EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Hunter on December 17, 2012, 08:16:49 am

Title: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Hunter on December 17, 2012, 08:16:49 am
There is a Free to Play client available on steam and I got myself a fresh copy, then zipped up a backup of it for future reference in case it becomes a new standard instead of Underfoot.

Logged on my old account and started up a character on Zek (pvp) server.

Anyone here play Live recently? I haven't played since PoP and I'm complete noob again. Anyone have advice or have an account and willing to help power level possibly with plat or gear? Would be willing to give/trade credits on EZ Server for plat or other power level stuff on Live.

Is MQ2 allowed? I'm sure they have ways of detecting it. So if its allowed, what would get you banned? Obviously warping or ghosting would. Do they care about Map feature being used? What else would be useful on Live with MQ2?

I don't plan to get too serious on Live, but just looking for some new ideas and see whats change or updated since I last played. I'd probably go for max level with medium gear then either casual pvp or something.

I haven't searched on Google yet but I figured some of you here would be hardcore, such as with MQ2, came from Live, etc.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: LevelOneHuman on December 17, 2012, 08:21:37 am
I may still have some stuff on Firiona Vie. I'm not sure what or how much, but I should have something. I played on Test for a long time too, I have plenty there if you feel like doing that server.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Mattnaik on December 17, 2012, 08:24:48 am
I stopped playing Live back around when LDoN came out. Only made it to around level 58 or so. I did use MQ2 back then  (I think it was just MQ at the time) and never got banned. I only used it to AFK forage rare crafting items in Velious (don't worry I don't AFK anything on this server). I used it every day while I was at work for a good few months with no issues.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: LevelOneHuman on December 17, 2012, 08:27:03 am
Also, MQ2 is "officially" forbidden, but it's still updated by the developers and you can use certain things (such as the map) with relative safety. Test server follows a different update schedule, so MQ2 does NOT work there.


The upside to Test is that you have gold member access on a free account, same as paying $15 a month. You get all expansions, vet rewards, insta level 25, and (unless this has changed recently) double XP. Once my wife wakes up and releases me from baby duty I can dig around for you and see what I have, both on Test and Live.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Hunter on December 17, 2012, 09:01:55 am
I'm reading some noob guides now. Seems Firiona Vie as all items droppable and therefore you could get any item in the bazaar. This would be a big help since I really don't have time to farm or do huge guild raids for hours on end.

Haven't checked out yet if transfers are allowed between servers.

While playing I noticed the "Release Box" for rez, so I am now testing this on our test server. This would allow players to not have to double-zone each time they die-rez so could help with lag, zone, desync, etc on EZ but need to make sure it couldn't get exploited to the point of making bosses too easy. If I do enable that would either make raid zones all no-bind if they aren't already, and possible add rez effects back in.

Anyways, back to live. Haven't taken anyone up on offers yet, and might just take everyone up on it, no point turning down free stuff. Doing EZ Credits only, no character transfers.

Thanks so much


Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Kwai on December 17, 2012, 09:03:44 am
MQ is a bannable offense on live.  I think I posted SOE's response to my question about using it when F2P first came out.  It was a canned response based on their EULA, but you would have to think they would have to modify their position at some point as population drops each year.

I have a live account on Tunare if you want help there.  Honestly tho, after playing EMU servers and using MQ2 ... live is just a wet blanket and not a whole lot of fun.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Hunter on December 17, 2012, 09:05:32 am
I agree, Live just isn't the same thrill as I remember. More or less curious of new features and zones, etc.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Lexington on December 17, 2012, 10:15:04 am
I'm reading some noob guides now. Seems Firiona Vie as all items droppable and therefore you could get any item in the bazaar. This would be a big help since I really don't have time to farm or do huge guild raids for hours on end.

Haven't checked out yet if transfers are allowed between servers.

While playing I noticed the "Release Box" for rez, so I am now testing this on our test server. This would allow players to not have to double-zone each time they die-rez so could help with lag, zone, desync, etc on EZ but need to make sure it couldn't get exploited to the point of making bosses too easy. If I do enable that would either make raid zones all no-bind if they aren't already, and possible add rez effects back in.

