EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Fugitive on December 23, 2012, 01:07:47 pm

Title: Hunter T5 Essences issue
Post by: Fugitive on December 23, 2012, 01:07:47 pm

Just heads up some weird bug in T5 with the essences... I looted 3 this morning and inventory only shows 1... I noticed I looted an essence that didn't have a small number in bottom left right corner ... I have no clue other then that for details..

Going to see if I can gather more info about it

Paldail had same problem yesterday poofed..

Title: Re: Hunter T5 Essences issue
Post by: Natedog on December 23, 2012, 01:10:29 pm
Yeah.. was weird had 2 poof that I looted from trash mobs.

Didn't give it much thought since no one else had the issue .. but seems it wasn't just me.

Title: Re: Hunter T5 Essences issue
Post by: Felony on December 23, 2012, 01:44:34 pm
quest::addloot(item_id, charges = 0, equipitem = true)
Just curious if you used quest::addloot(113379,0) or quest::addloot(113379,1)
I have no experience using addloot but if charges is set to 0 might be the issue.

Title: Re: Hunter T5 Essences issue
Post by: Hunter on December 23, 2012, 02:30:34 pm
quest::addloot(item_id, charges = 0, equipitem = true)
Just curious if you used quest::addloot(113379,0) or quest::addloot(113379,1)
I have no experience using addloot but if charges is set to 0 might be the issue.

I was using with a 0, just updated to a 1, should take effect after server reboot.

First time using addloot on EZServer which actually speeds up having to add the same item to many mobs rather than editing individual loot tables for each mob, just 1 size fits all in default.pl in the zone.

Thanks for the help on how to fix.


Title: Re: Hunter T5 Essences issue
Post by: Fugitive on December 23, 2012, 02:32:29 pm
woot thanks Hunter and Bal! quick easy fix!

Title: Re: Hunter T5 Essences issue
Post by: Felony on December 23, 2012, 03:49:28 pm
Love the default.pl , not sure if you #reloadpl in public t5 I know it wont take effect in instances until reboot (or maybe a new instance is made after #reloadpl is issued). Not sure if that is the fix but I saw a few posts regarding it and thats my best guess on it.
Meep Meep!

Title: Re: Hunter T5 Essences issue
Post by: Fugitive on December 23, 2012, 03:56:09 pm
if reload pub and make new instance from there forward would it theoretically be fixed?

Title: Re: Hunter T5 Essences issue
Post by: Hunter on December 23, 2012, 03:59:56 pm
if reload pub and make new instance from there forward would it theoretically be fixed?


Title: Re: Hunter T5 Essences issue
Post by: Felony on December 23, 2012, 04:11:21 pm
Yeah instances are sometimes dumb like that. I had about 30/70 chance of reload fixing instances on my test server. 70% fail rate. /shrug, at least Hunter said this is going to be a new feature for Abyss  :o

Title: Re: Hunter T5 Essences issue
Post by: Fugitive on December 23, 2012, 04:17:26 pm
Aye, Reboot isn't that far off anyway boom boom die slarg