EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on June 28, 2013, 07:11:52 pm

Title: Updates 06-28-13
Post by: Hunter on June 28, 2013, 07:11:52 pm
Instance Resurrection (Reward Item) renamed to Mass Resurrection (Reward Item) and will rez all players within 200 distance after next reboot. Credit price and recast time will be same, but it will use 6 waters now instead of 1 water as a trade off for being AoE.

Waypoint now has the option to repop your instance. The price will be what it cost for raid instance, although you can do it in solo, raid, or guild instances. It won't work in public zones. Requires 10 minutes cool down before doing another repop. Will see option in the Waypoint Menu. Can either /say repop zone -or- /say repop instance. The cool down timer is named after the instance id, not the leaders name, so anyone can repop it. It will also move everyone in the zone to safe xyz location. If that safe xyz location is bad, then let me know and I'll fix the values.

Did a search on all items in database with over 1k hp and under level 60 required in order to 'fix' these items from not being used in commons pvp 60 zone.

Updated pet code to affect all pets from the players, including low level pet classes pets. Still will not accept items in town (Surefall and Nexus) but won't give back the items either, will just eat it and give you a message about it. This should be a good update, covering 99% of the player pets now in all zones. Also the code is setting up for possible new pet weapon from a quest that Hateborne made. Trying to make pets buff themselves too, using same code that I have npc bosses buff themself, but doesn't seem to work for pets, will recheck that later.

Updated Epic 6.0 Pets to have 1500 resist and Epic 7.0 Pets to have 2500 resist. Not sure how this will affect balance of things but will try it out for now.

Title: Re: Updates 06-28-13
Post by: Anuli on June 28, 2013, 08:15:57 pm
one more thing with waypoints. Is there an easy fix to adding people back into a group instance? like.. when you repop a solo instance it adds the people in your group. that or take solos back down to 24 hours because they dont do anything for you after reboot or if you log.

Title: Re: Updates 06-28-13
Post by: Hunter on June 28, 2013, 08:20:22 pm
I haven't figured out a fix  yet. Maybe add some code to re-add new group id to the instance. Will do that another time though.

Title: Re: Updates 06-28-13
Post by: jmaneuv011 on June 28, 2013, 10:05:22 pm
Is there a way to add an option that would refresh the instance timer?  For example if somebody is left with an hour and a half on an Abyss or Anguish instance they're kind of stuck because it's not worth starting at that point and you can't make a new one with enough time

Title: Re: Updates 06-28-13
Post by: Felony on June 28, 2013, 10:14:45 pm
I would change solo instances to 24hours and group/raid to 5 days.

Title: Re: Updates 06-28-13
Post by: Haudieum on June 29, 2013, 01:29:29 am
Is there a way to add to all epic Pet's mutch more resist(2k) - for ToV
Epic pets are worthless atm in T8

Mass Resurrection - Waypoint upgrades - amazing work  ;D

Title: Re: Updates 06-28-13
Post by: Hunter on June 29, 2013, 01:42:07 am
Just updated 6.0 and 7.0 pets for next reboot.

Title: Re: Updates 06-28-13
Post by: Natedog on June 29, 2013, 05:23:28 am
Id suggest a pet script on EVENT_SPAWN that checks their masters resists and mimics them?  Would be $$

Or could add it to the CG hail  to buff their resists ect ... =p

Title: Re: Updates 06-28-13
Post by: Sarthin on June 29, 2013, 05:26:03 am
This is all fantastic!  ;D Thank you for these updates Hunter.

Now if only the ISP technicians would get their ass here to fix my internet. Thunder struck and blew my modem to hell, along with the tele line as well.

Title: Re: Updates 06-28-13
Post by: Fugitive on June 29, 2013, 10:44:02 am
!! cool update


Title: Re: Updates 06-28-13
Post by: Dinadas on June 29, 2013, 11:08:11 am
And we just have a /solo invite pcname

/solo join pcname

like raid and guild instances?  Would be a simple fix.