Title: Thinking about a 2nd group of toons. Suggestions please. Post by: Gilthanas on August 16, 2013, 02:19:10 pm Hi,
Getting bored and wanting to go back and crush some old content with a new group of 6. Ultimately, I want to increase my dps big time. Here's my current composition: war pally x2 clr monk rogue Right now I'm overly healed and low on dps (in T6 currently) For second group, would I need another healer first of all? Or could I get by with just sticking 1 of the 2 pallies I already have in that group? Was thinking something crazy like monk x 6 or zerk x 6 (I think Yeejek had a lot of success with his zerkers?). What would you recommend please? Title: Re: Thinking about a 2nd group of toons. Suggestions please. Post by: Poker-ecaf on August 16, 2013, 02:50:24 pm leave one of ur palas in from grp 1 and put it in grp 2 and add a bard and now u have already a healor done for grp 2 and add 1-2zerker and shm for assist heal and support dmg and maybe an enc for nice buffies and 2-3 other DDs of ur choise
Title: Re: Thinking about a 2nd group of toons. Suggestions please. Post by: Peign on August 16, 2013, 02:57:28 pm Is your first group full UCV1? If not, I'd do that. How about UCV2 on War? UW as high as possible for war in first group would increase your dps. Also, T7 bp for war.
2nd group War 2 wars with UW ftw Paladin ezheal Shm - Ancestral Grudge + Kraken Bard - Great dps add, can put in your first group if needed Zerk x 2 or combo of monk zerks Zerk and Monk are both great dps On the other hand A War, Bard and 4 Zerkers would work. Or a Druid (for Skin of Drake) bard and 4 zerkers. Title: Re: Thinking about a 2nd group of toons. Suggestions please. Post by: Gilthanas on August 16, 2013, 03:09:15 pm Is your first group full UCV1? If not, I'd do that. How about UCV2 on War? UW as high as possible for war in first group would increase your dps. Also, T7 bp for war. Got all that except UW. Thanks for the input guys! Title: Re: Thinking about a 2nd group of toons. Suggestions please. Post by: Chunka on August 16, 2013, 10:29:16 pm Consider running a chanter. DPS overall aint bad at all with dots, nukes, pet (which is surprisingly good). Some will say to just use a chanter to buff, then park em, but I like keeping the chanter in group for the above plus Gift of Annihilation (very nice on zerk or monk....zerk especially for those fun times when you get 3 or 4 T% named stacked up on one another).