EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: zolton32 on May 11, 2010, 11:10:27 pm

Title: New players?
Post by: zolton32 on May 11, 2010, 11:10:27 pm
I'm not sure why i'm writing this other then to vent. but i have noticed a disturbing problem within the game. New players have very little luck within the game after getting 2.0 epics. And to even get that far discourages new players. You basically have to beg for scraps like a wild dog.

Getting 1.5 epic pages for the first time is really hard to do and requires help. Then you definitely need help to get the book. Then you get to ldon searching for 2.0 pages and you are forced to follow other players in hoping there will be a chance you can get to the boss and that there will be a page rotting away. Then you're forced to beg for help with the 2.0 book.

Then you begin your long life of camping fighter/caster guild mobs hoping some one will leave so you have a chance to get the drop to enter. Surely those camping are there for the same reason you are right? Nope most are there for alts not even in the zone or as bagaining chips to use for qvic runs.

Then you get to qvic where you will spend the remainder of your game sitting in qvic sending out shouts and /ooc for help. Then if you are lucky a group will come in not needing tokens so allow you to loot the rotting carcus for things you need. But even that does not help you to get all the tokens needed for your 3.0 epic as you need 15 and most only camp 10 bosses or so.

I love the game and the server. Its really well done. And alot of players will help you out without thinking "whats in it for me?" But not all are like that. And many are very antisocial and never answer your question and are boxing 6+ toons camping bosses and such. This game is so geared against new players that it would not surprise me if many get to this point say the heck with it and quit and start on a new server.

I'm almost to that point to be honest. Its very frustrating to not be able to do things by yourself and being forced to beg for help. MMORPG's are made to meet new people team up and work towards common goals. With 1 page/book/token drop per kill its not aimed that way. Maybe i'm doing something wrong i do not know. i do not spam /ooc or shout constantly asking for help.

I know that kind of thing anoys people. So only ask for help with things i absolutely can not do myself. Maybe some one can give some hints as to what i can do to procede? i can't get past the qvic area without help and asking for help gets me the sound of crickets so what am i to do? Sorry long winded but i'm truelly frustrated. So how is a new player expected to procede?

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: istvaan on May 11, 2010, 11:20:58 pm
here are your options:

a) start a 5 or 6box and you can get from level 1 to level 70 through T2 content without any outside assistance
b) find other people who are in your situation and group together with them. good luck with this though, because you'll actually have a challenge doing stuff like qvic the first time and most people would rather beg for help
c) beg for help and pick up rots
d) quit

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: zolton32 on May 11, 2010, 11:22:31 pm
here are your options:

a) start a 5 or 6box and you can get from level 1 to level 70 through T2 content without any outside assistance
b) find other people who are in your situation and group together with them. good luck with this though, because you'll actually have a challenge doing stuff like qvic the first time and most people would rather beg for help
c) beg for help and pick up rots
d) quit

I am curious as to if you even read my post fully or not >_<

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Bikaf on May 11, 2010, 11:23:08 pm
without a good set of regular folks to play with you wont get much farther than just sitting at the zone line begging for scraps.

Judging by your post you may not have learned this yet though.

wanna know why so many people box?  Cause they heard how hard the content after qvic is.  It's not because they don't like people.  It's so that they can bring something to the table if they decide to join a guild that is doing plane of dragons.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: zolton32 on May 11, 2010, 11:33:04 pm
without a good set of regular folks to play with you wont get much farther than just sitting at the zone line begging for scraps.

Judging by your post you may not have learned this yet though.

wanna know why so many people box?  Cause they heard how hard the content after qvic is.  It's not because they don't like people.  It's so that they can bring something to the table if they decide to join a guild that is doing plane of dragons.

I'm no little kid. i'm a veteran when it comes to mmorpgs. And i know that each is different. I've played just about every mmorpg from phantasy star to runescape to wow and even free mmorpgs such as shaiya. And i'm not so slow that i have not seen this. And if you read my post i acknowleged that.

Problem is how are you to meet people when most are boxing so much that they never group with people? This makes things more antisocial not more social. And i'm not looking to have things handed to me i like to work for it. And i also am just looking to get to a place to be able to help others not steam roll to end game content. Problem is that to effectively help others in lower content you need to get your 3.0 done.

And that is where i am dead locked at my 3.0 unable to procede. Its just frustrating. I play mmorpgs to be socialable if i wanted to play an unsocial game there are many non online rpgs out there. The most fun in mmorpgs is meeting players hanging out and helping each other.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Reed on May 11, 2010, 11:39:38 pm
Not to be a jerk, seriously im understanding your plight.

If you get to frustrated with the server as is, and dont see things going the way you like try out Shards of Dalaya.

2 box limit, lots of player... still same kinda people high end though. would recommend trying it at least.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: zolton32 on May 11, 2010, 11:48:29 pm
Not to be a jerk, seriously im understanding your plight.

If you get to frustrated with the server as is, and dont see things going the way you like try out Shards of Dalaya.

2 box limit, lots of player... still same kinda people high end though. would recommend trying it at least.

I have tried the other servers out. And liked this one the most. Do not get me wrong other then running into the occassional slump such as the 1.5/2.0/cg/fg/qvic problems i've listed i have been having alot of fun.  Just wish there were more help out there for players to advance. Its just a shame that you run into a blockade so soon into the game. Heck it took me about 5-6 days to get the fg quest done. But i took the time and did it.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Bikaf on May 12, 2010, 12:42:20 am
if all you're getting from my posts is statements to poke holes about how wrong I am then i'll just knock it off.

