EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: HydroPonix on May 09, 2010, 01:40:54 pm

Title: Blah
Post by: HydroPonix on May 09, 2010, 01:40:54 pm
Ok, So i started playing here on this server just a few days ago, and i seem to b running into trouble, and as some of the system messages say, ask fellow players in the game and they will help, but that is a lie! just today ive sat and asked for almost an hour n a half for some help getting the pages for the 1.5 and since i cannot box, i find this unfair that i am not able to recieve help, because others would rather be tools and play with themselves. how is 1 expected to get good and be able to withstand the forces of this server if he or she cant get started. what am i suppose 2 do? i just find this totally unfair, some poeple are playing with full parties of themselves n themselves only n wont lift a finger to help a noob. that is rather BS! what can b done about this?

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: Blissy Felpurr on May 09, 2010, 01:49:09 pm
Oi >.< Are you the lil froggie I logged over to my Cleric to  help out? If not.. I try to help when I see people Yelping over ooc :( Sorry I must have missed it!


Title: Re: Blah
Post by: HydroPonix on May 09, 2010, 01:53:42 pm
Oi >.< Are you the lil froggie I logged over to my Cleric to  help out? If not.. I try to help when I see people Yelping over ooc :( Sorry I must have missed it!


nope wasnt me, but i do appericate u offering up the help, mayb i will catch u ingame sometime, ive been trying to see if i can atleast set up my comp to be able to run 2 but so far, fail. client 1 crashes as soon as open up client 2, and visa versa, rather fustrating

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: Blissy Felpurr on May 09, 2010, 01:58:14 pm
Ok :) Well im usually on Blissy / Meeki / Zarina or Shaella ^.^
Most I can do/want to do is 2box :) My computer prolly can handle more but.. Meh 2boxing is fine with me.

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: HydroPonix on May 09, 2010, 02:10:58 pm
i have to figure out a way so i can 2box, so far like i had said its a no go cause my computer is like super trash n then i also have to figure out a way to fix my connection, because mine drops out n on so much lately its really bad

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: Blissy Felpurr on May 09, 2010, 02:12:11 pm
Ick :( Im sorry thats happening to you!

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: HydroPonix on May 09, 2010, 02:14:44 pm
yea im sorry for me also lol >< i cant seem to figure out whats causing it and its got me mad, thats more like the icing on the madness cake ><

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: Blissy Felpurr on May 09, 2010, 02:20:54 pm
Well cheer up! ^.^ Im sure you can figure it out. If not just play the one character. There are actually alot of nice people on the server :) Just play the server and Im sure you will find people to play with! ^.^

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: HydroPonix on May 09, 2010, 02:34:45 pm
i will try, hopefully i do run into these "nice people" u speak of on here, but so far i havent most just out playing with themselves

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: Blissy Felpurr on May 09, 2010, 02:40:45 pm
Meh :) its oki. When I first played on this server I was all about just playing with myself too! But Ive met quite a few people on this server who are great :) Like Mirielle for one.. Hes really great! You should poke Uxt he seems nice too!

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: HydroPonix on May 09, 2010, 03:00:54 pm
alright, first off thank you for being nice and offering to help me out, i do appericate it, and i will say hello to those others you spoke of and see if i can meet me some peeps on here

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: Reed on May 09, 2010, 03:05:16 pm
Uxt may be nice, but dont depend on him to kill mobs for ya, unless you got the weekend to kill =p

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: Mirielle on May 10, 2010, 03:10:03 am
I'm not that great  (yet), but am willing to help anyone out any way that I can  :)

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: PORTIS on May 10, 2010, 03:35:02 am
Sorry to be sounding harsh here, but all i am seeing is "Me me me me" so far. People will help but it takes time. Make some friends, talk nicely in /ooc, help those even lower than you and it will all come. If you shout in /ooc the way you projected yourself in this first post I can imagine why you have been so far knocked back. I am also new and progressed really fast through politeness and even though I want to progress further am putting at least 50% of my time into helping others pages for LDoN and Time. This server isnt about what YOU get and i know it can be frustrating seeing what others have, they have earned it trust me!

Try going to a Zone, seek out a group and ask nicely, directly. "Can I get some help", tell them you are new and struggling I think you will be supprised. Shouting demands in /ooc is a wrong angle to approach from.

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: zomgDanyelle on May 10, 2010, 08:42:30 am
Uxt may be nice, but dont depend on him to kill mobs for ya, unless you got the weekend to kill =p


Well to anyone that needs it, as always i'll do whatever i can to help if you find me in game :)
Matter of fact i'm typically one of the most helpful people, going out of my way and shit. I just haven't been on much lately :( lot going on IRL etc.

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: Warriorstack on May 10, 2010, 09:57:17 am
Hit me up in game if I am on, Isummon is my mage if I am not there I am on my SK Halfstack.

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: Reed on May 10, 2010, 11:51:08 am
Uxt may be nice, but dont depend on him to kill mobs for ya, unless you got the weekend to kill =p


Well to anyone that needs it, as always i'll do whatever i can to help if you find me in game :)
Matter of fact i'm typically one of the most helpful people, going out of my way and shit. I just haven't been on much lately :( lot going on IRL etc.

We all know you pay third world countries to research and make your guides!

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: zomgDanyelle on May 10, 2010, 03:20:48 pm
Uxt may be nice, but dont depend on him to kill mobs for ya, unless you got the weekend to kill =p


Well to anyone that needs it, as always i'll do whatever i can to help if you find me in game :)
Matter of fact i'm typically one of the most helpful people, going out of my way and shit. I just haven't been on much lately :( lot going on IRL etc.

We all know you pay third world countries to research and make your guides!

You know it!

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: robpickles on May 11, 2010, 08:41:58 am
I don't play that much...but try to get on whenever I can.

I also am not very far along in the game - but finally got my main to 70 thanks to Reed (shows u how little i play).

Maybe we can setup some kind of regular thing where people could get help or meet up to group, etc.  Shouting in OOC can get annoying and people might ignore you just because you are doing it.

Maybe like a certain spot (like the zone line to QH) in SFG can be unofficially designated the "LFG Meeting Place" and people can just gather there and SAY "Looking for help with LDON" or something. - That way it is localized and not shouted over OOC.

Then those people who are bored and willing to help others can stop by there and see who needs help, etc.  This will also help cut down the unecessary chatter in OOC and make those willing to help and who need help know where to go.

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: Reed on May 11, 2010, 09:57:34 am
Sounds like a plan to me, however people who dont frequent the forums wouldn't know

Title: Re: Blah
Post by: robpickles on May 11, 2010, 10:00:41 am
Maybe we can get the word out in game - the motd?