Anyways, back to live. Haven't taken anyone up on offers yet, and might just take everyone up on it, no point turning down free stuff. Doing EZ Credits only, no character transfers.

Thanks so much

please add rez box :)

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Hunter on December 17, 2012, 10:16:11 am
My main is on Rathe if anyone has anything on there.

I got a few emails already, but haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.

Seems mercs cost gold in game, so that would probably help.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Artemis on December 17, 2012, 10:27:40 am
The amount of gold that they cost is nominal for the 1st tier.  The final tier is about 99 plat and hour if I recall.  While farming the drops you get will cover their cost.  For your guys, the best you will be able to get will be the Journeyman 1s.  To get the Jman 5s, you have to do a group task/quest.  I wasn't able to box it till 85+ with 4 toons and a couple mercs.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Hunter on December 17, 2012, 10:35:35 am
I got several people emailing me.

So far I'm interested in FV and Zek servers.

I prefer to use my old account, so PL + Plat/Loot is good.

I haven't decided anything yet though, too tired right now, going bed soon.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Fjord on December 17, 2012, 02:45:14 pm
I logged on EQ a few weeks ago and it was depressing. I tried using a Merc with my Druid and grew bored of it almost instantly. On top of that, half my clickies were in extended bags/slots that weren't accessible because I wasn't gold; I only found that out after doing a test copy.

If you were dead set on playing, there's some weird vendor in PoK that'll give you pretty nice items for tokens that you'll probably have accrued on any old characters.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Hunter on December 17, 2012, 04:01:14 pm
Tokens eh? I'll have to check it out.

Again, I don't plan to hardcore, just want to get up to date on what Live is doing, get some ideas.

I made a ton of characters, couldn't make up my mind which class and which server I wanted to play on. I'm sure some of you also did that lol.

My main Cleric has 80 something days played on it, which is a lot considering I couldn't stick to just 1 char.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Venia on December 17, 2012, 04:55:48 pm
wasn't FV a RP server with special loot rules?...i started there my first char, but didnt really played on that server.
They used to have a loot rule that if you kill a mob that gives no exp, then you get no loot from it, not sure if that got scrapped with the years, im talking early 2000 here

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Hunter on December 17, 2012, 06:32:45 pm
Reason for FV is all loot is droppable/tradeable which would help me a bit since I won't be full time guild raiding.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Garete on December 17, 2012, 07:31:14 pm
I had some toons an ayonae ro I forget who server merged with but if thats swrver your on ill hook you uo with pl or plat.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Kovou on December 17, 2012, 08:54:42 pm
my main was on Xegony and i still go back and play everynow and then... i also have toons on FV so i play there as well..have items and plat there so i can help...on FV there is a huge MQ2 following but its very very very hush hush....... as for rez box....i'd tell you not to do it...while its awesome...there is an mq2 plugin called autorez that will automaticly rez you in w/o someone clicking you in or anything just an FYI boss

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Rathnor on December 17, 2012, 09:37:49 pm
I have some characters on FV and probably some plat laying around. What kind of conversion rate we talking? lol

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Hunter on December 18, 2012, 12:42:24 am
Based on what I see the market goes for, I would probably offer anyone 1 EZ Credit per 5k plat on FV server.

This is the only offer I have made yet. I know a few people emailed me already.

Also looking for power level on FV. I have a class that can PB AoE early on if anyone wants to help.

Plan to play on Zek with another class but haven't chosen yet. Need something easy to solo PvE and PvE which I'm thinking Necro, Druid, Wizard, or Bard.

Ideas, plat, and PL's are welcome. :)



Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Blazyn on December 18, 2012, 05:14:14 am
 - You can transfer to FV and Zek for free, you can not transfer off.  Mercs cost platinum after 10th level, have 2 tiers, 4 ranks in each iirc.

 - MQ2 is absolutely not allowed, not map, stick, any part of it.  If detected, account is banned(so they say).

