EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Raygan on May 08, 2013, 06:57:38 pm

Title: T8
Post by: Raygan on May 08, 2013, 06:57:38 pm
Well someone will start a thread about it so figured I would be the first!

Started working on T8, creating items. Haven't chosen a zone yet.

I threw this suggestion out for T7 so will do it again how about a velious zone like Kael or ToV?!

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Hunter on May 08, 2013, 07:16:30 pm
Going to hold off on those 2 zones for now.

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Pukagiz on May 08, 2013, 07:32:26 pm
How about Fort Mech or Meldrath's Majestic Mansion?

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Expletus on May 08, 2013, 07:47:04 pm
Zone 401 - Valdeholm !

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Natedog on May 08, 2013, 09:23:20 pm
Zone 401 - Valdeholm !

I just went and checked this zone out... I must say it looks badass!

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Gannicus on May 08, 2013, 10:24:59 pm
Valde has an incredible amount of natural lag from the "springs" or whatever they are that sit in the middle of the zone ; Not sure if there is a way to change that but it can get nasty fast with the lag spikes it gives off

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Brokyn on May 09, 2013, 06:06:54 am
I always liked Riftseeker's Sanctum.

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Natedog on May 09, 2013, 06:35:33 am
Valde has an incredible amount of natural lag from the "springs" or whatever they are that sit in the middle of the zone ; Not sure if there is a way to change that but it can get nasty fast with the lag spikes it gives off

I went to that area.. and didn't notice it. hmm even with 100% far clip

I was on RoF client with all settings turned on as well...

What client were you using btw? I do notice different lag spikes on different clients due to particles in the environment.   (which you can turn off by deleting the emt files I THINK... not 100% on that one... so don't do it unless you have a backup of the files lol)

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Ybik on May 09, 2013, 06:52:48 am
RoF enabled on ezserver yet? Or was that on another server?

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Natedog on May 09, 2013, 06:53:38 am
Was messing around on another server testing out RoF .. (its still fairly buggy)

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Gilthanas on May 09, 2013, 07:38:57 am
Vald looks cool based on pics from Allakhazam alone. Riftseeker's looks cool too, but I think all the surface details would really mess with your head after a while.

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Gannicus on May 09, 2013, 08:08:25 am

I went to that area.. and didn't notice it. hmm even with 100% far clip

I was on RoF client with all settings turned on as well...

What client were you using btw? I do notice different lag spikes on different clients due to particles in the environment.   (which you can turn off by deleting the emt files I THINK... not 100% on that one... so don't do it unless you have a backup of the files lol)

Underfoot client, it's been that way for some time, not sure how exactly it plays out on EZ, but I know when it was live it was unbearable and I've found other servers that have valde enabled that the general area gives off a massive lag. -shrugs- could just be me but I can't imagine that to be the case :p

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Chunka on May 09, 2013, 09:19:14 am
What about Convorteum? Magus Sisters have some interesting possibilities.....or Creation. Fantastic looking zone, too.

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Kwai on May 09, 2013, 11:49:15 am
Valdeholm has alot of doors to open, and tight spaces to fight in.  Something I would want to avoid in a timed run.  Ashengate might not be a bad choice if you want to do this tier as indoor.  Kael would be pretty neat too and so would Solteris.

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Sarthin on May 09, 2013, 01:56:59 pm
Loping Plains is almost perfect in my opinion. Open spaces and great scenery. I would love a similar zone.

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Hunter on May 09, 2013, 03:50:49 pm
T8 is going to be a bit more casual or less complicated than last few zones. Just going to be a quick fun zone, not too hardcore like T5 or anything.

Title: Re: T8
Post by: huffdady on November 19, 2013, 02:11:34 pm
Have we gotten an update when T8 spells recipes will be done? 

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Blurring on November 19, 2013, 02:17:30 pm
From what I remember the recipes have been done for a while, but they aren't being implemented yet because the zone is still "fresh". The spell recipes are meant to help prevent a huge roadblock trying to get that one specific spell from an old tier. At least that's how I think they should be; I don't like the idea that recipes are meant to replace actually farming for the spells.

Personally I think it's the right decision to not implement the T8 recipes. For a while at least. For top tier spells players should have to earn them and not be able to just EZ-Bake them.

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Peign on November 19, 2013, 04:37:41 pm
Agree wholeheartedly with Blarr.   T8 spells should be looted not created for at least a few more tiers.

On another note.  It may be worth looking into T8 again if time (and power) permits.    Pathing in that zone is a bit rough and could use some refactoring.   

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Tankdan on November 28, 2013, 07:11:15 am
What is needed to survive T8 bosses since the warrior nerfs?

Went in there with Full t7 / Roa 202+ / SoA / Charm v2 / Insane goblin, tank died to melee damage in 8 seconds with 2 healers in group.  

Didnt have Skin of Drake or shaman/mage which might help.

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Peign on November 28, 2013, 11:29:08 am
Wow, it is way too early for T8 spoilers.

Figuring it out is half the fun no?     So many spoilers  :(

Title: Re: T8
Post by: zefirus on November 28, 2013, 11:30:53 am
ehh? what? /ninja post removal

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Danish on November 28, 2013, 05:09:35 pm
Wow, it is way too early for T8 spoilers.

Figuring it out is half the fun no?     So many spoilers  :(

Tee hee!

On topic - Be glad that you're not ready for T8 - enjoy the finished content instead :)

Title: Re: T8
Post by: Raygan on November 30, 2013, 06:57:06 am
also as a side note, get your resists to over 2k before you attempt T8.