Title: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Hunter on May 10, 2013, 04:47:42 am Epic 3.0 Book moved to a new boss in Qvic.
Cazic Thule (cazicthule) zone is now an alternative for Tacvi. Loot drops commonly off random any npc in the zone. Essence of Tacvi is super rare chance. Old loot is on trash as well, for now. Later will edit bosses to have higher chances at loot. Requirement for the cazicthule zone is level 71 which requires all 15 Qvic Tokens Quest. Cazic Thule is now open for testing, and soon will be closing Tacvi when I finish CT. Level_Up NPC in Nexus is fixed to see both old flag and new flag for when completed Qvic to get level 71. Current max level 75 if flagged for T7, and soon will make level 76 possibly for having all T7 armor. Closed templeveeshan for now. Going to make it into T8 soon. Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Udeni on May 10, 2013, 05:43:22 am So far looking good, however, I can't get my bard, dru, or enc levelled up to 71. They've all done the qvic tokens quest, and only the dru is not in CG/FG. I tell the level up person "level up" and I just get a blank line.
Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Hunter on May 10, 2013, 07:13:40 am Level_Up NPC in Nexus is now fixed.
For getting level 71 used to look for the qglobal from the old turn in 15 tokens from Qvic to Audyin in specific order. New system now uses Task Quest. So now I have it check for both the qglobal (old flag) and Task Completed (new flag) so either will work now. This has been a bug since I made the Level Up NPC but once you got next flag for level 72, the level 71 flag didn't matter. Anyways, should be working and fixed now. If you have Qvic Task finished then see the Level Up NPC in Nexus to get your level 71. Soon I'll make code for level 76 for players that completed T7 in prep for T8. Will start making future tier zones and armor to be level required instead of flags or old armor combines. Enjoy! Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Dinadas on May 10, 2013, 07:15:24 am Why close Tacvi?
Why not just have both options available. When I first got to Tacvi progression wise, I thought it was really neat conceptually, boss assist, etc. Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Hunter on May 10, 2013, 07:20:53 am Maybe I'll keep both, give people choices. Only reason to close it cuz people complain about it. Wouldn't hurt to leave it open, and I know people like to have choices.
Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Mattnaik on May 10, 2013, 07:26:31 am Will start making future tier zones and armor to be level required instead of flags or old armor combines. Wouldn't it be easier just to make the zone flag level 76 and then the armor no drop? Result is the same. Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Gilthanas on May 10, 2013, 08:28:19 am Will start making future tier zones and armor to be level required instead of flags or old armor combines. Are you saying that I could theoretically have the noobie cloth wrist item, and then skip right to the T8 wrist item? Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Fugitive on May 10, 2013, 08:55:32 am Will start making future tier zones and armor to be level required instead of flags or old armor combines. Are you saying that I could theoretically have the noobie cloth wrist item, and then skip right to the T8 wrist item? nope full T6 is required for T7 and Im sure full T7 is going to be required to flag for T8 Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Hunter on May 10, 2013, 08:57:14 am Required for flag and getting another level, but maybe not required in the combine recipe. Hope that makes sense. You can't skip any armor still.
Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Expletus on May 10, 2013, 09:09:35 am Closed templeveeshan for now. Going to make it into T8 soon. Awww Hunter ! That's so old world ! With all the new zones and the fact the server has to have the updated client going backwards for T8 seems boring. Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Tylo on May 10, 2013, 09:23:04 am With the 3 wing style and the sheer size of TOV, he could make T8 either massive or even include 3 tiers in a single zone.
Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Fugitive on May 10, 2013, 09:33:38 am It isn't big
Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Gilthanas on May 10, 2013, 09:42:59 am Closed templeveeshan for now. Going to make it into T8 soon. Awww Hunter ! That's so old world ! With all the new zones and the fact the server has to have the updated client going backwards for T8 seems boring. Lol he said a long time ago that apparently the pathing is fubar'd, which mean mobs are going to be running amuck pulling unwanted adds. If this can be controlled, however, then I think TOV would be a badass T8 zone. Want a BIG zone for T8? Try Skyshrine. Even if you knew exactly what route to take, had no mobs in the way, and had max speed buffs, it'll still take you 10 minutes to make your way to Yelinak. Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Haudieum on May 10, 2013, 09:49:11 am Templeveeshan T8 - YEEESS ;D +100
Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Mattnaik on May 10, 2013, 09:56:03 am Closed templeveeshan for now. Going to make it into T8 soon. Awww Hunter ! That's so old world ! With all the new zones and the fact the server has to have the updated client going backwards for T8 seems boring. Doubt I'll ever get to T8 since it's taken me just under a year to even make decent progress in T5 (I play VERY casually) but just curious if people like to see older zones for nostalgia purposes or newer zones that they may have not explored on Live. Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Solbash on May 10, 2013, 10:31:06 am Does the 3.0 boss have a chance to drop a qvic essence now since it's moved to qvic?
Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Danish on May 10, 2013, 11:37:40 am ToV Sounds AWESOME! :) Always loved that zone, except for all the french people in there, back in the day.
Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Fliker on May 10, 2013, 01:45:54 pm OK WTF made a solo instance of cazthule, entered it, farmed for around 40 minutes. then all the sudden right in the middle of a pull I rezoned into another solo instance while fighting.
Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Ybik on May 10, 2013, 01:49:09 pm Not sure if it makes a difference on buffs given but my warrior and few other characters are told they do NOT have 3.0 flag when hailing their Halloween pets (even though they are T7 flagged). Any idea how to fix this?
Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Chunka on May 10, 2013, 05:38:24 pm Very true, ToV isnt a very large zone. And yes, Skyshrine is gigantic. I think through PoP it was still the zone with the largest playable surface area.
As much as I love ToV, I have to agree that a newer zone might be more interesting. Better graphics, etc. But....ToV would definitely be low lag :D However, as someone else said, I am also a bit of a slacker. Not even in T6 yet :P Still havin fun though! Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Expletus on May 10, 2013, 05:55:15 pm I just see the pathing as a problem and the old world zone and mentality of "been there done that" as every emu server has a custom ToV. I dunno, newer zones are aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Sarthin on May 10, 2013, 05:58:01 pm ToV brings back good memories. What it lacks in scenery I'm sure it makes up for in performance.
Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Hunter on May 10, 2013, 10:11:17 pm Not sure if it makes a difference on buffs given but my warrior and few other characters are told they do NOT have 3.0 flag when hailing their Halloween pets (even though they are T7 flagged). Any idea how to fix this? Could have to do with the old flag / new flag from Qvic, would have to modify the pet code to see it. So yeah I have idea where it might be broke. Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Hunter on May 10, 2013, 10:13:33 pm Lets get ToV out of the way for people crying that they want to see ToV.
Looking at possibly using oldcommons or oldfieldofbone for T9+ since they are very similar to Loping Plains. Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Udeni on May 11, 2013, 04:21:10 pm I definitely like CT as an alternative to tacvi, however CT seems a bit lacking. Maybe make some of the drops from the zone actually useful (like, make the stats on them an in-between of qvic and t1 stats) so the gap for new players from tacvi to t1 isn't so large? At the moment, there's nothing CT offers that Tacvi doesn't. Would be cool to have the incentive for new players to go to CT over tacvi.
EDIT: Oh, also maybe add some bosses with some neat loot in also? Maybe make them a bit harder, and have their chance of dropping essences and/or BP/legs molds be a lil higher? Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Sarthin on May 11, 2013, 06:14:59 pm Looking at possibly using oldcommons or oldfieldofbone for T9+ since they are very similar to Loping Plains. I really like the idea of something similar to Loping Plains. I love that zone in most all aspects, with the exception of that mountain ridge >:( Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Hunter on May 11, 2013, 06:24:40 pm I been meaning to make a tier in between Tacvi and PoDragons for years now.
So Tacvi Armor is around 600 HP and T1 Armor is around 2000 HP? Could make armor in between that has around 1200 HP and drops off CT bosses. That way you could farm trash for Tacvi Armor and then bosses for the next suit of armor, before going to T1, and would make T1 easier to break into. Would require new armor to be created, and new recipes for Tacvi Armor to CT armor to T1 armor. Will put it on list to-do soon. As for the mountain ridge in T7, I don't think I saw any in oldcommons or oldfieldofbone so those zones could be even better! Will continue to tweak updates and edits for content. Oh yeah, might have over looked player.pl in PoD that checks for flag, might need to edit that soon to check level instead. Title: Re: Updates 05-10-13 Post by: Aurran on May 15, 2013, 08:59:18 am Could make LDON the first tier armor and just increase the Qvic and Tacvi HPs to 600 and 1200ish.
Will the Tacvi essence drop rate increase in CT from super-rare? |