EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: dartonion on February 12, 2013, 02:29:56 am

Title: public apology
Post by: dartonion on February 12, 2013, 02:29:56 am
for anyone that dont know i was involved in all the recent trouble with duping.EVen though i wasnt the actually duper i knew what was going on, accepted the items, and reaped all the benefits from it. I also reaped in the punishment. I would like to apologize to the server as a whole. i never had the intent to hurt all of you wit this. im also sorry everyone has to deal with all the essence/strike troubles now.i would give the reasons why i did it all but in the end its an excuse and excuses dont justify. again im sorry to everyone including hunter

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Blurring on February 12, 2013, 02:35:13 am
Thanks for admitting this and for your apology.

If strikes and essences never leave no-drop status, I have quite the shopping list for you. :)

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Mixlor on February 12, 2013, 02:41:47 am
Well... at least you are man enough to admit it and even give an apology which is rare and far between. You have my respect for doing that.  :)

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Felony on February 12, 2013, 02:49:11 am
What I don't understand is why.
If you had reported the flaw you would have received credits from Hunter and why people that used this were so damn greedy.

Next time someone finds a dupe and doesn't want to report, please for the love of god do not be as F****** stupid as this clown and his friends.
Everyone should know by now that damn near everything is logged and its easy enough to run a db query and get a list of items/money/whatever and do it against your IP, past and present.

So stop being dumb.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Fugitive on February 12, 2013, 05:51:06 am
Is this the part where we are supposed to embrace you back in the flock with open arms?

Dude you and your crew are ass hats period. You guys FUCKED over many normal day to day players with these antics.. You are right there is no excuse.. I honestly think the only reason you are back on the forums "apologizing" is Hunter didn't listen to your begging and pleas or whatever excuses were made.

You are right though.. There is no excuse other then failed Integrity logging in fucking over people that log in here daily and have friendly competition with each other.

Lets go through some of your posts...

ive only been playing for about 6 months if that. almost have first 5.0 and most of my t5 gear. some of it was easy some hard.but it all was for the most part fun to do. the problem is everytime hunter makes something a lil easier people push for more. you can only make things so easy and keep with the spirit of the game. i think most things are fine how they are and the stream of new content is going great.i have much respect for the older players that worked so hard to get what they have. thanx to players like bubbins and marxist ive gotten as far as i have.. i guess my point is new players should listen and be thankful the grind isnt as hard as before and old players realize things evolve and sometimes are easier over time.its kinda hard cuz i agree with alot of points from both sides.guess it dont make sense im just grateful to have the server and most of the peeps on it in general

Fucked over Bubbins and Marxist for helping a new guy out...yeah I guess Entitlement again..

i just wanted to thank everyone that has helped me lately or just talked.ALL this stuff being in the hospital and the surgery and cancer has really had me down.But thanx to all the new fun stuff Hunter has been doiong and all of you guys, even just watching the /ooc banter has really helped to keep my mind off things and keep me sain. i want to give a special thank you to all my guild Fat Kids With Swords.and expecially my best bud on here Deathbane and Krusha. u guys have helped more than you know. again thank you all i enjoy the company

Yeah a lot of players helping you all around... and of course your guild.. thank them in public knowing this dupe was already in action more likely. But still take those hand outs from The Good players that really invested into helping you.. sad

.people complaining about the economy.. it dont take any time at all to farm 2 mil i can make that in anguish or t7 easy. the poeple getting the 2 mil are the ones that need MILLIONS of dollars for augs SoA and other things foir there t6/t7 gears.all this has also given us the players more chances to show talent in coding and such helping hunter overcome challenges or roadblocks.in the end great job hunter i love what your doing here

Yeah read that.. of course it's easy.. Most of us including myself yeah its easy but watching your whole guild run past all content cause they wanted to cheat and not one you fucks had the Integrity to stand the fuck up and say lets knock this shit off... again sad more fucking over of people.

cant wait to see the first UW. only bad thing is essence prices will go through the roof lol worth the tradeoff

This one blew my fucking mind...

