EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on April 01, 2013, 01:44:47 am

Title: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Hunter on April 01, 2013, 01:44:47 am
Updating Waypoints today!

You still need to have a Waypoint clickie, and give it money, but you should be able to say in chat without any npc targeted either "Waypoint" or "Instance" to bring up a menu for creating and managing instances.

This will still use the old credit system, so if you have a balance for waypoints, it will still be there.

But the instance system in different, so you'll have to make new instances if you had any before this update.

Here are some screenshots:








Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Hunter on April 01, 2013, 06:31:28 am
Just a reminder you can guild / raid invite multiple players in 1 command with their names separated by comma

Example: raid invite Fugitive, Natedog, Hateborne

Would invite all 3 of those players at the same time into your raid.

Also, you do not need to have a pet up to make an instance. The pet is only for turning in money.

You can create/enter instances without any pets spawned! Having the clickie in your inventory will adjust the prices for either Regular or Free Waypoint Prices.

Do not put Free Waypoint in your power source slot cause hasitem does not see it there, and you'll be charged crazy prices.

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Sarthin on April 01, 2013, 07:42:12 am
Sweet work! Its so nice not having to target the waypoint, and the option to make raid instances is priceless:) thank you!

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Hunter on April 01, 2013, 08:21:03 am
People already complaining in game that they have to type "enter guild" on each guild member to enter /sadface

Anyone use in game hotkeys?

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Chieftan on April 01, 2013, 01:46:11 pm
People already complaining in game that they have to type "enter guild" on each guild member to enter /sadface

Anyone use in game hotkeys?

People complain about the smallest things these days, chances are its the same person, with multi accounts

All is needed is commands like
/bca //say raid join toonname
/bca //say enter guild
etc etc

on a side note, as another thing people have mentioned is the pop up box, having to close it on diff toons

heres a command to get rid of it from main toon
/bca //notify largedialogwindow LDW_OkButton leftmouseup

Hope it helps

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Anuli on April 01, 2013, 02:31:00 pm
This is interesting. I can't wait to get off work and try it tonight :) I'm also going to try that command line to click the dialog boxes cuz they can get annoying. I'll hotkey it too just so I don't lose it.

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Rageful on April 01, 2013, 04:43:44 pm
So, solo instance refreshing? does not work. I create and enter the solo instance, kill for 15 mins, then delete solo instance. I then say create solo instance and it assigns me to the one I am already in.


Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Hunter on April 01, 2013, 05:09:05 pm
If you delete an instance, you free up the instance ID. Yes, the instance IDs do get recycled and reused again.

Seems you need to be in the same (public) zone to invite someone. You can be in instance and still invite someone that is sitting in public, just need to be same zone name!

It it seems the instance has disappeared and you need to recreate, its cause its not seeing the qglobal. I may have to use DBI to read the qglobals for 100% chance to work without illusion that it disappeared.

Should be easy to add/convert to DBI, basically just create a custom sub to read the value of the qglobal, and then swap out the qglobals{name} with the new sub ().

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: hateborne on April 01, 2013, 05:10:51 pm
If you delete an instance, you free up the instance ID. Yes, the instance IDs do get recycled and reused again.

Seems you need to be in the same (public) zone to invite someone.

It it seems the instance has disappeared and you need to recreate, its cause its not seeing the qglobal. I may have to use DBI to read the qglobals for 100% chance to work without illusion that it disappeared.

Should be easy to add/convert to DBI, basically just create a custom sub to read the value of the qglobal, and then swap out the qglobals{name} with the new sub ().

That was partially how I dealt with instance IDs. I created a generic table in the database to handle the IDs. Although it did result in more DB interaction, it never failed to read the instance ID properly.


Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: hateborne on April 01, 2013, 05:26:59 pm
I'll start converting the reading of qglobals to DBI and see if that lags the server much, and still keep a copy of the old code in case it does lag.

So will be new project for me over next few days.

For now keep testing the new instances and keep me posted on all the things that are happening with it.

You may not need to do ALL of them. Simply variables that need to be made available to everyone IMMEDIATELY without fail. Otherwise, qglobals may still work (though the DB stuff will be fairly reliable in my flawed opinion).


Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Hunter on April 02, 2013, 05:04:11 am
I found out why there was problems trying to invite players in a different zone.

You can now invite anyone in any zone from any zone, public or instance, different zone names, etc. It all works.

Same with remove, works from/to any zone.

If the player is in a different zone name when getting removed, he'll get a message but not zone. If the player being removed is in the same zone name, then it will teleport them to a public version.

I wiped the instances that were created for reboot, and you'll have to recreate them now. This is to start fresh with no issues. Instances will be free for the next day or two for testing purposes.

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Duluum on April 02, 2013, 05:24:34 am
really nice feature, will enjoy test asap

Regarding raid instances :
as raids reset with server reboot, will the raid leader/owner of the instance be able to re-invite fellows in a new raid after reboot, and then back in raid instance as long as it lasts ?

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Hunter on April 02, 2013, 05:36:12 am
I reset instances during reboot only 1 time, it won't happen every reboot.

Instances are free for a day or two

Yes, you can re-create your instances, and invite your fellows into the new raid.

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Hunter on April 02, 2013, 07:26:45 am

Version 1.8.4


Changes are listed on the top of the source code.

The biggest change is that the instances now use DBI.

