EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chunka on April 24, 2013, 02:59:13 pm

Title: RoA spam
Post by: Chunka on April 24, 2013, 02:59:13 pm
I'm as supportive of accomplishment as the next guy....but this is gettin kind of ridiculous! Over the last 2 days I've seen half a dozen or more players turn in 20+ at a time. Any way we could just get the spam on the hell levels? Getting RoA 117 isnt as impressive as it was a few months ago :D

Title: Re: RoA spam
Post by: Dimur on April 24, 2013, 03:54:21 pm
I agree, it isn't overly bothersome but it's spam nonetheless.

Title: Re: RoA spam
Post by: Sarthin on April 24, 2013, 04:55:56 pm
Announce every hell level should be sufficient ;)

Title: Re: RoA spam
Post by: hateborne on April 24, 2013, 05:18:17 pm
Announce every hell level should be sufficient ;)

Ehh every 25 levels regardless. 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, etc etc

That limits spam to 20-24 messages MAX per character?
