EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Raygan on June 02, 2013, 08:24:34 pm

Title: New Pet Buff
Post by: Raygan on June 02, 2013, 08:24:34 pm
ok looking at the tab on the left side of the screen: spell recipes, why is the best spell (pet stonewall) all questions?

125434 Spell: Defensive Boon dru/shm/mag/enc/nec/bst - SPECIAL

This is the only spell that has me all happy in the pants!  My mage and beastlord may not suck anymore with this!  Anyone know the recipe yet?  I have a mage ink that I got from t7 yesterday and i know you can get loping planes vellum off the vendors in each zone (qvic, abyss, loping planes are where I have seen so far).  Is this just a trial and error deal? ::)

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: hateborne on June 03, 2013, 11:40:29 am
ok looking at the tab on the left side of the screen: spell recipes, why is the best spell (pet stonewall) all questions?

125434 Spell: Defensive Boon dru/shm/mag/enc/nec/bst - SPECIAL

This is the only spell that has me all happy in the pants!  My mage and beastlord may not suck anymore with this!  Anyone know the recipe yet?  I have a mage ink that I got from t7 yesterday and i know you can get loping planes vellum off the vendors in each zone (qvic, abyss, loping planes are where I have seen so far).  Is this just a trial and error deal? ::)

Class Ink, QVIC essence, TACVI essence, Dragon Minor, Dragon Major, and Gods Minor in magic box.

I'll get list updated shortly.


Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Raygan on June 04, 2013, 04:16:09 am
 Would take away the need for essences used on everything

Essences aren't used for this. Bots could farm the scrolls. Bots can farm this too, but takes more effort. Scrolls can be stockpiled so heavily that they lose their value this way either.

Class Ink, QVIC essence, TACVI essence, Dragon Minor, Dragon Major, and Gods Minor in magic box.


But saying that...thank you for the reply Hate and ty for working on this spell research system.

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Felony on June 04, 2013, 06:24:52 am
The link from hunter's news post only shows this one spell using essences.
Myself I hope that is the case as essences are used in so many other things are some are damn hard to acquire.
Not sure if the final product is no drop, would be nice way to make pp, selling to others but either way its nice if you want to raise research and make the spells. (assumes you have to raise research, may not need to for all I know)

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: hateborne on June 04, 2013, 11:07:59 am
The spells didn't use essences. This one spell was added fairly late in the "drawing board" phase.

It's a stupidly powerful spell that should cost a stupidly large amount.

If it's a problem, we can always remove it.


Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Anuli on June 04, 2013, 04:01:31 pm
 And spells are no drop so people can't bot farm spells and sell them in large quantities like everything else.

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Raygan on June 04, 2013, 04:50:11 pm
Never said it was a problem...just thought it was odd that in the discussion of making the research spells you stated that no essences would be used...and surprise they are.  i hope it is worth it as pet classes in their current state suck.

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: hateborne on June 04, 2013, 05:36:19 pm
Never said it was a problem...just thought it was odd that in the discussion of making the research spells you stated that no essences would be used...and surprise they are.  i hope it is worth it as pet classes in their current state suck.

That's true. The original intent was to use an essence of the appropriate tier to combine. After a long talk with Fliker, he stated a few exceptionally valid points and I created the other spell components in their stead.

I'm not really sure how they suck. Maybe I've not dragged one in to T6 yet. With T5, my 5.0 enc pet and 4.0 mage pet does fine. They are only healed by druid HoTs too. Pets aside, the casters are formidable in their own sense. It may suck to not be able to send & forget... but eh, you'll live.

They aren't strong enough to solo tank or send in armies of pets (and no player). I don't position my pets either. I just send in everything at once. To be fair, my average target lifespan is ~7-10 seconds and I don't aoe pull more than 5 or so in T5. In T6, I don't bother getting anyone but my main 6 into the fight (except the enchanter standing outside spamming random buffs/debuffs).

