EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on June 12, 2013, 10:43:20 am

Title: Server Up!
Post by: Hunter on June 12, 2013, 10:43:20 am
EZ Server is back online!

We had outage today due to ISP, and seems to be fixed now.

There are severe weather in the area of the server for today and tomorrow, so not sure how things will be for next day or two, hopefully no more issues.

Emptied 2 tables that deal with instances. Not sure how this would affect players instances already made. When you enter an instance, it checks the qglobals table for instance id. In the case it tries to use an id that is no longer there, not sure what is going to happen. Worse case scenario is that I'll find a way to mass delete everyones qglobal that is related to instances. Let me know if there are any issues with instances and will see what I can do.

For now we reduced the number of dynamic zones available from 250 down to 150. Also changed duration of instances to be 24 hours. Will see if this helps with players getting sent to each others instances.

An ultimate fix to instances getting crossed over might be to wipe them all in the instance table and qglobals during the regular 6am reboot. Trying not to go that route yet.

New spell file is now available for any of those that want to play with the Ultimate Great Staff. Working with Hateborne to revamp this item a bit. Changes are not final yet. Might increase the staff stats by 25% after next reboot as well.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: lookin on June 12, 2013, 11:09:23 am
did you change anything with the UW longsword? it no longer heals on kill. i have the new spell file as well.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Xypher on June 12, 2013, 11:09:44 am
It appears UW no longer heals since the reboot... intended?

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Hunter on June 12, 2013, 11:13:45 am
/points finger at Hateborne

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: hateborne on June 12, 2013, 11:21:01 am
It appears UW no longer heals since the reboot... intended?
did you change anything with the UW longsword? it no longer heals on kill. i have the new spell file as well.

Will see what I can do. One moment.


EDIT #1: UW Heal was moved from 5% (200k max) to 7% (250k max). Not sure why it stopped healing.

EDIT #2: Can you post screenshots of your weapons (with MQ2 info) or tell me which weapon and the rank?

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: hateborne on June 12, 2013, 11:52:02 am
Oh yeah, and our patch notes:

  • Ultimate Weapon heal on kill proc was increased from 5% heal to 7% heal, with 200k max up to 250k max.
  • Phantom Necklaces are now AoE summons (like mod rods).
  • Wail of Tashan, Harmonious Composition, and Malos' Malignance are now essentially the same. The spell damage taken increase is 5/10/15% and affects all types. The resist mods are different, which may result in a "Spell did not take hold."
  • Ultimate Greatstaff has been completely revamped. This should be likely become BiS for offensive casters.


Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Xypher on June 12, 2013, 11:52:26 am
I'm using rank 2, sorry no screenshot

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Chunka on June 12, 2013, 12:05:26 pm
EDITED: see below post for better image

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: hateborne on June 12, 2013, 12:08:04 pm
Is yours broken too mpano?


Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Chunka on June 12, 2013, 12:18:29 pm

Better image. And yes, Hate, mine is broken as well. Killed a dozen non triv mobs in one click and no heal whatsoever. Oh, and people in chat saying theirs broken as well. Seems to be all of em.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: lookin on June 12, 2013, 12:22:07 pm
also summon phantom necklace of dragons doesnt seem to be ae . i am able to target someone and put it on there cursor (which is fine by me). but targeting myself and casting only puts in on my cursor not alts. personally i prefer it like this then i dont end up with a neck on my mellee. just an fyi if thats not how it was intended after change.
on a side note
 if you do choose to make it completely ae anyone that wants to block it can do /blockspell add me 10146 so then you dont have to worry about it on your cursor

ps hunter: to let you know i was just ported into someone elses instance so that is still happening on occasion.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: hateborne on June 12, 2013, 12:30:55 pm
also summon phantom necklace of dragons doesnt seem to be ae . i am able to target someone and put it on there cursor (which is fine by me). but targeting myself and casting only puts in on my cursor not alts. personally i prefer it like this then i dont end up with a neck on my mellee. just an fyi if thats not how it was intended after change.

Interesting. I'm failed all kinds of hard then, but will leave be. :-\

Better image. And yes, Hate, mine is broken as well. Killed a dozen non triv mobs in one click and no heal whatsoever. Oh, and people in chat saying theirs broken as well. Seems to be all of em.


I'm checking code to see if I've gone over some value, but I can't find anything yet.


Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Fliker on June 12, 2013, 12:46:31 pm
proc rate is zero if that has anything to do with it.
just trying to help

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: hateborne on June 12, 2013, 12:52:17 pm
proc rate is zero if that has anything to do with it.
just trying to help

I believe it has always been 0. If memory serves, a proc rate of 0 is suppose to be normal (unmodified).

Does anyone holding a warrior T7 breastplate able to confirm it is broken as well? If so, it's the effect that's broken and we didn't restart as cleanly as desired.


Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Xypher on June 12, 2013, 12:55:56 pm
proc rate is zero if that has anything to do with it.
just trying to help

I believe it has always been 0. If memory serves, a proc rate of 0 is suppose to be normal (unmodified).

Does anyone holding a warrior T7 breastplate able to confirm it is broken as well? If so, it's the effect that's broken and we didn't restart as cleanly as desired.


I'm wearing T7 BP and UW (rank 2), as mentioned previously, is not healing.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: hateborne on June 12, 2013, 12:58:22 pm
I'm wearing T7 BP and UW (rank 2), as mentioned previously, is not healing.

Ok, so the effect is broken. I didn't actually break anything (yet?). We need another server restart to fix it. I'll email the bossman, but I suspect he's KO'ed by now.


Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Zartaxis on June 12, 2013, 02:43:18 pm
Edit: I didn't realize there was a sympathetic proc cast on it as well.  Keep up the good work.  Leaving the post for continuity.

First off, Thanks a lot for creating a caster UW.  When I suggested it to you the other day I had no idea it would be live in less than a week.  I love that you guys put this into effect and it is totally a step in the right direction for allowing casters to sort of compete with melee augs.

Now to numbers.  I have a t5 wizard with a UC.  He hits for about 800k with Yama's II.   In the 18 seconds the buff is active he can get off 4 casts if the timing is right.  Of those four casts at a 33% twincast rate he will on average twincast 1.33 times.  So in that minute cooldown before he can recast the buff he will add 1,064,000 damage (800k x 1.33) to his dps.  His extra damage per second then becomes 17,733 (1,064,000 / 60 seconds).  Now that is just with the first 3 UW ranks.  The second level of the buff would double that amount to 35k more dps.  Also a crit would increase that damage but the crit rate isn't high enough to count on a crit every time.

If we are trying to keep these sort of comparable to the melee versions then at the t5 and below level at least they are falling way behind.  I am not sure what t6-8 damage would look like as I don't have toons that high yet.  This is also only for a wizard.  Other caster classes would be far behind wizards in damage.

Please take this as constructive feedback with data and not as a complaint or criticism.  Hunter had said he might be increasing the stats on it so I hoped he might take a second look at the buff.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: hateborne on June 12, 2013, 02:50:08 pm
Zartaxis, I see the numbers but...I'm not entirely sure of the direction. You mention the damage as if it's low but seem to indicate that either Staff or melees are falling behind.

Could you clarify slightly?

The staff should have a 20% chance to sympathetic proc a nuke based on the rank. At the top end with UW9, a DPS caster should be utterly fearsome. The click is nice, but it isn't the main source of DPS (just like the other UWs). With T5 and above spells, the UW should be highly useful. The only spells that were somewhat excluded were the instant cast spells (as the DPS would simply be TOO high).


Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Felony on June 12, 2013, 03:00:21 pm
How is it to powerful for a instant cast to be focused by it. Cast times are the bane of clothy dps on a custom server where other classes can push millions of dps.
Anyways nice change

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Xypher on June 12, 2013, 03:01:52 pm
Wizards are still broken imo. No one plays em. Gotta get a UW to consider dps'ing near melee augs yay! (Working as Intended? Riiiight)

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Felony on June 12, 2013, 03:04:06 pm
Also character mover appears broken again.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Zartaxis on June 12, 2013, 03:13:00 pm
Zartaxis, I see the numbers but...I'm not entirely sure of the direction. You mention the damage as if it's low but seem to indicate that either Staff or melees are falling behind.

Could you clarify slightly?

The staff should have a 20% chance to sympathetic proc a nuke based on the rank. At the top end with UW9, a DPS caster should be utterly fearsome. The click is nice, but it isn't the main source of DPS (just like the other UWs). With T5 and above spells, the UW should be highly useful. The only spells that were somewhat excluded were the instant cast spells (as the DPS would simply be TOO high).


