EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Peign on May 11, 2013, 09:55:16 am

Title: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Peign on May 11, 2013, 09:55:16 am
It seems the gems in HoH have been removed (based on 2 players input, maybe more).    This results in a significant plat decrease.     I'm seeing plat drops maxed at 238 (thus far) with 1 or no gems.    The lowest I've seen is 62 plat (less than the resell of 1 gem)     This results in a huge decrease in plat.

A diamond sells for 201 pp and there was potential to get up to 5 diamonds per avatar.   

Personally I'd much rather have the gems and be able to get 1k pp per avatar.      If no gems could you increase the plat that drops from the avatars?   

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Chunka on May 11, 2013, 11:38:36 am
I went through after the changes. Looting was faster, smoother, more efficient. I seemed to get more plat bags than before, but that could be RNG. All in all I really saw no major difference in cash take (11% less than the same timestamped period I tested before).

And as to the 1K plat per avatar, that was possible but massively improbable. My average per avatar, gems and cash, before the change was 291p, 44g after 100 avatars. Keep in mind that while you could get 5 diamonds, you could also get 5 emeralds (65 plat) or 5 black pearls (100 plat). Also keep in mind that faster looting makes a diff on haul, and Hunter seems to be trying to compensate for that to keep things equitable.

I encourage others to test as well. This idea is a solid one. Scrapping this obvious improvement would be silly. Adjusting the cash drops, if necessary, makes more sense than abandoning it because someone dislikes who proposed it.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Peign on May 11, 2013, 11:59:03 am

<incorrect math, not enough coffee>    

Keep the gems gone, fine I concur that is a good idea.    Please increase the plat per avatar to at least 500.  

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Raygan on May 11, 2013, 12:01:12 pm
I like the way it is currently.  HoH ,if the plat drops were increased, I could see this becoming a farm haven for plats.  Easy mobs guaranteed plats...plus peeps sell the tokens for plat on top of the droppable plat (5-10k per token) take that into consideration as well.  People sell the v2 charms 50-100k ea.  Thats why i dont see the reason to complain about the plat and gem drops...if you wanna make money you can make money here w/o increasing the plats dropped from the mobs.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Peign on May 11, 2013, 12:13:27 pm
I like the way it is currently.  HoH ,if the plat drops were increased, I could see this becoming a farm haven for plats.  Easy mobs guaranteed plats...plus peeps sell the tokens for plat on top of the droppable plat (5-10k per token) take that into consideration as well.  People sell the v2 charms 50-100k ea.  Thats why i dont see the reason to complain about the plat and gem drops...if you wanna make money you can make money here w/o increasing the plats dropped from the mobs.

Was the goal of the change to reduce the plat coming from HoH?    If so, works as designed.   

However if the goal was to reduce lag or need for people to loot and not impact plat, then this fix needs to be tweaked. 

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Dinadas on May 11, 2013, 12:41:29 pm
As a new player, currently living HoH, working on charms and 3.5's

The decrease will hurt me greatly.

I think it should be tightened up to 200-300 range per avatar

or raise the ceiling drastically to like 50-1000

As someone who needs to aug all their characters still, needs all v2 upgrades, needs all tokens.  Gems and plat drops is my only money making means right now.

And it wasn't game changing in about 8 days in on and off for 2 hours i've netted like 500k, which is barely enough to work on a new aug.

Decreasing the plat from HoH just further hurts new players.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Fugitive on May 11, 2013, 12:49:05 pm
HoH Farming does not just end.. I still find myself in there ... so any PP that can be made in there is greatly appreciated but 50-1k sounds good so you have a rng feel still

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Raygan on May 11, 2013, 03:15:11 pm
Was the goal of the change to reduce the plat coming from HoH?    If so, works as designed.  

However if the goal was to reduce lag or need for people to loot and not impact plat, then this fix needs to be tweaked.  

So unless I agree with your view, my comments are not wanted?  Guess this shouldnt be a forum then.  HoH is not an end all be all...this zone is for a certain level range.  if this is as far as you go in game then thats fine but there is PLENTY of plat to be made in this zone w/o further butchering the economy.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Peign on May 11, 2013, 03:48:03 pm
Was the goal of the change to reduce the plat coming from HoH?    If so, works as designed.  

However if the goal was to reduce lag or need for people to loot and not impact plat, then this fix needs to be tweaked.  

So unless I agree with your view, my comments are not wanted?  Guess this shouldnt be a forum then.  HoH is not an end all be all...this zone is for a certain level range.  if this is as far as you go in game then thats fine but there is PLENTY of plat to be made in this zone w/o further butchering the economy.

