EZ Server

General Category => Server Status => Topic started by: Chunka on May 22, 2013, 06:53:38 pm

Title: Log in server issues
Post by: Chunka on May 22, 2013, 06:53:38 pm
Per Rogean, EMU wide message: A hard drive has failed in the array that hosts the EQEMU websites and loginserver. It is not failed but it has caused some extreme slowness, so I will be migrating it to a new array. This will result in the website/loginserver being down for the next hour or two.

Title: Re: Log in server issues
Post by: Hunter on May 22, 2013, 07:08:27 pm
Yeah, sorta noticed I couldn't log in when I woke up recently.

Title: Re: Log in server issues
Post by: Dawgrin on May 22, 2013, 08:02:34 pm
Yeah I also noticed I cannot get any pages on eqemulator.org OR project1999.org.  They must be having some serious issues...Is this being tracked anywhereonline?  I cannot seem to find much info.

Title: Re: Log in server issues
Post by: Fugitive on May 22, 2013, 08:03:48 pm
Per Rogean, EMU wide message: A hard drive has failed in the array that hosts the EQEMU websites and loginserver. It is not failed but it has caused some extreme slowness, so I will be migrating it to a new array. This will result in the website/loginserver being down for the next hour or two.


I cannot seem to find much info.

Title: Re: Log in server issues
Post by: Dawgrin on May 22, 2013, 08:07:11 pm
Missed the "websites" part...=)

Title: Re: Log in server issues
Post by: actarus on May 22, 2013, 09:24:47 pm
*sigh* finally get a chance to play today and cant log in ... thats my luck :P

Title: Re: Log in server issues
Post by: Supreme on May 22, 2013, 11:04:08 pm
The broadcast makes no sense.

If he is running a "array" of drives that are striped with parity such as raid 5 or 6 why would losing one drive in the array matter.

Losing one drive should not be a show stopper. Just buy another drive and hot swap out the bad drive for the new one.

If he lost a raid controller then that means the data on those drives are going to be worthless and data will need to be restored from backups.

If his raid controller is going bad and he wants to move the data to another array since he only has a single raid controller then that would make sense.

Guess he just wanted to keep things simple=).