Ah damn I always forget about the sympathetic procs.  Without those I felt the damage increase was too low.  I will have to get one and play with it to see what those procs look like.

By not allowing instant casts do you mean that so people couldnt spam say a manastone and have each cast proc?

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: hateborne on June 12, 2013, 03:20:38 pm
How is it to powerful for a instant cast to be focused by it. Cast times are the bane of clothy dps on a custom server where other classes can push millions of dps.
Anyways nice change

If I add a 20% chance to do 325k base damage to an instant, even if the instant is trash, that's a ~1.0 sec (0 cast, refresh/recast) to drop 325k base damage.

Wizards are still broken imo. No one plays em. Gotta get a UW to consider dps'ing near melee augs yay! (Working as Intended? Riiiight)

Considering that I'm running three, one being a demigod with NO UW and two others being considered useful without even using UCs...I refute your statement with evidence. Also considering I've been talking to a few of the guys t5+ that are replacing melee with casters due to a lot of recent changes, I further refute your claim.

Ah damn I always forget about the sympathetic procs.  Without those I felt the damage increase was too low.  I will have to get one and play with it to see what those procs look like.

By not allowing instant casts do you mean that so people couldnt spam say a manastone and have each cast proc?

Well, it's set that way to avoid it becoming a machine gun with mages and others that chain instants. With spamming Manastone and having it proc...that would be bad as hitting yourself for 2k - 325k (before charms/songs/bonuses) isn't healthy. The main ones I was concerned with is Shylo's Bolt of Doom (and other such instant spammy spells). The sympathetic proc at the highest level does horrifying damage. Tack that on to an instant (like Shylo's BoD) and you likely have the highest DPS class with 0 mana concerns. Especially considering one can pop the 100% twincast on ranks 7-9 and then spam the instant cast.


Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Danish on June 12, 2013, 03:28:59 pm
There is a glitch with instances now.

We re-made Loping Plains instance when the server came back up, cleared it - wanted to bring in alts for loot - but zoning into the instance just landed them in public.

Tried with "guild invite" too - to no avail.

Just FYI.

:/ Waste of perfectly good loot.

EDIT: Instance is Loping Plains (56). If you wan't to check it out.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: hateborne on June 12, 2013, 03:31:42 pm
There is a glitch with instances now.

We re-made Loping Plains instance when the server came back up, cleared it - wanted to bring in alts for loot - but zoning into the instance just landed them in public.

Tried with "guild invite" too - to no avail.

Just FYI.

:/ Waste of perfectly good loot.

Already reached out to the bossman about it. It's ~4:30am his time, so he's likely asleep. We need another restart to resolve most of this nonsense. The instances though are beyond me. He will likely have to resolve anything wrong with them because I haven't the slightest on how to fix them. :-\


Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Rellock on June 12, 2013, 03:56:06 pm
Are you planning to change the price of instances now that they're only good for 24 hours?

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: hateborne on June 12, 2013, 05:12:56 pm
Paldail in his infinite awesomeness has actually pointed out that it is failing for him with values over 200k for the PercentalHeal effect. We're looking in to why it's breaking and I'll go ahead and submit the fix for it.

UPDATE spells_new SET max1 = 200000 WHERE id = 10584;


Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Felony on June 12, 2013, 06:09:13 pm
Hate what I was referring to was pretty much how THF set up the wizards there.
Only 3 instant cast nukes on that server, ranked versions and the client can not have them all in their book at once. If you have the fire instant rank I and then get your greedy wizard hands on the rank II and mem it, it will remove rank I from the spell book.

Food for thought.

About the UW change, basically its another eqemu fail where someone at some point thought math should be done in some manner no sane person would choose to do.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: hateborne on June 12, 2013, 06:32:36 pm
Hate what I was referring to was pretty much how THF set up the wizards there.
Only 3 instant cast nukes on that server, ranked versions and the client can not have them all in their book at once. If you have the fire instant rank I and then get your greedy wizard hands on the rank II and mem it, it will remove rank I from the spell book.

Food for thought.

About the UW change, basically its another eqemu fail where someone at some point thought math should be done in some manner no sane person would choose to do.

I've not played THF. Even so, I'm sure they have better measures or custom measures to counter the 10 second fizzle penalty on instant spells.

While I understand having to cast isn't very "fast paced", this is still EQ. Heavily modified and altered yes, but EQ. :-)

I wasn't attacking you and apologies if it sounded as such.


Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: lerxst2112 on June 12, 2013, 07:04:35 pm
About the UW change, basically its another eqemu fail where someone at some point thought math should be done in some manner no sane person would choose to do.

The math is perfectly fine if your goal is to avoid floating point math, which was dreadfully slow when this project was started, and when the expected values are low enough that it doesn't matter.

Yes, it's frustrating for people that want HUGE NUMBERS and massively inflate everything so that all the formulas blow up, but it isn't a fail because the developer that wrote the code years ago had different goals and expectations.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: hateborne on June 12, 2013, 07:11:52 pm
About the UW change, basically its another eqemu fail where someone at some point thought math should be done in some manner no sane person would choose to do.

The math is perfectly fine if your goal is to avoid floating point math, which was dreadfully slow when this project was started, and when the expected values are low enough that it doesn't matter.

Yes, it's frustrating for people that want HUGE NUMBERS and massively inflate everything so that all the formulas blow up, but it isn't a fail because the developer that wrote the code years ago had different goals and expectations.

Well said. Is there a way that this should be handled to keep original functionality while still avoiding floating points, or is the strain of using floating points now moot due to increased hardware capabilities?


Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Felony on June 12, 2013, 07:52:15 pm
Yeah its fine for the time it was written but now it all really should be adjusted.
That is what I am referring to as fail, not the hard work originally put in, but the concept of "Hey lets multiply this shit by some huge ass number then divide it."
Myself if I wanted to Multiple then divide results I would have picked smaller numbers.
The eqemu project might have started out and be driven by peq to emulate eq live but the majority, read all but 2 or 3? servers are custom with big inflated ass numbers.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Raygan on June 12, 2013, 08:50:16 pm
[quoteFor now we reduced the number of dynamic zones available from 250 down to 150. Also changed duration of instances to be 24 hours. Will see if this helps with players getting sent to each others instances][/quote]

Is the 24 hour instance temporary as well?  This doesnt really affect me, but I would hate to be a new-jack first coming into T6, as it took me 2 days to clear that zone when I started.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: lerxst2112 on June 12, 2013, 09:09:40 pm
Yeah its fine for the time it was written but now it all really should be adjusted.

Perhaps, but by who?  It's not a small task and one misplaced number could easily break a ton of stuff.

I would venture to guess that the code, as currently written, works with every spell/weapon currently available on live eq with the exception of things that are not implemented on the emu yet.  If the goal is to emulate eq then this is satisfactory.

Formulas can be changed as issues like this are discovered, but there will still be a limit, and invariably someone will hit it eventually and say it's broke again. :)

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Chunka on June 12, 2013, 10:26:10 pm
So...still a valid question: now that the instances are reduced in duration by 80%....will we see any reduction in cost? If not, thats pretty brutal for later instances and/or ToFS.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: hateborne on June 13, 2013, 05:08:24 pm
It actually wasn't too terrible of a fix. I tested a few things with it, but didn't test incredibly heavy. Paldail in his continually awesome way is testing a few things too.

Pull request submitted to fix this. Hopefully it will make it in the source soon, and it will work CORRECTLY all the time after that (assuming source update). With next source update (assuming this goes through), Blessing of Ancient Oak, T7 Warrior Chestplate, and UW Heals will be 100% functional.


Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Hunter on June 13, 2013, 06:01:25 pm
So...still a valid question: now that the instances are reduced in duration by 80%....will we see any reduction in cost? If not, thats pretty brutal for later instances and/or ToFS.

Possible, just keep me updated how they are working.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 13, 2013, 07:04:36 pm
Just went from Tacvi to Loping Plains by creating a raid instance in tacvi and joining it. I have no raid instances of Loping Plains.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Fugitive on June 13, 2013, 07:08:51 pm
... went from Loping to a guild named Minesweepers Qvic instance.. /sigh

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Felony on June 13, 2013, 07:36:01 pm
Well fugitive even the big have to farm qvic from time to time ;p

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Fugitive on June 13, 2013, 07:42:44 pm
hehe good point

just made a T5 instance "Raid" and guys zone to HoH

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Solbash on June 13, 2013, 08:06:26 pm
Made a HoH instance last night, and went to someone elses PoDragons instance.

