EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Fanon_Emarr on November 30, 2012, 02:50:36 pm

Title: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Fanon_Emarr on November 30, 2012, 02:50:36 pm
I feel like there was a discussion about this that took place across a few threads and possibly in game, but I don't think it was consolidated anywhere.

It was my understanding that instances were shut off in reaction to people exploiting their ability to respawn named mobs instantaneously by logging out of and then back into an instance. If I'm remembering what little discussion I read about the subject, that exploit was fixed. I realize that the main concern here was the server's economy, which is the rather vague reason players cite when people ask why they were disabled.

Hunter, have you given any thought to re-enabling instances in these zones? It can be a real pain in the ass to get to some of the more contested camps, LGuk and City of Mist especially, during "normal" hours for most U.S. players.

I'd be willing to pay more than the normal instance rates (crank them up 5x or 10x or more; I'll pay it) just to avoid having to stay up until 4:00 a.m. to have a chance at finding a camp empty.

Also, I haven't checked in the last day or two, but is the No Drop container situation something that you plan to change, or is that just something we'll have to learn to live with? I bring it up here because of the LBS.


Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Hunter on November 30, 2012, 04:57:57 pm
Maybe I could re-add it back for a higher plat cost so people couldn't cheaply exploit the named spawns.

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 30, 2012, 05:05:31 pm
Maybe I could re-add it back for a higher plat cost so people couldn't cheaply exploit the named spawns.

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Fanon_Emarr on November 30, 2012, 06:53:03 pm
Maybe I could re-add it back for a higher plat cost so people couldn't cheaply exploit the named spawns.

That would be great. Either that or a lock-out period of some kind. I know there are ways around that (using different characters, etc.), but it would at least discourage some of the most blatant/egregious instance spamming. 

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Chunka on November 30, 2012, 09:04:07 pm
Agreed. As it is if you go to certain zones with the cg/fg drops and they are camped you're basically blocked. I've run into this issue in CB (HATE that damned shield) and a couple others.

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Fugitive on November 30, 2012, 09:06:29 pm
Why hasn't the FG and CG became trivial yet, all it does is blocks new players from getting their 2.5s, honestly players that are hoarding this for whatever reasons and just dicks to the new players to the server holding them by their balls.. saying haha look buy it from me with the pp you don't even got.. /sadface

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: 1flytrapp on November 30, 2012, 10:44:21 pm
I Agree with Fugitive This quest should be trivial basically Given away or removed entirely just my 2 cents worth as its only purpose is to discourage new players

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Fanon_Emarr on November 30, 2012, 11:03:30 pm
Why hasn't the FG and CG became trivial yet, all it does is blocks new players from getting their 2.5s, honestly players that are hoarding this for whatever reasons and just dicks to the new players to the server holding them by their balls.. saying haha look buy it from me with the pp you don't even got.. /sadface

The community also encourages lesser-geared players to farm kits and SLS for cash. I dunno how widely adopted the idea is, but the seed is definitely planted quite frequently.

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: wolfegunr on December 01, 2012, 05:03:28 am
It should not be given away or trivial, it Is a part of progression here and always has been. However, instances definitely should be back in these areas. I was a bit sick about it when they were taken away and yes basically this just screwed the newbs  hard.

Having to wait in line should never be apart of this game. When we are on we should be able to progress towards reward. This is the most essential part of the fun formula in games.

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: 1flytrapp on December 01, 2012, 07:34:49 am
well with the end games perma camping it how can newer people camp to sell as is there is no instancing / and if instancing was reimplimented they still could not camp them via way overpriced waypoints that should be cheap / free in the first place just making it harder on the new players

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Griz on December 01, 2012, 09:00:31 am
end games perma camping it


Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Chunka on December 01, 2012, 09:13:32 am
Dont know....would it be possible to have a flag check on the character killing the mob, and if they have the flag only allow a drop to happen if they are in an instance? Then of course make the instance cost a bit. Too convoluted? Dont know....but access to the fg/cg items shouldnt be blocked because t1 geared player A wants to farm the sheet out of jade reavers and sell em, blocking content for anyone else. Or....make em all no trade. Remove it as a cash cow.

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Garete on December 01, 2012, 09:42:45 am
The first time I did kits as a new player it was tough finding all the spawn points but there are a lot of good guides out there.  After I farmed my first set it became easy though.  I would actually log on multiple tons and have each farm a diff part of kit.   Sellong the kits to vets making new toon for there army is how o made my first mil.  I found sls a lil boring.  I dont know how instances would change kits value bit I know they can be a good money maker for even a new player.

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Bladethorn on December 02, 2012, 05:06:20 am
Maybe I could re-add it back for a higher plat cost so people couldn't cheaply exploit the named spawns.

Thanks Hunter, this would be great

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Blazyn on December 18, 2012, 06:25:57 pm
What about changing the jewelry drops in Mistmoore back so players can sell them, and kicking players 35th+ out of the zone, like Dulak does at 60.  Disable aaxp IN Dulak, and increase gem drops in the zone?  I think this would increase the pp a newbie player attains, on the path to 70, by about another 10-35k. 