Here is me not so accepting of your Fucking Apology

-Delete your gear (Cause here plain and simple you didn't earn it and you know it)
-Delete your fucking IS9 (Cause here plain and simple you didn't earn it and you know it) ( Hell My CREW don't even own 1 Aug level 9 any type /rude )
-Delete your Toons
-Delete your Forum account


I'm not making this about your sickness, I'm making this about you choosing to sit idle and do nothing but cheat and fuck over all.. I liked your UW9 you had equip'd btw !not. Hell I'm sure you guild even try to point fingers at others and redirect Hunter's reign of wipes and bans..

But the end of the day you have to sit with yourself and know it's your LACK of Integrity. You were given more carry through and help by more players on this server... without hesitation... and now look groveling and attempting to be humbled...

Don't worry about trying to elicit a response I said my say .. as did your actions.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Anuli on February 12, 2013, 10:50:13 am
I am... Appalled at the ignorance of the people responsible and more shocked and amazed at this guy. A true con man to the core. I completely back up fugi on his entire post.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 12, 2013, 12:02:08 pm
Wow, this guy is a bullshitter. I won't even say bullshit artist because there is nothing artistic about the amount and kind of bullshit that has been spewed out by this guy. Looking over your posts there is so much bullshit and spin and outright lies that it calls in to question every claim you have ever made. You don't get to lie and bullshit like this and expect people to believe anything that comes out of your mouth.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Kreemo on February 12, 2013, 01:18:16 pm
I lent him what i could afford at the time(not much really), if i knew he had hundreds of millions of plat in the bank i certainly wouldn't have.

I gave it to him on the understanding that he needed to pay for medical bills for his cancer treatment.

I sympathized as I have lost family due to cancer as many others on here will have too.

IF the whole cancer thing is a lie then please dont ever darken our door again.


Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Rageful on February 12, 2013, 01:54:10 pm
You're only sorry because you got caught. I'd rather you not be sorry and say it was fun whie it lasted

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Mattnaik on February 12, 2013, 02:01:24 pm
I gave it to him on the understanding that he needed to pay for medical bills for his cancer treatment.

Looks like we have ourselves a Walter White on our hands. Congrats Heisenberg, you got caught.


Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Eruditeone on February 12, 2013, 03:05:28 pm
The cancer, is 100% true, he has been playing from the hospital for a while now. The dupe had only been going on for a couple months, Dart was already finished with his 5.0/T5 when it was found out, so he did earn his gear. Of everyone that got caught, Dart had the LEAST involvement (to my knowledge). Not saying it was right, just trying to straighten some facts.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 12, 2013, 03:14:27 pm
The cancer, is 100% true, he has been playing from the hospital for a while now. The dupe had only been going on for a couple months, Dart was already finished with his 5.0/T5 when it was found out, so he did earn his gear. Of everyone that got caught, Dart had the LEAST involvement (to my knowledge). Not saying it was right, just trying to straighten some facts.

This is coming from one of the guys who was in the middle of all of the scamming. And we are to take your word for it? Nope, not happening.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Felony on February 12, 2013, 03:19:53 pm
The cancer, is 100% true, he has been playing from the hospital for a while now. The dupe had only been going on for a couple months, Dart was already finished with his 5.0/T5 when it was found out, so he did earn his gear. Of everyone that got caught, Dart had the LEAST involvement (to my knowledge). Not saying it was right, just trying to straighten some facts.

Hmm couple of months was it, and one of you guys owned that fucking annoying ass /auc spammer trying to make $$ off players by using this dupe.

I seriously hope Hunter ban's every single account you guys have, the entire damn guild and you all never return.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Raygan on February 12, 2013, 03:43:19 pm
I know that some kind of dupee happened and apparently I am clueless...so what exactly happened and what guild are you guys talking about?  Was this in regards to that Aceph (i think was the name) using /auction to sell those IS/NS/Fs 8 augs all day every day? nm rereading post seems the guild was Fat Kids with Swords.....so they were duping stuff and selling it for real cash through paypal or duping stuff to rush through the UW?

