EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: napoleonn on December 20, 2012, 10:43:09 pm

Title: Santa Clause
Post by: napoleonn on December 20, 2012, 10:43:09 pm
There is prolly no one on the server that would even think of doing this but i am welcome for help if theres some people that are willing to take tasks.
I will grant everyone ONE present on EZ that can post here with the name of there MAIN toon. I cannot do 5.0s but if your flagged can do the rest myself. Some things like 5.5/6.0 will require you to be able to help me kill in zone or Mata. Anything less i can do myself. This means epic runs, armor runs (only one tier and if tokens i have or u have t3/4 mainly) or one essence ( T5/6 requires help from your crew). I have nothing planned for xmas and if hunter does 21-25th it will give me enough time to help folks. Anyone with the same name as there main is welcome. MUST be in a guild or atleast known somewhat on server to get help. I will be on tonight for some tells. BUT you will have to post here what your wish is. Yes even fugitive can get a essence or something if you want newb.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Fugitive on December 20, 2012, 10:46:21 pm
I'll help ya Napoleonn

Won't be running any T6 for players, but I'll do Pub T5s and below

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: MacofMacs on December 20, 2012, 10:48:43 pm
Scorpiorage - 1.5's

I would love help with 2.0's or something.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: bunga on December 20, 2012, 10:55:33 pm
I'll take a clear of 5.0 for procing

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Garete on December 20, 2012, 11:15:35 pm
My playtime will be limited this holiday season but if my turn comes up and im on i would love to work on some t3 armor for my warrior or paladin.  Whichever a vet things would benefit me the most.  War will be tank and pally is main heals.

My Paladins name is Garete and my Warriors name is Tankerellia.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Elderlion on December 20, 2012, 11:18:46 pm
Diduduth - I'm am in to help. I'll be in t1/t2-t4 (Dependent on tokens), even qvic. Lmk.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: napoleonn on December 20, 2012, 11:22:00 pm
This will stop anyone from me or my helpers not knowing who you are. Even if you gotta make a new account to get your mains name cause you didn't start with that. MY ACCOUNT IS NAPOLEONN. FUGITIVES IS HIS NAME! 5.0 clearings are ok but ALL U GET IS THE BOSS KILLS, cause the armor might be grandfathered into someone elses gift of a suit of armor. REMEMBER WERE ONLY A FEW PPL. ONE WISH 5.0s are off limits. And with fugitive NOT doing T6 thats gonna limit time. FCFS IF TIME IS NOT PERMITED. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU WILL GET SOMETHING. THIS IS A PROMISE TO TRY. I WILL HELP WHO CAN BUT YOU ARE NOT GUARENTEED ANYTHING FOR SURE!

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: napoleonn on December 20, 2012, 11:25:48 pm
If i get enough ppl to help im gonna do a secret santa type thing. i already got a few folks to help so this is going great. you guys are freaking awesome its only been a hour that i posted this post and already getting great results, but i need ppl to post what they want with there mains name. sorry for inconvienance but jesus were given u free stuff.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Eruditeone on December 20, 2012, 11:46:53 pm
Im 28 kills from my 5.0. And only need 2 more Prexus II pieces to finish my full suit of T5, so the armor isnt so much an issue. Not sure what you're guys' playtimes are, but if you shoot me a text I can be there. Send me a PM if you wanna help and I will give you my phone number, when/if you have time.

If 28 kills would be too much, Im sure I can find something else I need help with.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Felony on December 20, 2012, 11:52:29 pm
I'm gimp but I'll help do some stuff for people.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: napoleonn on December 20, 2012, 11:56:46 pm
Im 28 kills from my 5.0. And only need 2 more Prexus II pieces to finish my full suit of T5, so the armor isnt so much an issue. Not sure what you're guys' playtimes are, but if you shoot me a text I can be there. Send me a PM if you wanna help and I will give you my phone number, when/if you have time.

If 28 kills would be too much, Im sure I can find something else I need help with.
Eruditeone needs 2 peices of t5 mage armor, which two pieces post and well /tell eruditeone with them.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: napoleonn on December 21, 2012, 12:06:55 am
Gonna ask for a guild to be made from hunter and call it Bah Humbug to make for T5 runs so i don't crowd up my own guild. I'll be doing t5 work there during the event. So if you want kills sorry can't for sure the credit but will be doing clearing when i can. Also All armor/epic kills will be done in that guild.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Eruditeone on December 21, 2012, 12:09:09 am
Hands and gloves are the last remaining Prexus II pieces needed.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Hank Hill on December 21, 2012, 12:50:45 am
Hank Hill here. Nap if you need help with the lower stuff, i can lend you a hand there. im onley starting t6 so struggeling to get t6 gear and 5.5/6.0 my self. so cant plow em down like you can. If ya need help im here. Just send me a PM og tell.

   Hank Hill

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: napoleonn on December 21, 2012, 01:23:38 am
Hank, well known person to me. I will help u get a 5.5 for your main toon. Give me a hollar.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Woodee on December 21, 2012, 05:07:08 am
Hank Ill be up in t6 alot this weekend hopefully and can help you as much as i can.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Fanon_Emarr on December 21, 2012, 11:11:51 am
My main is Faynon. I'm available to help with anything through T2. I need to farm essences and a couple of T1 armor drops anyway, so anybody is welcome to my rots. I don't kill T3 quickly enough to be of much use there.

