EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on February 24, 2013, 09:12:18 pm

Title: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on February 24, 2013, 09:12:18 pm
After reboot the Free Waypoint will only work for the owner, just like getting buffs from your pet does.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: ochocinco on February 24, 2013, 09:34:43 pm
It looks like free waypoint doesn't work for the owner now.  Hopefully this will be fixed with the reboot.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Fugitive on February 24, 2013, 09:40:33 pm
After reboot the Free Waypoint will only work for the owner, just like getting buffs from your pet does.

So .. what does this accomplish? The waypoint will disappear I hit create whatever and won't be able to get guildmates in the zone at all...... why not just make it respond to "guildmates"

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Bobbin on February 24, 2013, 09:55:44 pm
So .. what does this accomplish? The waypoint will disappear I hit create whatever and won't be able to get guildmates in the zone at all...... why not just make it respond to "guildmates"

Pop a reg waypoint for the goons to use after creating the instance.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Fugitive on February 24, 2013, 10:21:50 pm
Not if he disables "reg waypoints" in certain zones..

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Brokyn on February 24, 2013, 10:32:47 pm
Would it be possible to make it so only the owner can Create Instance, and then so that the instance is created without the owner zoning in?  That way my whole raid can /say enter guild instance on my waypoint, but nobody else can make an instance.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on February 24, 2013, 10:36:40 pm
Interesting concepts.

Regular Waypoint and Free Waypoint are almost the same, basically copy/paste under new npc name, and new price.

So technically yes, you should be able to make your free instance, then your guild mates should technically be able to zone in via regular waypoint.

I found the issue. The Waypoints are made as a swarm x1 for 300 seconds (with no aggro flags though). This is preventing it from having an OwnerID. Going to need to make Free Waypoints into a regular pet. I know this will butthurt some pet classes, but it was never intended for people to pop a Free Waypoint for others to hail. I sort of knew it was going on but had a huge list of other priorities to work on.

Hopefully things will be fixed by reboot. Might have new spell file too by then, cause I'm currently making new (npc) spells for ToFS.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on February 24, 2013, 10:37:20 pm
Would it be possible to make it so only the owner can Create Instance, and then so that the instance is created without the owner zoning in?  That way my whole raid can /say enter guild instance on my waypoint, but nobody else can make an instance.

Yes, this might be a better idea :)

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Walls on February 24, 2013, 10:51:23 pm
My wp didn't work at all for me tonight. It claimed I wasn't his master .

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on February 24, 2013, 11:43:53 pm
Its the type of pet.

You have Pets, Familiars, and Swarms.

Aparently a "Swarm" has no owner ID. Pets and Familiars do though.

I've changed the spell file to reflect it to be a Familiar instead of Swarm x1 300sec.

Its tested and working on the test server. Will go live after reboot. No spell posted yet, but will later.

Waypoints and Free Waypoints will require you to be the owner to "Create" but not "Enter".

I know it'll be some butt hurt but this is how I originally wanted it but had no time to look into it.

I'd rather not spam forums with multiple waypoint topics so I'll use this one...


I think we can all agree that the waypoint code is desperately over due for an update. Some times people lose their balance or instance. The players instance id's sometimes get deleted, or even cross over into other peoples instance.

I know several people offered help, and I even have some beta code that isn't complete, but is a good start. Hopefully Akkadius won't blow up at me if he has already something posted that I don't know about yet lol. But I'm looking for something a LOT better than what we have now.

I'd like perl code for Waypoints that doesn't lose a players balance or instance id, basically something not bugged.

I'd also like some new style like custom invite to a raid instance rather than relying on groupID and guildID for instances. A pop up window showing who's been invited and who accepted the invite would be neat-o. Maybe limit the number of players to something like 18 or 24 max, or not if players think that is bad idea.

Would need to be easily copy/paste into a Free Waypoint clone clickie.

Needs that only the owner will be able to create instances as well. Here is sample to help speed things up:

my $temp_owner = $npc->GetOwnerID();
if ($temp_owner != $userid) { # Deny create instance
   quest::say("Only my real owner can create an instance!");
else { } # Allow create instance

Willing to give 100-1000 credits plus 1-5 free waypoint cd keys depending how good the submitted code is. Only the code that gets used would get free credits/clickies.

No limit in time, would prefer 1 month though. Soon as I see something that I want to use, then the contest would be over.

I know several people offered help, and even some beta examples, sorry if I missed it in the spam email inbox, fell welcome to remail me about it.

EZ Server is where it is today cause of players helping with code and content. Its very much appreciated. Thanks to all of you that help! :)


Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Natedog on February 25, 2013, 12:58:25 am
I had an idea for taking players money directly from them rather than using the current "balance" system. It requires custom code and only works for up to 2billion platinum though.

Not that anyone has 2 billion platinum lol

Then would only have to worry about making sure that they have an instanceID for their group / raid / guild.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Brokyn on February 25, 2013, 08:07:31 am
Another option for restricting use of the free waypoint reward would be to make it so the waypoint option to create an instance is only available to those who have the reward item in their inventory.

I would still like to see the instance created without the toon zoning in though, so that all of my toons can use my waypoint to enter the instance once created.  It's kind of annoying to have to create two waypoints to get toons into an instance.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Anuli on February 25, 2013, 02:29:54 pm
Its not like players can't find a way around this either. Can't give someone else a free waypoint? Join their guild, make it, go back to your guild. Also the ability to make a GI of no guild should be removed if possible cuz it could be a leave guild, make instance, join guild after you zone everyone in again. Not that i see this happening that often, it is just a possibility.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Mattnaik on February 26, 2013, 08:35:29 am
Why was the same change made to the regular waypoint? My necro has a regular waypoint and I can't summon it without dismissing my pet, entering the instance and resummoning. Incredibly annoying. 

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Dethundrel on February 26, 2013, 09:13:37 am
I know it'll be some butt hurt but this is how I originally wanted it but had no time to look into it.


Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Mattnaik on February 26, 2013, 10:00:28 am
Yeah, I get that. Would be nice to be able to transfer the waypoint to another class that doesn't have a pet though. Maybe the ability to sell it back to the vendor?

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Anuli on February 26, 2013, 01:37:05 pm
Maybe the ability to sell it back to the vendor?
If you can sell it back to the vendor then why not just make it trade-able?
Not like you are going to trade it to someone else but you could just trade it around your toons. Also not advocating the ability to trade these. That is not what I want.