I keep hearing that pets are terrible, and I keep making changes to improve the pet users' quality of life, and pet users keep complaining. I need some details on how they suck or I'm going to eventually have to assume that pets aren't going to be good enough until they are soloing on-par content.

Sorry to sound dickish, but...well, yeah. Same song and dance. :-P


Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Raygan on June 04, 2013, 07:34:45 pm
Not wanting pets to solo anything...i dont like the fact that necros pets can solo up to t3...maybe t4, but if pets are in an dps mode and not tanking...they shouldnt eat it either (death that is).  If I do not make sure to position pets in rear EVERY time they die.  of course I am pulling 5+ mobs at a time in T7 but pets arent tanking my warrior is.  Also has /pet hold been fixed or is it still craptastic?  havent tried that in a long while but havent seen any posts about it on forums during my morning troll errrr i mean stroll.

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: hateborne on June 05, 2013, 11:37:32 am
Ok, that's some specific info. Thank you!

T7 is eating pets, that's a start.
Pet Hold is unknown to me. It worked before, but I don't remember it breaking (possibly a client issue). I will see what I can find during the next few days.
I'll also look at converting the mage Phantom Necklace to an AoE cast (since it must be trade to the pet by the pet owner). That's another 160k HP for pets.


Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Adydar on June 05, 2013, 02:53:55 pm
From my experience, pet hold has never worked on EZ, I assumed it was an EMU wide issue but never did much digging and will admit I haven't tried it in quite some time.

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Zartaxis on June 05, 2013, 02:55:25 pm
Pet hold worked a year ago and even though I put those classes to sleep I think it was still working the other day on UF when I was using them.    I will try to remember to get them out and test them tonight.

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Solbash on June 05, 2013, 03:38:20 pm
Pet hold works on underfoot, I have it in my follow macro that I use.

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Raygan on June 05, 2013, 04:16:52 pm
Thanks for all the feedback...and thats a GREAT idea , Hate!  Wish I had some hard numbers for you (like other people do) but I wouldnr begin to be able to tell you anything other than my personal experience.  Here is another idea since pets dont jump behind the mob like dps toons do with a nice hotkey stroke...maybe allow pets a much greater avoidance/dodge so they dont eat it on riposites when a mob enrages?  Shouldnt really matter as pets wont hold aggro if your pc is close to the mob...the mob will go to the pc (my warrior in this case) but I dont know if that could be used as an exploit by someone or not.  I know its also a simple matter of tank positioning but I am lazy and dont always do it because with my hotkey setup, repositioning also means my toons being slung around in the process  as they chase from the rear.  Also thanks for the update on /pet hold (and the idea of putting it on a stick hotkey is great too!)  i havent tried it since I upgraded to UF a year ago...it never worked on SoF ( i believe is the CD set I ordered originally off amazon hehehe)

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Raygan on June 05, 2013, 04:57:39 pm
Also I just made the spell defensive boon (used bst ink ((given to me by Narl...thanks Narl!)) and combined qvic esse, tacvi esse, dminor, dmajor, gminor) gave me a shaman spell of defensive boon  :'( Is this normal or is it just buggy?  Can we make defensive boon all pet classes useable maybe?  Hate to think I just burned all those essences!

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: hateborne on June 05, 2013, 05:22:17 pm
Also I just made the spell defensive boon (used bst ink ((given to me by Narl...thanks Narl!)) and combined qvic esse, tacvi esse, dminor, dmajor, gminor) gave me a shaman spell of defensive boon  :'( Is this normal or is it just buggy?  Can we make defensive boon all pet classes useable maybe?  Hate to think I just burned all those essences!

Shaman spell? >_>

The Defensive Boon should work for ALL classes that can use it. Don't destroy it. I will be online eventually tonight. Can you post a screenshot of the item inspect window (with MQ2 info) please? You can upload to my site (ezserver/debug section) and link it from there.

Can I get item ID? (Some one go to the bazaar, "/buy", type in "defensive boon") This will ~120k+ or so.

