EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Raygan on July 19, 2013, 09:08:05 am

Title: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: Raygan on July 19, 2013, 09:08:05 am
Just wondering if anyone has a clue on how to resolve these crashes.  If I boot up 12 toons I will have to reload 4-6 of them due to this error.

Title: Re: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: hateborne on July 19, 2013, 09:15:08 am
Just wondering if anyone has a clue on how to resolve these crashes.  If I boot up 12 toons I will have to reload 4-6 of them due to this error.

Heh can you post the error or email me the errors instead of "I has teh err0r"? :-)


Title: Re: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: red2 on July 19, 2013, 12:05:01 pm
im 99% certain i have a RAM issue on my windows desktop. whenever i load up 12 toons and zone them all, i usually loose one, and have to relog them.  I get the C++ error. for me it is just a symtom of the memory error.

maybe try to run a memtest?
download and burn a memtest86 cd and run that for awhile
also, anything in the windows event viewer?

Title: Re: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: Kruciel on July 19, 2013, 04:23:19 pm
Just wondering if anyone has a clue on how to resolve these crashes.  If I boot up 12 toons I will have to reload 4-6 of them due to this error.

Do you have a naked client running for boxes? This usually is a RAM based error. Even though the game is old running 12 clients can take up to 10+ gigs of ram if you're running from a single client with no settings / filters set up to reduce the load.

Title: Re: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: Raygan on July 19, 2013, 08:29:56 pm
I have one main client (uf) and have settings set around medium...all other toons run off a second UF client with everything cut back...

Title: Re: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: Felony on July 21, 2013, 12:34:35 am
I usually only get that when one of my hotkeys has bad mq2 syntax and I crash.
Maybe I should take ix's idea and run memtest and see if its also bad ram.
Eitherway, check your ram and double check your MQ2.
I wont say macro since we all "know" that no one uses macros on EZ.
Esp not the top 20 players on ROA or anything.

Title: Re: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: Chunka on July 21, 2013, 05:39:22 am
I guess I r old. For me "macro" means the same type setup you'd see from a chain healer in old EQ....and is entirely allowed.

Title: Re: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: Raygan on July 22, 2013, 04:42:37 pm
Ok I tried to download the memtester but seems it is only Linux...and cant figure out how to run it off the disk.  I was running only 6 clients just now and crashed one toon....computer has 16 gigs of ram (running win7 64bit) physical memory usage is only 26%...so seems low memory usage to get a Visual C++ error...but the message was:

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.

MQ2 sent a message prior to the Visual C++ error that stated:
Everquest Crash Detected
Macroquest2 is blocking the 'Send crash info?' box for your safety and privacy.

I did notice something running in MQ2 when I loaded it today that I haven't noticed in the past:
[MQ2EmuAutoMacro] Counld not find macro to start. (yes the spelling is incorrect in the MQ2 window)
Think maybe that might be causing it?  Don't know why it is trying to auto macro something.

Note: As a side not when I run all 12 accounts I am only using 44% of physical memory (according to task manager)

Title: Re: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: lerxst2112 on July 22, 2013, 05:33:21 pm


Download either the zipped ISO file and burn it to a CD using something like ImgBurn: http://www.imgburn.com/ or download the USB key installer and use that assuming you have a USB key and know how to boot from it.

Title: Re: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: Fliker on July 22, 2013, 07:51:27 pm
Ok I tried to download the memtester but seems it is only Linux...and cant figure out how to run it off the disk.  I was running only 6 clients just now and crashed one toon....computer has 16 gigs of ram (running win7 64bit) physical memory usage is only 26%...so seems low memory usage to get a Visual C++ error...but the message was:

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.

MQ2 sent a message prior to the Visual C++ error that stated:
Everquest Crash Detected
Macroquest2 is blocking the 'Send crash info?' box for your safety and privacy.

I did notice something running in MQ2 when I loaded it today that I haven't noticed in the past:
[MQ2EmuAutoMacro] Counld not find macro to start. (yes the spelling is incorrect in the MQ2 window)
Think maybe that might be causing it?  Don't know why it is trying to auto macro something.

Note: As a side not when I run all 12 accounts I am only using 44% of physical memory (according to task manager)

Don't know where you downloaded your MQ2 from, but you can get rid of that plugin real easy.