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Mattnaik on February 12, 2013, 03:53:59 pm
so they were duping stuff and selling it for real cash through paypal or duping stuff to rush through the UW?

I assume that answer is yes to both questions.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Adydar on February 12, 2013, 04:11:06 pm
Ban them all, it would be difficult for anyone in the guild to not have knowledge of what was happening.  If someone in my guild logged in and suddenly was super bad ass with all kinds of augs, I'd surely be asking how they did it.

People that ruin things for the every day run of the mill player should be banned, named and chastised to act as a deterrent for others who may decide something along the same lines may be a good idea....

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Blurring on February 12, 2013, 04:20:33 pm
This thread is getting ridiculous. Are you honestly telling me it is the responsibility of every guilded person to police their guild mates, and if they don't, should be banned? NONE of you know the circumstances or what exactly happened when by who, this mob mentality bash thread is an embarrassment to the server.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Fugitive on February 12, 2013, 04:26:35 pm
Not really Blarr, everything they did effected everyone on the server high to low..

What did he really expect coming here with a empty apology?  He needs to just find another set of peers to play with on another server. Or just log off and spend time with his RL Family. Not come to the boards to Justify this or that in game or out. His actions and behaviors contributed to this.

I know you don't like this because you guys communicate a lot to each other, but this is going to play out how ever it does. Sad part about it is his Ex-guildmates are just letting him get crucified alone... that other liar that posted is just that a liar.

The only thing that is an embarrassment is getting EZ getting fool by these guys daily all of us including the GM.

The guild police thing I can see your point

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 12, 2013, 04:28:01 pm
In his own post he said he knew what was going on.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: dartonion on February 12, 2013, 05:14:18 pm
lol i never recieved rl money from anyone i dont even own a paypal.And accept my apology or not that is your choice. and for krusha the help u gave me was b4 the dupin was even happening.and yes fugi ur right im as guilty as anyone else because i didnt sday anything wqhen i found out. as for my gear except for the UW i obviously created from the dupe.. (just so u know not all the essences were duped but thats not relivent) i farmed grped and killed for it all.and felony you werent complaining when i gave u augs essences and yes even 10 mil pp. duping is a worse crime but half u guys bitching use a macro.sls or a bot of some form which is still cheating.. so half u guys with any form of uw used some form of cheat to get it even if it wasnt dupin.i used pretty much all the shit i got myself on my 1 char didnt sell it to the public as being claimed.i dont mind at all being bitched at or called names but know the facts before hand.i sat in crafters guild making items for my char passing the time.yes it was wrong i agree or i wouldnt have apologized.the apology and regret comes from the fact that it effected everyone else in the end. as for you fugi just for your info i wont be deleting, destroying or leaving anything im here to stay and thats that

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Raygan on February 12, 2013, 05:36:50 pm
and felony you werent complaining when i gave u augs essences and yes even 10 mil pp.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 12, 2013, 06:28:20 pm
First this...
for anyone that dont know i was involved in all the recent trouble with duping.EVen though i wasnt the actually duper i knew what was going on, accepted the items, and reaped all the benefits from it. I also reaped in the punishment. I would like to apologize to the server as a whole. i never had the intent to hurt all of you wit this. im also sorry everyone has to deal with all the essence/strike troubles now.i would give the reasons why i did it all but in the end its an excuse and excuses dont justify. again im sorry to everyone including hunter