 It's not going to be a forever thing, it is just temporary while Hunter decides what to do with it. Even if it takes a month, that is just a little blip on play time radar.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Rageful on February 26, 2013, 02:01:29 pm
Why do you not want that?

Just make them free again

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: sofaking on February 27, 2013, 05:57:56 am
Why are all the way points now so expensive?

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Brokyn on February 27, 2013, 10:09:00 am
Hi Hunter,

I just want to ask that for the time being, you return the Free Instance Waypoint Reward (FWP) to the way it was before.  If that means changing all of the waypoints to the way they were, so be it.  When you get the new instance and waypoint code working, I would still like to see the FWP perform at least the same way it did from the beginning.

The reason I ask is because everyone that has the FWP purchased it for 100 EZ credits expecting it to perform the way it always had.  Taking all of that utility away has basically robbed us of the item we paid for.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Anuli on February 27, 2013, 10:17:25 am
To make you ask questions lol

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Fugitive on February 27, 2013, 10:19:44 am
I agree 100%

Make rule in Server Rules if caught using non-owned waypoint blahblah.

Until you find / write better code at least.


Leaving ToFS non-instance is like chaining ones leg down to attempt to slow progress or make it look hard this isn't fun :-\

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: GebbonEQ on February 27, 2013, 10:38:19 am
Agree with keeping the Free Waypoint working the same way with new code as well.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: monelyn on February 27, 2013, 10:45:46 am
I was this close to purchasing a fwp, until the changes. Now, I don't see the point in it. I'm a noobie though so my opinion is irrelevant.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: 1flytrapp on February 27, 2013, 12:25:50 pm
I agree that the FWP should remain the way it was

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Mattnaik on February 27, 2013, 12:29:42 pm
What change specifically are you referring to? That it can't be used by anyone else? I'm not seeing that as terrible inconvenient but I also own a FWP AND just a regular WP on another toon. So I spawn the FWP and create the instance, then spawn the regular WP and let the rest of my toons enter through that.

Maybe with the purchase of a FWP, give 1mpp also to buy another WP on another toon?

Just a thought

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: GebbonEQ on February 27, 2013, 12:32:43 pm
Usable by guild, 3-5min cooldown on instance remake.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: jstraw101 on February 27, 2013, 02:34:21 pm
I'm not seeing the major issue.   With FWP I create instance, leave instance and then zone guildies in.   Yes, it is 2 extra zones but that amounts to mere minutes. 

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Brokyn on February 27, 2013, 02:47:05 pm
I'm not seeing the major issue.   With FWP I create instance, leave instance and then zone guildies in.   Yes, it is 2 extra zones but that amounts to mere minutes. 

Nobody is suggesting that you can't make an instance in most cases with the FWP... 

The issue is that it was sold as an item that could make an instance anywhere, that your guild mates could click to make an instance as well.  It has been replaced with an item that can make an instance in some places, but not others, that can only be used by it's owner...  I don't imagine that Hunter was trying to do a bait and switch, but in essence that's what has happened.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: GebbonEQ on February 27, 2013, 02:52:33 pm
Also mentioned in /ooc last night about a 1 hour cooldown of same instance creation

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Fugitive on February 27, 2013, 02:55:16 pm
Also mentioned in /ooc last night about a 1 hour cooldown of same instance creation

This shouldn't even be on the table as acceptable lets not even bring stuff like this up.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Mattnaik on February 27, 2013, 03:28:58 pm
...It has been replaced with an item that can make an instance in some places, but not others...

Forgive my ignorance, I haven't been on in a few days but what zones can we not create instances in?

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: shawnluc on February 27, 2013, 03:38:10 pm
I have to agree.  I was very close to buying a FWP, but now ill have to re-think it.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 27, 2013, 03:45:13 pm
No instances? Wow, not for me then. I play games for fun, not for the headaches. The population of the server is too high and that zone is too small. I am glad it is not a zone needed for progression.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: jmaneuv011 on February 27, 2013, 04:06:17 pm
If there any way to make it like the LDoN Stone of Descent turn in guy where after getting one stone from your group he teleports everybody to the next level?  Why not have everybody in zone who is eligible teleport to the instance automatically after creating it on the character with the wp?

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on February 27, 2013, 04:53:21 pm
Just waking up here, got a lot of post and emails to read.

Been working all day for 5 days strait on ToFS. At some points I was looking at the Instance code and trying to fix it as intended. Only reason I'm not allowing free instances yet in ToFS is cause its still new.

I just reverted the Free Waypoint back to the way it was where anyone can create instances from it. Also allowed in ToFS.

I realize some people are probably going to train ToFS in private instances which might lead to mobs getting leashed, esp if server starts lagging.

Players need to calm down a bit more. I already stated that Waypoint Instances were not final yet. I was still working on them.

Will update more later, again just woke up here.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Rent Due on February 27, 2013, 04:53:59 pm
I think this WP thing is leaving a bad taste everywhere.

I'm not completely sure I understand why change was needed.

The only real issue I see as a bad stain is for people that bought the FWP and placed it on a pet class toon, that is a super, super PITA

basically as it stands right now the FWP is used to make a guild instance then another toon uses a WP to zone everyone in with, basically we are able to do the SAME EXACT THING as we could, but now its an inconvenience of having to make the 2nd one, and zone in. Basically that's not a problem, but it is being used the exact same way as the FWP was being used 3 days ago, so why the change?

if the point is for the owner to be the only one to be able to use the FWP then this has not fixed that and if that is the goal then everyone who purchased a FWP should be allowed to sell it back and rethink their purchase. If I go to best buy and buy a TV that displays HDTV and that's the only reason I bought said TV, I get it home and it suddenly doesn't display in HDTV I'm taking that sucker back and screaming at someone until I get another TV that can display HDTV or I'm getting my money back and go buy another TV that can. See what I'm saying?

The whole idea is to create an instance where all of your characters can play in and your guild has access to for raiding purposes. If these changes are meant to negate that then ok, we will deal with it, but the people that bought it under those working conditions to begin with are being robbed of what they bought.

so again, I'm still confused as to what the intended purpose of the changes are for? to limit the number of instances? unfair use of instances to farm items quicker than intended? No plat coming off the server for use?

