EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Mattnaik on December 12, 2012, 07:40:32 am

Title: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: Mattnaik on December 12, 2012, 07:40:32 am
So the last couple times I've been on, I've been gearing up my shaman through T1/T2. The entire time I've been in the zone I've seen 2 shaman ore drop. I've seen around 100 T2 ore drop throughout my farming and only 2 were Shaman. I saw about 95 druid ore but that was just RNG mocking me I'm sure.

My suggestion is we either get rid of T2 ore or allow T1 ore to work with T2 patterns. I have all but my legs in T2 patterns but I can't make any of the armor cause I have to farm shaman ore.

Just a suggestion. Don't want to sound like a whiner. This is my 7th character through T2 so I've done my time in this zone and not looking for EZ mode.

Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: Brokyn on December 12, 2012, 08:00:59 am
I've seen around 100 T2 ore drop throughout my farming and only 2 were Shaman. I saw about 95 druid ore but that was just RNG mocking me I'm sure.

This is my 7th character through T2 so I've done my time in this zone and not looking for EZ mode.

7 Characters, 8 armour slots per character means you have been able to find 56 specific class ores...  I understand it can be frustrating fighting against the RNG, but if you come here to make a suggestion because you believe something is broken in game then having REAL statistics will help more than rediculous exaggerations.

Everyone had at least one toon that they had trouble getting ore for.

Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: Mattnaik on December 12, 2012, 08:39:16 am
I've seen around 100 T2 ore drop throughout my farming and only 2 were Shaman. I saw about 95 druid ore but that was just RNG mocking me I'm sure.

This is my 7th character through T2 so I've done my time in this zone and not looking for EZ mode.

7 Characters, 8 armour slots per character means you have been able to find 56 specific class ores...  I understand it can be frustrating fighting against the RNG, but if you come here to make a suggestion because you believe something is broken in game then having REAL statistics will help more than rediculous exaggerations.

Everyone had at least one toon that they had trouble getting ore for.

I'm not sure if you are calling me a liar or not.

I geared up my previous 6 toons all at the same time so the chance I got a class specific ore for 1 of 6 classes is a lot more likely. I realize that when coming back and only looking for 1 class the chances of hitting one of the classes i needs reduces greatly. But I had all my T1 armor and 2 T2 patterns before my first shaman ore dropped.

It was probably about 12 clears of T1 and another 6 clears of T2. You're saying its not possible that I could have seen that much ore and not more than 2 could be shaman ore and I'm exaggerating? You can say that all you want, it's true, it happened.

The only reason I posted this here was because I mentioned it in /ooc last night and a good number of people (including some vets) agreed that ore should be done away with in T2. I'm certain I will be done gearing my shaman before any change would be made anyway, I just thought cause other people agreed, I would post it in the suggestions.

Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: Nakemdun on December 12, 2012, 09:10:05 am
Or could make it tradable and peeps can stack the rare class drops and make a little platzz.

Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: Hunter on December 12, 2012, 10:12:21 am
I haven't looked at the T1/T2 armor combines in a long time, but you need a mold + gem? I guess I could make the gems tradeable, would create some market for them.

Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: Mattnaik on December 12, 2012, 10:20:55 am
I haven't looked at the T1/T2 armor combines in a long time, but you need a mold + gem? I guess I could make the gems tradeable, would create some market for them.

T1 is generic type mold plus generic type specific ore (e.g. Plate, Chain, etc.)
T2 is class specific mold plus class specific ore

Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: Brokyn on December 12, 2012, 10:25:54 am
I am not calling you a liar.  What I am saying is that you said you got 100 drops, 95 of them were druid, and 2 were shaman...  That is not real data, and intended to make your point by exaggeration of your frustration with the RNG.  If you said you had 10+ of each class, and 2 shaman with real numbers it might point to a problem with the rate at which shaman ores were dropping.

Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: Hunter on December 12, 2012, 10:44:17 am
If 95 of 100 were druid drops, then something is wrong. Although RNG can suck, it doesn't suck that bad. Maybe zone was bugging out who knows.

Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: Mattnaik on December 12, 2012, 10:47:03 am
If 95 of 100 were druid drops, then something is wrong. Although RNG can suck, it doesn't suck that bad. Maybe zone was bugging out who knows.