Fix for Classes Field on Defensive Boon scroll:
UPDATE items SET classes = 30240 WHERE name = 'Spell: Defensive Boon'; -- fix defensive boon's classes

Adding to master list and submitting to Hunter. Thanks for the detailed info Orthanos! You gave a lot more detailed info than you realized. :-D


Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Raygan on June 07, 2013, 12:47:06 pm
Ok I see that the pet buff now has listed all pet classes (and I have most recent spell file from server 5-29) but it is still listing them as x-class(255) and if you try to mem them it say your will never be able to learn this spell.  I have screen shots from both my mage and beastlord but the screenshots are to big to upload to the forums, if anyone knows how to shrink the file size to post it.... ???

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Raygan on June 07, 2013, 12:53:36 pm
ok here is one that has been majorly cropped this is my beastlord but as yoiu can see at the bottom still says shaman even though has all classes listed

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Raygan on June 07, 2013, 12:56:42 pm
Here is the one for mage

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: hateborne on June 07, 2013, 01:20:54 pm
When was the last time that you updated your spellfile? It should be a go now.

The item lists all the classes. The only reason it won't be working (with a level requirement 255) is if the spellfile is corrupted or out of date.


Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Raygan on June 07, 2013, 02:29:11 pm
hmmm when I download the spell file from the website it only gives me the spell file from 5-29

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: hateborne on June 07, 2013, 02:42:41 pm
hmmm when I download the spell file from the website it only gives me the spell file from 5-29

Go ahead and take that one to replace your current (even if it's the same).

Can anyone else look up the spell and see if it's 255 to all usable classes?


Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Natedog on June 07, 2013, 02:43:56 pm
When was the last time that you updated your spellfile? It should be a go now.

The item lists all the classes. The only reason it won't be working (with a level requirement 255) is if the spellfile is corrupted or out of date.


Heres the problem hate....

Update items SET scrolleffect = 10605 WHERE id = 125434;  #add correct spell to Defensive Boon scroll

The scroll has the wrong spell on it :p  (has a shaman only spell on it)

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: hateborne on June 07, 2013, 02:46:38 pm
When was the last time that you updated your spellfile? It should be a go now.

The item lists all the classes. The only reason it won't be working (with a level requirement 255) is if the spellfile is corrupted or out of date.


Heres the problem hate....

Update items SET scrolleffect = 10605 WHERE id = 125434;  #add correct spell to Defensive Boon scroll

oh wtf, sorry all. Sending to Hunter. Thank you again Paldail. I'm spreading myself too thin. Sorry all :-(


Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Hunter on June 07, 2013, 02:51:24 pm
Hate, how could you make such a mistake?

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: hateborne on June 07, 2013, 02:58:03 pm
Hate, how could you make such a mistake?

Too little of this:

Needing more of this:

And too much of this:


Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Natedog on June 07, 2013, 02:59:01 pm
Looking at too many of these...

( . )( . )  Boobies

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: hateborne on June 07, 2013, 03:01:39 pm
Looking at too many of these...

( . )( . )  Boobies



Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Raygan on June 07, 2013, 03:11:43 pm
Also downloaded the new auto-patcher thingy...and it did its thing still nothing new spell file wise.

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Raygan on June 07, 2013, 03:13:07 pm
Doh!  Guess should have looked at forums before that last post...TAH-DUH!

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Raygan on June 10, 2013, 08:29:56 pm
Btw spent last few days with my beast and mage with this spell (have not gone to t7 yet as I was finishing up UCv2 on my 2nd groups bard) and all I can say is...damn!  You didnt disappoint on this spell.  Finally my pets arent so squishy...will reserve final judgement for when i go back to T7 (maybe over the weekend) but as of now TWO THUMBS UP!

Title: Re: New Pet Buff
Post by: Brunaa on June 11, 2013, 11:38:47 pm
hm spell is for all Pet classes except ranger ?