I'm not seeing the advantage of buying a FWP if it changes to an owner use only. with current changes though it is still viable and we are able to use it for what we have been using it for, its just a little more of a pain now.

in the end, public zones are great and all, but deep down no one really wants to deal with headaches of KS'ing, ninja looting, running for the same mob, having to wait for something (ie: turn in to spawn mobs) people just want to farm their gear, help their friends/guild, noobies, whatever.

Honestly for new people, how many have gotten geared off of older toons farming for essences? LOADS!

Only thing I never really liked about the FWP was it being tied to guild, so you have to drop your GT and get invite to join someone else's raid to grab rotting gear or gear being sold, etc.

I always thought the FWP should rather be tied to Raid, if youre in the raid you can zone in, and not have to drop your guild tag. Its a real pain if youre a guild officer and have to drop tag to get something. If it were tied to raid, just get raid invite and come in, same purpose, only those you choose to be in your raid can zone in, same as guild, just don't have to switch tags to do it /shrug

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on February 27, 2013, 05:03:20 pm
I'll also change the pet back for FWP to be a swarm x1 300sec type so that pet classes can summon it even if they have a pet up. Effective after reboot.

After we revamp the waypoint code some, I'll see if we can get other stuff on FWP too like group and raids. That'll come later.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Mattnaik on February 27, 2013, 05:34:37 pm
I'm not completely sure I understand why change was needed.

I've seen people selling the use of their FWP in zones where the cost is higher. Only thing I can think of.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Anuli on February 27, 2013, 06:24:04 pm
I'm not completely sure I understand why change was needed.

I've seen people selling the use of their FWP in zones where the cost is higher. Only thing I can think of.

Like buying a free waypoint in t6 for 100k instead of paying the 250k lol

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on February 27, 2013, 07:12:46 pm
Didn't realize people were doing that. Sort of a win-win all the way around I guess.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Rageful on February 28, 2013, 06:15:48 pm
Plane of Dragons a bit expensive today  :P

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Chunka on February 28, 2013, 09:50:23 pm
Runnin a server is 'spensive, Precious.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 06, 2013, 04:31:53 am
I have custom instance code in nro zone via player.pl

This means you can type 'instance' from regular say chat and get a menu for creating/entering instances.

This works without having a waypoint pet up!

You still need to give plat to a waypoint pet for a credit balance.

I used the code from Akkadius and modified it some.

It won't zone you immediately when you create an instance. First you create, then you choose when to enter.

So far we have solo and guild working.

Not sure if I'm going to do group.

Attempting to write up a custom raid instance via typing "invite <player name>" but its not available yet for testing.

If all goes well, then might move the code over to global_player.pl so it would affect every zone instead of just nro.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Khaoticz on March 06, 2013, 05:42:23 am
I have custom instance code in nro zone via player.pl

This means you can type 'instance' from regular say chat and get a menu for creating/entering instances.

This works without having a waypoint pet up!

You still need to give plat to a waypoint pet for a credit balance.

This is either broke, or does not work...tested right after reboot in TACVI. The say instance does not respond to the code, and waypoint also says it will only work for the real owner when using a WP bought for 1m, haven't tested it on a FWP maker.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Brokyn on March 06, 2013, 05:51:43 am
I have custom instance code in nro zone via player.pl
This is either broke, or does not work...tested right after reboot in TACVI. The say instance does not respond to the code, and waypoint also says it will only work for the real owner when using a WP bought for 1m, haven't tested it on a FWP maker.

Beta testing is not for you :P

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Rageful on March 06, 2013, 05:59:47 am

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Khaoticz on March 06, 2013, 06:01:36 am
that's not testing when it broke the code for other zones, if he wanted to allow us to use #instance GM command, he never granted the access level. Go try it in tacvi and you will see what I mean.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 06, 2013, 06:18:56 am
Waypoint and Free Waypoint are working off the same script as all the other zones from the template folder. Should work fine.

#instance command is disabled.

say instances works in nro only.

Toying with a way to invite non-guild members into your guild instance for the current zone via qglobals. Not sure if I'll do that, or raid instance, or personal solo instance that you can invite friends. Several ways could do this.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Khaoticz on March 06, 2013, 06:20:00 am
when using a waypoint in other zones, you get the error of " Only my real owner can create an instance "

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Natedog on March 06, 2013, 06:21:02 am
NRO instancing works nicely!

One thing is missing though the ability to delete instances with that code other than that seems pretty neat idea.

Could maybe do a check_hasitem for players that say "instance"  that checks if they have a free instance item on them so they can create an instance without a cost!

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 06, 2013, 08:50:42 am
Using check hasitem for Free Waypoint to change the prices to free would be easy to do.

Not sure if we need delete instance, cause people will just spam new instances, when one is enough.

I'll check the waypoint code. I know I changed Waypoints from regular pet to swarm pet, and if the old "owner" code is there, it won't work, so I'll go comb through it now real quick.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 06, 2013, 08:54:04 am
Yeah, waypoint had the old code asking for owner, but the update did revert back to swarm.

Everything should be ok after reboot.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Brokyn on March 06, 2013, 08:56:10 am
Not sure if we need delete instance, cause people will just spam new instances, when one is enough.

In a case like Anguish, where the respawn is 3 days, we'd need to have the ability to delete an instance to create a new one.  Limiting people to one instance every 3 days would be a horrible road block.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Natedog on March 07, 2013, 10:28:40 am
Solo Instances can be used as raid zones.... ! =p


my $Cx = $client->GetX();
my $Cy = $client->GetY();
my $Cz = $client->GetZ();
my $space = "_";
my $soloinst = "solo";
my $sologlob = "$name$space$soloinst$space$zonesn";

if($text=~/Create Solo/i && !defined $qglobals{$sologlob})
plugin::SendToInstance("solo", "$zonesn", 0, $Cx, $Cy, $Cz, "solo", 86400);

my $instid = $qglobals->{$sologlob};
$client->Message(15,"$instid is the ID");

if($text=~/^#raidzone /i)
$string2 = "$text";
$leadername = str_replace('#raidzone ','',$string2);
my $stupid = "$leadername$space$soloinst$space$zonesn";
my $instid = $qglobals->{"$stupid"};
$client->Message(15, "$instid is this $stupid");
quest::MovePCInstance($zoneid, $instid, $Cx, $Cy, $Cz);

sub str_replace {
my $replace_this = shift;
my $with_this  = shift;
my $string   = shift;

my $length = length($string);
my $target = length($replace_this);

for(my $i=0; $i<$length - $target + 1; $i++) {
if(substr($string,$i,$target) eq $replace_this) {
$string = substr($string,0,$i) . $with_this . substr($string,$i+$target);
return $string; #Comment this if you what a global replace
return $string;

I create a Solo instance ... then type #raidall to assign my entire raid to the instance

Then my raid members can now type... "#raidzone Natedog"  (caps on the N .. since the way my global is being stupid)

This will zone that member of the raid to the instance!

