EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on June 25, 2013, 02:06:56 am

Title: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Hunter on June 25, 2013, 02:06:56 am
Temple Veeshan
Trash respawn time changed from 30 minutes to 12 hours.
Added a chance for a few more seconds in between npc casting dd spell.
Trash and Bosses reduced melee damage by 33%
Scales for UCv3 quest now about 3x higher chance than before.

Tower of Frozen Shadow
Final boss after Tserrina has higher chance to spawn now (but still super rare).
Final Boss had 1 EZ Credit loot removed.
Will make Instances in ToFS Free for Free Waypoint item.

Last 3 days in all zones.
Delete instance is disabled.

Added Jacinth to Crafters Merchant. Yes they are tradeable so you can buy and then sell them to other players. I also saw they are already on 9 other merchants in game as well, so probably a matter of searching for those vendors.

Testing AoE Resurrection spell clickie and might make it available to Clerics only as a quest via Essences. Item would also have lot of HP to help Clerics stay alive as well. Might do several ranks as well with more hp, etc.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Sarthin on June 25, 2013, 05:51:20 am
Delete instance is disabled.

Uh oh! Is this change permanent in all zones Hunter? If so, it's a huge bottleneck for many players. Three Anguish clears in three days  :-\ Many players can clear that zone in 1-2 hours. This might apply to other zones as well, but first I could think of was Anguish due to it's slow respawn rate. Other zones like TOFS, Loping Plains, PoD has a decent respawn rate, so switching between raid/guild instances is ok I guess...

Perhaps a compromise where you can delete an instance after XX hours? Would still limit the spamming of instances.

I like the TOFS and ToV changes though :) And the cleric ress thingie sounds interesting as well!

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: red2 on June 25, 2013, 06:20:18 am
wowmost of that is great stuff. TACVI is going to slowwwww wayyyy downnnn. with 3 clears an hour, assuming no one else in guild needs tacvi. I just hope this is an oversight. i understand the want to prevent zone creation spam. and the need for certain bottlenecks. it just seems a little unbalanced in the end, compared to what we used to be able to do.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Danish on June 25, 2013, 06:28:32 am
I really don't get why the waypoint thing is suddenly a problem?

Is it because people are spamming instances in ToFS? - Why not just limit (or fix) it to there?

Gonna suck, not bieng able to do back to back anguish runs for UC2 or essences. Since the respawn there IS 3 days, you'll actually have to wait 3 days between clears. heh.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Chunka on June 25, 2013, 06:54:11 am
Lets see how it pans out....but honestly, the instance thing will have a pretty big impact for people working essences for augs, SoA, etc.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Chunka on June 25, 2013, 07:01:13 am
Another idea that might help.....why not add an item to the credit merch that is similar to the reward instance maker that creates an instance with 0 plat cost that is lower in credit cost (maybe 5 or 10) that lasts for perhaps a week, or a month? Something that would not only give players an alternative to spending $100 a shot, that is, again, temporary. Could also make the instances last 24 hours on that item rather than 3 days to limit its use and overuse.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Felony on June 25, 2013, 08:54:38 am
Same thing for those doing abyss. When you get down to 1 or 2 bosses and you only need to clear one type of PH its going to really suck. Well more so for those that are back gearing then first timers but yeah, just do not see how instances are such a big deal. Even if I could spam instances every 1min I still wouldnt progress much faster then I do currently.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Mixlor on June 25, 2013, 10:30:34 am
So why was the delete button removed from waypoints? Too much farming? Too many unused instances bogging down the server? Or a little of both? I am currently at sea and looking forward to playing this 4th of July weekend... double loot or no double loot. But I am only going to be able to create 3 instances (guild, solo, raid) per zone and then have to wait for 3 days for them to auto expire?

I usually clear Abyss in 2 hours and I am not decked out in gear like the top 10. That means to me 6 hours in Abyss then done until 3 days later. Same with Anguish.

