be done in. Maybe each zone has a higher chance for certain type of drop like 1 of 4 charm upgrades or an exp potion, so you could try to target specific drops while grinding AA.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Pyronost on November 22, 2012, 08:42:28 am
The AA idea sounds pretty amazing, tbh. Then I have to ask though, what happens to all the BD armor?

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Hunter on November 22, 2012, 09:02:41 am
BD armor would still carry noobs through a few tiers.

The old RoA quest was designed to allow players to re-experience low level zones and for the new players to be able to level up with the older players when the older players got deleveled.

Players have proven to be anti social using their instances and alt boxes to help level rather than grouping with others for leveling. So this new AA system might be more appropriate.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: genoside on November 22, 2012, 09:07:28 am
The bd armor would loose its value but still be worth something just not as much but then again after this last holoween with the amount in the market atm its not worth much any how.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Premador on November 22, 2012, 09:26:30 am
+1 on this!! awesome idea

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Fiend on November 22, 2012, 09:47:03 am
This could upset players that already got Rank 100 the old way.

I got my RoA by leveling through it and this change wouldn't upset me at all.  It would give my other toons a shot at RoAing.  Even at 100 AA's a rank it would take longer than trying to level through it, but I could go about progressing rather than stare at old zones 100 times on each toon.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: genoside on November 22, 2012, 10:18:36 am
i voted for the aa option but i think that mabey a both option would be a good idea also.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: hateborne on November 22, 2012, 12:21:11 pm
Most likely pre 100 would also reset the AA Points that the player has unspent as well.

I would probably make the requirements lower though, maybe 100 AA Point per rank, including hell levels every 25 ranks.

At least you wouldn't have to worry about how to buff or gear a low level, just keep your stuff on, and return whenever you got enough AA Points.

Maybe choose 3-5 level 70 zones that the grind can be done in. Maybe each zone has a higher chance for certain type of drop like 1 of 4 charm upgrades or an exp potion, so you could try to target specific drops while grinding AA.

I would say do not reset them. Use the AAXP on the 100+ levels. Possibly allow those with exceptional amounts of AAXP (Xig, Fug, Camric, Nap, etc etc etc) to buy up some levels. I think this should take roughly double or triple the time investment (since we aren't STOPPING what we are doing to RoA, more of a small bonus for continued playing). To make sure I'm clear: if it takes 2 hours to get 1-70, then require as many AAXP could be farmed in 4-6 hours. This will prevent it from being a purely passive. It will add a nice prestige element though (as in old hands are drastically stronger from years of player versus new guys rushed to end game).


Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: napoleonn on November 22, 2012, 12:56:35 pm
+1 for aa pre 100

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Ybik on November 22, 2012, 02:09:30 pm
I agree with not resetting aaxp if we are going to go that route for 1-100. The people who have been here a while should have some kind of a leg up if we are going to this system. You gain alot of aaxp going from PoTime to T6, farming a UC, etc. I also think this might also make lag worse for the server since those that have been here for a while would have to re-farm aaxp to get an RoA (and alot of them would) which would contribute to alot of lag (if pulling whole zones for aaxp) for the forseeable future. I voted both but after thinking it probably should be one or the other. The reason I say this is if I'm a new player and use my warrior to power level a RoA for a paladin from 46-70 then I am able gain ring ranks from the aaxp gained from doing PoFire on the warrior AND the ring rank from doing 1-70 on the paladin so in theory you could double dip. If this doesn't make sense let me know and I can try to rephrase things.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Hunter on November 22, 2012, 03:23:39 pm
So far I'm leaning towards using only the AAXP system for rank 1 - 100 and then wiping AA's just one time at rank 100 or 101 like others had to do already, so if you got banked up a lot of AA then you could theoretically get rank 100 right away, but then have to start the grind for 101 - 500.

What are the current speeds of AA? How many AA per hour are players currently getting?

I edited Qvic a few days ago so its not the same as it was before. The broken part about qvic besides a lot of mobs that were some what easy for high level players was that their level was 75 which greatly increased the exp. I didn't want to change the balance for noobs by changing the level, so I modified the zone exp to balance out the level 75 mob exp.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: napoleonn on November 22, 2012, 03:28:23 pm
Awesome man, can finally use aa's on some of the alts  ;D

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: hateborne on November 22, 2012, 03:41:25 pm
So far I'm leaning towards using only the AAXP system for rank 1 - 100 and then wiping AA's just one time at rank 100 or 101 like others had to do already, so if you got banked up a lot of AA then you could theoretically get rank 100 right away, but then have to start the grind for 101 - 500.

What are the current speeds of AA? How many AA per hour are players currently getting?

I edited Qvic a few days ago so its not the same as it was before. The broken part about qvic besides a lot of mobs that were some what easy for high level players was that their level was 75 which greatly increased the exp. I didn't want to change the balance for noobs by changing the level, so I modified the zone exp to balance out the level 75 mob exp.