Mostly because .. whos gonna SOLO a raid zone? No one... so in the raid zones can use something similar to this!

Was mostly just farting around ... with solo instances.. since they are useless anyways in a raid zone like T4++

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Natedog on March 07, 2013, 03:33:02 pm
I just noticed with the solo I can create a Raid Zone with it and a solo zone... just by changing the  Identifier...

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Natedog on March 07, 2013, 08:46:14 pm

Heres an idea of what it looks like... not pretty... but it works!

Added the costs to the create so you know how much they cost heh

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Natedog on March 07, 2013, 10:03:53 pm
Going to leave my test server up.... I have this instance code running currently in my Global_player.pl 

item  -- Summon Rift  == "Free instance"  -- if you have this item

If you delete the item instances start using the Credit system.

Test the Raid Instances  / Test the credit system if you can ... gonna lower the prices real fast =p

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 07, 2013, 10:59:04 pm
I got the email and code, thanks much!

Will probably rip it apart and use it in the instance code I've already started.

crosszonesignalclientbyname will help a lot and allow use of less qglobals.

Need to do some more testing.

I tried using a # in the command for other tools I wrote, but didn't work. Maybe cause it was a reserved command, like "#goto" when I was creating a tool to instantly goto someone in the instanced zone they were in. Will give that a try again to use # in the command. Hopefully it won't show up to other players, helping to eliminate say spam.

Was thinking of inviting people to your guild instance instead of private instance to help save time for the main guild to invite a few players to their instance. Would help save a step in having to de-tag to join someone elses guild too.

Not sure if I'll work on this today, super tired, was up late.

Thanks for help everyone!

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Natedog on March 08, 2013, 05:38:24 am
Was thinking of inviting people to your guild instance instead of private instance to help save time for the main guild to invite a few players to their instance. Would help save a step in having to de-tag to join someone elses guild too.

I can add this actually!

Would be a similar command to the #raidzone

would be something like #guildzone X

Where X = the Guild ID

So the #guildi Natedog  -- would spit out the Guild ID to the person doing the invite  while adding the invited player to the Instance ID

you tell the player the ID of your guild and they would just

#guildzone X

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 08, 2013, 05:56:39 am
This would work quite well.

Since the Guild Leader is sending the invite AND assigning the friend to the guild instance id, only the invited/assigned players could type in the guild id number to join. Players not invited (assigned) yet wouldn't be able to zone to that instance.

I think this would completely remove the need for qglobals to be used in a special guild invite.

Would there be a remove option? And the player gets the popup window with ok button that say "Guild X has removed you from the instance in $zonesn" ?

Any way to get some type of array of players that have been invited or clicked yes on popup window?

Some good ideas of players working together.

The way pop up windows works is this, found on changelog.txt


Akkadius: Added $client->SignalClient($data), it uses the client as the initiator and the client that gets sent the data, good for entity_list iterations through client
Akkadius: Added cross zone client signalling capability by character ID: quest::crosszonesignalclientbycharid(char_id, data);
Akkadius: Added cross zone client signalling capability by character Name: quest::crosszonesignalclientbyname(Name, data);
Akkadius: Added cross zone client messaging capability by character Name: quest::crosszonemessageplayerbyname(Type, Name, Message);

And now that I'm looking at that, seems this might be useful, haven't tried yet, but I can think of a million possiblities:

Exported $client->AddAlternateCurrencyValue(currency_id, amount); originally created by KLS

Might be able to use that instead of qglobals for instance prices. Need to find other commands for it, like Get->

Seems we might have a new instance code for EZ Server soon.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 08, 2013, 06:05:36 am
Was thinking about making a 30 minute cool down timer for players creating ANOTHER instance of the same zone, to prevent the people trying to exploit getting a rare spawn to appear from a spawngroup. Joining instances would be no timers, just creating it and for same zone. I'm sure there could be compromise too, such as reduced instance price, etc.

For players that like to clear the whole zone and then make a new instance, I'm sure this 30 minute timer wouldn't affect them much if at all. Although I'm sure there is bound to be someone butthurt about it.

From experimenting with instances, seems to be 1 out of 10 instances doesn't see any qglobals, such as if you already have instance, or have a balance on waypoint, etc, which would give the appearance of your Waypoint balance disappearing, at which point if you add more money, it overwrites your real balance that you would have seen if going back to public zone or different zone. If it shows 0, then you really have 0 balance, but if the 0 doesn't even show up, then it means its not seeing the qglobal, which I don't think is npc issue, its a zone issue/bug since same problem with player.pl as the waypoint.pl

Would love players to start posting the Waypoint code they wrote up, or stole to modify, so we can all discuss and improve it. Heck, after we prefect it, even post it on eqemu forums for other servers to take advantage of. Of course give Akkadius credit for being the first to write up the code, and using his code to build on.

My final preference would be to not use plugins if can help it, just make sub fuctions at bottom of the script (you can copy them from the plugin file, and paste at the bottom of the waypoint script, then instead of using plugin::name(); would just be name(); this way just 1 file for the whole waypoint system and not have to worry about having the plugin or if the plugin is up to date. I know some devs might get mad, they love plugins :)

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Rageful on March 08, 2013, 06:43:46 am
That 30 min idea could not be applied to Abyss. When you are at 97/100 boss's and you only need to kill warboars or whatever. It takes all but a couple minutes to be disappointed then you try again. I remember clearing warboars over 70 times b4 I got Widow Maker to spawn.

Think about it please  :P

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 08, 2013, 06:47:13 am
I could make it differnt time per zone, and Abyss doesn't need a time.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Brokyn on March 08, 2013, 06:51:06 am
Really, most of the custom zones have no place holders for mobs (tofs being an exception) so there is no real benefit to restricting instance creation.  Nobody is spamming the instance to get a named to spawn.  They are re-creating when they are done with the content they are after.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Natedog on March 08, 2013, 06:51:58 am

Instead of a "Popup" -- I now use that neato little client message from another client!