Might suggest increasing the amount of time before you can delete an instance and recreate another to maybe 2-4 hours or even 1 day. I think that is better than not being able to remake another one for 3 days. Just my opinion.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Fjord on June 25, 2013, 10:35:12 am
Abyss is going to really really suck. Maybe just make Raid's deletable and not guild/solo? That way people can do the other ones if they want to hang out, but then they can't spam them as soon as they pop to make a new one but Raid people can actually progress. At the very least it would cut the problem of what was before by 1/3rd.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Chunka on June 25, 2013, 10:36:35 am
For a lot of people this will mean play for a an hour or 3, then come back 1 to 12 hours later and play for a few more hours.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Felony on June 25, 2013, 10:56:56 am
For a lot of people this will mean play for a an hour or 3, then come back 1 to 12 hours later and play for a few more hours.

Yeah except abyss gets buggy as shit. I sat there and let everything respawn and added another hour (trying to catch bracer mobs), when I decided to clear zone again I got zero spawns from triggers or from clearing entire types.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Khaoticz on June 25, 2013, 11:27:45 am
Exactly why I'm taking a break from EZ...

One ban after another, people will always cheat, and we will always suffer.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Anuli on June 25, 2013, 12:51:29 pm
Perhaps they are attempting to implement the #repop "respawn zone" command plugin on a timer and the no deleting instances thing will make much more sense? I wouldn't start banging down Hunters door for this change just yet.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Fugitive on June 25, 2013, 01:08:09 pm
Repop will solve be patient, Hunter is going to push alot out to us this week!!

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Hulkpunch on June 25, 2013, 01:25:24 pm

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Felony on June 25, 2013, 03:05:09 pm
Perhaps they are attempting to implement the #repop "respawn zone" command plugin on a timer and the no deleting instances thing will make much more sense? I wouldn't start banging down Hunters door for this change just yet.

I agree, dont bang on the door, just listing possible issues. I had heard about the repop and hope that is put in.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: GuyManDude on June 25, 2013, 06:38:59 pm
There's got to be a better way than making lower-level suffer because the high end players have the firepower and money to create instances over and over.  Again the actions of a few high level players seem to dictate how the server progresses.  I'll speak on behalf of lower level players because I suspect many will feel the same way I do. 

First of all, low-to-mid level players can't make much money in this game any more and what money you do make you need to invest in augs if you are going to progress and we all know augs cost a ton of plat.  More importantly to understand why cash is so difficult is that mid-level and lower players need to keep their drops because they NEED them.  Eventually you will get to a point where you can start to sell them but that's an loooong way off for most players.

I have full group of t5 toons, a few with UC and frankly 350K for an Anguish instance when I don't have the firepower to clear it is difficult to swallow.  I certainly don't have the time or firepower to clear it over and over. 

Here's an idea:   If players are so established they have the firepower and plat to create t5+ (expensive) instances over and over again, instead of making the lower levels suffer, why not charge a huge price (5 mil etc) for an instance but make the respawn timers like 1 hour so the higher level players don't need to delete and create new instances?  All you are doing now is charging them lots of plat and they simply delete and create new instances which is essentially the same as having short respawn timers and costing a lot.

There has to be a way to measure the level of a player/group and limit the instances accordingly?

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Fugitive on June 25, 2013, 06:42:56 pm
I paided 1 Million for T6 isntances before FWP when it came out for more then 2 weeks.. and you being t5 isn't low level .. fuck you got mega pp in hoh Now .. bags in T5 ( that was never there) so quit this high lvl guys have all the PP gripe. There are plenty of ways to make PP.. hell go farm me 40 SLS Ill give ya 4Million almost anytime..

the problem is everyone whats End game shit NOW NOW NOW...

Enjoy the content...

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Fugitive on June 25, 2013, 06:45:33 pm
Repop will solve be patient, Hunter is going to push alot out to us this week!!

^^ Relax this will fix stuff be patient..

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Raygan on June 25, 2013, 07:20:01 pm
I have full group of t5 toons, a few with UC and frankly 350K for an Anguish instance when I don't have the firepower to clear it is difficult to swallow.

