EZ Server

General Category => Guild Recruitment => Topic started by: Lodar on May 13, 2010, 01:43:34 pm

Title: Looking for...
Post by: Lodar on May 13, 2010, 01:43:34 pm

 *Edit: Post removed :)  I found a guild*

Thanks everyone!

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: Reed on May 19, 2010, 01:05:37 pm
This guy hax!!

no, i kid. He's cool, someone should guild him.

just dont join Last Stand man.
You, Tank, and a few others form that guild should make a good guild together. That name was kinda tainted, needs better screening

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: Chubb on May 19, 2010, 02:28:46 pm
we in last stand are very nice :) we don't ks, we raid t1-t2
and i don't think its right that one post (however messed up/wrong that post was) would taint a whole guild. I see people argue all the time on these forums and people usually just forget about it after awhile. imo no need to trash a guild that doesn't need trashing

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: Tibador on May 19, 2010, 02:49:25 pm
Its not one post that even caused last stand to lose its reputation its the asshats on a daily basis doing what they do best being asshats.

Ask any high end player that's not in your guild and i bet 60-70% have a had a bad run in at least once if not more with Last stand members, now i know a few of the people in the guild and they have my respect but as a guild unless your one of the people i know i cringe when i see one coming as i know what it will mean usually.

I even stopped giving away rot loot and started deleting it because i just don't want to deal with it anymore and that sucks.

As Reed said the good members should reform with people you know and trust this server is like a small town we all know each others dirty secrets.

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: Reed on May 19, 2010, 02:56:00 pm
I even stopped giving away rot loot and started deleting it because i just don't want to deal with it anymore and that sucks.

I told my guild to do this. No rotting carcass means no vulture. We send tells to specific officers or people if we have loot. They say no one needs, thanks anyway... we destroy. Higher end stuff becomes a "good ole boy's" club. Its about who you know, how to help out them, and what they can do to repay you. Good system 90% of the time.

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: istvaan on May 19, 2010, 03:26:15 pm
Ask any high end player that's not in your guild and i bet 60-70% have a had a bad run in at least once if not more with Last stand members,

True story:

A few days back I was camping ice tiki in T2, some Last Stand member named Sandi came up and stood over some corpses for a bit then asked if he could check them for rots. I was in tells to someone and about to respond when he started looting them anyways. I was disappointed because there were no tiamats/brown dragons in range to poison him.

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: Reed on May 19, 2010, 06:22:40 pm
Last Stand member named Sandi came up and stood over some corpses for a bit then asked if he could check them for rots. I was in tells to someone and about to respond when he started looting them anyways.

Not so bad, kinda your own fault there. At least s/he asked first *shrug* =p

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: Balthor on May 19, 2010, 06:30:23 pm
op was cool to chat with one day. I wouldnt report him to the police if I saw a crack-hoe sucking him off in public. That says something.

Man ive had the policy for a long time in POD to destroy every rot on every corpse. The only time I ever shared was when someone offered to share first AND demonstrated the ability to kill that particular section of the zone.
IE: they are farming t1 for that last plate bp they needed on their 5th alt. I obv know they can kill that shit. I need something from T1 and they do. They have fire tiki and I have ice. If we can share our loot and get outa there faster its cool.
T2 I followed the same but was more strict on who as I could always load in one of 30 something alts I had or other guild members characters I had access to. That shit was the ol'boys club at that time period. I also refused and would still refuse to share with a single monk running the fuck around asking for rots.
You have no business being in tier2 begging for scraps and checking corpses. Stay at zone in and send me a direct tell. I have coth bots at both tikis and if shit drops and i feel like sharing and you are cool I can coth.
Running up to my camp like a douchebag just makes me delete that shit.

((using monk as example (my monks still need a couple t2 but im lazy) cause I see more of that then say a fucking wizard or enc Lawlsauce.. tho if I saw a damn enc I would give them loot. (1) my enc has full t2 (2) that would be funny to see another enc running around even a bot.))