You are missing the point.   Plat bags were added to HoH a few months ago to help new players get plat.    This was in addition to gems.   This recent change removed the gems and did not increase the plat drop to off set those gems which reduces the plat coming from HoH.  In essence it basically counters the change made a few months ago made with the explicit purpose of increasing the plat coming out of HoH.  

Again, if the purpose of removing gems was to reduce plat, then it works as designed.   However if the purpose was to reduce lag and or prevent people from having to loot gems without reducing the total plat from HoH, then this change needs to be tweaked.  

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Felony on May 11, 2013, 04:16:22 pm
I like the way it is currently.  HoH ,if the plat drops were increased, I could see this becoming a farm haven for plats.  Easy mobs guaranteed plats...plus peeps sell the tokens for plat on top of the droppable plat (5-10k per token) take that into consideration as well.  People sell the v2 charms 50-100k ea.  Thats why i dont see the reason to complain about the plat and gem drops...if you wanna make money you can make money here w/o increasing the plats dropped from the mobs.

It's already a farm/macro haven and has been since about 2 weeks after hunter opened the zone.
Nothing is going to change that.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Fugitive on May 11, 2013, 04:41:06 pm
Was the goal of the change to reduce the plat coming from HoH?    If so, works as designed.  

However if the goal was to reduce lag or need for people to loot and not impact plat, then this fix needs to be tweaked.  

So unless I agree with your view, my comments are not wanted?  Guess this shouldnt be a forum then.  HoH is not an end all be all...this zone is for a certain level range.  if this is as far as you go in game then thats fine but there is PLENTY of plat to be made in this zone w/o further butchering the economy.

as is with gems removed? Have you logged in since change this morning?

This change is fine just have to find the rng balance for the coin replacement

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Anuli on May 11, 2013, 06:06:42 pm
Don't worry everyone, Peign will keep this a topic of conversation every day all day in OOC until it is changed. After all, if it doesn't benefit him, the change is not ok.

HoH wasn't easy enough as it was, 300k per clear was not enough plat when you can clear it in 15 minutes. Over one mil an hour? Forget about it. It should be 3 mil an hour or it just isn't fair! With just plat bags 150-200k per clear, thats just ridiculous.

Hell, why not add an NPC into HoH that spawns when you clear the zone that gives you 650k? Have to buy those MBD.

Plus now that you don't have to macro loot the corpses to get all those gems, loot time makes no difference to clear time.clear, loot a few plat bags, go to new instance.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Hunter on May 11, 2013, 06:20:02 pm
I've had several players begging me to remove gems. As with everything (And Hateborne knows this well) I don't make changes immediately, usually sit on it for a while thinking about it, or waiting until I get some time from my side projects. So yeah finally got around to it. Plat drops used to be RNG 1-100pp, so I changed that to 50-250pp per Avatar. I highly doubt someone got 5 Blue Diamonds each kill. How much did people make realistically per kill? Per zone clear? Without sarcasim or trolling.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Peign on May 11, 2013, 06:30:52 pm
This was not a troll post.   I only used the 5 diamonds as an arbitrary example of what is potentially (albeit not realistically) possible. 

As a few others have stated, 50-1000 seems right.  Another suggested 200-300.   If that is too high perhaps 50-500 or 50-750.
It just seems a little low in its current state is all.   

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: GuyManDude on May 11, 2013, 10:30:08 pm
First, the good:  The performance increase for me in terms of running a group around was huge.  Everything seems so snappy now, I'm not waiting for toons to catch up too much any more.  The speed at which I can now complete the zone has dropped by at least 15-20 minutes because looting is so fast now.  

The bad:  Hoh is basically the only source of plat beyond farming SLS for most players including myself, and the reduction I have seen today is brutal.  3 clears for a total of around 60K.  No plat bags.  Prior to today that would have been around 500K so that's almost a 90% reduction.   I did get a few gems here and there and I suspect those were supposed to be plat bags but they weren't.  

Avatars used to drop 5 gems ranging from 275pp to 20pp with the average total probably close to 500pp per.  

My suggestions for a better solution:
Leave it the way it is right now for the performance boost, but increase the plat per Avatar to around 750-1K per.

Heck, there are only maybe 150 Avatars in the whole zone.  If each Avatar dropped 1K in plat a complete clear would only net around 150K.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Khaoticz on May 12, 2013, 05:04:39 am
Realistically I'm one of the players who " asked " gems to be removed, and plat increased.

1) It reduces lag from corpses being there w/o having to /hidec all on each toon, and reduces DB hits.

2) We are no longer on Titanium where weight was an issue, UF is the new shit everyone should be using, therefore we should just loot straight plat rather then having stacks of gems cluttering our bags and slowing us down.