Sorry the 95 of 100 I was just being funny cause I hate druids. But it was a LARGE number of druid ore. I realize now that's what Brokyn was talking about when he said I was exaggerating.

Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: Fjord on December 12, 2012, 12:27:06 pm
Best I can offer is that the RNG does tend to get "stuck" sometimes. This is mostly observer bias, but could also be the algorithm, I don't know the particulars, but shuffle on my phone does this all the time. I've gotten 15 rogue ores in a row during double loot, that was my best. 9 out of 12 spawns I popped Kronos...etc. If it's really bugging you zone out and wait a bit, usually fixes it.

Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: napoleonn on December 12, 2012, 02:04:28 pm
If 95 of 100 were druid drops, then something is wrong. Although RNG can suck, it doesn't suck that bad. Maybe zone was bugging out who knows.
Sounds like decays striking T1/2 as well  ::)

Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: Chunka on December 12, 2012, 02:14:25 pm
If 95 of 100 were druid drops, then something is wrong. Although RNG can suck, it doesn't suck that bad. Maybe zone was bugging out who knows.

Hunter, I dont know, but I think something is seriously wrong with RNG at times. Maybe it sticks, or errors, or something. A guildie recently got 9 drops in qvic, and seven of them were leather hats. Seven out of nine. Thats like rolling a 28 sided die 9 times and getting 1 seven times. Yes, it COULD happen....but the odds are insane. I've had the same thing happen in Qvic. Once had four bosses in a row drop exactly the same items, except for the token. EXACTLY the same, down to 4 qvic essences on each of those 4. Again.....perhaps it was bugged. BTW: neither of these examples was in an instance.

As to the T2 ore....you need to roll a 1 in 16 8 times to get the ores you need for T2 armor, because they are class specific. If not making the ores tradeable, perhaps create a second tier of ores that are not class, but armor type specific? So a plate ore for T1, and a diff type of plate ore for T2? Or perhaps just make them all use the T1 ores.

Honestly, just getting the armor itself to drop can be a grind enough. I went through 17 crystals last week trying to get a T2 bracer for a shaman.

Thanks for all the cool changes and the effort, btw.

Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: hateborne on December 12, 2012, 02:24:14 pm
While I think that maybe the T2 ore could be slightly upped (increase number dropped by 1 per chest), I don't believe QVIC is broken. QVIC is the first filter. It is the area that will test one's resolve and filter out many of the WoW kids. Then next comes the Abyss. People that were rushed up by friends will suddenly find themselves having to go back, gear up, slow pull rate, and try day after day. Without certain "tar pits", the game is  not long from start to end.

tl;dr - One more T1 ore per T1 chest, T2 ore per T2 chest. QVIC/TACVI is fine.


Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: Mattnaik on December 12, 2012, 02:29:47 pm
I do agree something is whacked with the RNG at times. I, like someone mentioned above, had Kronos spawn 7 times in a row. 5 of those times the necro robe dropped.

Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: Strix on December 12, 2012, 02:37:47 pm
...but shuffle on my phone does this all the time. I've gotten 15 rogue ores in a row during double loot, that was my best.

Hell yes - you can farm ores from your phone!!!!!!  And you can get double loot to boot!!!!!

 :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: Fjord on December 12, 2012, 02:52:36 pm
...but shuffle on my phone does this all the time. I've gotten 15 rogue ores in a row during double loot, that was my best.

Hell yes - you can farm ores from your phone!!!!!!  And you can get double loot to boot!!!!!

 :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Oh god, I would get nothing done. I get nothing done as it is. I'm stuck getting rogue ores and listening to the same Pink Floyd songs out of a library of like 20,000 songs. Must have something to do with the way it accesses the memory. It's a lazy phone.

Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: Griz on December 14, 2012, 12:20:05 am
Best fix would be to only require ore on dragon class combines (since you need to differentiate which class's piece you're making)

Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: wolfegunr on December 14, 2012, 04:27:26 am
I haven't looked at the T1/T2 armor combines in a long time, but you need a mold + gem? I guess I could make the gems tradeable, would create some market for them.

I think this is the best solution for this.

Title: Re: Can we do away with T2 ore?
Post by: Hunter on December 14, 2012, 04:52:51 am
See update 12-14-12