And then...
lol i never recieved rl money from anyone i dont even own a paypal.And accept my apology or not that is your choice. and for krusha the help u gave me was b4 the dupin was even happening.and yes fugi ur right im as guilty as anyone else because i didnt sday anything wqhen i found out. as for my gear except for the UW i obviously created from the dupe.. (just so u know not all the essences were duped but thats not relivent) i farmed grped and killed for it all.and felony you werent complaining when i gave u augs essences and yes even 10 mil pp. duping is a worse crime but half u guys bitching use a macro.sls or a bot of some form which is still cheating.. so half u guys with any form of uw used some form of cheat to get it even if it wasnt dupin.i used pretty much all the shit i got myself on my 1 char didnt sell it to the public as being claimed.i dont mind at all being bitched at or called names but know the facts before hand.i sat in crafters guild making items for my char passing the time.yes it was wrong i agree or i wouldnt have apologized.the apology and regret comes from the fact that it effected everyone else in the end. as for you fugi just for your info i wont be deleting, destroying or leaving anything im here to stay and thats that

Oh really now. Lets look at something specifically here...
i wasnt the actually duper
the UW i obviously created from the dupe.. (just so u know not all the essences were duped but thats not relivent) i sat in crafters guild making items for my char passing the time.

There is a thing about telling lies, you lose track of them. The more you speak the more you lose any credibility you have ever had with anyone.  So when you come here making half assed accusations don't expect anyone will believe you. You are a liar.


Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Felony on February 12, 2013, 07:12:29 pm
You said you had a gift for me since I was talking about making augs for my 2nd group and you handed me 5mpp and in good faith I accepted that money.
As for augs you traded me one FS aug for some sls or was it a couple essences you were after.

Either way that would not have happened if I had known you were pulling this shit and don't try to claim you gave me crap for free and I knew you were duping.

As soon as I suspected something I started testing methods to dupe and told Hunter.

I am above reproach in this situation.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Felony on February 12, 2013, 07:15:14 pm
and felony you werent complaining when i gave u augs essences and yes even 10 mil pp.

Orthanos you can quote that bullshit all you like but I have no idea who your in game character is so If you want to try and take a poke at me you have to do better.
Come at me bitch and I'll crush you.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Anuli on February 12, 2013, 08:25:28 pm
and felony you werent complaining when i gave u augs essences and yes even 10 mil pp.

Orthanos you can quote that bullshit all you like but I have no idea who your in game character is so If you want to try and take a poke at me you have to d o better.
Come at me bitch and I'll crush you.

Felony don't worry about it, anyone who isn't an idiot can tell this guy is trying to relieve focus from himself and distract people by attempting to throw you under a bus and weave a greater Web of lies. Both of them. The only people that believe their bullshit are the bullshitters themselves. On his next reply he may as well blame hunter himself and say He forced his greedy little hands for all it matters.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Thebone on February 12, 2013, 10:53:26 pm
Lovely nothing has changed... Same ol kids doing the some ol crap.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Raygan on February 13, 2013, 04:03:58 am
Orthanos you can quote that bullshit all you like but I have no idea who your in game character is so If you want to try and take a poke at me you have to do better.
Come at me bitch and I'll crush you.

Nothing better than someone who only talks shit over the safety of a computer hehehe...and I am me in game (although I do ride as a warrior named Raygan ever since i got into T6.....crush me...hahaha classic

Oh and btw if someone just gave me 5 million plat, that would throw up MAJOR red flags.  So either you are a bigger idiot than you give yourself credit for or you were involved.  The saying, "a hit dog hollers." comes to mind here.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: dartonion on February 13, 2013, 04:10:29 am
lol xiggie are you completely retarded. of course i recieved the items that were duped like i said i didnt dupe myself. so in the end yes it was created from dupe.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Felony on February 13, 2013, 04:53:31 am
Orthanos you can quote that bullshit all you like but I have no idea who your in game character is so If you want to try and take a poke at me you have to do better.
Come at me bitch and I'll crush you.

Nothing better than someone who only talks shit over the safety of a computer hehehe...and I am me in game (although I do ride as a warrior named Raygan ever since i got into T6.....crush me...hahaha classic

Oh and btw if someone just gave me 5 million plat, that would throw up MAJOR red flags.  So either you are a bigger idiot than you give yourself credit for or you were involved.  The saying, "a hit dog hollers." comes to mind here.
If you think I only talk shit over "the safety" of the internet you are mistaken. What I think is funny is you are also the guy that claimed to be the P99 owner so yeah, go fuck yourself.
Someone trading me 5mpp is not a red flag to me. I can millions a day if I wanted to by farming OMM / T7 but I get bored.
In the past I have handed out millions of pp to people I considered friends.
At the time I was friends with Dart and he mentioned that he would hook me up with a short amount of pp and then talked to me about getting a CD key.