Only request, add a VERY big in-game warning about this. My SK has ~24k and I would hate to lose them without warning. Please add a warning.


Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: lookin on November 22, 2012, 03:56:30 pm

What are the current speeds of AA? How many AA per hour are players currently getting?

in pod  yesterday i was getting about 4% per kill in aa with a full group just farming last bits for another cleric. my warrior is at about 800 aa currently but not sure if aa on here are anything like live where the more u had the slower it was.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Gannicus on November 22, 2012, 05:05:18 pm
I like this idea, I only have about 3k aas stacked on my main i've had since I started here so I wouldn't roa 100 right away. It seems like a decent idea though imo. Grind out box teams, and slowly get your group the ring so they can withstand aoes, rampages, things like that to help improve the overall experience for the box team. And it wouldn't require me to have to think about what im wearing, if a zone is full, and what unnecessary characters I would have to log in. so +1 from me. I would say wipe all aas at 100

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Hunter on November 22, 2012, 05:26:03 pm
I'm going to go with the majority vote on this esp since I personally would like to see it AA only.

Seems that wiping AA at rank 100 will be fair. I doubt many would get rank 100 from their banked AA's already

If I do an AA wipe at rank 100 then I'll try to make a clear warning about it. 

The REAL challenge will be 101-500. That'll set every part.

The new quest could arrive as early as this weekend.

Might be working with (GM) Basher this Friday and Sunday on T7 a bit as well.

I'd still like to make an AA Grind zone alternate to pofire with chances of charm upgrades and exp potion, so we'll still do that too.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: hateborne on November 22, 2012, 05:47:56 pm
If I do an AA wipe at rank 100 then I'll try to make a clear warning about it.  

That's all I ask. Thanks :-)


Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Ybik on November 22, 2012, 06:12:08 pm
Hunter you may think about lowering the 1-100 aaxp cost or adjust aaxp. If you were wanting 1 rank an hour max. I may be wrong but I'm not sure you can get 100 aaxp an hour so this may make getting ranks 1-100 take a much longer time than it currently does. Maybe 10 a rank for 1-10 20 a rank for 11-20 scaling up to 100 per rank 91-100. Would also make the ring grow as your character grows and would cost 5500 aa instead of 10,000.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: 1flytrapp on November 22, 2012, 06:26:20 pm
+1 Ybik

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Bobbin on November 22, 2012, 06:48:43 pm
I'd still like to make an AA Grind zone alternate to pofire with chances of charm upgrades and exp potion, so we'll still do that too.


Especially if you can change the dynamic from massive trains via leashed mobs or just give every mob a charm spell.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Pyronost on November 22, 2012, 07:00:41 pm
Give every mob a charm spell? That would be *beyond* frustrating haha. Leashing is perfect. I would *live* in a zone if it had better charm upgrade potential than ldon/avatars.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Gannicus on November 22, 2012, 07:33:12 pm
I'd like for the new ldon zone for good amount of aas to utilize a box team, it sound weird but I'd like that when im farming charms, I can have all my toons being part of it that i want in the event a charm drops that I may need on them but did not log them in as they weren't prioritized to minimize lag from pulling.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Bobbin on November 22, 2012, 07:37:10 pm
Give every mob a charm spell? That would be *beyond* frustrating haha.

True. But it would be pretty effective at ensuring folks are single pulling.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Fugitive on November 22, 2012, 07:40:31 pm
dumbest idea ever (charm)

/flame that turkey

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Fliker on November 22, 2012, 07:49:19 pm
dumbest idea ever (charm)

/flame that turkey

/deepfry  ;D

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: cerwin on November 22, 2012, 11:32:02 pm
Hunter you may think about lowering the 1-100 aaxp cost or adjust aaxp. If you were wanting 1 rank an hour max. I may be wrong but I'm not sure you can get 100 aaxp an hour so this may make getting ranks 1-100 take a much longer time than it currently does.


Im pretty sure even the most hardcore here cant do anywhere close to 100 AA an hour.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: jpweraser on November 22, 2012, 11:55:35 pm
I totally dig this.  I have RoA and UC on my main tank but I have pretty much deciced to not fool with it on other toons.  I've done the grind and it was rediculous; I don't find it fun thinking about doing it again.  The AA thing is a wonderful idea and a custom zone where you can work on AA and also have the chance at charm drops would be phenomenal.  Then I would likely get back into working on more UCs and RoAs for alts.  Great idea!!

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Rotic on November 23, 2012, 01:37:10 am
Is a good idea to be able to use the AA from RoA 1, I support.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Blazyn on November 23, 2012, 06:24:11 am
If you're planning on keeping the "One hour per rank RoA" guideline, then you should rethink your 100aa/rank up.  I get roughly 3-4% aaxp on my SK in bothunder, 10-15minutes per aa.  I am not that well geared atm, ll I can see is a loooooong time leveling the ring.

xp pots are beyond my progression point(I think), am I missing something? Friend went to PoFire and said he was getting barely 7%aaxp per kill, if this is the norm, and intended, then shouldn't the cost of the ring be approx 5-10aa for the first 50 levels, then 10-15 per rank for the last 50 levels?

