EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: deamel on December 29, 2012, 07:43:18 pm

Title: Shadow
Post by: deamel on December 29, 2012, 07:43:18 pm
what with shadow
been only droping shit lately ?
farmed him saturday got like 10 charm of 13 shadow kill and 3 were v1
got a couple of shadow that didnt drop anything

Title: Re: Shadow
Post by: Fugitive on December 29, 2012, 07:45:43 pm
Last Sat was Double Loots...

He did have the 3.5 book I take it? Ahh good.. all the rest is just bonus..

Title: Re: Shadow
Post by: deamel on December 29, 2012, 08:23:03 pm
shadow use to drop V1 all the time then nerf it to sometime and now its never or so?

Title: Re: Shadow
Post by: Gannicus on December 29, 2012, 09:39:49 pm
shadow use to drop V1 all the time then nerf it to sometime and now its never or so?

Nerfed, its a rarity. Shadow was not intended to be farmed for charms.

Title: Re: Shadow
Post by: jmaneuv011 on December 29, 2012, 11:36:51 pm
Is the situation here that people who have all their toons UC'ed are happy with the current lousy drop/jump rate and think others shouldn't complain, while people who still need them aren't happy?

Title: Re: Shadow
Post by: Gannicus on December 29, 2012, 11:46:06 pm
Nice try. Charm v1's were intended to be farmed in LDoN.

Title: Re: Shadow
Post by: Felony on December 29, 2012, 11:54:54 pm
Just be happy any of us that dont need shadow even attempt to speak out about changes that make him harder for those that need him.
Charms, eh if he drops one good if not who cares. Thats from someone that would rather UC a druid off shadow drops then sit in ldon. At least not on a druid.

Title: Re: Shadow
Post by: deamel on December 30, 2012, 01:13:13 am
Is the situation here that people who have all their toons UC'ed are happy with the current lousy drop/jump rate and think others shouldn't complain, while people who still need them aren't happy?

most of all high end player get thier xtra UC toon from shadow when he was still droping v1 im pretty sure about it

Title: Re: Shadow
Post by: Fliker on December 30, 2012, 01:36:16 am
Is the situation here that people who have all their toons UC'ed are happy with the current lousy drop/jump rate and think others shouldn't complain, while people who still need them aren't happy?

most of all high end player get thier xtra UC toon from shadow when he was still droping v1 im pretty sure about it

Not even close to being true.

It's called grinding for a reason.

I played for almost 2 years before finishing my first UC. Now 5 months later im finishing #6. All v1 charms came from ldon "grinding".

Title: Re: Shadow
Post by: Fugitive on December 30, 2012, 01:36:28 am
Is the situation here that people who have all their toons UC'ed are happy with the current lousy drop/jump rate and think others shouldn't complain, while people who still need them aren't happy?

most of all high end player get thier xtra UC toon from shadow when he was still droping v1 im pretty sure about it

haha Im pretty sure you have no.clue...

Title: Re: Shadow
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 30, 2012, 02:42:37 am
Is the situation here that people who have all their toons UC'ed are happy with the current lousy drop/jump rate and think others shouldn't complain, while people who still need them aren't happy?

most of all high end player get thier xtra UC toon from shadow when he was still droping v1 im pretty sure about it

haha Im pretty sure you have no.clue...


Title: Re: Shadow
Post by: whatzizface on December 31, 2012, 11:31:20 am
LDoN Is not supposed to be pleasent, It is called a grind for a reason. With that said after spending days in LDoN you will soon lose the reality factor and gain the "Thousand mile stare" making future UC's easier to attain. So sit back put on some ABBA and relax, The charms are dropping and you can make your own instance for gods sake. The older guys on here remember when there were no instances and you had to wait in line to get a mob. The time for getting a UC has dropped dramatically, Shadow was a pain to drop for the promise of one charm so he really was not a option (Have him jump 15 times for ONE charm you didnt need was not a good move for most) Most of us stuck it out and were nicely suprised and proud when we finished it, It was a trophy not everyone had.