EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dracsnar on December 11, 2012, 11:23:35 pm

Title: is any one else having window 8 issues??
Post by: Dracsnar on December 11, 2012, 11:23:35 pm
got new laptop, has windows 8, transferred files from old windows 7 comp, getting errors wont load the UF client I have. any one have a place I can get clean new copy or direction to fox this issue. ???

Title: Re: is any one else having window 8 issues??
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 11, 2012, 11:28:38 pm


Since you didn't give any actual details about what the errors are this is the best guess to fix them.

Title: Re: is any one else having window 8 issues??
Post by: Dracsnar on December 11, 2012, 11:30:18 pm
sorry it is memory errors, generic type.

Title: Re: is any one else having window 8 issues??
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 12, 2012, 12:06:58 am
With the horrid review of windows 8 there is absolutely no way I would have accepted anything with it. If you have a warranty, tell them you want your money back or something with windows 7. With Microsoft's reputation of releasing either great operating systems or huge mistakes I would always wait to get anything they release.

Title: Re: is any one else having window 8 issues??
Post by: Solbash on December 12, 2012, 12:09:58 am
With the horrid review of windows 8 there is absolutely no way I would have accepted anything with it. If you have a warranty, tell them you want your money back or something with windows 7. With Microsoft's reputation of releasing either great operating systems or huge mistakes I would always wait to get anything they release.

They should have stuck with XP......

Windows Virus sucked

Windows Seven days on the phone with tech support sucks

and now Windows "ate" your pc

Title: Re: is any one else having window 8 issues??
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 12, 2012, 12:12:23 am
I am having a lot of luck with windows 7 and have not heard a lot of people complain about it very much. When anyone comes to me (and they do) with a problem with their pc and they are using vista I always tell them that is the problem.

Title: Re: is any one else having window 8 issues??
Post by: Eruditeone on December 12, 2012, 12:13:42 am
Run everything as admin. Running in compatability windows 7, may help as well. Im running WinEQ2, and MQ2 both as admin and have zero issues. However, did run into a memory problem with WinEQ2, I had the resolution in EQ turned up too high. I believe I am running 600x800 (or whatever default is) now with zero issues on UF setup.

Title: Re: is any one else having window 8 issues??
Post by: Dracsnar on December 12, 2012, 12:14:58 am
um, ya. wife comp took a dump and when it got warrentied, this is all they had, not carrying any thing with win 7 on it any more, all sent back to be fitted with win 8 I was told. so I am stuck for now trying to get game to work on this one. trying to download filkers torrent but not looking good on that one. going to see if I can get the files from live and change the files needed for emu as well. hopping some thing works.

 I did however get a copy of SoD to work, but there is now target list window. so on with the hunt for the client that will work the way my old one did.

Title: Re: is any one else having window 8 issues??
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 12, 2012, 01:27:17 am

Windows 8 is fine.  It's pretty much like Windows 7 as far as compatibility goes, just the presentation is changed a bit.

There's never any need to run EQ, WinEQ2, or MQ2 as administrator as long as you follow the simple rule of installing them outside Program Files or any of the other protected directories.

If your copy of Underfoot worked in Windows 7 then it will work in Windows 8 as long as you copied the whole thing, have installed DirectX 9, and don't have it in a protected directory.  You may also need the Visual Studio runtime installed, but almost every other program you install will also install this so it isn't generally an issue, and you would know it because you would get a missing DLL error before the program even tried to start.

I personally run my client at 1680x1050 with no issues.

Title: Re: is any one else having window 8 issues??
Post by: Hunter on December 12, 2012, 01:30:34 am
Good points.

Install outside of the "Program Files" folder, and make sure you have DirectX 9 installed.

If your unsure about which DX versions you have then just reinstall it, can't hurt.

If I recall, UF doesn't need WinEQ either.

Title: Re: is any one else having window 8 issues??
Post by: lookin on December 12, 2012, 06:42:45 am

If your unsure about which DX versions you have then just reinstall it, can't hurt.

dxdiag from a dos prompt will allow you to see what version of directx you have. personally i use 11 and it works fine

Title: Re: is any one else having window 8 issues??
Post by: vhaeraun on December 12, 2012, 06:53:51 am
Like a couple others said, I'd go with the direct x reinstallation. That's always been my problem with memory type errors in eq.

Title: Re: is any one else having window 8 issues??
Post by: Dracsnar on December 12, 2012, 08:46:49 am
OK, so found the problem, and it was not the direct X. what it ended up being was in the UI files, basically the default files name was changed when I transferred the files. it was causing all the problems.

 hehe now off to kill in game