EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Walls on August 07, 2013, 09:49:47 pm

Title: Run speed reward in tofs
Post by: Walls on August 07, 2013, 09:49:47 pm
Can't be racast when you hit a trap.

I hate this more than anything else..

I also wouldnt mind a dead man floating reward for level 1.


Title: Re: Run speed reward in tofs
Post by: Kruciel on August 07, 2013, 10:05:36 pm
I made it all the way to tserennia's room with my run speed in tact  :P just gotta be careful! And pet pulled the stationary named mobs you encounter to soak the dispel from them! I believe air ele costume works (floor 6 ldon costume cards) on level 1 as well, but not 100% sure on that.

Title: Re: Run speed reward in tofs
Post by: Kovou on August 08, 2013, 01:00:15 am
the traps dispell everything including war def. hunter is aware and says its working as intended!....you could use the fabled peg cloak instead of air elemental

Title: Re: Run speed reward in tofs
Post by: Expletus on August 08, 2013, 07:01:36 am
The only issue I've had in this zone was Cara. She had the dagger and I was unable to hit her, almost like she was in the floor or wall. It was quite weird, happened to me 3 different times now.

Title: Re: Run speed reward in tofs
Post by: Kruciel on August 08, 2013, 08:04:37 am
I had that issue with Cara as well a few times. The odd thing about it is, even pets won't attack her when she spawns that way. And they usually have no problem running into the floor / walls. And if you tell your group to assist you, they don't even target her. Definitely something buggy about her.

Title: Re: Run speed reward in tofs
Post by: Danish on August 08, 2013, 08:11:15 am
I kept retargeting her on all toons until she died, worked fine.

Title: Re: Run speed reward in tofs
Post by: Hunter on August 08, 2013, 08:24:23 am
I made so can't cast that spell in ToFS, cause your indoors and don't need to be running that fast in there.

Dunno about Cara, seems a few people have issue with that npc. Can't target or can't damage that npc. Not sure if its a buff or special npc attack code. Of course they get stonewall but should be no different than other bosses stonewall.

Title: Re: Run speed reward in tofs
Post by: Kruciel on August 08, 2013, 08:25:25 am
I kept retargeting her on all toons until she died, worked fine.

When i did that, my warrior would swing one time and then lose her again. And my assist button for my group would just leave them all targeting me instead of her, so I have no clue how you got your "toons" to all target her before the warrior lost her again. But yeah, the only thing that would hit her was zerker aoes and my mage's nuke. That tactic took about 20 minutes to kill her, and I wouldn't have bothered but she had the bowl in her hand  ;D

So far I've never had this happen with any other boss in there.

Also, just for some random numbers! She showed up to me bugged out 4 times so far out of 16 spawns. I did pop her about 10 more times this week but if she didn't have the bowl I just left the instance, so can't count those because I don't even know if she was bugged or not.

Title: Re: Run speed reward in tofs
Post by: Kaid on August 08, 2013, 08:43:30 am
The only time I've had a problem with Cara, she had the dagger that procs Fade Memories. I'm guessing that has something to do with it. Like Danish, I just had my crew assist every few seconds and got her dead. It just took a little longer.

Title: Re: Run speed reward in tofs
Post by: Expletus on August 08, 2013, 09:13:14 am
I had her with the bowl and was fine. Was only with the dagger. Probably the proc then.

Title: Re: Run speed reward in tofs
Post by: hateborne on August 08, 2013, 10:33:40 am
I had her with the bowl and was fine. Was only with the dagger. Probably the proc then.

Hunter, can we get that spell added to a blocked spell effect for this zone?


Title: Re: Run speed reward in tofs
Post by: Hunter on August 08, 2013, 10:41:44 am
which spell? Is the npc procing something from dagger?

Title: Re: Run speed reward in tofs
Post by: Expletus on August 08, 2013, 11:06:48 am
Seems like it is the process on caras dagger of fade memories or w/e it is

Title: Re: Run speed reward in tofs
Post by: hateborne on August 08, 2013, 11:16:25 am
Fading Memories

I am at work and cannot remote into my desktop at the moment. Sorry :-\


Title: Re: Run speed reward in tofs
Post by: Hunter on August 08, 2013, 11:29:40 am
LOL The npc is casting fading memories, should be player only to cast that. Weird affects when npc does it I guess.

If the npc is equipping the dagger, then I can probably edit loot table to not equip.

Title: Re: Run speed reward in tofs
Post by: Nexxel on September 19, 2013, 12:08:38 pm
LOL The npc is casting fading memories, should be player only to cast that. Weird affects when npc does it I guess.

If the npc is equipping the dagger, then I can probably edit loot table to not equip.
Bump to the top as this still seems to be a issue, talked with Chunka in ooc and he had this happen to him today.

Title: Re: Run speed reward in tofs
Post by: Tankdan on September 19, 2013, 03:22:57 pm
I can confirm Cara with dagger means group cannot attack.