I'd apologize on behalf of the server if I had the authority and do all I could to find you a guild and a fun group of people to hang out with - but like most of the other posters on this forum we had to spend longer than two weeks getting to know people and let them get to know us.

I personally have been playing here since september of last year and the progression distribution has changed very little.  When i started out there was a top end of players that had a lot of things to themselves as we all "begged for scraps".  I found a few other like minded people in plane of time, joined their guild and the rest was history. 

Others have gone different routes and just found other folks (usually in BoT or pickup groups in PoT) that are just scraping by with their boxed cleric and formed guilds with them.

Yes i'm sorry to burst your bubble but the game gets very time intensive after you get your 3.0s.  Heck if you're getting your 3.0s after 2 weeks in, you're doing pretty well progression wise.

Perhaps this post would have served a better purpose had it been in the general section and titled "New person here looking for some other social folks who don't like to 6 box" or some variation.

and yes my characterization was based on - like i said "judging by your post"... not "judging by your time in high school" or "judging by that summer camp we went to 3 years ago"... it was a judgment I made based on the ill success you were having on the server - it sounded like you were not making many friends.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: zolton32 on May 12, 2010, 01:00:16 am
Bikaf i have met several nice people on this server that have been kind enough to help me out when i was stuck on some thing i could not do alone. Such as Allizia Spikez Danyelle and a few other people (sorry i am terrible at remembering names >_<). I would have to say these players are very nice and not above helping a new player out. I remember these people more as when i needed help they were the first to speak up and say they would help out.

2 weeks may not sound like much but keep in mind i do play 12-14 hours a day at times :P And i posted this after sitting for almost 6-8 hours trying to get help and unable to do so. I do not really like to multibox very much. I did make a second account to box ldon to get my 2.0 pages and king chest cards but really do not like to. To me it takes away the main aspect of a mmorpg and thats to be sociable with other players.

I could probably just make my own boxing group to try and do this content but what is the real difference between doing that and playing a rpg offline? Like final fantasy 7 just as an exampile (as it is one of the more popular and well known rpg). I can't tell you how many times i have asked a player a question and be met with crickets chirping instead of an answer.

Such as an exampile "How many more *insert specific drop* do you need?" or "Are you here for pages or points?" or "are you here for tokens or gear?" Nothing complicated yet many just do not answer and completely ignore you. Many seem to forget that they to were once a new player in that same situation.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Eliseus on May 12, 2010, 01:08:02 am
OMG sorry if I missed something, I couldn't read the QQ anymore

I typed so much stuff but just kept deleting it cause honestly, IDK what to say to this thread lol, I just feel like its another person complaining.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: zolton32 on May 12, 2010, 01:17:57 am
OMG sorry if I missed something, I couldn't read the QQ anymore

I typed so much stuff but just kept deleting it cause honestly, IDK what to say to this thread lol, I just feel like its another person complaining.


And this guy just does not get it.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Eliseus on May 12, 2010, 01:24:31 am
What's there not to get, your post is about how hard it is for new players, yes it is hard, but with patience, it can be done, and iirc EQ is about patience. me and my brother took days to go through PoTime because we had to do it ourselves, but still I sit here and wonder what I don't get.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: zolton32 on May 12, 2010, 01:34:58 am
What's there not to get, your post is about how hard it is for new players, yes it is hard, but with patience, it can be done, and iirc EQ is about patience. me and my brother took days to go through PoTime because we had to do it ourselves, but still I sit here and wonder what I don't get.

A huge difference between potimea and qvic really. 1 well equipped player could do all the time bosses (although dragon slave could be more of a challenge) And if you read i do have patience took me 5 days to do fg quest because so many camping and me needing to wait untill they were done before i could try my luck at getting a drop. And i finally did this by some how lucking into my own zone after a server reboot.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: rofollos on May 12, 2010, 04:27:02 am
Did you ever play live? Yes I read whole post, but I agree with Eliseus.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: zolton32 on May 12, 2010, 05:03:50 am
Did you ever play live? Yes I read whole post, but I agree with Eliseus.

You are comparing apples to oranges here. Yes i played live and quit right before por came out. On live you can find others to group with quite easilly much larger player base and all over in levels. I got some help from following a group in and helping me to get the last 5 tokens i needed. And i greatly apreciate their help. Got a few armor pieces (cap arms gloves and 1 wrist) that helped me out alot. I do find it funny how it says to ask for help but when you do you are told you are QQing? Really mind boggling.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Secrets on May 12, 2010, 06:43:05 am
Actually, i'll agree with the OP here. While it may be encouraging grouping, the flaw of a tier based system is backflagging people for all the tiers. It makes the rich get richer, and the newer players not have any chance at competing, nor is there any incentive for older players to hang out in the previous tier zones.

There is a simple fix to this concept rather than working around it and making everything soloable; add an incentive for older players to come back and help newer players. An example would be having LDON points drop if a player's groupmate is not flagged for any of the LDON content, but previously said player is. I could code something like this in perl if it were wanted. It's the flaw and what turns me off from most custom servers these days. You can't solo everything and the rich get richer. And if your friends quit or stop playing as much? You get bored and /ex out.

The OP makes a valid point and i'm sure if anyone has more suggestions than I do, you should speak up instead of saying 'lol qq ask for help'

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: PORTIS on May 12, 2010, 07:02:42 am
I like that idea but if a high end player just creates a 70 alt to run through with him totally unflagged you are back to square one. Is there a way to make this, they get points if the unflagged person they are helping is,
from a different IP,
Has to start from floor one and end on 6
is done as part of working towards 2.0 ie; can only be done once, pages must be looted by this person and the pages initiate the points but once done cannot be re done.