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 08, 2013, 07:13:08 am
To be clear, the 71/72 numbers is the instance id? And the 2 is the guild id?

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Natedog on March 08, 2013, 07:16:13 am
Aye 71 / 72 is the instance ID

2 is the guild ID for Natedog the player that invited .... Paldailtwo

So #raidzone Natedog -- will take that toon to instance (71)

#guildzone 2  -- will take that toon to instance (72)

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Natedog on March 08, 2013, 07:23:23 am
I am really really tired!

I have my code finished for now... at least what I can think of currently.. my brain kinda hurts.

If anyone wants to test this crap... you can log into my test server  (Natedog Playhouse HoT-Rof)

Commands .....

#testme   == Max level and 1000 plat

#helpcustom  == Instance Help

instance == instance text

Hand some money to the "Temporal Rift" --- for Credits --- or buy the   "Summon:Rift" from the Noobie vendor ... which is  "Free Instances"

If you have time to waste.. and can log in more than 1 toon you can try the custom invite commands too once you have an instance of that zone...

#raidi Playername

#guildi Playername

.. time for sleep now  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Mattnaik on March 08, 2013, 07:24:43 am
I'm curious on why we are concerned about instance spam. Is it the creation of an instance that causes the extensive resource use? You can only ever have one instance per guild existing so it's not like there are a bunch of orphaned unused instances out there.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 08, 2013, 08:51:31 am
Instance spam has a few issues.

1) We have limited number of dynamic zones preloaded in RAM which is required for each instance. Re-creating instances does not affect this, as one dynamic zone.exe will become empty, and the next available one will become used. Imagine if every player online sat in their own private instance, we'd run out of available dynamic zones to use. Using one instance for several players such as group/guild instance helps to reduce the dynamics zones used vs online population ratio.

2) Players spamming new instances every few minutes in attempting to get a rare spawn to appear instead of the place holder. This is sort of exploiting and not intended for game play. Prices hopefully help to discourage this tactic.

3) Due to limited dynamics / instances its possible for the same ID to get created/used by 2 different guilds, resulting with players ending up in each others instances, in which case you'd have to exit/delete then recreate. Hopefully this problem is rare.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 08, 2013, 09:05:40 am
Seems that quest::AssignToInstance($InstanceID); needs to be run by the person joining, not the leader doing the invite.

Best way obviously is through client signal event.

If we universally start using $InstanceID = $signal then how can we filter which signals are instance invites, and which are not in the future for other custom stuff we make?

Qglobals could bridge that gap I'm guessing. Ok, starting to get complicated here...

Maybe the Guild Leader can make a qglobal type 7 for all players/npc/zone.

The qglobal `name` field could be Leader $name concat with some word like "_InstLeader". i.e. $qglobalname = $name . "_InstLeader";

Then the `value` of the qglobal could be the instance ID concat with zone name $zonesn. i.e. $value = $InstanceID . $zonesn;

Then would need to parse the numbers from the letters, aka the zone id from the zone short name. If the player is currently in the same zone as the instance was intended, then assign instance id to player for that zone.

I think it would be cleaner and easier for a yes/no pop up window to be where the new member accepts to get assigned/ported all-in-one. If they leave the zone, then only way back in is another #invite or to get rez'd back in, of which either I think is easy and shouldn't have to complain about. This way players can't try to exploit #join instance commands or need qglobals. Popup allows completely avoiding qglobals, and just assign/move commands.

Been up all day, hopefully this makes sense. Not even going to try and write/test this yet until tomorrow so then I'll have the time and concentration to understand/finish the code.

Thanks everyone for help as always!

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Rageful on March 08, 2013, 03:09:27 pm
Myself and a couple others went to Nate's server yesterday and his code seems to work quite well. With his system of accepting through command allows players to /bca accept the invitation all at once. With the popup idea we will have to click yes on every toon. I encourage you to go on Nate's server for yourself Hunter and let him show you what he did.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: GebbonEQ on March 08, 2013, 04:47:23 pm
No to the Yes/No popups.  Will suck for 18+ characters.  Respawning zones has been a staple for far too long, changing that now would result in alot of upset players that purchased the FWP for those reasons.  Is there a way to make the instances "kill itself" after being unused for a certain amount of time?

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Natedog on March 08, 2013, 05:07:26 pm
I actually removed the popup idea because it lead to  "intercepting" raid and guild instance IDs.

Now the player is sent JUST the signal ....that signal gives them the invite to the instance... and it gives them a text prompt that they have been invited to "Soandso's" instance.

This is only for Raid instances  // Special Out of Guild Invites to Guild instances

If you are in the Guild and you want to go to your own guild instance .. its just the same as on EZ ... /say Enter Guild ...

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Natedog on March 08, 2013, 05:09:06 pm
Currently .. spamming instances to try and see if I can get my player.pl to not see my Qglobals

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 08, 2013, 06:52:44 pm
Currently .. spamming instances to try and see if I can get my player.pl to not see my Qglobals

Might try crashing the zone itself to see if causes a problem.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 08, 2013, 06:52:52 pm
Sometimes when the qglobal wouldn't show up, it was just after I did a #reloadquest after doing a quick update. Then zoning back to public usually fixed that.

I can see where typing a command on 18box raid is easier than clicking yes on each of the 18boxes. Will try to go in that direction then. Will save signal events for other neat stuff in the future that can be filtered out by signal id.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 08, 2013, 06:53:24 pm
Also testing qglobals was done with about 300-400 online when that many people are constantly accessing their qglobals for tier zone flags, etc.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Natedog on March 08, 2013, 07:31:38 pm
Also testing qglobals was done with about 300-400 online when that many people are constantly accessing their qglobals for tier zone flags, etc.

Very true... the test environment is a bit different  :P

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: bobo on March 08, 2013, 08:19:41 pm
If you're boxing you are more than likely using mq2. Instead of using say commands youcan issue /notify LargeDialogWindow LDW_YesButton leftmouseup that will click yes on the large window currently used to destroy an instance. Can just put /bca in front and all the boxes will click yes. Hope that helps

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 10, 2013, 08:45:42 am
Did some more work on the Instances today.

Now using Signal to Client to sent invite. Then need to type join ### to enter the instance.