Reading Qglobals now by using DBI to 100% guarantee seeing the values qglobals for credit balance, if instance is created, list of invited players etc. Still don't know why randomly 5% chance for zones to not refresh memory what the qglobals are. DBI fixes this, possibly at the cost of performance (so far haven't noticed any performance hit). The new sub for reading qglobals is small and simple, returns the value of the qglobal. Did a find/replace on all the $qglobal{$variable} with the new sub fuction name.

Writing to the Qglobals table works the same way as before with setglobal command.

Fixed minor bug that players needed to be in the same public zone to invite each other into raid or guild instances. Now the leader can invite any player that is in any zone public or instance etc.

Also can now remove a player from the invite even if the player is in a different zone. When removing a player, it will zone them to the public version of the current zone the player is in if they are in the same zone name as the instance they were removed from. Else if they are in a completely different zone, then they will get the message but won't be teleported to the public version since there is no need. You can re-invite players after they have been removed/banned from the instance.

Players without guild can no longer create a guild instance with id of -1 and it will tell them that they have no guild if trying to create.


Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: hateborne on April 02, 2013, 10:07:42 am
For what it's worth, thank you for taking out time to write the new instance system. It will make life better for everyone and hopefully cut down on random instance deletion.


Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Hunter on April 02, 2013, 04:52:32 pm
Thanks bro, appreciate it.

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Hunter on April 02, 2013, 06:16:52 pm
Found out why its possible some players went to wrong zone for guild instance.

Two different qglobal names are similar:



As you can see, if some guild had the same id as an instance id, it'd probably send them to the wrong place. Not sure if this was it, but going to change it for next reboot.

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Hunter on April 02, 2013, 09:09:59 pm
Raid Group now working for raid instances!

If you are in a raid group when you create the raid instance, then anyone that is in your raid, or joins your raid later, can just type "/say enter raid" to enter without having to be invited first. Hopefully this will make things easier and save time for people in raid groups.

Both Raid and Guild Instances can invite people that are outside of your raid or outside of your guild without having to be guild tagged or part of the raid group.

Tested 2 boxing so far.

Will make it go live during reboot time.

During this reboot I will have to delete all instances again cause I renamed some of the qglobals that we use. So Instances will remain free for at least 1 more day during testing.

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on April 02, 2013, 09:40:12 pm
Awesome work you are doing with these instances Hunter. At first I was a little bit apprehensive about them but after using it I am very impressed with them. As with anything there are bugs at first to be worked out but all things considered it has been quite a smooth transition during the instance upgrade. Thank you.

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Fliker on April 02, 2013, 10:18:30 pm
That's awesome. Thanks for all the hard work.

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Hunter on April 02, 2013, 11:15:49 pm
Just created a new feature that turns solo instance into group instance.

If your creating a solo instance, and your in a group, then it'll flag it as a group instance, and anyone in your group can just type

/say solo join <leader name>

So if your in 1 group, this may be quicker (and cheaper) than doing a raid instance.

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Hunter on April 03, 2013, 12:32:39 am
With some extra lines of code, got working that anyone in the Raid Group can now do:

/say raid list

to see who is invited (pending, joined, removed) status

I haven't extended this to allow invites yet, not sure if I will, or just allow leader to do invites.

Just 1 more feature to make things easier.

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Hunter on April 03, 2013, 02:04:08 am

Version 1.9.9


Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Hunter on April 03, 2013, 05:47:12 pm
Someone emailed me a good idea to allow quest::repopzone()  so that players don't need to delete/re-create instances for pop, and would save time on zoning.

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Rageful on April 03, 2013, 06:11:36 pm
love it

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on April 03, 2013, 08:45:57 pm
Someone emailed me a good idea to allow quest::repopzone()  so that players don't need to delete/re-create instances for pop, and would save time on zoning.

I just made a post suggesting this, lol. Saw this and deleted mine. I think it is really good idea and would save on resources for the server. To be fair the cost and time to repop should be the same as it is to create a new one. I think this would be a super good change.

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Fugitive on April 03, 2013, 08:50:33 pm
Yeah less zoning and less instanced that are created and not "gone" will have to be less of a resource hog on the system.

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on April 03, 2013, 11:28:49 pm
One thing to consider is if you want to make it not available in public instances. Not sure if that is possible or not.

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Mattnaik on April 04, 2013, 07:44:24 am
Someone emailed me a good idea to allow quest::repopzone()  so that players don't need to delete/re-create instances for pop, and would save time on zoning.

Maybe then you could put the Avatar of Heavens back to the double drop rate for v2 charms  ;)

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Anuli on April 04, 2013, 12:24:06 pm
Doubling the drop rate for V2 charms makes no sense with the update, that would go back to "creating instances just for Heavens mobs" and make it "repop instance after you clear only Heavens mobs"..

Maybe you could have the repop timer different for the free WP and the 1 mil WP, like 3 mins for FWP kind of like it used to be, and 10 mins for regular WP. But keep in mind that the zone should only work once per zone, not per toon, as I could pop it with Anuli, pop it with Mojo, pop again with Anuli, pop with 3rd alt, pop with Anuli and go on until the timer resets for mojo's 10 minutes and loop. Although I don't see this being a problem anywhere but Tacvi, Qvic, and CG/FG zones.

That would make double drop v2 charms on Heavens Avatars even easier! :p Free UC for everyone! PST

Title: Re: New Waypoint Update
Post by: Dinadas on April 23, 2013, 09:39:02 am
The group instance code works great, until you log off.  Then you can't go back into a solo instance with a group.

Have to delete and recreate.  Mostly a nuisance, maybe there is a simple fix.