Anything to prevent a rinse and repeat process with the same char or alt.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: robpickles on May 12, 2010, 07:33:22 am
I don't know if anyone read my other post, suggesting the spot in SFG to be the unofficial LFG help spot.

Here is the msg:

http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=339.msg3488#msg3488 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=339.msg3488#msg3488)

This would be a great way to get people together for new players to get help and veteran players to help out those in need.

Incentives are always nice I agree, and might make this even more attractive to the vets, but it is also nice just to help out once in a while.

Think about it guys....It would make things a lot nicer in game and maybe weed out some of the jerks who come on and make trouble if we were all a little more social.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: zolton32 on May 12, 2010, 08:18:37 am
I would suggest making the mobs drop double their loot. This way it will make it much more usefull for players to group up for certain tasks. such as 2 qvic tokens would give those running alts through a reason to allow a new person to tag along to get the tokens and gear. Same would be nice for pages and epic books as well as fighter/caster guild quests. It would give an incentive for new players to group as well as both benefit if the drop comes. i read that a while back hunter did this as an event? Doing it permanent then double double loot as an event (4 drops at a time) would really give a huge reason to group up.

Although some incentive for veterans to help out new players as well would be great as well. i have met many players that helped me out with nothing to benefit them but my thanks. and it be nice that they get something as well. there is an engine i know of in another game (fiesta) that utilizes a system that higher level players can get a deciple (lower leveled player) and the new player gets rewards for every so many levels they gain (gear and such) and there is a chat system that links them (so the new player can ask questions). And the veteran is rewarded with gear/cash as well. Not sure if its plausible to do here but something similar would be awsome.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Balthor on May 12, 2010, 08:21:39 am
I really want to tell the OP to gfo but I do not think they would get the picture. Just as they do not seem to grasp the way of the world.

Either go make friends or box the shit your self and stop crying. I can tell you to fuck off as I spent a couple solid months hand feeding new players 2.0/3.0/T1/T2 and the required shit to get all of that.

I go away for a few weeks and come back to see a new crop of people with no fucking clue.

wtb a sticky thread that reads "Rules of EMU-EQ"
(1) Make Friends and group to beat content.
(2) You fail at friends? Box shit.
(3) You say you can not box? WhataFaggot, Get a new computer.
(4) Shut the fuck up already.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: robpickles on May 12, 2010, 08:21:44 am
I would suggest making the mobs drop double their loot. This way it will make it much more usefull for players to group up for certain tasks.

See..in my mind...this just makes them think this is an easier way to gear your alts.  If they are waiting for 6 plate legs to drop, and they get 2 at once, do you really think the new player is going to get one?

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: robpickles on May 12, 2010, 08:24:53 am
I really want to tell the OP to gfo but I do not think they would get the picture. Just as they do not seem to grasp the way of the world.

Either go make friends or box the shit your self and stop crying. I can tell you to fuck off as I spent a couple solid months hand feeding new players 2.0/3.0/T1/T2 and the required shit to get all of that.

I go away for a few weeks and come back to see a new crop of people with no fucking clue.

wtb a sticky thread that reads "Rules of EMU-EQ"
(1) Make Friends and group to beat content.
(2) You fail at friends? Box shit.
(3) You say you can not box? WhataFaggot, Get a new computer.
(4) Shut the fuck up already.

Cmon...is that really necessary?  The guy is allowed to have an opinion - as are you.  But I do not see a reason to curse him out.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: zolton32 on May 12, 2010, 08:29:50 am
I really want to tell the OP to gfo but I do not think they would get the picture. Just as they do not seem to grasp the way of the world.

Either go make friends or box the shit your self and stop crying. I can tell you to fuck off as I spent a couple solid months hand feeding new players 2.0/3.0/T1/T2 and the required shit to get all of that.

I go away for a few weeks and come back to see a new crop of people with no fucking clue.

wtb a sticky thread that reads "Rules of EMU-EQ"
(1) Make Friends and group to beat content.
(2) You fail at friends? Box shit.
(3) You say you can not box? WhataFaggot, Get a new computer.
(4) Shut the fuck up already.

I am certainly glad that i have only ran into a few players that behave in this fashion. Although this is the most extreme i have met. And none of them have ever acted this mean towards me and other players. But you can bet that this person if acting this way in game would quickly make my ignore list which generally has 0 people >_<

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: kaizen on May 12, 2010, 10:03:23 am
umm wow

expecting to have 3.0 toons and awesome gear within 2 weeks

this is EZserver but you have to put some effort in

here's a suggestion.. join Last Stand guild.. they will teach you how to loot rots like a professional

also have some fun.. this game is free
maybe help someone with 1.5 pages or with Quillmane/Terror.. good deeds some times return 10 fold (read that somewhere)

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: robpickles on May 12, 2010, 10:05:26 am
maybe help someone with 1.5 pages or with Quillmane/Terror.. good deeds some times return 10 fold (read that somewhere)

I like the way you think....  ;D

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: zomgDanyelle on May 12, 2010, 10:38:46 am
maybe help someone with 1.5 pages or with Quillmane/Terror.. good deeds some times return 10 fold (read that somewhere)

This. Very much this.

