EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: ndisgize on June 30, 2013, 03:31:09 pm

Title: Which class to add to group?
Post by: ndisgize on June 30, 2013, 03:31:09 pm
Right now I have (all 2.5) Paladin, Mage, and SK. Which class should I add? I was thinking necro because of the pet, but someone suggested either rogue or zerker or shaman.

Please note: I box the old school way, tabbing between windows. I dont use eq2 or macros because i havent gotten them working on my desktop. but thats a thread for another time...

Any suggestions would be appreciated....

Title: Re: Which class to add to group?
Post by: hateborne on June 30, 2013, 04:15:19 pm
Right now I have (all 2.5) Paladin, Mage, and SK. Which class should I add? I was thinking necro because of the pet, but someone suggested either rogue or zerker or shaman.

Please note: I box the old school way, tabbing between windows. I dont use eq2 or macros because i havent gotten them working on my desktop. but thats a thread for another time...

Any suggestions would be appreciated....

MQEmulator.net, install the one that matches your client.
http://www.macroquest2.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page or http://www.macroquest2.com/includes/wassup/manual.php for reference.

To answer your question, with SK and Paladin as tanks, you are likely good on self heals. A shaman will add decent dps through Ancestral Grudge and Kraken, then a decent debuff proc little later on. Shaman has best tank heal (heal/cast&recast/manacost) on server.

You could add a cleric for best healing possible, but less DPS addon and no debuff proc later (but you get extra heals instead). Cleric has the temporary stonewall, but that will only work if you cast it then pull or cast immediately on a bad pull.

Lastly, druid has same AoE heal as Shaman and long duration HoT. The druid has a few other goodies to make it worthwhile, but will add less DPS than the shaman in your setup. Druid does bring a decent AoE vacuum effect in though.

tl;dr - imo, add shaman.
