EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Hunter on March 05, 2013, 08:04:56 pm

Title: Pet Stonewall
Post by: Hunter on March 05, 2013, 08:04:56 pm
Haven't checked, being lazy, but how much stonewall do pets get? And how many people use pets?

I realize players get more hp and more healing than pets get.

I'm sure there are stonewall buffs already for pet only. Just forgot the name, and amount of stonewall.

I could make a Pet Quest for higher and higher stonewall. Then several ways to give it to pets, such as drop spells, but other ways too just as hail pets (fireblade v2 style), or even edit pets perl script to auto buff themselve with stonewall upon sub EVENT_SPAWN.

Off Topic, Other Classes:

I don't care for Berserkers. Gave them AoE's already to make them happy. Will try to keep them at least some what useable, far as I know they are decent DPS.

Bard run speed still broken via instruments, would love to fix.

Necro Pets if I recall are best pets in the game, probably due to OP life tap proc etc.

Ranger pets might still have 1 Million HP (or more) for lols. Still weak dps though.

Just thinking of what to do next. Long awaited ToFS is already out.

Still behind on making ToFS reward for the Essence that drops, such as recipe for Earring. Nobody beat ToFS yet so not worried.

Also need to make recipe for T7 2k augs to combine up to rank 10 for 20k hp per aug.

Ok, yeah, I drank a Monster and I'm caffinated, derailed my own topic in the original post before first reply.

Title: Re: Pet Stonewall
Post by: Rageful on March 05, 2013, 08:15:23 pm
Not sure if this is class based only, but I would love to see the "Release Corpse" function enabled. Would be nice to not have to zone twice after dying. Not sure what it's called but when you die you get a popup option to stay there dead or release to bind point.

Title: Re: Pet Stonewall
Post by: Hunter on March 05, 2013, 08:33:28 pm
MQ2 hacks allow instant rez with this option on... :(

Title: Re: Pet Stonewall
Post by: jamey0181 on March 05, 2013, 08:38:36 pm
a pic of the pet buffs if u still wanted them ranger's pet's doesn't seem to have any affect

Title: Re: Pet Stonewall
Post by: Anuli on March 05, 2013, 09:00:41 pm
I have a whole group dedicated to my pet classes. Ranger Necro x2 beastlord, and a mage. I think it would be cool to have more to do with them cuz right now i hardly give them the time of day.

Title: Re: Pet Stonewall
Post by: Brokyn on March 05, 2013, 09:58:58 pm
Necro pet is no longer the beast it once was.  I think the Mage pet is king right now, at 7.0 at least.  I would put them in order;  Mage, Necro, Bst, Ranger.

Title: Re: Pet Stonewall
Post by: Natedog on March 05, 2013, 10:09:04 pm
MQ2 hacks allow instant rez with this option on... :(

Show me how this works... because I don't think it does!  :P

Title: Re: Pet Stonewall
Post by: Bobbin on March 05, 2013, 10:50:56 pm
Would love to see a warrior 7.0 aug that combines the Anger IV & V effects. Could even make the recipe cost BD/essences. Though, if that's the case, it would also be nice to see a commensurate boost to dmg/threat. Most of the 75 wars are still using 6.0s in Magelo, and I'm assuming that this is a big reason for that. No one wants to take a big penalty to their efficacy in exchange for 20k/40k hp.

Title: Re: Pet Stonewall
Post by: Bobbin on March 05, 2013, 10:56:44 pm
I know that this was previously addressed, and now IVs and Vs are usable in slot 22--a bad deal. No one would have upgraded their goons to a 7.0 if it meant losing 2 strike slots without an equivalent (better) replacement.

Title: Re: Pet Stonewall
Post by: Fliker on March 06, 2013, 03:00:45 am
MQ2 hacks allow instant rez with this option on... :(

Show me how this works... because I don't think it does!  :P

your right Paldail the auto rez just accepts a rez once one is sent. the rez still has to be casted from another toon.


/autorez Displays plugin settings.
/autorez accept on|off will turn autoaccepting rezes on/off.
/autorez loot on|off This command is obsolete now that your gear remains on you after death.
/autorez spawn on|off Will autoclick return to bind point after being killed.
/autorez help Displays the plugin commands.

^^^^^^^copied from mmobugs wiki^^^^^^^^^

Title: Re: Pet Stonewall
Post by: Rageful on March 06, 2013, 03:12:52 am
Let's turn this feature on then!!!

Title: Re: Pet Stonewall
Post by: Natedog on March 06, 2013, 04:02:44 am
Aye thats the plugin I knew about fliker... it won't rez you by itself.. you need another player to actually cast the rez lol

But that plugin is pretty much useless anyways. Can create a button with in game hotkeys to make an alt accept a rez.. using /bca commands.

Title: Re: Pet Stonewall
Post by: hateborne on March 11, 2013, 12:38:24 pm
All that needs to be done is change the pet's parent npc_spells group id.

In arbitrary example:
Mage pets are part of "LOLStonewall" (id 123) group.
--"LOLStonewall" has "Avatarian Bulwark" (id 10431) as the only spell.
All other true pets are part of "MehStonewall" group (id 456).
--"MehStonewall" has "Minion Bulwark" (id 10432) as the only spell.

To add an unlockable, it might be easier to simply add a pet-only spell stonewall (similar to cleric's 3.5 SW click, but affecting pet only).

To improve the SW, either scale up the appropriate Stonewall or create stronger version (i.e. "Avatarian Bulwark II"), create new npc_spells group for it, and then attach to pet. Seems overly complex, but it's a cakewalk once you do it once. :-D