 - Test server has Gold status on all accounts, for that server - although there is likely less people there on a busy night than here on a Monday night.  It is good for exploring though, and finding a spot in a hotzone

 - FV has *almost* everything with the NOTRADE(or NORENT for long term MIA's) removed, epics have the tag still

 - Lots of new stuff, tons of new zones. I prefer the dragon spine zones for space, they are huge and have a nice variety of mobs/camps in each of them.  Giants are always a plus :)

 - Lots of "Hot Zones" are in game now, special themed set of zones that have an increased ZEM.  The ZEM is not larger than all other zones, they just double the normal ZEM for each zone, makes some zones insane.  I remember when The Hole was a HZ, there was almost 100 people in there everyday!

 - Bards can solo effectively - but not like before, the AE kiting mass trains was killed in OoW expansion. Mobs take zero damage from the 2 AE dots if they are moving, the single target chants still work though.

 - Necro + Druid are good soloers, Mage is arguably best(with cleric merc). Since accounts are free. Mage + shaman +chanter(with 1 cleric merc and 2 wiz mercs) is a mini raid force.

I haven't logged in to Test now in 3-4 months.  Boxing is a hassle compared to here :)

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Kovou on December 18, 2012, 12:10:00 pm
i agree with Blazyn but i still log on to test everynow and then i still love it there thou my guild on there keeps yelling at me for disappareing lol but RL makes playing on emu much easier lol....if you decide to log on test hunter let me know i'll pl you up to 70ish no problem

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Hunter on December 18, 2012, 12:22:33 pm
I typed /claim and had a TON of stuff to claim, bags, mounts, illusions, mercs, etc. Fun fun.

Noticed some features wish eqemu had, such as aggro meter.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Blazyn on December 18, 2012, 05:16:53 pm
The aggro meter was JUST released with the current expansion.  I like the claim stuff, was a good idea.  Sony does have them from time to time, I was logged in today for a few minutes to talk with a few old friends, was a nice little visit.

I would like to see a few more zones opened up that are made better experience for low levels.  Blightfire Moors would be awesome for levels 15 through to around 40ish.  Goru'kar Mesa is a well laid out zone for levels 35ish through 50, and The Steppes is great through to 70.  The revamped paw(elemental) is one of my most favorite zones for level 65 through to 70 there - great cash, lots of fun. All the TSS zones are very well laid out, and done well except for Sony gearing them for players that have better gear than the average level player, it is a good challenge though.

I pl my level 60 toons right through to 80 now, in Valdeholme.  Really love smaking giants around :)

Hope to see some of your inspirations brought over to EZ!

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Hunter on December 19, 2012, 03:42:03 am
Yeah, I know Aggro Meter was just released in current expansion.

Other neat stuff I saw but don't known when was added, was what appeared to be insert and item into an item sort of like inserting an aug, then which it changes the graphic.

So I had this hammer, and inserted another hammer into some Aug Slot Type 20 and it changed the appearance.

That would be roxing for Epics on EZ Server.

Today I just discovered/realized that you can make "Disposable Email Addresses" from just 1 email account. Seems all the major players are doing it, Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo. Each have their own limits, like Hotmail allows up to 5 per year, total 15 max. This is a major help since I have several accounts on all the major games like Everquest, Starcraft, Guild Wars, WoW, Steam, etc. Its a pain to create new accounts, and then have them get deleted if you don't log in within a certain time (usually 3-12 months inactivity depending who your email is). So now I can have multiple email addresses, not expire, and only 1 log in. Wish they had this 15 years ago!

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Chunka on December 19, 2012, 11:28:34 am
I'd love to see merc's stay out of EZ. I dont think they're a good idea here.

I'd love to see use of the power supply slot here to add to armor sets.

I'd love to see augs here that added more than just hps and procs....maybe heroic stats? Upgraded versions of the weapon damage augs (mossy, sky, etc) that might get epics near uni weaps in terms of damage? Just ideas.

I'd LOVE to see content here in SoD and House of Thule zones.

I'd like to see custom AA's here, if they were possible.....but AA that you can only get with a specific flag. If thats possible.

I'd love to see guild halls here, though I dont see any use for player housing here or live (crappy player housing system IMO).

I'd love to see better bags :D

Oh, and lastly, it'd be nice to see more use of the crafters guild to make these newer items (bags, PSU's, etc). And along with that, I'd LOVE to see higher teir alternatives to SLS farming!!!