How in the holy hell do you think i got to where i am? Am i top of the line? No. but i'm not a pushover that's for damn sure. Femme did most of it with me i won't lie but i got numerous things in return for all the help i gave other people. Just gotta be nice to people. Also this isn't WoW where logging in is like the ultimate cheat code, handouts don't exist in this game (from players maybe but from the game itself no they do not.) you gotta put some serious elbow grease into it or find someone or multiple someones to help you :P

Also play a female character with a female name. It's a fact that people are more likely to help the cute dark elf than the fat ogre. I learned that the... interesting way XD

Ok ignore that last part :P but in all seriousness offer help where you can, even if you get the ever living shit kicked out of you at least you tried and people respect that. Also realize people here tend to respect self-sufficiency. They like it when you try again and again and then (if they know you're trying) they'll come out of the woodwork and offer assistance without being asked.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Reed on May 12, 2010, 10:42:37 am
I really want to tell the OP to gfo but I do not think they would get the picture. Just as they do not seem to grasp the way of the world.

Either go make friends or box the shit your self and stop crying. I can tell you to fuck off as I spent a couple solid months hand feeding new players 2.0/3.0/T1/T2 and the required shit to get all of that.

I go away for a few weeks and come back to see a new crop of people with no fucking clue.

wtb a sticky thread that reads "Rules of EMU-EQ"
(1) Make Friends and group to beat content.
(2) You fail at friends? Box shit.
(3) You say you can not box? WhataFaggot, Get a new computer.
(4) Shut the fuck up already.

This is true though, as much as you may dislike it.
People who have been here for weeks, months, years,etc.. hear this kind of stuff often.

EZ is where it is today becayuse of boxers. Its in the perferred server list because of boxers, people creating huge groups and guilds by themself. Because of this reality more stuff is made and implemented catering more to that which has helped the server out.

New people come and go, some stay and conform to what it takes to survive on EZ. You mentioned Spikez, who is one of my guildies. He is an amazing person, and often plays solo. How does he survive? Or rather accel? He met people who were like minded, grouped together (boxers or not) and joined our guild. Often is someone sees you struggling, but not complaining to much and are not asking to be spoon fed everything they will help. If you arent complete bitch about stuff they have no problem with maybe droping a box from time to time to bring you along (not talking about you in specific bud, dont think im targetting you or anything).

There are more than a few people on the forums alone i help out when i can. PoTimea runs, help lvling characters, all that. Im not, however, about to cut into my time and stress myself to help someone who refuses to help themself. Why would i run Qvic for someone who has nothing to offer and can only solo? So they go to T1/ T2 and beg? I dont need vultures over my camps.

Again, i'd like to mention Shards of Dalaya. Limit 2 boxs, not on EQEmu so im sure you havent tried it. Lots of custom stuff, been around for years. Well established if you can handle retarded GMs from time to time.

I stay because i have a retarded awesome computer, so i am able to box. I have a guild because i like to socialize. We help eachother. Some struggle more than others, so we pick them up. All are useful members, but that comes with good management. Weeding out the weak/ bad/ whiny/ begging players and kicking them

Call me an elitest if you want, just my 2 GP (cause its much more than cp with of text)

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: PORTIS on May 12, 2010, 10:56:10 am
Can i just say somebody posted this quite recently

Ok, So i started playing here on this server just a few days ago, and i seem to b running into trouble, and as some of the system messages say, ask fellow players in the game and they will help, but that is a lie! just today ive sat and asked for almost an hour n a half for some help getting the pages for the 1.5 and since i cannot box, i find this unfair that i am not able to recieve help, because others would rather be tools and play with themselves. how is 1 expected to get good and be able to withstand the forces of this server if he or she cant get started. what am i suppose 2 do? i just find this totally unfair, some poeple are playing with full parties of themselves n themselves only n wont lift a finger to help a noob. that is rather BS! what can b done about this?

Now I think Zolton has raised a valid point, maybe not what you want to hear but you are comparing this with your experiences not his and he is really just asking for help.

The post I linked the guy called people tools and said this was BS and has only been here a couple of days, he got greeted with Sure ill help and /t me in game and ill hook you up.. Am i missing a crucial point?

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Reed on May 12, 2010, 11:03:06 am
Also play a female character with a female name. It's a fact that people are more likely to help the cute dark elf than the fat ogre. I learned that the... interesting way XD

Lol, yeah.... just.... yeah haha oh Dany. You make me laugh

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: zolton32 on May 12, 2010, 11:24:41 am
maybe help someone with 1.5 pages or with Quillmane/Terror.. good deeds some times return 10 fold (read that somewhere)

This. Very much this.

How in the holy hell do you think i got to where i am? Am i top of the line? No. but i'm not a pushover that's for damn sure. Femme did most of it with me i won't lie but i got numerous things in return for all the help i gave other people. Just gotta be nice to people. Also this isn't WoW where logging in is like the ultimate cheat code, handouts don't exist in this game (from players maybe but from the game itself no they do not.) you gotta put some serious elbow grease into it or find someone or multiple someones to help you :P

Also play a female character with a female name. It's a fact that people are more likely to help the cute dark elf than the fat ogre. I learned that the... interesting way XD

Ok ignore that last part :P but in all seriousness offer help where you can, even if you get the ever living shit kicked out of you at least you tried and people respect that. Also realize people here tend to respect self-sufficiency. They like it when you try again and again and then (if they know you're trying) they'll come out of the woodwork and offer assistance without being asked.