3) I will concur with Peign even though we bump heads, that it should be around either 50-1000 or 500-1000.

4) Realistically I was making 150-300k per clear, not counting tokens, and not selling charms / pages / books.

5) So setting it to 50-1000 , gives a possibility of making 7500-150000 from plat ( obviously your never going to get the min or max. Or 500-1000 , and making 75000-150000 ( never getting the min or max )

6) As for plat bags, I've done clears where I get 300k in plat bags alone, or gone 4-5 clears w/o seeing a single one.

7) All in all, I vote to keep it the way it is, to reduce lag. Summer is coming up fast and the server population is already increasing again. We only are getting so much UP/DOWN speed so we need to focus on reducing and tweaking that way its faster during the school year when they are gone also. Tweak the plat, win win for everyone.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Baylin on May 12, 2013, 05:52:53 am
Thank you Hunter for the bump up in the dropped plat in HoH

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Zartaxis on May 12, 2013, 09:08:41 am
I used to make approx 300k in gems + bags.  I did a run earlier where I got under 40k in plat and no bags.  Small sample size, I know.

I do love the change but we should tweak the numbers.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Natedog on May 12, 2013, 09:30:50 am
I used to make approx 300k in gems + bags.  I did a run earlier where I got under 40k in plat and no bags.  Small sample size, I know.

I do love the change but we should tweak the numbers.

Did you see gems? I would see random corpses have 1 gem on them.  Guessing that Lootdrop_id is where the plat bags have a chance to drop from.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Hunter on May 12, 2013, 09:35:42 am
Actually, I didn't remove the gems. Instead of 100% chance to drop 5 random gems, its rare chance to drop 1 gem, just as a quick fix rather than removing the list of gem drops. Oh well you'll survive.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Natedog on May 12, 2013, 09:41:07 am
Thanks for the change.. makes farming coins much nicer.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Peign on May 12, 2013, 01:49:26 pm
Thanks for the change in plat the additional plat definitely offsets the missing gems.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Dinadas on May 12, 2013, 02:11:37 pm
One possible unforeseen consequence.

Makes Jacnith(sp) rare for artisan seals.  Could they simply be added to the gem drops from PoD chests.

simple fix.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Anuli on May 12, 2013, 05:21:45 pm
I would do three clears, then turn in  whatever i had  because that was generally how many clears filled 7 bags. and get between 1-1.2 mil every time. Almost never  under or over. How's it look now? What's the yield in the equivalence of full bags? 3 full clears.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Fjord on May 12, 2013, 07:46:21 pm
I got about 150k-160k in a clear; no plat bags. I also never got 1-1.2 million per 3 clears either. If I was doing 3 clears I MIGHT get one clear that was about 250-300k, but that's it. I usually averaged 100-120k.

EDIT: To toss in my two cents, I prefer the new way. Then again, I have horrid luck and hate looting gems. I think it should be either or though, not both.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Gannicus on May 12, 2013, 08:36:32 pm
Too be fair, the gems don't make a huge difference, but they do in the same sense. If you do multiple instances back to back ;  the gems add up fairly quick and at the end of the day when you go to sell after mindlessly farming the day, it adds up. As if there aren't 450,000 things to sink your plat in to, reducing plat this way is in no way appealing to anyone from what I can tell.

As always though, it's your sandbox, we're just all kicking up sand.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Dinadas on May 12, 2013, 09:42:58 pm
OOC consensus seems to be 200k a clear

I got 207k on my clear for the night.

I think that is about right for what I was getting before.

Thanks hunter.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: jmaneuv011 on May 12, 2013, 11:03:39 pm
Seeing as I wasn't bothering to loot gems before this change is great for me and the corpses also load in a hair faster not having to show 5-8 items every time.  Thanks Hunter!

A small consequence of this may be that Emeralds for Cleric spell and Teleporter Summon may be tough to find unless they're on a vendor somewhere (if they are I'll just buy them np)

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Solbash on May 13, 2013, 05:59:26 pm
Seeing as I wasn't bothering to loot gems before this change is great for me and the corpses also load in a hair faster not having to show 5-8 items every time.  Thanks Hunter!

A small consequence of this may be that Emeralds for Cleric spell and Teleporter Summon may be tough to find unless they're on a vendor somewhere (if they are I'll just buy them np)

I usually buy mine in Poknowledge when i need gems for anything. Chick is by the tree just across from the big bank.

Title: Re: HoH Plat Reduction
Post by: Fugitive on May 13, 2013, 06:10:06 pm
they on noobie vendor too.. /sigh unlimited supplies.. ... Surefall or Nexus