EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Mattnaik on December 30, 2012, 03:03:14 pm

Title: Any advice on taking on The MCP?
Post by: Mattnaik on December 30, 2012, 03:03:14 pm
So I have purchased a couple 4.0 books but would like to be able to acquire my own and save money. I spun up an instance and attempted to take on The MCP. Not sure if I should even be able to beat him with my current group or not but he spanked me around and I wiped within seconds each time. What exactly does he do? It's not a fear its like he pushes my tank off the edge. I tanked him with my warrior and my pally (with fear immune AA) and it did the same thing. It's almost like its casting shadowstep on me repeatedly or something. Not sure how to counter this and before i know it my tank is off the edge of the island.

Current group makeup:
War: all T3, 4.0 2h
Pally: all T2, 4.0, oracle 50, 3x FS2
Nec: all T2, 4.0
Bard: all T2, 3.5s, 2x NS4, sorc 1
Monk: some T3, 3.5s, 2x NS4, sorc 1
Cleric: all T2, 3.5, Oracle 11
Shaman: some T3, 4.0, kraken

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Title: Re: Any advice on taking on The MCP?
Post by: MacofMacs on December 30, 2012, 03:05:20 pm
You might not have enough DPS for his massive regen

Title: Re: Any advice on taking on The MCP?
Post by: clbreastmilk on December 30, 2012, 03:25:16 pm
Dispell his damage shield.  If that still doesn't work, need to gear up more.

Title: Re: Any advice on taking on The MCP?
Post by: Mattnaik on December 30, 2012, 04:51:27 pm
Ah, he has a DS? That might explain why I died so quick. Was my experience of being shoved around the island till I fell off typical or was something funky going on?

Title: Re: Any advice on taking on The MCP?
Post by: clbreastmilk on December 30, 2012, 06:07:38 pm
His pathing fear does that sometimes.  It would have to be adjusted if possible by Hunter or fear removed.  Some of us without clerics still prefer that over DT :)

Title: Re: Any advice on taking on The MCP?
Post by: Chunka on December 30, 2012, 06:22:41 pm
First, Knights are best to tank mcp because of fearless AA. But if you normally tank with a warrior, or find that the pally/sk is too squishy, then just make sure that the knight is a close second on the agro chain.

If you normally tank with a warrior, have the Pally pull with cancel magic. Have the pally start with Dread Gaze at least 3 times, and as many clicks of the scepter as you can in that time. Then have warrior move in and take agro. If you do this, when the warrior gets feared (and he will) then the agro will immediately shift to the knight and MCP wont run off. Fight him at spawn point, or nearby in the shallow valley. You may need to occasionally click scepter on knight or hit DG if you have healthy dps.

Lastly, if you have a warrior using a few nerd 5's and a decent sorc charm, or a zerker in group with a decent sorc charm, you wont need to kill spawned trash; AE will chew em down. Otherwise kill em as they pop.