Detects if you have Free Waypoint or not.

Later might add detect if have regular Waypoint or not, else have super high prices, so basically buy the 1 million regular waypoint to get discount price, sort of like having a grocery store membership card.

Signals used in combo with qglobals will allow for signals to be filtered, and used for other types of stuff in the future. The instance leader and the person getting invited must be in the same zone for it to work. There is code to check for this, and will hopefully prevent any unexpected issues in the future if players were in 2 different zones.

Instance (brings up instance menu)
Invite NAME

As you can see from the screenshot, both players will be told the instance number to use. If you forget, then just re-invite the player.

The top half of the screenshot was Hunter inviting Xdude. The second half was Xdude receiving the message, and joining the instance.

Will put the code into nro soon (within the hour from now) for testing.

Might try to add other menu commands, like list who is invited into the current zone guild instance, who joined/accepted the guild instance, etc. Need to add a delete instance maybe by the creator only, and maybe even remove player from instance command by the creator.

Haven't used any DBI yet for the script, but might start using it for a few limited things if needed. Still having random instances not seeing qglobals but could because of spamming #reloadquest with each little update, which usually can be fixed by exiting the zone, closing the zone, then going back in.

At the end, would like to polish it up by making this script 1 file with 0 plugins, so it can be passed around without needing to check if has plugin or if plugin is up to date.

More ideas and feedback are welcome. Thanks everyone that has helped so far.


Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 10, 2013, 08:56:50 am
Just did a quick test again and realize a bug.

If you have free waypoint, the menu shows instances as free, but when you create instance, it charges you.

I just need to copy/paste that hasitem code from menu to the create instance function.

Will do that part maybe tomorrow since I'm done working on it for today. Current guild instance price in nro should be 3k.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Natedog on March 10, 2013, 09:34:36 am
Ah so sticking with Solo  / Guild  with invites to the guild instances?

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 10, 2013, 09:58:38 am
Yup, for now.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Rageful on March 10, 2013, 03:10:37 pm
Don't be too sad Paldail; I saw your work and youre instance code fun and solid. You are very talented and we appreciate your work.

So, we can invite non guild members to Guild Instance with the upcoming changes?

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Anuli on March 10, 2013, 03:18:01 pm
Yes rageful, it looks like a guild instance would create the ID for the entire guild, but you have the option to invite other people who aren't in your guild to your GI

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 10, 2013, 10:43:21 pm
Don't be too sad Paldail; I saw your work and youre instance code fun and solid. You are very talented and we appreciate your work.

So, we can invite non guild members to Guild Instance with the upcoming changes?

Sorry if I didn't implement something yet. Wasn't my intention to over look anyones help. I'm guessing we're talking about raid invite in addition to guild invite? I could probably add that too. I know some people sent raid invite code already, but just to make sure I have the most recent, send me a copy of the raid code invite and I'll try to add it into what I have now.

Going to try some other neat features today with Waypoints too.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Rageful on March 10, 2013, 11:00:23 pm
My only advice is to actually log onto Paldail's server and have him walk you through it. I helped him test it, and I found it quite brilliant/fun/easy to use. Won't hurt to try and you never know; you might learn something new. I know I did

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 10, 2013, 11:59:52 pm
What is the name of his server, and what zone/npc? Or commands? Sorry if I missed it earlier.

I got a queue / list of players that are pending or joined the invited instance. Going well, will clean up the code, and expand on it such as copy/paste it for raid style in addition to guild style.

Will post screenshots later, and look forward to testing someone elses for ideas as well.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Natedog on March 11, 2013, 02:20:12 am
I sent you the code awhile ago.. but ive updated it a bunch of times since then.

#testme  --- max level 1000 plat for testing the turnin NPC  (Temporal Rift is the Credit system NPC)

type "instance" -- in any zone to bring up the commands

If you have the item  "Summon : Rift "  -- instances are 100% free and show up as "Free"  ... if you do not have the item ... instances show up as whatever price I set them to currently ... which can be easily changed.

#raidi  Name --- Invites a player to a raid instance if you have a Raid Instance of that zone

#raidzone Name --- Joins that players raid zone .. if you are Assigned to it .. otherwise you won't be allowed to zone in.

#guildi Name --- Invites player to your guild instance of your current zone if you have a guild instance of it.

#guildzone X --- X is the Guild ID of the guild .... the player sent the invite will get a Prompt that says  "Natedog invited you to his guild instance -- type #guildzone X to enter"

Using all # commands since they are silent and less spammy for people zoning 24+ characters at once lol  --- just gotta make sure they dont conflict with the already made # commands

I don't have popups for accepting.. but found that using Short duration Qglobals might work for a popup window.. but I found it pointless really.

The  invite commands flag the player you invited for the instance through the Signal Player.. and it also Signals a Message to appear in their chat on what to do to enter that zone.

I already e-mailed you about the Client to client signals and such but ya .. thats the only thing I use to "Assign" a player to the instance.

Multi-boxers could easily invite an entire raid with MQ2

Test server is

Natedog Playhouse -- if you wanna see how it works

The "Free Instance" item is free from the  ----- "Starter Gear NPC"  --- Summon : Rift

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 11, 2013, 02:28:35 am
Just a screenshot update of listing players that was invited into the guild instance.

Pending shows who was invited.

Joined shows who entered the instance.

Will try to add a remove player option later as well.

After all cleaned up and working 100% will try to copy/paste everything to a raid instance style too.


Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Natedog on March 11, 2013, 02:39:35 am
Oh wow nice.. Ya currently the only way to remove players seems to be using special Qglobals per player for instance that theyve joined.... or use DBI  :-\

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 11, 2013, 05:17:06 am
Yeah, so far abled to handle everything via QGlobals cause I know Akkadius will get mad if use DBI for Waypoint Instances.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Natedog on March 11, 2013, 08:04:17 am
Ya DBI is definitely not needed for Waypoints. 

The script you have going looks amazing though.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 11, 2013, 08:43:26 am
People with the green color "Joined" status are for people that were invited, and then entered the instance, hence they entered and joined the guild instance.

I can copy/paste that code so that anybody that enters the guild instance would get added to that list as "Joined" so you can see a total players that entered the zone.

One thing I haven't figured out yet. The list of players that are pending/joined are basically like an array of qglobal, with Joined_1 ... Joined20 etc.