Yeah and dany you helped me out in game and we had fun if you remember Rhianna my ranger lol If you remember you helped me out a bit with my 1.5's by helping me kill dragon slave. I killed all the other bosses by making a mage to help me get the pages in potime but mage epic 2.5 pet is just no match for dragon slave >_< and i boxed my way through ldon and got all 8 of the first pages of 2.0 soloing and repeated that 3 times and just got rotting pages in ldon 6.

Thats where i met Allizia that i helped to coh with my mage while they looted charm drops (i have the luck of the irish with charm drops for some odd reason /shrug) and they helped me out by letting my ranger have the page rotts. So i have and do try to do things myself if its at all possible.And only generally asked for help with things i could not do alone such as 1.5 epic book and dragon slave and mow. FG and 2.5 and every other thing i could do myself i did so without complaints.

And each time a person helped me out i thanked them repeatedly as well as told them how much i apreciated their help. I'd much rather work at some thing and if its possible for me to work towards it without help i do so. Like tonight i could not get a group to invite me so i instead asked to follow a group that was after gear and not tokens and asked to follow them in and loot the rotting tokens.

That left me with 5 left to do i then tried to get a group going to do ldon when that fell through i talked to the next group coming in and followed them and looted the 5 last tokens i needed that were rotting. i even lucked into 4 pieces of qvic ranger armor that were going to rott (head arms 1 wrist and gloves). So if i can do things myself i do. I don't just sit around begging hoping some one else would do all the work for me.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Reed on May 12, 2010, 11:36:53 am
Zolton, most of what i say is in general... not so much you. You are one of the good few that tries to help themself as much as possible. I can respect that

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: zolton32 on May 12, 2010, 11:46:43 am
Zolton, most of what i say is in general... not so much you. You are one of the good few that tries to help themself as much as possible. I can respect that

yeah i understand i wasn't aiming my post at you or danny or any one specific. Most thought i posted this as if  wanted every single thing handed to me on a silver platter which is not the type of player i am lol Which is why i posted the way in which i was able to get the things i did. People say that i did good to get to where i am in 2 weeks. But if you factor in that i play 14+ hours at a time for those 14 days you can easilly see how i got there that fast so 14 times 14 = 196 hours divide that by 4 the average number of hours some get to play and you get some where around 49 days. or even 8 hours equals 24.5 days. So i do not think its that strange i got as far as fast as i did do you? :P

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Reed on May 12, 2010, 11:59:00 am
Out of curiosity, do you have a guild?

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: kaizen on May 12, 2010, 12:01:44 pm
damn that is a lot of play time

you should be able to WIN in a few more weeks

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Reed on May 12, 2010, 12:06:17 pm
damn that is a lot of play time

you should be able to WIN in a few more weeks

with the right help, yeah maybe

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: robpickles on May 12, 2010, 12:09:30 pm
LOL! I wish I had that much free time!

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: zolton32 on May 12, 2010, 12:10:39 pm
Nah i have not messed with guilds as of yet although i did get an invite for a new guild about to start up wanting me to join. And i thought i may join up with them as they seem nice as well as mature players. Some one asked before if i played live? I spent most of my live life in tutorial helping to walk new players through killing quest mobs for them. Although i did level a lvl 70 mage on live i played from time to time i spent most of my time in game helping out the new players. Untill i decided to return to runescape which i did the same thing in helping other players lol I think its one of the reasons i was made a player moderator for runescape.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Reed on May 12, 2010, 01:43:46 pm
I would take the invite to a guild for sure, they will be able to provide the help you are seeking more than likely.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: zomgDanyelle on May 12, 2010, 01:45:14 pm
Also play a female character with a female name. It's a fact that people are more likely to help the cute dark elf than the fat ogre. I learned that the... interesting way XD

Lol, yeah.... just.... yeah haha oh Dany. You make me laugh

Truefax though. Not just EZ but anywhere, Emu or Live :P

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Reed on May 12, 2010, 01:49:36 pm
i had an RL friend who did that on live though

random tells to chick characters "Nice ass, wanna make some plat?"
they would either respond with a "Wtf dude, im a guy" or "uhmm no thats gross" or something. But sometimes they'd do it, guy or girl who knows.... but they made some PP and he got screenshots *shrug*

was sad to see

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Gantrathor on May 12, 2010, 03:13:21 pm
The repsonse of "help others before you ask for help yourself" is spot on.

My first toon, Arcanum (mage) took me several months reach Plane of Dragons.  Caster Guild quest took a couple weeks.  Granted, I hadn't read the spoiler, so I couldn't jump ahead in the content.  Lots of soloing, and when it came time to do 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0's I started asking people in the zones if they needed help getting pages.  I formed some friendships that way, and I learned the fights.  When it came time and I'd helped enough people, I'd look for em and ask if they could come help me with mine.  They were always willing.  Qvic was a blast when it was a whole group of us still needing the armor and tokens.  Took a month to get eveyone fully geared and flagged for the 3.0 fight.  Oddly enough, the Twinkle Toes fight was almost anti-climactic.  But Qvic had been enough work, we figured we'd earned it.  ;)

If anything, I'd think it would be easier on new players today than it was back then.  When I did Qvic, Anguish was the 'top end zone' of the server and was too buggy.  So there was solid competition for Qvic Spawn while PoDragons was being coded.  And very little rotted, certainly no tokens.

The rally cry should be New Players Unite!  Help each other.  Really work to get through the content.  That's what it's all about anyway.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Thyl on May 13, 2010, 10:31:45 am
The repsonse of "help others before you ask for help yourself" is spot on.