I've personally never had problems going into others instances, this is the first time i've seen it happen since you lowered the instance count.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Fugitive on June 13, 2013, 08:07:29 pm
It is happening way more then before now.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Natedog on June 13, 2013, 10:28:46 pm
If someone is in a guild instance and deletes their guild instance.. the next person to make their instance will have a good chance to be sent to that instance if they don't zone out.

I had this same problem when doing DBI for an instance system.. one way to counter it would not allow players to delete an instance if they are in that SAME instance...

So example... you cannot delete guild instance if you are in a guild instance .. ect ect...

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Fugitive on June 13, 2013, 10:47:00 pm

but these were from public zones creating the instances for the 1st time...

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Natedog on June 13, 2013, 11:27:03 pm

but these were from public zones creating the instances for the 1st time...

Ya thats what Im talking about... someone else deletes an instance.. you create one and now you have a chance to be placed into their instance if they ARE STILL IN IT!!  :P

Hope that makes more sense.. sorta tired

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Felony on June 13, 2013, 11:29:57 pm
I am not sure if hunter set the public zones to static. If they are not set to static I would suggest you set qvic,tacvi,postorms,hoh,air,abyss,anguish and loping to static and once more people are doing T8 set that static as well.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Hunter on June 14, 2013, 01:51:27 am
Sounds like I'm going to have to delete the qglobals as well as the instance table.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Chunka on June 14, 2013, 10:29:02 am
A note on costs.....if the issue is wanting to limit a ton of unused instances, cant they be decayed if no one enters for 24 or 48 hours? If the costs are to stay the same, that is.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Sarthin on June 14, 2013, 10:41:44 am
I've had some issues with instances as well today. Did a "Enter guild" from PUB and zoned, but ended up in PUB again.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Anuli on June 14, 2013, 10:50:18 am
Being in a raid instance of HoH, deleting GI and making a new GI took me to anguish every time. whole group too, and no matter how many time I zoned into HoH pub and said "Enter Guild" I kept being zoned to the same instance of anguish with <China> guild.

I too have never experienced this problem until the change.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Drep on June 14, 2013, 11:05:44 am
Are these 24 hour instances for all tiers and permanent?

my group just recently busted into t6.  Between a family and kids, I will never be able to sit a computer for that long in a single day and will never get to the end of the zone before the timer runs out.  :(

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Hunter on June 14, 2013, 11:11:54 am
Problem with instances right now is I cleared out the instance table but didn't delete player qglobals relating to which instance id they were assigned too. I'll need to wipe those too at some point, prefereable before reboot or something.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Chunka on June 18, 2013, 07:15:22 am
Thanks for the free waypoint weekend, Hunter. Are we staying with 24 hour instances at 120 hour prices, though? Or is that scheduled to change still at some point?

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Hunter on June 18, 2013, 08:34:58 am
Prices were not just based per X hrs but also based per players spamming new instances to exploit place holders, etc.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Chunka on June 18, 2013, 09:25:04 am
So the prices will stay the same, and the time will be 24 hours? Just trying to figure out whats what, H.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Rellock on June 18, 2013, 09:59:52 am
Is there any way to have the timers different per zone like the prices are?

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Natedog on June 18, 2013, 10:11:29 am
Is there any way to have the timers different per zone like the prices are?

Would be nice if the free waypoint was free instances too  ;D

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Sarthin on June 18, 2013, 10:23:07 am
Is there any way to have the timers different per zone like the prices are?

Would be nice if the free waypoint was free instances too  ;D


Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Chunka on June 18, 2013, 02:28:03 pm
Prices were not just based per X hrs but also based per players spamming new instances to exploit place holders, etc.

And while I can understand thats your end of it, Hunter, you also have to see the players end of it. For us its a usage fee to avoid having to compete with other players for resources/time/etc, and to allow us to play on our own time as opposed to someone elses. When suddenly the charge for that in essence increases fivefold, its natural that we'd want to know whether this was permanent or something thats in the process of being fixed. Just as if suddenly your hosting fees went from what you're paying now for 30 days went to the same amount for a week....you'd be concerned. Well, more than a few people in ooc lately have voiced concern.

And, again, not trying to push you, or be a jerk, just was wondering where things lay. We'd heared before that prices would be changed or perhaps instance durations retweaked, and I'd just wondered if that was still in the cards.

Title: Re: Server Up!
Post by: Hunter on June 18, 2013, 02:46:19 pm
I'll see what I can do.