Since I've been doing perl code for Hunter sometimes he rewards me with cd keys and Dart knew this.

Thanks for clearing up which character is yours so I can now add you to ignore.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Brunaa on February 13, 2013, 05:36:32 am
Dont you think that the thread is going out of line?
I would say behave yourself watch your mouth and give maybe Hunter inputs how to get the stuff solved that would help him more then whats going on now.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Fjord on February 13, 2013, 08:34:49 am
You guys bicker and moan like a bunch of middle age women. This thread is ridiculous.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Artemis on February 13, 2013, 12:00:37 pm
Every action has a consequence, whether that is favorable or not.  Saying you are “sorry” for something that was done or not acted on while reaping the benefits does not excuse someone of responsibility.  It is refreshing to hear someone apologize for their behavior, but what was expected to come of making a post like this?  These cheats affected everyone on the server and Hunter on a large scale.  Congrats, you under minded the whole point of playing on EZ server and created a load of work for the server owner and the GMs.  The people that are being vocal have a right to bash Dart and the offenders.  They need to know that their actions affect other individuals and that this isn’t OK to sit idly by reaping the benefits while justifying it with the whole “I didn’t do it” mentality.  Take your “flogging” and be done with it.

Also, the fact that Dart has cancer bears no relevance on what was done and honestly it shouldn’t have even been brought up on the forums by him or others.  It could be argued that this was brought up to begin with to get sympathy in game (That is pure speculation).  To the morons that exploited these cheats on a free server, you have to be pretty pathetic.  Please say hello to Karma when it bites you in the ass at the worst possible time.  Sad thing is that other than Dart, the others could probably give a sh!t less that they were caught.  Welcome to the “Me Generation” I guess..

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Xypher on February 13, 2013, 12:13:58 pm
Can't we all just get along?

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 13, 2013, 01:52:37 pm
lol xiggie are you completely retarded. of course i recieved the items that were duped like i said i didnt dupe myself. so in the end yes it was created from dupe.

You're again assuming that anyone is going to believe anything you say. You can't even form a complete sentence, yet you are calling me retarted? I understand a spelling error here or there but jeez man you never use proper grammar. You can't insult anyone here.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Strix on February 13, 2013, 02:47:12 pm
Dont you think that the thread is going out of line?
I would say behave yourself watch your mouth and give maybe Hunter inputs how to get the stuff solved that would help him more then whats going on now.

Well said Brunaa

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Raygan on February 13, 2013, 04:12:46 pm
If you think I only talk shit over "the safety" of the internet you are mistaken. What I think is funny is you are also the guy that claimed to be the P99 owner so yeah, go fuck yourself.

I own P99?  Thats news to me.....when did I make that comment?  Oh that's right I never did. Get the facts and stop talking more shit than a double barreled do-do gun, Mr. Toughguy.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Stuff4Sale on February 14, 2013, 10:16:56 pm
I remember why I quit here... Lmfao. And when you start having to correct people's grammar as a defense to what someone is saying, that's never a good sign... My first post in months, and probably my last for a few more until I see another ridiculous thread to add to EZ's track record of retarded people saying retarded things just because they think their epeen is bigger than everyone else's.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Hunter on February 14, 2013, 11:17:08 pm
I usually don't read post with bad grammar. Its too annoying to decipher.

Title: Re: public apology
Post by: Felony on February 15, 2013, 01:21:44 am
Thats why I generally take the time to proof read my posts and only respond to retards once or twice.

It is fun to watch retarded clowns like  Orthanos try to talk shit and play ignorant of what they have been caught saying in ooc.