EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Scorpien on April 22, 2013, 06:41:00 am

Title: Shaman VS Cleric
Post by: Scorpien on April 22, 2013, 06:41:00 am
Title says it all what should i box in my 6 man. I run a War/RNG/ZER/PALY/BRD all 4.0+

Title: Re: Shaman VS Cleric
Post by: hateborne on April 22, 2013, 09:47:12 am
I would go shaman both to even out plate/chain distribution and to play slightly different.

The shaman has a melee damage reduction proc on epics. Shaman has best single target heal (cost vs cast/recast). Shaman also has Kraken nonsense.

Cleric has spammable AoE heal that might as well be free. Cleric has GREAT "ohshi" button heal (though it's expensive). Few other tools to help in breaking in to new content (Tower of Vie and Mark of Emperor).


P.S. - On a meta note, the shaman gets a small melee attack bonus when Hunter releases the current batch of spells he has in his email.

Title: Re: Shaman VS Cleric
Post by: Chunka on April 22, 2013, 11:13:08 am
I've recently tried a cleric vs a shammy on T5 content. The new shammy group heal does JUST fine replacing the clerics group heal....though overall it will always be less because of the lack of amplify heal buff. If shammy had that, I'd probably just use cleric in 2nd group or not at all!. Thats Breath of Nature II for sham/druid heal btw. I think I missed it.....is there a BoN3?

Title: Re: Shaman VS Cleric
Post by: hateborne on April 22, 2013, 11:57:47 am
I've recently tried a cleric vs a shammy on T5 content. The new shammy group heal does JUST fine replacing the clerics group heal....though overall it will always be less because of the lack of amplify heal buff. If shammy had that, I'd probably just use cleric in 2nd group or not at all!. Thats Breath of Nature II for sham/druid heal btw. I think I missed it.....is there a BoN3?

Nope, just two ranks. I intentionally left it below cleric's current Word of Viv (bonuses counted) to give clerics a "specialty" in healing. Shaman and druid needed the group heal to be considered competitive though.