How long do I make the qglobal last, or rather expire? I could use DBI to copy/paste the duration of the leaders qglobal so that everyone on the list would 'expire' off it when the leaders instance naturally expired.

Also I could maybe make a clean up function, to wipe everyone from the list at specific event like Delete Guild Instance would while loop the qglobals to delete everyone on the list.

Already have checking that same person doesn't get added to this list twice, which should be given, first thing I did.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Fugitive on March 11, 2013, 10:55:31 am
Lookin good!! Will be neat and fun to cross guild play finally!

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 11, 2013, 11:13:46 am
Yeah, no more detag guild tags.

You could probably even help out other players by creating a raid, then inviting the player to join it. You wouldn't have to join it yourself, just create/invite, then run away.

Currently testing and trying to break my own code by create, invite, join, list, delete, over and over, etc.

Still issue some times qglobals not visible but probably cause I keep #reloadquest and mutilating the zone.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 11, 2013, 12:36:14 pm
Seems I'm about 99% done now.

I updated nro with the code for testing.

Let me know how it works out.

Might make it go to all zones soon.

Right now durations are only for a few hours for testing purposes which will crease when goes live.

Its after 1:30am here and going to bed soon. See ya tomorrow.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 11, 2013, 12:49:06 pm
Had some people talk to me already.

Just to clear up a few things...

You don't need a raid to do a raid instance. Its tied to your solo id, not any raid groups. So just start the raid, and then start inviting people.

Later might add code to assign the entire 'raid group' to the instance in addition to individual invites.

Also, there are 3 sets of prices, depends if you have no waypoint, regular waypoint, or free waypoint items.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 11, 2013, 11:47:04 pm
Player brought to my attention about a bug/exploit to drop aggro when trying to join a raid you were not invited too. Was an easy fix, and gave the player a FREE WAYPOINT item for reward.

Thanks everyone for your help that contributed.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 12, 2013, 06:50:25 am
Added time left (Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds) for the instance list popup window.

Added ability to remove a player from an instance, and they will immediately zone to public zone.

Removed players show up on the pop up list as "Removed".

Can re-invite someone that was removed.




Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Fliker on March 12, 2013, 08:29:08 am
Awesome work boss

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 13, 2013, 06:40:16 am
When not working on Everquest, I'm usually playing Starcraft 2, and their first expansion "Heart of the Swarm" just came out Tuesday, so I'm taking a break and playing that for a little bit. That means I probably won't work too much on Waypoint code for a few days, so I'm going to post what I have here so anyone can look for bugs, or test it out on their own private server. Would be awsome to get new eyes for some feedback on new ideas for this script. Its uses 100% qglobals and no DBI since Akkadius advised that DBI for the number of players using instances would lag our database. I saw the example DBI script that Hateborne write, and it looks really good. Short, clean, and simple, cause its easier to work with a custom table. I'll still be here for you guys, checking my email every day, some times every hour (in between SC2 matches), so keep me posted!


I just got a error message:

The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (20000 characters).

And the script is over 50k so I'll have to make a link to it instead here:

http://pastebin.com/0Gx9BWKf (http://pastebin.com/0Gx9BWKf)

Probably use the download link on that website, then rename the file from .txt to .pl and open up the saved file in Notepad++ for best results and formatting.


Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Rent Due on March 13, 2013, 01:47:30 pm
Now that sir looks kick ass!

no more tag dropping, switching around, going out to invite someone headache!

oh yeah, I'm all in on that! whoooooo hoooooo!


I can't wait for this to go live, great work!

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 13, 2013, 04:59:57 pm
I just woke up, ready to play SC2 but just looked over the code briefly and saw a possible issue.

http://pastebin.com/0Gx9BWKf (http://pastebin.com/0Gx9BWKf)

Line 654:

if ($compare_name eq $guild_invite_pending)

should probably be

if ($compare_name eq $guild_invite_pending || $compare_name eq $guild_invite_joined)

else someone that joined and zoned wouldn't be able to come back cause their 'pending' status was changed to 'joined' status when they accepted/entered the invited instance. The new code would allow someone to re-join.

Would have to do same for the raid invite as well.

Just a guess, haven't fully tested with raids, guilds, groups, and every possible combo yet.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 30, 2013, 07:55:55 am
Spent a few hours today on the waypoint code that I started a month ago.

The new code is now in nro and sro.

Added checks for players inviting someone from a different zone, and confirmation messages when getting re-invited in case it was missed the first time and needed to be re-sent.

Tells players which zone they need to be in when accepting the invite. You must be in the correct zone when accepting, but I'm sure its possible to get the invite from another zone. So just zone over to the right zone, then accept.

Edit: updated again, spacing, capitalization, naming, now v1.2

Started a change log on top of the file that can read to see what has changed, which will copy / paste below:

CHANGES	: 03/30/2013 
Changed menu system, put some commands under the "More Options" saylink to reduce menu size
Changed instance durations from 14400 to 86400 (4 hrs to 24 hrs)
Updated prices and per zone
Created sub zone id to zone name (Hope I didn't re-create something that already exist lol)
Added $zoneid to $zonesn in qglobal name and passed to $signal, telling players in a different zone which zone to be used
$signal remove - greater than 1000000000 (1 billion) = remove player from instance
$signal zone id - has $zoneid * 1000000 (1 million) for $zoneid to pass through signal via int ($signal / 1000000)
$signal instance id - has instance id passed by int ($signal % 1000000) to get the value under 1 million for instance id
Added / Updated signal to give message to player that was invited regardless of any status (pending, joined, removed)
With the above update, players can re-invite players that did not receive the message or was zoning at the time, etc.
Updated Popup window info when being invited, removed, or choosing to leave instance
Decided to not "upgrade" solo instances to guild/raid that was suggested, for now.
Decided not to use invite whole raid group or syntax join player/guild names, still need to use the ids provided.

Please test with multiple characters, inviting, re-invite, remove, re-invite, across the 2 zones, etc.


Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 30, 2013, 12:11:16 pm
I just woke up, ready to play SC2 but just looked over the code briefly and saw a possible issue.

http://pastebin.com/0Gx9BWKf (http://pastebin.com/0Gx9BWKf)

Line 654:

if ($compare_name eq $guild_invite_pending)

should probably be

if ($compare_name eq $guild_invite_pending || $compare_name eq $guild_invite_joined)

else someone that joined and zoned wouldn't be able to come back cause their 'pending' status was changed to 'joined' status when they accepted/entered the invited instance. The new code would allow someone to re-join.