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Artemis on December 19, 2012, 12:17:24 pm
I started playing off and on right before T5 was released.  Still a noob, IMO and I have not read every post between that timeframe.  Please forgive if I repeat anything that has been posted before.  I just wanted to get some ideas down.  ;)

- Being able to click clickies within bags would be awesome as there seems to be a larger amount of items with click affects.

- Possibly more tasks for previous mentioned items like larger bags, clickies, pets, weps or even

- Possibly more events during the year to be able to get the items that drop once a year that seem to becoming a requirement for upper tiers.

- Possibly making some of the group spell and proc affects affect raids.  It seems more and more people are running two groups instead of a single group with the requirements of upper tiers.

- Appearance slots for Armor and Weps would be awesome. This would give each char more "uniqueness".

- One thing that EQ2 did was change the epic affects into buffs that were non dispell to allow for more of a choice on wep selections.  Not sure if this is possible but it would be nice(IMO) to have some wep choices.

- Reactive type heals.  EQ live has added some interesting heals for the shaman that are cast with a number of counters. Each hit has a chance to trigger the counter which heals or heals and slows the mobs.  I understand that slows are not used here but the trigger idea is neat as far as healing goes.

All the mercs I have used seem to fail at the most in-oppertune times so def in agreement with leaving them off the rest of the server. 
+1 to the SOD and HoT zones
+1 on the crafter ideas.

- Very excited about the idea of TOFS.  Charm farming in LDON drives me to want to punch kittens. =/  I have been killing Shadow for my upgrades just to avoid doing LDON for these.  As UC is becoming more and more of a requirement for upper tiers, I would hope this item becomes more avail to the general public.

Again, this is from my limited experience and reading the forum. I haven't made it past T4 at this point due to not buckling down and farming UCs. Also I realize this all my not even be possible with the current EMU code, but I wanted to throw these ideas out just in case.  My apologies if this belongs in another post... 

-Team Warmon

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Griz on December 19, 2012, 09:07:28 pm

I pl my level 60 toons right through to 80 now, in Valdeholme.  Really love smaking giants around :)

Hope to see some of your inspirations brought over to EZ!

I went back and played a bit when Free to Play went in, and I agree that smashing through Froscrypt with a group of 70ish characters was a ton of fun. That Kedge zone from TBS was pretty badass too. Tons of cool zones from beyond DoD to mess around with.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Blazyn on December 20, 2012, 02:32:06 pm

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Hunter on December 20, 2012, 05:14:22 pm
I got my character on FV up to almost 80 so far.

Feeling like a noob here, but I'm not able to dual box.

I can run 2 copies of Underfoot for eqmu fine but I can't run 2 copies of F2P for Live. When I use eqgame.exe it says to run EverQuest.exe which doesn't exist.

Running the Launcher / patcher only tells me the game is currently running.

So how do I 2box this?

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Natedog on December 20, 2012, 05:18:54 pm
When I played on live the way to 2 box ... was WinEQ2

Not sure if that still works on live though

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Hunter on December 20, 2012, 05:27:41 pm
Thats what I was afraid of, and hoping to avoid.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: napoleonn on December 20, 2012, 05:31:09 pm
Ya i left eq after LoY but its always been wineq.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Artemis on December 20, 2012, 06:23:59 pm
"Running the Launcher / patcher only tells me the game is currently running." -  Sounds like you are still logged into the same account on the Launcher. Top right hand side-logout.  Then login with 2nd account. 

I had three accounts logged in a couple days ago using that method.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Griz on December 20, 2012, 06:29:28 pm
Yeah, you can select multiple accounts from the launcher. Makes it pretty easy actually.

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Hunter on December 20, 2012, 07:27:23 pm
That makes sense. Account based, not client based. Will try log in another account via Launcher.

Thanks :)

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: MacofMacs on December 20, 2012, 08:31:00 pm
Load up 1 account, load char in load another account.. I don't use any programs for EQ1 and I can 12-box no prob

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Kovou on December 21, 2012, 01:26:53 pm
or just do the nopatch shortcut works fine after your patched up

Title: Re: Free 2 Play Client
Post by: Hunter on December 21, 2012, 05:46:31 pm
Starting to find the Launcher quit handy for logging in multiple accounts since its easy to remember all the station names and swap.