I wouldn't mind a hand getting a couple of 3.5s and 4.0s done this weekend in exchange. My DPS in HoH isn't great so it takes a lot of luck for me to drop Shadow in a reasonable amount of time.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Hank Hill on December 21, 2012, 12:37:46 pm
Thanks nap :) Also if anyone need 4.0 or t3/4 gear ill gladly plow it down for ya. /tell Hank :)

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Clegane on December 21, 2012, 01:16:29 pm
My main is Clegane, I do ok boxing but I could really use help finishing my 3.5 to speed things along. I have the book and 2 pages already. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Garete on December 21, 2012, 01:20:56 pm
Thank you so much for all the help getting some T3 and T4 gear Napoleon it will really help my toons farm shadow more effectively.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Kovou on December 21, 2012, 01:35:29 pm
Main Char, Whispering in need of 5.5 pg 1...nat i'll help you clear T5/T6 no problem my friend and will be on tonight and the next few days to bug you and everyone else

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: cerwin on December 21, 2012, 03:08:25 pm
Techsupport/Tshirt here

I can help with anything T4 and below

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Bleyz on December 21, 2012, 05:35:12 pm
Bleyz- T3/4/5-4.0 Paladin
Fiya- T2/3-4.0 Necromancer

I wouldn't mind T4 bp/legs/ whichever other pieces escape me atm, or my epic 4.5... i'm gearing my warrior to tank, still have alot of work to do, but as i told you before, I will be willing to help you guys with anything that i can. Napoleonn, I already told you this, I'll be on either later tonight or late tomorrow. Work sucks, but it pays my bills and allows me to burn my life up on EZ Server ;) I can do epics up to 3.0 relatively easy, and can do up to podragons fairly well also.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Kovou on December 23, 2012, 04:56:42 pm
cable company called me yesterday morning to inform me that i was stealing my own cable and that i have wracked up almost $4k worth of charges for movies/net plus illigeal net activities......*yet i have warned them that our cable box that they are suppose to have locked has no cover or anything on it* and they said they are shutting off my cable until after the frist of the year.......and we have the choice to pay it on monday in full then dispute it...or wait and pay court costs as well..... so needless to say i have no net unless my neighbor allows me to use theirs w/o their knowledge :P but anyway ya Whispering Wont be able to help nor will i be on till maybe after the frist of the year or if i can get this fixed before then.../sigh good thing i've kept pictures and phone records of all my calls and everything so hopefully i'll be back sooner....but idk if anyone wants to get a hold of me my email is qball69_1_2001@yahoo.com also my YIM name if yall wanna add me....anyway take it easy everyone i hope to have net and everything back soon!!

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Solbash on December 23, 2012, 09:49:59 pm
I'd be willing to help for sure. Just hope AT&T shows up tomorrow and fixes my internet... i haven't played the past few weeks because every 15-20 minutes i get random disconnects. Hours on the phone with tech support (which ofcourse i'd done everything they got me to do before i called them) then finally getting a tech out here. If all goes well, i may be able to help tomorrow night, or christmas night when i get home that evening. If not, it will be before the new year.

I R Itank

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: bunga on December 23, 2012, 11:06:20 pm
I'd be willing to help for sure. Just hope AT&T shows up tomorrow and fixes my internet... i haven't played the past few weeks because every 15-20 minutes i get random disconnects. Hours on the phone with tech support (which ofcourse i'd done everything they got me to do before i called them) then finally getting a tech out here. If all goes well, i may be able to help tomorrow night, or christmas night when i get home that evening. If not, it will be before the new year.

I R Itank

Sounds like what happened to me a few years ago, was a bad splice in the line if they have been doing work on the lines in the area.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Fliker on December 24, 2012, 12:30:12 am
I'd be willing to help for sure. Just hope AT&T shows up tomorrow and fixes my internet... i haven't played the past few weeks because every 15-20 minutes i get random disconnects. Hours on the phone with tech support (which ofcourse i'd done everything they got me to do before i called them) then finally getting a tech out here. If all goes well, i may be able to help tomorrow night, or christmas night when i get home that evening. If not, it will be before the new year.

I R Itank

Another possibility is that AT&T has a data limit. Have been hearing alot of complaining about that lately.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: napoleonn on December 24, 2012, 12:55:04 am
Still helping ppl, everyone so far that has posted has been tooken care of as far as i know. If you haven't post here for help ill keep doing what i can. Thanks for everyone thats been paying it forward, this christmas has been fun so far  :)

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Solbash on December 24, 2012, 01:03:23 am
I'd be willing to help for sure. Just hope AT&T shows up tomorrow and fixes my internet... i haven't played the past few weeks because every 15-20 minutes i get random disconnects. Hours on the phone with tech support (which ofcourse i'd done everything they got me to do before i called them) then finally getting a tech out here. If all goes well, i may be able to help tomorrow night, or christmas night when i get home that evening. If not, it will be before the new year.

I R Itank

Another possibility is that AT&T has a data limit. Have been hearing alot of complaining about that lately.
Data limit is 150 gigs, then 10 bucks per 50 gigs, ours isn't capped.

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: MacofMacs on December 24, 2012, 01:16:37 am
Would be nice for 3.5 pages, 4.0 books (2), t3 or t4 gear Nap ! (:

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: Hank Hill on December 24, 2012, 01:23:16 am

If i dont see you online today, send me a tell whenever you see me online and ill fixs you up with the 4.0 books.

Hank Hill <Leviathan>

Title: Re: Santa Clause
Post by: MacofMacs on December 24, 2012, 01:29:36 am
I'm on right now, sent you a tell. did u get