Would have to do same for the raid invite as well.

Just a guess, haven't fully tested with raids, guilds, groups, and every possible combo yet.

Seems I was right. If a player accepted/joined from an invite, then left the instance, they couldn't re-join cause they were no longer pending status.

Of course re-sending an invite would be a quick fix, but also a hassle for everyone that died and running back.

Now you can join if your pending status or joined status.

A lot of big changes in previous post above worth reading and looking at.

We're up to version 1.3 now with this new fix for pending/joined bug:


Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 31, 2013, 01:33:49 am
Found a short and easy way to change the code so that players can type "raid join <name>" instead of "raid join <id>" which will hopefully make things easier if there is a common leader making raid invites and everyone else can now just hotkey the leaders name instead of typing a different instance id number every time. Didn't have to make any new qglobals, just used the ones we already have.

Old Code:

my $GetJoinID = substr($text, 10);
my $Check_R_Invite = $GetJoinID . "_RaidI_" . $zonesn . "_" . "$zoneid";
my $Check_R_Leader = $GetJoinID . "_RaidI_Leader";

New Code:

my $Check_R_Invite = "_RaidI_" . $zonesn . "_" . "$zoneid";
my $Check_R_Leader = substr($text, 10);
my $GetRaidInstance = $Check_R_Leader . "_Raid_" . $zonesn . "_" . $zoneid;
my $GetJoinID = 0;
if (defined($qglobals{"$GetRaidInstance"}))
$GetJoinID = $qglobals{"$GetRaidInstance"};
$Check_R_Invite = $GetJoinID . $Check_R_Invite;

Turned out to be easier to do than I expected.

Its not live yet in nro/sro but probably will be after reboot, just need to clean up, copy/paste to guild invite from raid invite, etc.


Copy and Paste from Raid to Guild required 1 extra Qglobal, since Guild didn't have a qglobal starting with the leaders name, it was starting with guild id to make sure only 1 unique guild created by any member.

Also, will have to use correct capitalize when joining. For example, guild join hunter will not work, but guild join Hunter will work. Might make a function to make first letter capital and rest lower case to make it dummy proof, since a few people have similar problems on char mover.


Added messages to user when trying to join and wasn't invited, or trying to join when was removed / banned. Other syntax messages updated, mainly who's instance invited/banned and how to join, etc.


Now you can type Waypoint instead of Instance or Instances to bring up the Menu


Added spam delay timer of 1 hour for trying to re-create instance. This is per zone, and different times for solo, guild, and raid.

So the same character in the same zone can only create 1 solo, 1 guild, and 1 raid instance per hour, and yes you can have all 3 at the same time.

This is to mostly prevent players from spamming instances to look for named mobs. The purpose of instances is over crowding with other players, not to spawn a rare mob.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 31, 2013, 04:27:37 am
Uploaded new code to nro and sro, will be available for testing after reboot.

Version 1.4

http://pastebin.com/m1Pianyb (http://pastebin.com/m1Pianyb)

Contains the updates listed in above post.

Biggest changes is join name instead of join id, and there is a spam delay for creating instances again from same player in same zone for same type.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 31, 2013, 07:18:12 am
Someone gave me code to allow invite players into guild/raid instance all in 1 command and separate names by comma, strip spaces, etc. So you would only have to type 1 command to invite your group.

Its not in the pastebin for viewing yet and not in game for testing yet, but will be available to see in next update, just heads up, neat feature :)

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: bobo on March 31, 2013, 10:29:43 am
If spam timer goes active will drop chance be increased in certain zones (tacvi for instance)?   Is it possible for free instance to not have aspam timer. I would imagine not very many free instance items circulation (maybe).

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 31, 2013, 07:16:17 pm
Possibly, but would still need a delay, maybe 15 minutes for free waypoint and 30-60 minutes for non-free.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Fugitive on March 31, 2013, 07:22:35 pm
sad ... so just stand around and wait 15 mins doing nothing..

and 1 hr? Seriously most of us clear up to T6 in less then 15-30 mins.. What are we supposed to do then?

Please don't throttle this like that..

The code and zone Instance creation is awesome though.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Ybik on March 31, 2013, 08:01:38 pm
Please reconsider making a delay on the waypoints...there are already enough things in place to slow down progression without adding dead time. If this is something you aren't willing to budge on please consider doing 15 minutes on the non-reward waypoint (long enough it may not be worth it to spam for a specific spawn but not so long that you are standing around doing nothing.) and keep the Reward waypoint with no delay...it would be a disappointment to alot of people who donated expecting it to work a certain way. Besides, outside of FG/CG items I can't really think of any rare spawns you are even able to spam instances for.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 31, 2013, 09:10:35 pm
I'll start it off with 15 minutes for both Free and Regular waypoints.

Will probably be live after reboot.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 31, 2013, 09:22:43 pm
When we switch to the new instances after reboot, any instances you already have might be lost, and you will need to recreate new ones.

I realize this might butt-hurt some people that already bought an instance that hasn't expired yet.

Instances will expire during this next reboot for new system.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Kwai on March 31, 2013, 09:22:54 pm
most of us clear up to T6 in less then 15-30 mins.


Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: hateborne on April 01, 2013, 08:56:31 am
and 1 hr? Seriously most of us clear up to T6 in less then 15-30 mins.. What are we supposed to do then?

Could you identify 'us'? Damn warriors.

The code and zone Instance creation is awesome though.

Very much agree here.


Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Takishi on August 05, 2013, 08:50:19 am
Is there a trick that I'm missing to get the free waypoint to work?  I bought it last week and have yet to have it work properly.  When i /say waypoint to my FWP, it says i owe 99990000 plat to create an instance.  I downloaded the new spell file two separate times (7/30 & 8/2) and it hasn't helped.


Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: red2 on August 05, 2013, 09:22:43 am
yeah i bet you hVE THE fwp in powersource? put it in a bag and forget it. should work fine after.

Title: Re: Waypoints (Merged)
Post by: Fliker on August 05, 2013, 09:25:48 am
What client?
Move it around to different inventory slots till it sees it.
(I've had one since sod was preferred client and always just kept it in a regular bag slot,  but have heard of some not being seen untill put in range,  ammo, power source ect.) Mine never leaves a bag now with the new code.