EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bobbin on November 26, 2012, 09:33:28 pm

Title: Couple ideas
Post by: Bobbin on November 26, 2012, 09:33:28 pm
1) Simplified HP Augs for T7. A recipe to combine two Cardboard Scrap Vs with T6 Aug in magic box, creating single 4khp aug for T7 gear. Item could drop in T7 to combine with this aug for additional hps, and still keep single aug for each item slot. Seems like this would be an easy way to keep it simple for future content releases vs. adding more aug slots into gear.

2) It's probably a little early for this, but figured I'd throw it out there, anyway just to see what Hunter thinks. I know it's not exactly in the spirit of the 'Trick or Treat' npc, but would it be possible to get another type of candy turn in NPC similar to the candy collector in poeartha? I would rather 'buy' a CT spawn for ~100 candies rather than deal with potentially crappy RNG at ToT npc. With people searching for a T5 boss to fight next year, having a guaranteed T3 to fight after a set number of candies might be appreciated. :)

Title: Re: Couple ideas
Post by: Hunter on November 26, 2012, 10:33:24 pm