You can go to HoH and do a clear (easy with a T5 group) and make 300k easy in 30ish minutes.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: whatzizface on June 25, 2013, 09:26:37 pm
<<<Glad as fuck im considered "Hight profile" !!! Thanks! Imstill poor as hell but thanks!

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Dinadas on June 26, 2013, 07:00:00 am
I'm newish to the server, been playing for a few months.

I haven't even started into T5 yet.

I am working on my augs and charms.  I currently have 10 milltion plat from farming hoh and selling tokens when i get an abundance of, and someone is paying alot.

Money for new people is not an issue.  Farming qvic essences, there is  no purpose for those for new folks if you want.  That's what I sold to get my waypoint, or clear HoH 200k easy a clear.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Maydaay on June 26, 2013, 08:14:45 am
low to mid lvl player?....this game starts at lvl 70, not just for you..farming plat/gear is easy as it gets here!

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: shawnluc on June 26, 2013, 09:33:48 am
There's got to be a better way than making lower-level suffer because the high end players have the firepower and money to create instances over and over.  Again the actions of a few high level players seem to dictate how the server progresses.  I'll speak on behalf of lower level players because I suspect many will feel the same way I do. 

First of all, low-to-mid level players can't make much money in this game any more and what money you do make you need to invest in augs if you are going to progress and we all know augs cost a ton of plat.  More importantly to understand why cash is so difficult is that mid-level and lower players need to keep their drops because they NEED them.  Eventually you will get to a point where you can start to sell them but that's an loooong way off for most players.

I have full group of t5 toons, a few with UC and frankly 350K for an Anguish instance when I don't have the firepower to clear it is difficult to swallow.  I certainly don't have the time or firepower to clear it over and over. 

Here's an idea:   If players are so established they have the firepower and plat to create t5+ (expensive) instances over and over again, instead of making the lower levels suffer, why not charge a huge price (5 mil etc) for an instance but make the respawn timers like 1 hour so the higher level players don't need to delete and create new instances?  All you are doing now is charging them lots of plat and they simply delete and create new instances which is essentially the same as having short respawn timers and costing a lot.

There has to be a way to measure the level of a player/group and limit the instances accordingly?

while I disagree about cash being hard to get,  I do agree with your points about a few players screwing things up for the rest.  gotta love it...

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Gilthanas on June 26, 2013, 10:01:01 am
I just want there to be an instance model that doesn't change. Let's get a decent system and then keep it that way for years. And please make it so new players can't just run right past qvic trash. Qvic was one of the best 'hazing' parts of the progression.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: hateborne on June 26, 2013, 10:32:20 am
I just want there to be an instance model that doesn't change. Let's get a decent system and then keep it that way for years. And please make it so new players can't just run right past qvic trash. Qvic was one of the best 'hazing' parts of the progression.

I happen to agree here. I entered QVIC as a T1 wizard, LDON geared SK, and PoTime + LDON random geared Druid. It was crazy hard and near impossible. To be fair, this was when the only classes to play were warriors or clerics.


Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Kwai on June 26, 2013, 12:30:49 pm
I agree too.  I came through about the time Pallies became boss.  Was full Ldon with a 2.5 thinking I was big news... HAH!  Splat!  On the first mob I tried.

The only folks that leashing bothers are the ones that can clear the place solo.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Chunka on June 26, 2013, 01:56:29 pm
Also agree.

The first real gut check in the game is Time. The 1.5 chain is a beginning that shows what EZ is about....and it serves quite well as a wall that filters people who will like what EZ has to offer from Warcraft players. With LDON nerfed like gym class for the mentally challenged the only real filter that remains between there and T1 is Qvic. Leashing the trash I think removes a lot of the challenge for newer players, and....well, I'm with the other guys. I dont think it does newer players any favors in the long run.

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Popper on April 29, 2014, 10:13:57 pm
Jacinth found on General Supplies vendor in Abysmal Sea.

Tasec Dreeng (near Bank area) ~162pp

Title: Re: Updates 06-25-13
Post by: Kruciel on April 29, 2014, 10:22:49 pm
