EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Xiggie | Stone on November 22, 2012, 11:18:29 am

Title: IP Limit
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 22, 2012, 11:18:29 am
The regular numeric is for all the time, the ones marked 2x Loot is for times with double loot. I started with 6 because the server is built around boxing. I stopped at 12 because it is pointless to restrict ip at anything above that. I am suggesting this because our regular numbers are swelling quite a bit. Anything over 400 and we start noticing some pretty bad lag with toons dropping on zone and death. On double loot it is double bad. Personally my vote is for a 12 box limit all together. It's disheartening to load up a few toons only to have them randomly drop because the population is over 400. I think locking it at 12 per ip would effect very few people, but I know there are some people who box 3 to 5 groups. I think that would make a little bit of the difference that is needed without taking away people being able to function on the server.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: hateborne on November 22, 2012, 12:17:28 pm
Keep in mind that IP limit blocks everything from a certain, single IP address.

If my brother and I are playing here, I run 6-12 and he has 6. Guess what happens to my second group?

Now, let's say we get his two dumb friends back on. They were running 3 a piece (pal/nec/bst war/clr/mnk). I have to shave back to 3 characters, brother gets 3 characters, and 3 per dumb friend (x2).

If we can prove without a shadow of a doubt that 95% (or higher) are unique IP addresses, maybe. Otherwise, I see no need to crucify a fair size of players to improve farm times.

Just making note :-)


Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 22, 2012, 12:28:24 pm
I realize there are people who play and live in the same house, my brother and I live in the same house. Situations like that are not the norm though and there are ways where exceptions can be made, and if violated revoked. Even if exceptions aren't made, we are talking about 12 toons. 2 would still be able to play six each. Anything more than 2 in the same household I would say would be pretty rare. Right now, all of the server is dealing with lag. It's double loot for the holidays and what am I doing? Leveling my ring. I tried playing but the lag is just too much to try to deal with. Limiting just a few people to benefit everyone online I think is a fair trade off.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: hateborne on November 22, 2012, 01:40:46 pm
It still would be worth it to check the numbers. When I get back home today, I will build a query to do this. It will give a somewhat accurate idea of how many accounts per IP.

We really need a stronger connection. If it wasn't too many machines (and isn't nearly a full rack), i could even support it freely. :-P


Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: marxist on November 22, 2012, 01:55:40 pm
This is a bad idea.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 22, 2012, 01:56:16 pm

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Natedog on November 22, 2012, 01:57:38 pm

When you lag and disconnect... good luck trying to get back in quickly.

Takes sometimes up to 20 minutes to log a toon back in on a server that has IP limiting.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 22, 2012, 02:02:18 pm
It has never taken me more than 5 minutes to get back in on servers that have that. Plus there is a way to force disconnect the ghost toon in those situations. If I am not mistaken Hidden Forest uses it. In my opinion that is hardly enough reason to stop this idea. As it is right now trying to zone for whatever reason results in toon loss. Some are having toons go link dead just sitting there. Mobs hp are floating from 0% to 80%. Barring another solution I don't see why this should not be done.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: marxist on November 22, 2012, 02:04:33 pm
Being that 1/2 the higher end population of the server boxes 12+ already should be enough reason

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Natedog on November 22, 2012, 02:07:20 pm
More than 12 players seems overkill for most any content currently.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 22, 2012, 02:07:54 pm
Being that 1/2 the higher end population of the server boxes 12+ already should be enough reason

It is things like this that are holding this server back. Do you have a solution to suggest? The server is nearly unplayable right now.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: marxist on November 22, 2012, 02:09:32 pm
For now, yes, but that is because t6 has been out forever.  Also, I'm not going to throw an uneducated guess out, but what is the difference to the server between somebody that uses all the proper filtering and somebody that doesnt?

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Ybik on November 22, 2012, 02:12:00 pm
If we are going to an IP limit I don't think it should be 6 or 12. IMO it should be 7 or 13. That way if you have an enchanter or other buff type class you can log them in/out for gear/buffs without having to log someone else out.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Natedog on November 22, 2012, 02:16:31 pm
Being that 1/2 the higher end population of the server boxes 12+ already should be enough reason

It is things like this that are holding this server back. Do you have a solution to suggest? The server is nearly unplayable right now.

On my 3rd clear of T6... unplayable... I think not?

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: marxist on November 22, 2012, 02:20:44 pm
Here is the problem with this, I don't think its reasonable to do with a limit under 12. How many players use over 12 characters? How many newer players don't use proper filtering? Is putting a limit of 12 up really going to reduce the lag?

I'm thinking we might lose what, 30-50 toons from having 500 on? And I would guess that would be a high estimate. A better solution would be to make sure people are filtering and find other ways to reduce lag.  Changing proc augs to white damage and trying to find other ways to reduce the server load is another thing that might work.  These are off the top of my head, but I'm sure more and far better ideas can be thought of

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 22, 2012, 02:25:17 pm
Filtering out stuff has nothing to do with it when the population is over 400. When T7 comes out the problem will be even worse. It does not take more than 12 toons to play everything on this server, even new content. Hell, you can do it with 6 with possibly an exception on omm. Even then you could do it with a hell of a lot of ground work first.