In the Macroquest.ini scan through the plugin list to find it, delete that line, and save.
all the plugins that are on auto-start are listed together

Title: Re: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: hateborne on July 22, 2013, 08:02:42 pm
Ok I tried to download the memtester but seems it is only Linux...and cant figure out how to run it off the disk.  I was running only 6 clients just now and crashed one toon....computer has 16 gigs of ram (running win7 64bit) physical memory usage is only 26%...so seems low memory usage to get a Visual C++ error...but the message was:

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.

MQ2 sent a message prior to the Visual C++ error that stated:
Everquest Crash Detected
Macroquest2 is blocking the 'Send crash info?' box for your safety and privacy.

I did notice something running in MQ2 when I loaded it today that I haven't noticed in the past:
[MQ2EmuAutoMacro] Counld not find macro to start. (yes the spelling is incorrect in the MQ2 window)
Think maybe that might be causing it?  Don't know why it is trying to auto macro something.

Note: As a side not when I run all 12 accounts I am only using 44% of physical memory (according to task manager)

In my experience: This happens when a client hits a critical error, the client is missing a critical spell effect (like when paladin epic click was causing zone crashes way back when 'he who shall not be mentioned' was a "GM").

I'm sitting at the same amount of RAM and can safely run ~20 clients. I am only running slimmed down clients, not bare bones (settings at lowest but not wireframe). 

Is the crashing client usually the same one or using a certain macro (i.e. tank macro, wizard macro, group 2 macro, etc)?

Lastly, are you running the game as admin and/or it is not in the Program Files?


Title: Re: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: Raygan on July 23, 2013, 04:01:48 pm
I am not running it in program files I have a Main and a Bots folder on the c drive just for the clients.
It really only started after I had to redo the computer after kids got on some gaming site and got a virus on my computer and I had to do a system restore.  I then had to take the thumb drive that I have the UF client saved on and copy/paste it into the 2 folders I made (Main/Bots) on the C drive....but I didn't have all these crashes before and it was the same client from the same thumb drive.  I am not running the game as admin...just clicking the icon and running it that way.

Title: Re: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: Raygan on July 23, 2013, 08:25:10 pm
Just a thought but do you think maybe having Directx11...and not directx9.0c maybe the problem?  Just a thought...or throwing spaghetti against the wall to see if it sticks lol.

Title: Re: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: Blurring on July 24, 2013, 03:27:39 am
I didn't think EQ could run without direct x 9.0c. Wouldn't hurt to reinstall it and make sure all the necessary files are installed. It's ok and expected to have both 11 and 9.0c installed.

I believe I've seen this error in the past being fixed by increasing the page file size. I have a feeling the error occurs more frequently with many toons loaded because the page file would be at maximum size then and somehow accidentally overfilling. If this is the case I'm guessing the error doesn't happen /ever/ when only a few clients are loaded. I believe after a system restore the page file default size is reset to default, so if you've set the size before, you probably want to do it again anyway.

Howto's on increasing page file size:
XP (http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/sysdm_advancd_perform_change_vmpagefile.mspx?mfr=true)
Vista (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/change-the-size-of-virtual-memory)
Windows 7 (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/change-the-size-of-virtual-memory)

Title: Re: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: Raygan on July 24, 2013, 04:20:36 am
What should I set the ...
Initial size(MB):

Maximum size (MB):

what should those values be?

Title: Re: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: Blurring on July 24, 2013, 04:44:07 am
Depends on how much RAM you have and hard drive space, but what is it set to now? Maybe try doubling it at first to see if that helps with the crashes.

These numbers are probably higher than necessary but are safe guidelines:
1-6 clients: (2x your system RAM or 8GB)
7-12 clients: (12-16 GB)
13-18 clients: (16+ GB. Sound crazy? It is. So is loading this many copies of the same game.)

Title: Re: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: Raygan on July 24, 2013, 03:44:51 pm
Was thinking about it (running this on a windows 7 OS....should I make this (through eqgame properties) compatable with windows 98/ME...and run both uf clients as administrator priveledges?

Title: Re: Visual C++ crashes
Post by: lerxst2112 on July 24, 2013, 04:09:08 pm

There's no need to run as admin or with compatibility settings.  As long as the game isn't under Program Files or another restricted directory it runs fine on Windows 7.