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: Chubb on May 19, 2010, 07:19:26 pm
All I know is I've found one guild that had a good rep and the whole guild left. I've been on this server a long time... I've switched guilds twice now because of people ruining it. Lol I jusr don't want people to see me and think oh she.s in that guild... she must ks.  Or w.e /shrug maybe I.ll find one soon then :)

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: Reed on May 19, 2010, 09:39:59 pm
All I know is I've found one guild that had a good rep and the whole guild left. I've been on this server a long time... I've switched guilds twice now because of people ruining it. Lol I jusr don't want people to see me and think oh she.s in that guild... she must ks.  Or w.e /shrug maybe I.ll find one soon then :)

normally people in the forums with more than 1 post (that isnt just a bunch of bitching about spawns and stuff anyway) are good people. Dick faces avoid the forums like the plague cause everyone knows them to be ass hats. Chubb, i dont know you very well, but from your forums posts i dont see you as a bad person.

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: zomgDanyelle on May 19, 2010, 11:47:49 pm
All I know is I've found one guild that had a good rep and the whole guild left. I've been on this server a long time... I've switched guilds twice now because of people ruining it. Lol I jusr don't want people to see me and think oh she.s in that guild... she must ks.  Or w.e /shrug maybe I.ll find one soon then :)

normally people in the forums with more than 1 post (that isnt just a bunch of bitching about spawns and stuff anyway) are good people. Dick faces avoid the forums like the plague cause everyone knows them to be ass hats. Chubb, i dont know you very well, but from your forums posts i dont see you as a bad person.

Lies, i'm a complete ass hat XD lol

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 19, 2010, 11:54:26 pm
Lies, i'm a complete ass hat XD lol

And this whole time I was under the impression you were an ass clown, not an ass hat.

Pic added for teh giggles.

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: zomgDanyelle on May 19, 2010, 11:57:32 pm
Oh noes you have harmed mai feelingz! :P

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 20, 2010, 12:27:17 am
This shit is contageous

Oh noes you have harmed mai feelingz! :P

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: sandi on May 20, 2010, 07:13:04 am
Istvaan, that hurts broseph...  Do you not remember a couple days prior to this incident when i was killing at ice, and i saw you lurking, and informed you that there was some SK ore rotting?   To which you said, that was precisely what i was going to ask you, you thanked me, we went on our ways? 

i logged there came back the next day to see you camped there with, whatever corpse it was on the ground... i sent you the tell, you didn't respond, i assumed you went afk between tiki pops, so i took a look inside one of the chests...(all i need is beastlord ore, and a BP, but it definately wasn't kronos's corpse on the ground)... any how, i'm not a ninja looting lurker ... i assumed with our interaction the previous day, you wouldn't have minded me looking in your chests


Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: Lodar on May 20, 2010, 10:35:10 am
Its funny now that my post of me looking for a guild... was hi-jacked lol
In any case... I am with Exhumed now.

I like it there! Thanks you all for your concern about my well being :)

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: Reed on May 20, 2010, 10:40:14 am
Newish guild, havent really heard much about them... which in this case is pretty good i guess =p

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: Lodar on May 20, 2010, 11:48:07 am
Yeah I like it ... nothing rush, we focus on Main characaters before alts.. helping other members getting through qvic and stuff.. no drama (so far).  I mean its a good atmosphere and people are friendly.

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: Reed on May 20, 2010, 12:41:51 pm
sounds like a good fit

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: Scootz on May 21, 2010, 05:36:04 am
I have seen exhumed around a lot and have nothing but good things to say about them, polite and capable is an A+ in my book.  As for Last Stand, i have met ONE person from there that was cool, Chubb and usually if I see any other guilds around me when i am trying to find the elusive bp that i need in qvic or working tacvi for the arrow and etc I will destroy until someone asks.  Lodar your a pretty cool dude from what i have seen on the forumns and wish ya all the best in Exhumed.

Title: Re: Looking for...
Post by: PORTIS on May 21, 2010, 10:04:12 am
I will Hijack this back Lodar:) As people have said nice things about Exhumed here.. We are recruiting, 2.5 and above (pref 3.0)chars only. Plate classes on hold except main playing clerics (ROUS's, I dont think they really exist) or Bards, also exeptions can be made for exceptional people. Happy to trial anyone who fits the bill and plays 15+ hrs weekly with a good rep. We are PoD and Tavci killing atm.
Please speak to either a guild member/officer or our recruitment officer Lizardhunter.

Thanks for the nice comments.  ;D

Portis GL <Exhumed>