EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Fugitive on July 13, 2013, 12:19:01 am

Title: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Fugitive on July 13, 2013, 12:19:01 am
T7 Rundown

Ways to kick off and get things SPAWNING!

- Traps can have a Vampric Bat (most of the time they do not it blows)

- Kill all of one group of mobs to spawn a Stonedropper
The group of mobs can consist of two types of mobs which add up to be "40", or a single type that is "40". There are 12 total Stonedroppers that spawn from each of the listed below

- They can already spawned in the zone or upon creating an Instance.

- The stones they drop are for the Architect to turn in and spawn the 7.0 boss also. ( You will need 2 groups of Bane Equipped players to kill the 7.0 boss approx if you have no UW geared players )

(magic is 40)
Grizzly + Worg
Imp + Nightmare
Vamp + Remnant
Skele + Zombie
Mistwynd + Lostsoul
Crocodile + Hopper

The killing all these will spawn a SD. I will list the name and the stone number it drops for you below. ( You will hear these referred to as Placeholders or just Stonedroppers. )

1 - Restless Crocodile
2 - Minotaur Excavator
3 - Cursed Treant
4 - Mistwynd Trader
5 - Vampric Healer
6 - Drangol Warrior
7 - Rampaging Nightmare
8 - Nightwalker Mystic
9 - Shadowmane Tamer
10 - Loping Plains Grizzly
11 - Bloodmoon Assassin
12 - Skeleton Cleric

Once you start killing the SD you have the chance to start the spawn cycles one can spawn another, I also noticed as you kill these bosses and upwards the SD can spawn randomly again all over the map so kill more can equal more spawns!

Vampric bat (Armor Pattern)
Envy (Accessories)
Gluttony (LP Augments for Armor and Accessories)
Lust (T7 Spells)
Pride (Alternate Epic Weapon Skins)
Wrath (LP Essence)
Sloth (Random Bane Weapon)
Greed (150k HP Mount)

Things to collect here

Leaf Augsments
and so on up to 10

-From Wrath
-From random trash
-From other bosses


Heroic Resists

feel free to add to this list meh

Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Claytin on July 13, 2013, 12:44:17 am
Gear patterns are turned into the Wandering Traveler. Wandering Traveler is a random spawn from a trap. You only need to hand him the gear pattern, not the gear pattern plus your t6 gear piece.

Weapon procs and spells will not land on T7 boss so set healing buttons.

Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Danish on July 13, 2013, 09:14:31 am
Aim to have around 1850 resists, atleast on the chars, you don't want dying to AoE constantly.

Other than that, a very good guide Fugi - Way to feed the scrubs! :P

Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Fugitive on July 13, 2013, 10:11:44 am
Great adds so far!!


Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Sarthin on July 13, 2013, 12:19:55 pm
Get CoH ;D

Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Kruciel on August 12, 2013, 02:09:58 am
bump  ;)

Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Rageful on August 15, 2013, 08:00:49 pm
Best thread title ever...

+ ∞ to Fugitive

Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Drep on September 04, 2013, 11:08:34 am
I don't have any t7 gear so not sure if I still fall into the scrub category of the title or not...but I have a question, so may still be a scrub.  :)

My little group just broke into T7 on Monday.  I only have 2 uc2's from t6 so far so my damage in T7 is horrible and it takes a long time. 

I spent about 5 hours in the zone killing same type mobs (got 1 stone for epic).  I spawned a Wandering Trader at one point so I assume that was from a trap.   That's the only trap I encountered the whole time.

Are these traps random(different places) every time you go into the zone and you just get lucky by tripping one?   No way to see these traps on the map?  :)   Is there a trick you could PM me with since I didn't go in and beg for gear from others in the zone?  :)

Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Kwai on September 04, 2013, 11:37:56 am
I have a little tip for those new to T7.  You were probably wise enough to UC2 your Warrior, and keep his stoneskin up but you have probably noticed that when you spawn a trap full of mobs they are eating one of your lesser geared toons.  If this chapping your tail ... try this. 

Once you zone everyone in, either zone your War out or save him for last to zone in.  The last toon to zone in gets the number one slot on the hate list.  If you lose a toon during a fight the same logic applies.  That newly rezzed toon will be #1 target until someone pulls aggro off him. 

Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Fliker on September 04, 2013, 11:43:14 am
I have a little tip for those new to T7.  You were probably wise enough to UC2 your Warrior, and keep his stoneskin up but you have probably noticed that when you spawn a trap full of mobs they are eating one of your lesser geared toons.  If this chapping your tail ... try this. 

Once you zone everyone in, either zone your War out or save him for last to zone in.  The last toon to zone in gets the number one slot on the hate list.  If you lose a toon during a fight the same logic applies.  That newly rezzed toon will be #1 target until someone pulls aggro off him. 

That makes so much sence. Thanks much

Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Drep on September 04, 2013, 03:29:23 pm
I have a little tip for those new to T7.  You were probably wise enough to UC2 your Warrior, and keep his stoneskin up but you have probably noticed that when you spawn a trap full of mobs they are eating one of your lesser geared toons.  If this chapping your tail ... try this. 

Once you zone everyone in, either zone your War out or save him for last to zone in.  The last toon to zone in gets the number one slot on the hate list.  If you lose a toon during a fight the same logic applies.  That newly rezzed toon will be #1 target until someone pulls aggro off him. 

Haven't experienced any problems with dying yet.  Just finding the traps.  lol

Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Kwai on October 04, 2013, 10:00:58 pm
Now I have a couple of noob questions about T7 spawning mechanics.

1.  Killing all the crocs doesn't work to spawn the restless version for me.  If there a  technique that I am missing? 

2.  I can clear the zone (except for frogs) under the 4 hour respawn time and create lots of bats and lots of SDs + extra SDs that spawn more bats etc... however, I seldom get past the 4 - 7 Lusts before the spawn cycle goes wonky and I get maybe one Pride to work off of.  Is there a must follow pattern to the kill cycle... as in Kill all Envy's before killing all Gluttonys, or kill the Gluttony that came from killing the first Envy and so forth?

Not a huge problem here, but I am eager to finish out my raid in T7 and get moving again so any advice would be greatly appreciated.



Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Fugitive on October 04, 2013, 10:08:36 pm
1. crocs and frogs will get ya that stone dropper

2. RNG Hates you

Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Fliker on October 04, 2013, 11:03:44 pm
1. crocs and frogs will get ya that stone dropper

2. RNG Hates you


Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Kwai on October 05, 2013, 09:10:22 am
Thanks Fugi.  Back to the grind, and mo dead frogs this time.

Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: zefirus on October 07, 2013, 09:00:50 am
Recently broke into t7 and wanted to thank you for the guide... So, thanks

Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Hulkpunch on October 07, 2013, 10:19:05 pm
do bosses despawn after x amount of time?

Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: zefirus on October 07, 2013, 11:01:49 pm
By the time repops started there  were named, bats, and sh all over.. Had a good time, then instance expired. Lol. I wiped yesterday and of course everything goes away.. No idea on despawn

Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Premador on April 14, 2014, 08:03:13 am
Cant find what drops stone 8. RNG hates me...

Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Dimur on April 14, 2014, 01:04:25 pm
Nightwalkers is what I have in my notes for stone 8.

Title: Re: T7 info for all the scrubs full T7 geared and no idea
Post by: Fugitive on May 03, 2014, 08:09:35 am



Nightwalker Mystics

Don't know how this got left off main list..Thanks Hank and Dimur