EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on February 16, 2013, 07:29:30 pm

Title: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Hunter on February 16, 2013, 07:29:30 pm
Augments from T3/T4 will now start dropping in Abyss after reboot.

If you have IG or SM pet, then after reboot you'll be able to get the illusion clickie.

Spell file for 02-16-13 now available for download. This has the new Halloween Illusion.

Ultimate Weapon updated bane damage.

Ranks 1-4 will have Dragon Bane Damage (to help with T1/T2 Plane of Dragons)
Ranks 5-6 will have Gods Bane Damage (to help with T3/T4 - item shows Zek Bane Type)
Ranks 8-9 will have Floating Skull Bane Damage

There will be more tweaks on Ultimate Weapons such as spell effects.

Added charm v2 upgrades to T5 and T6 drops.

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Fugitive on February 16, 2013, 07:41:01 pm


Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 16, 2013, 10:07:04 pm
I am so pleased with this that I present you...

The titty fives
With a complimentary ass slap.

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Natedog on February 16, 2013, 10:15:33 pm
Awesome! Thanks Hunter

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Fliker on February 16, 2013, 11:17:20 pm
I am so pleased with this that I present you...

The titty fives
With a complimentary ass slap.

That's awesome

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Digz on February 17, 2013, 07:02:07 am
since im even more pleased then xiggie, i also present you......THE BEATBOXING GOAT


Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Fugitive on February 17, 2013, 07:09:21 am
rank 7 get left out?
Anguish Bane? Mata Bane?

Good update btw

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Mattnaik on February 17, 2013, 09:19:39 am
Is this in place of or in addition to increasing the v2 drop rate in HoH?

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: 1flytrapp on February 17, 2013, 09:55:23 pm
Seems to me there is a decreased drop rate on v2 charm upgrades in HoH

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Hunter on February 17, 2013, 10:39:49 pm
I've already stated several times what I did with hohonora drops.

All Avatars were 2% and Heavens had double chance. I fixed Heavens and made all Avatars 3%, so its now 1/33 instead of 1/50.

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Felony on February 18, 2013, 05:06:13 am
People should be happy with that change. I know I am, well when I can get away from my son and log in that is.  ;D

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Mattnaik on February 18, 2013, 07:00:25 am
I've already stated several times what I did with hohonora drops.

All Avatars were 2% and Heavens had double chance. I fixed Heavens and made all Avatars 3%, so its now 1/33 instead of 1/50.

I must have missed that somewhere. I'm a bit behind on my forum readings. Busy weekend.

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: jstraw101 on February 18, 2013, 01:04:06 pm
Any chance of adding aug slots to these UW?    Fugitives idea seems great to me.



Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Khaoticz on February 19, 2013, 05:23:15 am
I know hohonora got changed, but it seems like with 1/33 charms rarely drop still. I've done multiple clears without any page/charm drops, then other times with 4-6 charms an instance. I know its the RNG but the drop rates seem to be still messed up.

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: 1flytrapp on February 19, 2013, 08:23:19 am
i agree with Khaoticz

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Kwai on February 19, 2013, 09:55:57 am
235 avatars in a clean instance should generate 7 charm drops per run.  I clear the zone in just about an hour.  For the past 5 days I have been pushing 3 new toons through and have never seen 7 drops per run...  I see 3 - 5.

That having been said.. in a one hour run you can get 2 shadows and he can drop 0 - 4 charms so that may suggest his loot table in part of the RNG for Charm drops.  If that is the case then the drop rate is probably correct.

Either way the results are OK if you're T6/7 geared, but not so much for the T3/4 guys running through there for their first UC.  My only suggestion to speed this along would be to make Shadow a bonus plan and ensure the 3% drop rate applies to avatars only.


Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Rageful on February 19, 2013, 10:04:13 am
I was under the impression that Hunter did not want Shadow involved with charms. He pretty much nuked his charm drop rate months ago

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: jstraw101 on February 22, 2013, 11:25:57 am
I may be in the minority here, but what is the purpose of the T3/T4 aug drops in T5?   I understand that T5 armor has more slots, and HP and Mana Regen are required.   However, there seems to be no purpose to moss stone, sharpening stone and radiant citrine.    I spent yesterday in T5 and saw nothing but those augs (not 1 abyss essence), even from bosses.  

Please remove those augs from T5.    Also, please remove Moss Stone, Sharpening Stone and Radiant Citrine from the game.     kk tks.


Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Digz on February 22, 2013, 12:16:04 pm
I may be in the minority here, but what is the purpose of the T3/T4 aug drops in T5?   I understand that T5 armor has more slots, and HP and Mana Regen are required.   However, there seems to be no purpose to moss stone, sharpening stone and radiant citrine.    I spent yesterday in T5 and saw nothing but those augs (not 1 abyss essence), even from bosses.  

Please remove those augs from T5.    Also, please remove Moss Stone, Sharpening Stone and Radiant Citrine from the game.     kk tks.


when you're getting MORE v2 charms (at the old 1-2% droprate mind you...) then hp augs then id say something needed to be done. i for one am super glad to see the hp augs in T5 so that im not forced to clear hoh on my t6 crew for weeks/months to get the necessary augs for other toons, especially when farming v2s isnt on my agenda.

and rng is rng...just because you got nothing but the shitty augs doesnt mean that there shouldn't be any augs there at all, but i do agree with at least removing the...less then usefull augs :)

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Rageful on February 22, 2013, 02:21:23 pm
I made this suggestion months ago, replace that silly emerald with a HP rank 5. No one uses any of those other augs so ditch them, even in HoH

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: jstraw101 on February 22, 2013, 04:41:24 pm
and rng is rng...just because you got nothing but the shitty augs doesnt mean that there shouldn't be any augs there at all, but i do agree with at least removing the...less then usefull augs :)

Same applies to HoH.    I've gotten plenty of HP augs in HoH.    Seeing them in T5 is disappointing.  

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: jstraw101 on February 22, 2013, 04:45:14 pm
I made this suggestion months ago, replace that silly emerald with a HP rank 5. No one uses any of those other augs so ditch them, even in HoH


Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Anuli on February 23, 2013, 06:12:06 pm
You know what tho, if you farm podragon for pieces for parts to make augs you could do it in a few hours since everything drops parts. Just gather 30 of each part and make 15 of the aug you need.

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: Fugitive on March 02, 2013, 08:54:20 pm
Augments from T3/T4 will now start dropping in Abyss after reboot.

Honestly was thinking about this how "neat" it could have been.. ... .. until every other mob dropped an aug  :(

People just need to head back to HoH and farm this.

+1 for removal of this littering up corpses in T5.

Or just limit it to HP and Mana augs only..but even this .. go back to HoH..
Or lower the % it's dropping augs like crazy

sorry for nec-posting

Title: Re: Update 02-16-13
Post by: whatzizface on March 03, 2013, 02:17:42 am
Personally i do not mind corpses having augs i do not need on them. I have learned the art of /hidecorse looted, It is a special art that only the brave know, We hit that button first thing as soon as we log on, as we know we will kill many yet need few. In T5 the mobs are hard and the loot is harder, This is agravating BUT i do not ming checking the corpses.