Isn't getting to 70 with enough cash for a few runs the whole point? Even if said newb got to 70 with 200k ... that is 1/3rd the cost of fg/cg kit, maybe the 1.5, 2.0 run? Possibly a Qvic run as well IF the person being paid was kind enough for all of that?

As I am still a relative newb, and am just barely starting to farm a little LDoN for a charm(ugh hate the drop rate) I have about 70kish.  Haven't bought anything aside from mistakenly paying for 6 tinker bags.  Don't make the quest easier, don't make the plat income easier, don't give it away.  Do increase the plat a newbie player can achieve by the time 70 comes around, since they need it the most?

Once 70, the options for making more, open up a lot more it seems

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: hateborne on December 18, 2012, 06:31:21 pm
It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to add back a sell cost equal to the gem. That way low end players can still profit from them, mid-high players can get back some of their losses when leveling jewelcrafting, and it cannot be bot purchased->crafted->sold for extreme AFK profit.


Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Blazyn on December 18, 2012, 06:40:27 pm
Adding code to kick players at a certain level from Mistmoore is  something to consider, is this not why those jewelry drops were made non vendor fodder in the first place?  I remember a lot of level 50+ players farming the drops in there for them.

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: hateborne on December 18, 2012, 06:45:07 pm
Not from my understanding. There were issues with playing buying the materials, making the jewelry, and then vendoring the jewelry for a profit. The reason this is important is that it becomes painfully easy to bot craft/sell. This can be done across multiple characters for huge AFK profit.


Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Fanon_Emarr on December 18, 2012, 09:37:11 pm
Adding code to kick players at a certain level from Mistmoore is  something to consider

The only problem with that is that Mistmoore has a CG drop (Advisor Robe).

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: lookin on December 18, 2012, 10:14:13 pm
yea that would suck if were locked out of mistmore with the cg drop being there.

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 18, 2012, 10:34:38 pm
The reason why craftable items like jewelry has no value is because people did find exploits with creating items and making profits. Billions of plat had to be deleted to fix the economy. I seriously doubt Hunter would put a level limit on zones that you have to get cg/fg items out of.

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 18, 2012, 11:29:26 pm

I don't ever remember jewelcrafting being consistently profitable, but perhaps with an enchanter with the maxxed AA it was.  Fletching was hugely profitable for a while then got nerfed so it was still profitable, but IMO not horribly so.  It also wasn't a secret that it was profitable, it was even mentioned in one of the tradeskill guides I saw on here when I had just started.

The big exploit didn't involve actually crafting anything at all from what I heard, and removing the sell value from all tradeskill components was more of a preventative measure against any other possible undiscovered issues.

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 19, 2012, 12:16:18 am
I am not sure if you were here during that time or not and I can not find the post where hunter deleted 3.7 billion plat. There was an exploit done on this server where crafting ingredients could be bought for less than what they could be sold for once combined. I tested it out on the server that copied this server. i started with maybe 100 plat and in just a few hours had over 100k. Spread that over a few toons with a simple mac and you get the picture. That wasn't the only exploit that was going on at that time, but that was a pretty big one.

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: hateborne on December 19, 2012, 12:34:40 am
True, but setting the jewelry to sell for the cost of the gem alone would surely negate any profit to be made from autonomous crafting.


Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 19, 2012, 12:41:30 am
I think they figured that it would involve going through and manually seeking out each combine and possible exploits. I believe someone just wrote a script to set all items that are a result of a combine to value of zero. Wouldn't it be easier just to replace the jewelry with gems?

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 19, 2012, 01:49:52 am
I am not sure if you were here during that time or not and I can not find the post where hunter deleted 3.7 billion plat. There was an exploit done on this server where crafting ingredients could be bought for less than what they could be sold for once combined. I tested it out on the server that copied this server. i started with maybe 100 plat and in just a few hours had over 100k. Spread that over a few toons with a simple mac and you get the picture. That wasn't the only exploit that was going on at that time, but that was a pretty big one.

I was here.  The exploit I heard about was much worse than generating 100k in a few hours.

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 19, 2012, 03:10:18 am
Yeah, that was just my example of starting out with a minimal amount of plat. Apply a bit higher plat startup, a mac, and serveral toons doing it at the same time and it adds up pretty quick. I do remember the exploit I think you are talking about though. The mass majority of the plat came from that one. Even still, the first one was too much to leave in the game.

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Fugitive on December 19, 2012, 05:15:28 pm
Or just put a variety of a few gems on the loot table vs the jewelry.  (not HoH lvl of course)

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Blazyn on December 24, 2012, 07:54:58 am
Was it not mentioned somewhere around here about the cg/fg items being in lower zones - to help the lower level players generate coin? Seems there shouldn't be a problem for kicking at 35/40 from MM.  This will just bring the cash back to the higher levels via Qvic+/Epic3.0+ runs, no?

Title: Re: FG/CG task housekeeping (instancing, etc)
Post by: Griz on December 24, 2012, 10:13:46 am
A couple more places like velks that new 70s can use (since you can't cheaply instance it anymore) would be good. Ideally it'd be a place with a complicated layout (like the velks castle) rather than an open field of mobs so people can't macro it. A zone like Siren's Grotto or Grieg's End. would be perfect.