If anything, I'd think it would be easier on new players today than it was back then.  When I did Qvic, Anguish was the 'top end zone' of the server and was too buggy.  So there was solid competition for Qvic Spawn while PoDragons was being coded.  And very little rotted, certainly no tokens.

I agree with these statements.  Here are my thoughts on getting War, Cler, and Rogue 3.0s back when Anguish was the end game zone versus returning and over the last few weeks getting Druid and Wiz 3.0s.  I started righting this with more detail but I'm just going to make it short, well shorter.

I started off with a solo War.  I got some help along the way but always helped more people than I got. Which benefited me as I progressed because I had more people to group with when I needed it.  I made a Druid for heals and a Mage for dps but I played them solo when groups were around cause I wasn't a big fan of boxing.

Server was alot emptier then so there were pluses and negatives:
FG/CG camps were more frequently no wait.
Less bottleneck spawns.
People grouped more because fewer people.
Got to play to progress.

Less help from advanced players.
Slow crawls through PoTime and LDoN.
Longer respawn times  (an issue of the era)

I actually took my 2.5 War through Qvic and got him flagged, sometimes grouping with some others who always had 2.5s, or less and healing by my Druid.  I made a Cleric and Rogue after getting 3.0s for War because it was requested by a guild I was joining.

I was kind of pissed when someone asked in OOC if a 2.5 War can effectively tank Qvic. I mean thats the way it was intended. That just kind of shows how different the server is.  People can go through LDoN and Qvic maybe having to kill only two bosses because other players who were looking for maybe just a set of chain boots killed them and left stuff rotting.

I made the Wiz from scratch like a week and some change ago. I obviously had other toons to help me but for a class as terrible at solo playing as Wizard I didnt really need to use my other toons. People are running partial groups through LDoN all the time and pages are always rotting because they are there for points.  In Qvic I could just walk up to a group with less than 6 and say hey I will dps for some tokens or cloth.

As for the CG guild camps the main benefit of my other toons was their abilites, like Druid track and Rogue lock pick.  To be honest I help people with those things all the time if they say in OOC or send a tell while my toons are sitting around.  With Wiz camping most items himself for CG it took about 1.5 sessions of playing. The worst stuff being crappy drop rates and spawn times, not so much waiting in line. I would think if you have 14 hours to play you could find a time to play that is off hours from the majority.

Zolton it seems like you should spend less time asking for help in /ooc and more time getting to know some people by walking up to them and talking or helping people behind you so you have a group.  Keep at it.  I see people all the time in zones lfg.  I myself sometimes only feel like playing 1 toon and join groups rather than 5 boxing.

You can even send me a tell because I usually have a spot open for dps or will drop one my boxed toons for an actual person because its less hassle.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: zolton32 on May 13, 2010, 01:20:34 pm
Thyl did you read through the whole thread? I do not always ask for help in /ooc. And i do go out and search for groups and help others when i can. i only ask and have asked for help with things i absolutely could not do myself such as 1.5 book dragon slave as well as the 2.0 book. I am generally quite self sufficent. I am not the lazy type player that constantly begs for help in /ooc. And i do not want or expect every thing to just be handed to me.

Since i got my rangers 3.0's i just kill dragon slave using it then log out and log my alt in to loot. So i do not even ask for help for it now since i can now do that myself. You make it sound like all i do is sit and constantly /ooc for help which could not be the furthest from what the truth is. And if i fail at something and i know i can not do it by myself i then seek out help in the imediate area in the way of groups but if that falls through i ask for help in /ooc. Generally i'd much rather do it myself though as i like knowing that i did it by myself without any aid from others.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Thyl on May 13, 2010, 02:03:07 pm
Thyl did you read through the whole thread? I do not always ask for help in /ooc.
I actually did read most of it. I admit not all, there is alot in this thread to read while I'm at work.  I understand you don't just sit in OOC. The point I was trying to make is you can't single toon this server, you have to box or group and make some lasting ties with people.

Honestly I'm confused about what you want now because your attitude shifted from first post to most recent and even seems contradictory inside some posts.

Generally i'd much rather do it myself though as i like knowing that i did it by myself without any aid from others.

This is kind of a weird comment to make after earlier on complaining about antisocial players. Do you want everything to be soloable?

Are you complaining the server style discourages new players because older players have an advantage?

I'm not trying to be a jerk, I am just having a bit of a disconnect. You got 3.0s after two weeks, even with your current playtime thats fairly quick compared to a while ago.

I played a Wiz on live, which I enjoyed, but the first toon I got to 70 here was a War because it met the needs of the situation. You have to at some point adjust your approach to the situation unless everything gets nerfed to being soloable.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: zomgDanyelle on May 13, 2010, 02:55:15 pm
Generally i'd much rather do it myself though as i like knowing that i did it by myself without any aid from others.


>"...Much rather do it myself..."
>Complaining about never getting help from people in original post.

Pic related: This thread.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: zolton32 on May 13, 2010, 10:26:46 pm
Thyl did you read through the whole thread? I do not always ask for help in /ooc.
I actually did read most of it. I admit not all, there is alot in this thread to read while I'm at work.  I understand you don't just sit in OOC. The point I was trying to make is you can't single toon this server, you have to box or group and make some lasting ties with people.

Honestly I'm confused about what you want now because your attitude shifted from first post to most recent and even seems contradictory inside some posts.

Generally i'd much rather do it myself though as i like knowing that i did it by myself without any aid from others.