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Hunter on November 23, 2012, 07:14:35 am
Planning a custom zone with hire exp rates on leashed mobs. Will try to get it 100-250 AA per hour rate in the new zone.

I understand other zones right now have lower rates.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Fugitive on November 23, 2012, 08:47:50 am
If you're planning on keeping the "One hour per rank RoA" guideline, then you should rethink your 100aa/rank up.  I get roughly 3-4% aaxp on my SK in bothunder, 10-15minutes per aa.  I am not that well geared atm, ll I can see is a loooooong time leveling the ring.

xp pots are beyond my progression point(I think), am I missing something? Friend went to PoFire and said he was getting barely 7%aaxp per kill, if this is the norm, and intended, then shouldn't the cost of the ring be approx 5-10aa for the first 50 levels, then 10-15 per rank for the last 50 levels?

... you're doing it wrong apparently/shrug

Hunter new zone sounds good can't wait to pass Xig

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Blazyn on November 23, 2012, 11:28:49 am

... you're doing it wrong apparently/shrug


Explain then? if I knew I wouldn't have said I must be doing something wrong.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Nexxel on November 23, 2012, 11:50:12 am
Explain then? if I knew I wouldn't have said I must be doing something wrong.

What he is saying is most people dont kill 1 mob at atime in POF. they kill whole sections of the zone at a single AOE time. in other owrds 50 to over a 100 mobs at once. so your talking 7 to 10 aa or more at a time giving your exp% per kill. so you starting clearing the zone over and over a again.. it ads up fast. Not many people do POF one mob at atime.. not effective

But what this does with pulling big trains is cause lag to the server. So hunter is suggesting a new zone where you will kill mobs one at a time, do to the mob being leashed. leashed meaning that you can not pull the mob too far away from its spawn spot or it will warp back to it. in addition to this he will make the mobs tougher but higher in experiance. (no, i dont know how high, but more then 7%) thus making it worth while to kill mobs single for more AA exp vs the Train method that puts a drag/lag on the server..

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: marxist on November 23, 2012, 12:34:57 pm
Can incinerating aura get turned back to what it was? Very good mage spell

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Worthington on November 23, 2012, 01:14:11 pm
Like the idea of using AA's for pre 100 RoA, and after reading more into the new zone/zones your talking about, that sounds cool also.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Hampage on November 23, 2012, 01:37:13 pm
I agree that 50-100 hours is painful for obsolete item (We have bigger and better items now, higher tiers, etc).

So if 50-100 hours is painful for an obsolete item, why change to AA which takes longer than an hour to get 100? Even if you create a custom zone just for AA'ing, your still setting a goal of 1 hour per 100 AA, which is again 100 hours for the original Rank 100 RoA. Not trying to shit on your idea, I just think there needs to be a little more fine tuning in there.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Strix on November 23, 2012, 02:56:22 pm
Can incinerating aura get turned back to what it was? Very good mage spell


This spell actually means less mass trains in the equation as it helps kills mobs on the run.  In high lag - it reduces the potential for desyncs and the overall impact of lots of people mass pulling.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: lookin on November 23, 2012, 04:08:48 pm
I agree that 50-100 hours is painful for obsolete item (We have bigger and better items now, higher tiers, etc).

So if 50-100 hours is painful for an obsolete item, why change to AA which takes longer than an hour to get 100? Even if you create a custom zone just for AA'ing, your still setting a goal of 1 hour per 100 AA, which is again 100 hours for the original Rank 100 RoA. Not trying to shit on your idea, I just think there needs to be a little more fine tuning in there.

one bonus to aa method is you can do regular progression while getting the aa so that 50 to 100 is less tedious since its in conjunction with normal play if you want and there will probably be some tweaking of various zones experience rates as time goes on to get everything ironed out

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Fugitive on November 23, 2012, 08:41:15 pm
The small things people are forgetting here is.. The  new RoA 1-100 will level up normally through your progression with the AA.. don't have to stop what you are doing to farm it till you get done with your progression.. It won't be the best but still not a bad deal no delevel and just grinding armor and epics will be able to turn this in every so often.. good deal..

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: wolfegunr on November 24, 2012, 05:02:40 am
+1 on AA for ROA
I think this is a better way to do it, and custom zones for the 101+ basically refreshes this whole idea into something new and exciting.

Title: Re: RoA Poll
Post by: Garete on November 24, 2012, 08:27:41 am
I love the roa idea and the new zones idea with tethered mobs, higher exp, exp pots and charms.  LDON had me falling asleep and pulling my hair out.  This new idea will definitely get me playing long hours again.  I love this server.