EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Fugitive on December 10, 2012, 09:13:13 pm

Title: WTF is this Felirotato player
Post by: Fugitive on December 10, 2012, 09:13:13 pm
Come on what the hell are you doing in game begging since you log on till you log off..

Many players have helped you and you still are just being a dick. You and I sat there for 2hrs last night burning through many of my personal stash of T2 Crystals.. and you call me a dick.. wow

What are you intentions here on this server? I'm sure at this rate you'll just end up on ignore list, is that the challenge you set with yourself?

And now you just starting calling people names that gets you far..

Wojjelok helped you and a few others too... dude what is your deal?

Title: Re: WTF is this Felirotato player
Post by: Fanon_Emarr on December 10, 2012, 09:19:30 pm
Help me out here, people, who was this guy before? A few months ago, with the same routine. It was him and his "friend" and they were constantly begging for guild invites, help w/ kills, etc. I think they were either banned or run off the server.

It's on the tip of my tongue... I wonder if I have chat logs on...

Title: Re: WTF is this Felirotato player
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 10, 2012, 09:23:31 pm
Notice how is name closely resembles Fellatio? Just sayin.

Title: Re: WTF is this Felirotato player
Post by: Fanon_Emarr on December 11, 2012, 12:24:30 pm
So I didn't have logging enabled in any of my clients, which means I don't have the previous guy's name. Somebody has to remember him. I swear it's the exact same M.O., and "both" of them have even complained that I won't let them join my guild (my box army) because it's "not fair."


Title: Re: WTF is this Felirotato player
Post by: xelurasu on December 11, 2012, 12:46:38 pm
I helped out Felirotato by using at least 60 T2 crystals. He has his T1 pattern thanks to me but he never did say thanks. I must mention that he was seriously confused about the rot bot and didn't even get it after my explanations or reading what the rot bot says when hailed.

He was really whining bad about people not helping him, which was a lie, and I started to feel bad about the human race. Anyways I didn't get any screens of his epic whine but it was really a sad endeavor on his part.


Title: Re: WTF is this Felirotato player
Post by: 1flytrapp on December 11, 2012, 01:29:54 pm
Sounds like a rerun of Ethanjop to me

Title: Re: WTF is this Felirotato player
Post by: Fanon_Emarr on December 11, 2012, 01:34:22 pm
Sounds like a rerun of Ethanjop to me


Thank you!

Title: Re: WTF is this Felirotato player
Post by: Mattnaik on December 11, 2012, 01:43:13 pm
Slightly offtopic but I had someone repeatedly call me a moron the other day because i KSed his wisp in jaggedpine? I'm not sure how you KS something that you 1 shot. You sneeze at a wisp and its dead. Maybe cause he saw it before i did? Maybe I'll make sure no one is within 30 feet of the wisp before attacking?

Instead of getting into it I just spun up a solo instance and left him alone.

Title: Re: WTF is this Felirotato player
Post by: napoleonn on December 11, 2012, 02:54:22 pm
Slightly offtopic but I had someone repeatedly call me a moron the other day because i KSed his wisp in jaggedpine? I'm not sure how you KS something that you 1 shot. You sneeze at a wisp and its dead. Maybe cause he saw it before i did? Maybe I'll make sure no one is within 30 feet of the wisp before attacking?

Instead of getting into it I just spun up a solo instance and left him alone.

Easy fix for anyone QQ'in about ks'in wisps, USE A INSTANCE

Title: Re: WTF is this Felirotato player
Post by: Denzig on December 11, 2012, 06:27:04 pm
Felirotato/Ethanjop is my favorite troll since Ineedaguild. Entertaining enough that he hasn't made it to ignore.....yet.

I am pretty sure Loyejem is also this person as they've been begging for 2.0 help for so long (easily weeks) it's impossible noone has done it for them. They may even be deleting it after someone kills MoW just to continue trolling.


Title: Re: WTF is this Felirotato player
Post by: Metuka on December 11, 2012, 06:34:02 pm
This is the guy that I asked in OOC for an officer of the guild Shadow to file a complaint as he was tagged as in that guild. During double loot weekend, he KSed a boss in LDoN while I was standing in the room on the spawn and I attacked once it spawned.  He sent in his pet and unfortunately outdamaged my poor monk.  Thankfully he left as soon as I asked in OOC for an officer.  That ogre is on my naughty list!

Title: Re: WTF is this Felirotato player
Post by: Kovou on December 11, 2012, 07:28:27 pm
its ok he keeps trying to get his "friends" into guilds b/c apparently his "friends" cant talk to anyone in a guild untill after he does

Title: Re: WTF is this Felirotato player
Post by: Chunka on December 11, 2012, 08:37:24 pm
Seems as if Rockguitar and Airguitar are 2 of his "friends".

Title: Re: WTF is this Felirotato player
Post by: hateborne on December 11, 2012, 08:45:34 pm
Seems as if Rockguitar and Airguitar are 2 of his "friends".

Airdrums was "unfriended" after not being able to keep tempo.


Title: Re: WTF is this Felirotato player
Post by: napoleonn on December 11, 2012, 08:49:17 pm
This is the guy that I asked in OOC for an officer of the guild Shadow to file a complaint as he was tagged as in that guild.
If i remember right then the guild leader of Shadow is Ethanjob. I could be wrong sorry if i am but just pointing that out I.E Your Trolling Has Increased by 2  :o