This is kind of a weird comment to make after earlier on complaining about antisocial players. Do you want everything to be soloable?

Are you complaining the server style discourages new players because older players have an advantage?

I'm not trying to be a jerk, I am just having a bit of a disconnect. You got 3.0s after two weeks, even with your current playtime thats fairly quick compared to a while ago.

I played a Wiz on live, which I enjoyed, but the first toon I got to 70 here was a War because it met the needs of the situation. You have to at some point adjust your approach to the situation unless everything gets nerfed to being soloable.

I'm not sure whats so contradictery about what i said. I like to group with people and do so when ever i can. And try to help people when ever i can. And i do not ask for help on things i know i can do myself (such as fg/cg quest and epic 2.5 book as a few exampiles). No i do not want all things to be soloable. As that would defeat the purpose of playing a mmorpg. i do wish more people would allow others to group up with them. But i also know that many box characters out of a need as there is not many groups on this server.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: robpickles on May 14, 2010, 09:44:47 am
I like to see people willing to help out and show others the ropes of the server.

I, myself, am still learning on what to do, where to go, how to do things, etc.  These things obviously come with time and experience.

It is good to know there are those out there willing to do so.

That's why i suggested the LFG Meeting Place, so that you wouldn't have to call out in OOC.  If you want to help people that night, or you are someone who needs help yourself, go to the entrance area of SFG and hang out and talk to the others there.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Reed on May 14, 2010, 10:46:13 am
Keep up that LFG spot and eventually it will catch on im sure.

New players will start using it, Old players will quit eventually, so yeah give it time and it will be used if you keep on it.

Title: ~
Post by: Tankzilla on May 14, 2010, 06:34:37 pm
Would there be any way to put in the /LFG thing like in live? was a window that you could look for groups needing people and who is LFG also... I don't know if it would work on EMU i know theres some bugs with things like that, but would be a good start or something, and if that would not work out. Then you could try the LFG gathering place, or something like that... that would be a good idea, like guild hall or something *shrug*  I'm usably  up to help whoever tho.. just /t me sometime...


Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Allizia on May 14, 2010, 08:44:01 pm
Could also do a  server chat channel if enabled which would automatically add anyone that completes a tier to the next tier and remove them from the previous. When you finish 1.5 you are automatically added to the next channel with others that are working toward 2.0.

I'm pretty sure chat channels were enabled and functioning at one point on 1999, so unless I am mistaken it should be possible.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Reed on May 14, 2010, 09:08:55 pm
i remember the who /join newplayer
commands, it would make a new channel then make you the moderator if you were the creator.

wonder if we can get it working here

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: robpickles on May 20, 2010, 08:50:55 am
A LFG chat channel would be awesome.  It would take the asking for help aspect out of OOC which was the original intention.

I came up with the LFG Meeting Place idea because I am sure people get tired of seeing it all over the OOC channel.  However, there are some people out there who like helping others and of course those that need the help - and this was an idea on how to possibly create a place for that stuff to be carried out without it being all over the OOC channel.

I also thought it would be nice to have a place to just meet face to face and then go from there.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: youthdragon on May 20, 2010, 08:58:30 am
On my other server they had a vent set up for it.  Was only about 25 people out of 100 ever in it.  Saying how most people box it might help alote more.  Personally I don't mind ooc being the way it is.  Lot better then no one talking at all.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Razormaw on June 29, 2010, 10:55:27 am
Now I'm not saying any of this as a slight to the boxers or vets, however it may sound. So don't take it that way.

I think a part of the problem with "catching up" to said boxers and veterans is that there is no incentive to do anything in a zone other than the one zone they are currently farming for gear/epic drops.

Got your 1.5(s)? You're done with TimeA. 2.0(s) out of the way? Why spend hours farming cards for LDoN gear if you can just skip to farming... whatever's next Qvic I guess :P

I think the problem isn't so much that people are antisocial as much as zones become pointless for them to return to. Even people who are RoAing will just go to 3-4 zones in their span from 1-70.

If we want more pickup groups for the non-endgame stuff, we need to provide some benefits to everyone involved, not just the handful of people who need that epic drop or whatnot.

Oh, and give clerics and enchanters some motivation to be played as anything other than 5th or 6th boxes. It's rare to get a viable group going because everyone is a monk or warrior or pet class (says the monk :P )

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: tulsplat on June 29, 2010, 03:47:26 pm
OP does have a point in that, bosses dropping only one page/token/book discourages grouping up.

I play with some friends of mine, and we usually  have about 1-2 spots open in our group.  However, there's never really any point to filling it with lfg people, since they're not going to get anything out of it.   If bosses dropped a page/token per person, then you bet I would be looking to fill out the group.   But if I'm say, running through LDON to get a friend their pages, it's just a bit annoying to have to wait around 15 mins per boss per extra person, (assuming no other groups) ..so we don't do it. :S

I don't really see a problem with a group of 6 chars/boxes getting all their epics together instead of killing the same boss 6 times in a row.   Sure it'd be faster but it might also encourage grouping more.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Balthor2 on July 01, 2010, 01:33:36 am
It would be nice if there was a reason to group with random people.
I tried to get a group on my alt druid where I could just 3.0 buff some tank and leech up some aa but was totally ignored.
Thought maybe a 3.0 regen buff would get me accepted in to a group of brand new players in BoT or time but no.
So I just loaded my own toons and farmed some aa while running someone else through LDONs

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Isaaru on July 02, 2010, 09:22:06 am
I feel the OP's pain.  I'm limited to 2-3 boxes normally so I can't complete a lot of content by myself.  I've been playing for about a month and I have 4 characters with 1.5's and Time gear.  Every single day I try to get groups; I've gotten 3 since joining.  I've tried several times to join a guild, even with support of members within the guild, and still have yet to receive a guild invite.

