EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Rent Due on January 11, 2013, 11:01:19 pm

Title: new build, win8 wow problems!
Post by: Rent Due on January 11, 2013, 11:01:19 pm
ok, let me see if I can remember everything ive tried so far......

CPU: FX 4170 amd
Ram: 16g
Vcard: HD 7750
OS: windows 8

Problem: I log in, go to server selection, get logged into ezserver, loads to character selection screen then my toon looks like he is shaking on crack! I cant hit quit, enter game, new character, nothing, all you can do is hit ESC to back out. its like character is stuck or froze in game boucing all over, going thru every motion in hyper speed.

-I have redownloaded UF client from hate x3
-changed combatibility to every setting (only seems to run on winxp sp3)
-ran as admin
-changed desktop and game resolutions to every setting
-cussed and hit keyboard and mouse
-bought new keyboard and new mouse (that actually happened)
-changed framework from 4.5 to 3.5
-downloaded DirectX 9 and installed
-installed titanium (which installed DX9 again)
-run DX diagnostics tool a dozen times
-downloaded new graphic drivers
-all windows updates
- did all this:
If you are running Windows 7 or Vista, the following should completely fix any Dual Core CPU issues. It may even work on other versions of Windows, but I haven't tried it.

 Windows Vista/7 has an option that lets you start an application and set the CPU affinity, which assigns the application to run on a specific CPU in a multi-core system. To do so, follow these steps:

 1. Right click on your EQEmu shortcut on your desktop.
 2. Click "Properties".
 3. Go to the Shortcut tab if you aren't there already (should already be on this tab).
 4. Delete everything in the "Target" field, but make sure to leave the "Start in" field alone!
 5. Paste the following line into your "Target" field:

c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C start /affinity 1 eqgame.exe patchme
6. Click OK and you are ready to start Everquest

OK, so what am I missing? why is my toon doing the crack DT shakes?

Title: Re: new build, win8 wow problems!
Post by: Rent Due on January 11, 2013, 11:18:46 pm
oh yeah, I also downloaded and made a disk for memtest86

test showed 0 problems, ran twice

so all the ram works, cpu tests out, etc

Title: Re: new build, win8 wow problems!
Post by: Poker-ecaf on January 12, 2013, 05:09:05 am
press enter on keyboard for enter world ;p haha... sorry no clue about new win8 by chance in 1year i will take it on my computer !

Title: Re: new build, win8 wow problems!
Post by: Rent Due on January 12, 2013, 08:37:28 am
lol now I hit eqgame.exe and it says: no 3d devices found!"


Title: Re: new build, win8 wow problems!
Post by: Secrets on January 12, 2013, 11:48:06 am
Revert all changes made.

If you have a AMD processor, install this:

If you do not, you shouldn't be seeing any hitchy issues. Though if you are playing UF, Drakkin may have issues if you are missing the DKM_anim files.

Title: Re: new build, win8 wow problems!
Post by: Rent Due on January 12, 2013, 09:47:37 pm
must be a bad link or something I get nothing on it

goes to amd page but the download button doesn't come up

file name is: /

Title: Re: new build, win8 wow problems!
Post by: lerxst2112 on January 12, 2013, 10:04:15 pm

I don't think the processor driver is still necessary in windows 7/8, but you can search for it and see if it installs.  Windows Update should pick it up too if you need it.  The stuttering is one of those things it tended to help with.

Title: Re: new build, win8 wow problems!
Post by: Rent Due on January 12, 2013, 10:07:07 pm
I just reloaded win8, fresh install

updated my video card drivers from device manager
updated cpu drivers from device manager (windows says best driver used)
im downloading UF client from hate as I type

so im starting from fresh

still not sure what that link was for from secrets :(

Title: Re: new build, win8 wow problems!
Post by: Rent Due on January 12, 2013, 10:09:16 pm
its a weird bug, gotta be something video or cpu cause why else could I get all the way into logging in and just buggy characters!!!

I dub thee problem: "My character is doing the crack dance!"

I will know what the new problems are in about 15mins when UF downloads and I set it up

Title: Re: new build, win8 wow problems!
Post by: Rent Due on January 13, 2013, 06:19:18 pm
ok lol new problem!

got everything reinstalled, etc

now I can log in but cant get passed the server selection screen. it just blinks and goes back to the login screen....

Title: Re: new build, win8 wow problems!
Post by: Fugitive on January 13, 2013, 06:24:33 pm
dude just go back to 7...

Title: Re: new build, win8 wow problems!
Post by: Gannicus on January 13, 2013, 06:33:15 pm
Window 8 is the definition of garbage for gaming. More for touch screen computers or phones, nothing else.

Title: Re: new build, win8 wow problems!
Post by: Fugitive on January 13, 2013, 06:42:59 pm
I have eq running no issues on 8 atm zero most of my steam games no issues either.. but If I was having as many issues as rent above meh.. go back to 7 and just wait

Title: Re: new build, win8 wow problems!
Post by: Rent Due on January 13, 2013, 07:53:55 pm
well, I would fugi, however I never had 7, my old computer was vista and it was a prebuilt machine (gift) so the last copy of windows I have is I think windowsXP, that is if I could find the disc

so basically I don't have a choice, unless I want to spend another $100 to go backwards

with that said....you're running windows 8, and several other people are too, several other people are also clearly using a quad core AMD processor, so it begs the question.....W T F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im downloading another fresh copy of UF client atm so we will see

Title: Re: new build, win8 wow problems!
Post by: Rent Due on January 13, 2013, 07:55:11 pm

thanks for the vote of confidence! you're number one!

Title: Re: new build, win8 wow problems!
Post by: Fugitive on January 13, 2013, 08:02:54 pm
shrug good luck..