I am seeing people in ooc complain left and right about getting disconnected. That to me is unplayable.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: napoleonn on November 22, 2012, 02:26:11 pm
This whole topic just seems like a big QQ to me. But im not lagging /shrug

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Venia on November 22, 2012, 02:30:37 pm
it is kinda unplayable, or rather un-enjoyable...got bored of the desync's and random spikes and just called it early for tonight even if double loot
Thing is....are we 100% certain that its due to high population? Or due to what the population does when they online?..im pretty sure aoeing 100 mobs in instances plus the crowd might have something to do with the lag as well

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 22, 2012, 02:34:29 pm
This whole topic just seems like a big QQ to me. But im not lagging /shrug

It's awfully funny you say this but in game it seems to be the common talk, about how laggy it is.  Suggesting that users lower their settings would be a never ending job, it would never get done because there are always new users. Lowering the population does lower the lag.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Strix on November 22, 2012, 02:36:16 pm
Lag right now is a major issue for anyone playing the server outside of the US.  It took me 2 hours of trying to log in yesterday just to get in game to an 800ms ping (my ping up until recently was always around the 255 mark but could go as high as 350).

Logging in a group of 12 is not possible with a ping of 800.  Multiple toons will desync while trying to play.  Disconnects become common.  Even trying to play a single toon and leveling the ring causes a desync after pulling 10 - 20 mobs in fire.  Basically - the game is not playable for me right now :(

I seem to think that unless Hunter is able to get a better connection - limiting IPs is going to be about the only solution left to us.  Checking every single player's config and setup is not viable.  And more people seem to be joining us daily.

Personally - I'd like to pledge to Hunter the sum of $200 for an internet connection upgrade.  Short of that happening though - I like the sound of IP addresses limited to 13 (the extra one for buffing or holding zones, etc).

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: napoleonn on November 22, 2012, 02:36:25 pm
So because you can't play during double loots we should cut down the server population thats what your saying? cause im not lagging atm, and when its not double loots i dont lag. So it seems this topic was made cause you can't play your crew during double loots. just saying

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 22, 2012, 02:36:35 pm
it is kinda unplayable, or rather un-enjoyable...got bored of the desync's and random spikes and just called it early for tonight even if double loot
Thing is....are we 100% certain that its due to high population? Or due to what the population does when they online?..im pretty sure aoeing 100 mobs in instances plus the crowd might have something to do with the lag as well

Consistently for years population above 400 has caused drops on zoning and desyncs, the higher it goes the worse it gets.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 22, 2012, 02:38:05 pm
So because you can't play during double loots we should cut down the server population thats what your saying? cause im not lagging atm, and when its not double loots i dont lag. So it seems this topic was made cause you can't play your crew during double loots. just saying

Am I the only person complaining about lag? Negative. Just because you are not experiencing lag we are supposed to leave it as it is? Just saying.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: napoleonn on November 22, 2012, 02:39:10 pm
No but you started this post didnt you?

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 22, 2012, 02:40:31 pm
Yes, but I wouldn't be the only person benefiting. Every post on here was created by one person.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: marxist on November 22, 2012, 02:42:32 pm
I'd pitch on a connection upgrade, I'm not sure how much I can contribute, but lets ballpark at $100.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 22, 2012, 02:44:15 pm
A better connection would be a better answer. That would be an answer I would really like.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: marxist on November 22, 2012, 02:44:53 pm
Also, I realize we can't make people add filters / etc...but it would get more done to push that than put in an ip limit.  Also the mass pulling someone else mentioned, if mobs were somehow tethered (or one of the similar ideas that were posted in another thread) were explored more, could be an idea.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Venia on November 22, 2012, 02:45:31 pm

[/quote]Consistently for years population above 400 has caused drops on zoning and desyncs, the higher it goes the worse it gets.

voted no at start, but if that's the case id vote yes to some sort of IP limiting till Hunter figures out a better connection if possible or something. I wonder though how many people are actually using 12+ characters and how much a 12 limit would cut down from the whole

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 22, 2012, 02:51:36 pm
There are some people on this server who box 30 toons. I say it would make a pretty large impact. If mass pulls were causing this lag like this then we would be having lag all the way down to 300, but we are not that I have seen. IP limit is the single best one move that would cause the largest impact on lag.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Bobbin on November 22, 2012, 03:00:20 pm
30 toons?  ::)

Use your head. No one is boxing 30 toons on double loot days. The QQ on this thread acts as if the people who box more than 12 toons are somehow immune to server's lag. I suppose, really, what I just want to know is... who told the hoi polloi about the special bandwidth reserved for the 3+ groups crowd?!

Anyone who boxes that many toons on a day like to day only has that much more frustration to deal with.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: marxist on November 22, 2012, 03:00:34 pm
bit of a difference on x2 loot with how many people are mass pulling, the population is farming charms, hoh, and anguish, and pulling as fast as they can, whereas normally its split around a bit more and people aren't trying to do as much

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Hunter on November 22, 2012, 03:13:02 pm
The more PC power someone has the more they can box.

Some people have invested a lot into having their box army, so it wouldn't be fair for them to not log on what they spent years creating.

Very very few people box beyond 6-12 anyways, so its not really hurting us much.

Its more so trains, need to start leashing mobs, then giving out more exp and better chance for charms.

Title: Re: IP Limit
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 22, 2012, 03:15:11 pm