I enjoy playing EQ and I enjoy EZ, it's just a pain in the ass for new people to get anything done.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Warriorstack on July 02, 2010, 09:55:22 am
If I am on look me up.  I am willing to help anyone if I am not doing something pressing. 


Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Razormaw on July 02, 2010, 12:04:37 pm
Since I've gotten my 3.0s, I've been spending a lot of time helping guildies out. I figure I got so much help getting to where I am in such a short time, it's time to return the favour to the next generation of EZs. Or the alts of people that helped me.

In the process, I like to invite random people that are looking lost/helpless in the zone. If we're farming epic pages I tend to tell them that the pages are reserved but they're welcome to have some loot and a crapton of AA xp (PoTime/LDoN.)

I found that people are usually quite amenable to that. At least, the people that are genuinely in need of the XP/loot and not ONLY after their pages.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: sohami on August 03, 2010, 08:15:05 am

the OP seems like a young kid that has high expectations for progression, and when hits a wall, throws a fit.

How long? TWO WEEKS?? Are you serious?

I've put over 3-4 months into this game, solid. And just now getting a 3.0 or two on my toons.  I had a post like you not that long ago. Called "Punching through qvic." Asking for HELP on what are some SUGGESTIONS to GET THROUGH IT MYSELF. If you "want it done yourself" so badly, your thread should have read more like mine.

Stop your bitching man. There is a valid point somewhere in your post, but you're honestly just whining. (By this point in the thread, I bet he has a couple 3.0's). Sounds like he went through days and days of 12 hour play-binging and got upset when he couldn't roll through the next amt of content.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Thyl on August 03, 2010, 09:28:33 am
While I agree with your assesment Sohami you REALLY need to start looking at post dates.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: sohami on August 03, 2010, 10:00:45 am

damnit to hell

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: krokgob86 on August 28, 2010, 06:35:49 am
i am a new player : got a char (Paladin 70) and I must say that I will stop on this server (maybe?) because it's become to hard to do the quests and i don't want *buy*  help or just beg help...
i've try the FG quest : mass farming (boring) and unable to achieve by myself (frustrating), i've try other quests : prestige, ok to restart from level 1 but doing this for ever is juste insane??

Or maybe I miss something?

I must say that leveling on this server is plaisant and nice but at level 7à I am stuck because it's to hardcore with a lot of farming...

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Balthor2 on August 28, 2010, 01:04:54 pm
I look back on the start of Epic Fail and think "man people have it easy."
I was crawling along slow as a snail attempting content when I started sending people tells. Asked questions and was a total newb. Slowly I built up a network of friends and together we punched through content.
One of my (now deleted) earliest screen shots was 4 of us busting up Qvic and Tacvi and then PoD T1 together.
At that time only 2 of us boxed anything, I played the group warrior and cleric, we had a mained mage, necro, rogue and a beastlord boxed a paladin.
Not to long ago people would farm 1-2 guild sets to trade for a qvic run which got 1-2 of the primary classes flagged and a 3.0.
Tacvi gear has almost always been announced in ooc as rot and FFA.

I know with the newish economy and people perma farming the non instance of zones it can suck but really you only need to email hunter to get a guild created OR join FG/CG and make your own instance.
Even if you have to crawl through qvic it only takes a hour or two to have enough pp to pay for a 100k instance AND if you put in a few solid hours you can farm enough extra items to sell and make back your 100k investment.

I have always advised sending random people of your class or level range a tell and ask them questions. Be polite and get to know people. Be a raging dick like Balthor The_Mean once you get all powerful and crap. At the start get a good rep, try to not ask to many stupid questions in ooc.
Google is your friend.
If anyone needs a temporary guild tag I think between me and Xiggie we have 3 or 5 guilds we can invite people into so they can get instances.

If you are a new level 70 just work on AA until you get a couple hundred it should only take a few hours of solid farming and its worth it.

hmm lost my train of thought and its food time. /cheers

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Everwes on August 28, 2010, 01:12:31 pm
Polite clap for Balthor's excellent post.  I started this summer and got my first toon to 70 in a day.  My son started as well.  I saved and did fg/cg for my toons and two and three boxed and now I am in t1 farming again, that is, when I am not working.  This server takes time for achievement but what doesn't take time for achievement in this world?

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Gnaughty on August 29, 2010, 10:09:13 am
Yeah I agree, when I first started this server I played for a month not caring wtf was ahead of me.  I mean I did not even know there was a 3.0 or 2.5 I just went through normal progression on a mage.  Went to BoT and got all the gear I needed and stuff.  After that I've come to realise you have to either box toons, join a guild or have a static group you login with all the time.  Yes its tough getting to where I am and takes alot of time, but it can be done.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Balthor2 on August 29, 2010, 03:07:17 pm
God I remember what it was like back then. Running around bot with my cleric like perma invis because his armor was so ugly to look at. I swear I had his heal hotkey set to cast a heal on me then click CoS ;)
I kept a few of the old screen shots and I'll post them up at some point in time.
EZ was a different beast back then.

Title: Re: New players?
Post by: Bikaf on August 29, 2010, 03:41:48 pm
my all time favorite screenshot from leveling in BoT.
