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General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Flawless on April 24, 2013, 10:16:55 am

Title: Noob help!
Post by: Flawless on April 24, 2013, 10:16:55 am
I would like to know as a new person, before i start. What two classes would be good together, so that i can solo and still get all the content of the game? Or is this not possible?

Title: Re: Noob help!
Post by: Mattnaik on April 24, 2013, 10:29:48 am
You could probably get to T3 with just a war/pally combo but even that will be slow cause your DPS will be pretty low. T3 and beyond requires a full group at least. Most people run 12-18 toons at a time

Title: Re: Noob help!
Post by: hateborne on April 24, 2013, 11:09:22 am
You could probably get to T3 with just a war/pally combo but even that will be slow cause your DPS will be pretty low. T3 and beyond requires a full group at least. Most people run 12-18 toons at a time

I only run 6 at a time. I only run more if I'm leeching kills in T5.

Then again, I'm crazy. :-D


Title: Re: Noob help!
Post by: Fugitive on April 24, 2013, 11:57:05 am
Tank healer dps.. 3-6 is more then enough as long as you invest into them.

Title: Re: Noob help!
Post by: Anuli on April 24, 2013, 01:21:44 pm
I tell most ppl, including  my family who plays, the best thing to do is (like fugitive said) tank, healer, dps. The easiest in my opinion is warrior (for stonewall and mitigation) paladin (for heals and back up tank) and monk for dps. But in this case you would need to invest in everything you can, augs  for monk and charms  for all as soon as you get to LDoN  and tacvi. UC all 3 before you go into T5 and get SoA on warrior too as early as you can (T4), it will help a lot. Its a little slower but possible if you invest a little more time in each.

Title: Re: Noob help!
Post by: Chunka on April 24, 2013, 01:27:48 pm
Monk is fine, but expensive dps and ST only. If I were 3 boxing here it'd be war/pal/zerk, period. There isnt a combo that will get you around faster.

Title: Re: Noob help!
Post by: Peign on April 24, 2013, 08:14:58 pm
War/Pal for a duo.   As others stated, War/Pal/DPS for a trio.   A monk or a zerker would be great.

If you are in no rush to clear content and do want to just duo, you can.    There are items in game that will let you duo content.   However, obtaining these items will cause you to pause for the cause on progression and do some hard core farming.

Buy the book in Crafters Guild to see what items I'm talking about.

Title: Re: Noob help!
Post by: Anuli on April 25, 2013, 02:31:24 pm
Yes either monk or zerker. either will do for a 3 man group. you will be spending a lot of money and time on each anyway, not that big of a deal with money tho cuz you are only auging out 3 characters and one of them, the warrior, uses free anger augs anyway. so 2 of them and the expense of SoA.